Employer School:
Official Represe ntative:
Koreig n Teacher:
I.Employee* duties and Responsibilities
1.The foreign teacher willingly comes to the Employer School to be a part-time English teacher. The foreign teacher should be a native speaker of English, have higher education, have certain language teaching experience, and be in good health (he/she must pass the physical exam in ati on at an assig ned Chin ese hospital after he/shc enters China) and possess required documents, such as TEFL certificate, foreig n expert certificate, reside nee permit, etc.. Materials submitted to the Employer School in support of the employee's application for this part-time position must be true and not mislead ing in any sen se.
2.The foreig n teacher will complete teach ing tasks duri ng the con tract period, in clud ing prepari ng less ons and teach ing materials well prior to teachi ng, con duct ing less ons and access ing studentwork. Besides, the foreig n teacher will give less ons on time in accordance with the class time required by the school.
3.The foreig n teacher will use strictly the teach ing materials and the tcachi ng pla n provided by the Employer School, con scie ntiously accomplish ing the teachi ng pla n, to assure high quality teach ing. The foreig n teacher must keep all in formatio n regard ing to the Employer School's teach ing methods and admi nistratio n con fide ntial and not use the teach ing methods and materials for any other purpose.
4.During the required lecture time, if the foreign teacher leaves Shenzhen hc/she should inform the Coord in ator. When traveli ng outside of Guan gdo ng provin co, Hong Kong, or Macao, the foreign teacher is further responsible for announcing his/her travel pla ns to the Employer School through his/her con tact teacher and the Coord in ator, a week in adva nee in writ ing or via e-mail.
5.I n the eve nt of ill ness that preve nts the foreig n teacher from teachi ng, hc/she is resp on sible to no tify both his/her con tact teacher and the Coord in ator in adva nee, and further is required to provide the Employer School with written documentation. If this notification is not done, there will be a reduction of pay by RMB 100 per time of abse nee; this pen alty also applies to any un approved tard in ess from class. (For instance, if the foreign teacher is late for over one hour, he or she will lose RMB300: wage RMB 200 added a fine of RMB 100). After receiving the written warning letter from the employer, a total of three such occurre nces arc grounds for dismissal.
6.During the lessons, the foreign teacher will make his or her own meal and tran sportati on arran gome nts.
7.The foreig n teacher is to respect the moral sta ndards and customs of the Chin ese people. This specifically in eludes mai nta ining an appropriate professi onal appeara nee and standard of behavior. The foreign teacher must not harm the image of the Employer School or other staff with the Employer School.
8.The foreign teacher will follow the Employer School * s working regulations and
the releva nt Foreig n Expert rcgulati ons of the Chin ese gover nment.
9.The foreign teacher is to follow Chinese law and regulations, and not interfere in Chi nese internal affairs.