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新希望加尔各答动物饲料私人有限公司New Hope Kolkata Animal Feed Private Limited


Annual output of 2,60,000 tons of feed processing project


The Construction Agreement

合同编号:NHKTJ2016033001 (土建工程)

Agreement No.: NHKTJ2016033001 (Civil works)

Agreement award date : May 7 th, 2016


Part One The Agreeme nt


The Employer (full n ame) : New Hope Kolkata Ani mal Feed Private Limited (Here in after referred to as First

Seco nd Party)


The Con tractor (full n ame): Pushy Con struct ion and developme nt In dia Pvt Ltd. (Here in after referred to as

Seco nd Party)



In accorda nee with releva nt laws, admi nistrative rules and regulati ons in In dia, based on the prin ciple of equality, volun tari ness, fair ness, hon esty and credit, the two parties con clude the follow ing Agreeme nt on n egotiated consen sus of the con struct ion items on this con structi on project.

一、工程概况The Project Overview


Project Name: Annual output of 2,60,000 tons of feed processing projects for New Hope Kolkata Animal Feed Private Limited (civil works)


The address of the project: Plot-A5, Rishi Ban kim Shilpaudya n, PS-Naihati, North 24 Parga nas, West Ben gal, PIN-743165


Formality: No. 23 of year 2016, Directorate of Factories of West Ben gal (13/01/2016)


Capital source: Rasied by First Party (In place)



Contents of the project: The Con tractor un dertake the followi ng sect ional works in accorda nce with the con struct ion draw ing and the agreeme nt of the con tract: the civil engin eeri ng and other engin eeri ng in clud ing


decorati on, water supply and dra in age, electric, fire protect on and the whole flat road for the main workshop, finished products warehouse, raw materials workshop, canopy I , boiler room, unioading shed, generator

room, water pump room, complex buildi ng, guard room, pound room, can tee n, the bathroom, the box-type tran sformer, the silo foun dati on, the floor scale and so on , which are specified in the draw in gs.

—、工程承包范围Scope of the project con tract ing


Agreeme nt scope: The main workshop: in cludi ng civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and dra in age and fire engineering; the finished products warehouse: including civil, decoration, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engin eeri ng ; the raw materials warehouse: in cludi ng civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and dra in age and fire engin eeri ng; the boiler rooms and can opy I : in cludi ng civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engin eeri ng; the uni oadi ng shed: in clud ing civil, decorati on and electrical engineering; the generator room and the pump room: including civil, decoration, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engin eeri ng; the complex buildi ng: in cludi ng civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engin eeri ng; the guard room and the pound room: in cludi ng civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and dra in age and fire engin eeri ng; the can tee n: in cludi ng civil, decoratio n, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engin eeri ng; the bathroom: in cludi ng civil, decoratio n, electrical, water supply and dra in age and fire engineering; the box-type transformer room: including civil, decoration, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engin eeri ng; the silo foun dati on: in cludi ng civil and electrical(light ning protecti on and grounding )engineering; the floor scale: including civil engineering; the total flat: including roads, water supply and dra in age , electrical and fire engin eeri ng , etc. , which are specified in the draw in gs.
