当前位置:文档之家› 招标合同术语—中英对照


33. 当地币(Local Currency)

34 支付证书(Payment Certificate)

35 暂定金额(Provisional Sum)

36 保留金(Retention Money)

37 报表(Statement)

38 工程与货物 (Works and Goods)

39 承包商的设备(Contractor 's Equipment)

40 货物(Goods)

41 材料(Materials)

42 永久工程(Permanent Works)


44 区段(Section)

45 临时工程(Temporary Works)

45 工程(Works)

46 承包商的文件(Contractor 's Documents)


48 业主的设备(Employer 's Equipment)

49 不可抗力(Force Majeure)

50 法律(Laws)

51 履约保证(Performa nee Security)

52 现场(Site)

53 不可预见(Unforeseeable)

54 变更(Variation)

55 通信联络(Communications)

56 法律与语言(Law and Language)

57 共同的及各自的责任(Joint and Several Liability)

58 业主(The Employer)

59 进入现场的权利(Right of Access to the Site)

60 许可证,执照或批准(Permits, Licences or Approvals)

61 业主的人员(Employer 's Personnel)

62 业主的财务安排(Employer 's Financial Arrangements)

63 业主的索赔(Employer 's Claims

64 程师(The Engineer)

65 工程师的职责和权力(Engineer 's Duties and Authority)

66 工程师指令(Instructions of the Engineers)

67 工程师的更换(Replacement of the Engineer

68 决定(Determinations)

69 承包商(The Con tractor)

70 承包商的一般义务(Co ntractor 's Ge neral Obligatio ns

71 履约保证(Performa nee Security)

72 分包商(Subcontractors)

73 分包合同权益的转让(Assignment of Benefit of Subcontract)

74 合作(Cooperation)

75 放线(Setting Out)

76 安全措施(Safety Procedure)

77 质量保证(Quality Assuranee)

78现场数据(Site Data)

79 中标合同金额的充分性(Sufficiency of the Accepted Contract Amount)

80 不可预见的外界条件(Unforeseeable Physical Conditions)

80道路通行权与设施使用权(Rights of Way and Facilities)

82 避免干扰 (Avoidanee of Interferenee)

83 进场路线(Access Route)

84 货物运输 (Transport of Goods)

85 承包商的设备(Contractor 's Equipment)

86 环境保护 (protection of the Environment)

87 电、水和燃气 (Electricity, Water and Gas)

88 进度报告(Progress Reports)

89 现场安保(Security of Site)

90 承包商的现场作业(Contractor 's Site Operations)

91 化石(Fossils)

92 指定分包商(Nominated Subcontractor)

93 职员与劳工(Staff and Labour)

94 工程设备,材料和工艺(Plant. Materials and Workmanship )

95 开工、误及暂停(Commencement. Delay and Suspension)

96 开工(Commencement of Work)

97 竣工时间的延长(Extension of Time for Completion)

98 当局引起的延误 (Delays Caused by Authorities)

99 进展速度(Rate of Progress)

100 拖期赔偿费(Delay Damages)

101 暂停工作 (Suspe nsion of Work)

102暂停工作情况下对永久设备和材料的支付(Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspe nsion)

103 持续的暂停(Prolonged Suspension)

104 竣工检验(Tests on Completion)

105 业主的接收(Employer 's Taking Over)

106 工程和区段的接收(Taking Over of the Works and Sections)

107 缺陷责任(Defects Liability)

108 计量与估价(Measurement and Evaluation)

109 工程计量 (Works to be Measured)

110 计量方法(Method of Measurement)

111 估价(Evaluation)

112 删减(Omissions)

113 变更与调整(Variation and Adjustment

114 有权变更(Right to Vary)

115 价值工程(Value Engineering) (略)

116 变更程序(Variatio n Procedure)

117 以适用的货币支付(Payment in Applicable Currencies)

118 暂定金额(Provisional Sums)

119 计日工(Daywork)

120 因立法变动而调整(Adjustment for Changes in Legislation)

121 因费用波动而调整(Adjustme nt for Cha nges in Cost)

122 合同价格与支付(Contract Price and Payment)

123 合同价格 (The Con tract Price)

124 预付款(Advanee Payment)
