October 2012
Contract No.:
Mortgagee: China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Party A)
Primary Personnel in Charge:
Mortgagor (legal person or other organization): (hereinafter referred to as Party B)
Legal Representative/ Primary Personnel in Charge:
Mortgagor (natural person):
ID No.:
1, The contract whose No. is signed by Party B(also as Credit Applicant) and Party A on (YMD)(hereafter referred as Credit Awarding Agreement), Party A is willing to provide to Party B line of credit(hereafter referred as “line of credit” )
in (currency) in the amount of ( )(including other currency of the equivalent value) during the period of credit awarding (hereafter referred as “period of credit awarding” ) from (YMD) to (YMD), or
2, The contract whose No. is signed by (hereafter referred as Credit Applicant) and Party A on (YMD)(hereafter referred as Credit Awarding Agreement), Party A is willing to provide to Credit Applicant line of credit(hereafter referred as “line of credit” ) in(currency) in the amount of ( )(including other currency of the equivalent value) during the period of credit awarding (hereafter referred as “period of credit awarding” ) from(YMD) to (YMD).
Party B is willing to mortgage it’s property owned or disposable according to law, for the guarantee of repayment of debt to Party A in full and on time under Credit Awarding Agreement. Through verification, Party A agrees to accept Party B’s property owned or disposable according to law as mortgage. According to relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B enter into this contract with consensus, and both parties are willing to abide by following clauses.
Art. 1 Mortgaged Property of Party B (additional list of mortgaged property may be attached to this contract)
1.1 Name:
1.2 Quantity or area:
1.3 Location:
1.4 Assessment of price and mortgage rate:
1.5 Duration:
1.6 Certification of ownership:
Art. 2 Mortgage of Maximum Amount
2.1 In period of credit awarding, Party A shall have the right to provide Party B(or Credit Applicant) loan or other credit awarding by several times; Party B(or Credit Applicant) shall have the right to reuse the revolving line of credit by category of line, but not applicable for the One-time line of credit. The amount, duration and concrete uses of per loan or other credit awarding can be stipulated by specific contracts.
Both parties have no objection to that due date of specific business later than the due date of credit awarding period.
2.2 Thus Party B shall bear the warranty liability within the stipulated range of mortgage security guarantee in article 3 of this contract; If Party A claims for the recourse in according with the provisions under Credit Awarding Agreement or other specific contracts before the maturity of credit. Party B (or Credit Applicant) shall bear the warranty liability with mortgage property as well.
2.3 Bank credit business provided by Party A to Party B (or Credit Applicant) during the period of credit awarding, such as trade acceptance,establishment of a letter of credit (Including overriding letter of credit, the same below), L/G, letter of shipping guarantee