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新希望加尔各答动物饲料私人有限公司New Hope Kolkata Animal Feed Private Limited


Annual output of 2,60,000 tons of feed processing project


The Construction Agreement

合同编号:NHKTJ2016033001 (土建工程)Agreement N Q. NHKTJ2016033001 (Civil works)

Agreement award date May 7th, 2016


Part One The Agreement


The Employer (full n ame) : New Hope Kolkata Ani mal Feed Private Limited (Here in after referred to as First Second



The Con tractor (full n ame): Pushy Con struct ion and developme nt In dia Pvt Ltd. (Here in after referred to as Second Party)


In accorda ncewith releva nt laws, admi nistrativerules and regulati on sin In dia, basedo n the prin ciple of equality volun tari ness, fair ness, hon esty and credit, the two parties con clude the follow ing Agreeme nt on n egotiated consen sus of the con struct ion items on this con struct ion project.

一、工程概况The Project Overview


Project Name: Ann ual output of 2,60,000 tons of feed process ing projects for New Hope Kolkata An imal Feed Private Limited (civil works)


The addressof the project: Plot-A5, Rishi Ban kim Shilpaudya n,PS-Naihati,North 24 Parga nasWest Ben gal, PIN-743165


Formality: No. 23 of year 2016, Directorate of Factorieestf Ben gal (13/01/2016)


Capital source: Rasied by First Party (In place)




Contents of the project: The Con tractor un dertake the followi ng sect ional works in accorda nee with the con structi on draw ing and the agreeme nt of the con tract: the civil engin eeri ng and other engin eeri ng in cludi ng decorati on, water supply and dra in age, electric, fire protect ion and the whole flat road for the main workshop, fini shed products warehouse, raw materials workshop, cano p y, boiler room, uni oad ing shed, gen erator room, water pump room, complex build ing, guard room, pound

room, can tee n, the bathroom, the box-type tran sformer, the silo foun dati on, the floor scale and so on , which are specified in the draw in gs.

—、工程承包范围Scope of the project con tract ing







Agreement scope:The main workshop: including civil, decoration,electrical,water supply and drainageand fire engin eeri ng; the fini shed products warehouse: in cludi ng civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and dra in age and fire engineering; the raw materialswarehouseincluding civil, decoration, electricawater supply and drainageand fire engin eeri ng; the boiler rooms and can opy: in cludi ng civil, decoratio n, electrical, water supply and dra in age and fire engineering; the unioading shed: including civil, decoration and electrical engineering; the generator room and the pump room: including civil, decoration,electrical,water supply and drainageand fire engineering£he complex building: in cludi ng civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and dra in age and fire engin eeri ng; the guard room and the pound room: in cludi ng civil, decorati on ,electrical,water supply and dra in agea nd fire engin eeri ng;the can tee n:in cludi ng civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engin eeri ng; the bathroom: in clud ing civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engin eeri ng; the box-type tran sformer room: in cludi ng civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engin eeri ng; the silo foun dati on: in cludi ng civil and electrical(light ning protecti on and grounding )engineering; the floor scale: including civil engineering; the total flat: including roads, water supply and drain age , electricala nd fire engin eeri ng , etc. , which are specified in the draw in gs.



The cost of any additi onal sporadic or small works arran ged by First partyoe calculated accord ing to the Agreeme nt supplementary agreement (appendix 7) signed by two parties, and its price will be performed under negotiation which is approved by the headquarters of Part A. Seconrty shall not refuse to con struct or raise the cost for any reas on.


Con tract ing way: in cludi ng but not limited to labor, materials, time limit, quadiofume nts (both soft and hard copies) con

struct ion procedurethat specifiedi n the draw in gs, safe and civilized con structio nm easuresthe con struct ion site transfer,the protectionof completedbuildings and finished products,refuseclearedup to a region of the municipal requireme nts, man ageme nand temporary facilities, etc. (not in clud ing discard ing the soil and the garbage bey ond the site)

三、合同工期Agreement duration


Agreeme nt duration: Total durati on is 360 days.


准)主车间基础完成且达到钢结构入场安装条件时间为2016年7月30 日;竣工日期为2017年5月2日,需要特殊说明的是因不可抗力等因素,如当地大选除外或者连续下雨8小时,工期可以适当顺延,顺延时间由甲方根据实际情况定,顺延期间误工费等所有费用均用由乙方自行承担;

The comme nceme nt date for material preparati on is Apri2016; the comme nceme nt date for start ing work is Mfay 7 2016 (subjected to the First Party -sta'tisnfe)mtaileWoTilshed time for theaim workshop ' s foundation is July

30th, 2016 and in the meantimethe site condition shall meet the requirementof steel constructioninstallation; the completio n date is May 2, 2017. There is a special in struct ion that the time limit may be appropriately postp one due to force de majeure, such as State electio n or Eight hours continu ous rain. The postp one time is con firmed by First Party accord ing to the actual situati on, and all the expe nses in curred because of the delays shall be borne by.Sec ond Party


由土建承包单位进行,钢结构施工单位资料由钢结构单位进行,资料由各施工单位自行负责交由土建单位汇总后交由甲方保存。Standardof engineeringquality: One-time acceptance(reaching the standardfor record according to the Indian engin eeri ng qualityaccepta nee sta ndard). As-buidocume ntsfor the civil works should be done by the civil works Con tractor, accord in glyis-built docume nts forsteel fabricationworks should be done by the steel fabricati on works Con tractor. All the docume nts should be collected and submitted to First pbytyhe civil works Con tractor after each Con tractor submit their docume nts to the civil works Con tractor.

五、合同价款Agreement price



The Agreeme nt sum (in words):oital con tract ing sum within the Agreeme nt scope: Rupees Two Hun dred Seventy Six

Milli on Six Hun dred Thousa nd Only The Agreeme nt sum (in nu mber): Total con tract ing sum with in the Agreeme nt scope: INR27,66,00,000.00.



The Agreeme nt sum is a lump price in cludi ng all the civil works in the ten der draw in gs, which will not be adjusted if none of these special cases occurs such as the revisi on of ten der draw in gs, desig n alterati on and the in crease and decrease in civil works.(lf the items un ableto bid without any requireme ntson materialsa nd methods in the draw ings, they will be excluded from con tractor's resp on sibility scope. The Agreeme nt sum in cludes but not limited to the gree nery in side the factory factory gate and the fences of the office buildi ng area and etc.)


Content of the Agreeme nt sum:


Entire contentsspecifiedin the designingdrawings: Expense§ncurred in labor, materials,machinery measure^ee, exam ine cost, safe and civilized con struct ion costs, man ageme nt fees, profits and taxes and refuse cleara nee. (Refuse should be clearedup to the specified locati on, only in cludi ng build slag and livi ng garbage in the courseof civil con struct ion.)


The contents promised in Second Party ' s bid documents and omission acidl faidd ii n gtheir commer


Expe nses in curred in in spect ion and test ing for engin eeri ng manu facturi ng, in stallati on and accepta nee.

六、款项支付与结算Payments and settlements


This Agreeme nt in cludes no Ada nve mon ey;


Mon thly progress payme nt should be 80% of actual amount of the qua ntity that fini shed in that mon th. Second Party shall submit the audit report of actual qua ntity duri ng the period h oasi5m onth to 24this mon th, after submissi on First Party shall audit the qua ntity on-site with in 3 days. Once approved, mon thly progress payme nt should be paid with in 20 work days. Both Parties agreed that Rupees Fiftee n Million Only (INR1,50,00,000.00) which First Party has paid on behalf of Second Party as payme nt for materials shall be subtracted from the first mon thly progress payme nt.



Audit on completion acceptanee of project: Second Party shall first make a inspection, First Party ' s project group check aga in for reviewthey will apply to their headquarters for comprehe nsive accepta nee after the review is passed.

Within three mon ths after comprehe nsiveaccepta nceSec on dParty should submit to First Party all the docume nts in cludi ng the overall accepta nee report, as-built draw ing and completi on data and han die the settleme nt. 95% of the project total sum should be paid to with in 30 days after the completi on of settleme nt, the rema ining 5% will be regarded as quality retention money and be returned a year later with no-interest. Quality guarantee is carried out according to India Standards.



The quality guara ntee period starts from the date of accepta nee. In quality guara ntee period, Second Party should resp ond within 24 hours and commenee repair within 15 days after receipt of First Party ' s notice. If Seco time, First Party has the right to ask other unit for repair and deduct three times of its cost incurred according to the actual amount as pen alty of Second Party


A payme nt no tice with compa ny stamp is con sidered a prior for issue ing the payme nt ,After each payme nt ,a formal

in voice shall be provided by Second Party withi n 5 days .TDS will be deducted upon esch payme nt by First Party .

七、双方代表Representative from both sides


First Party ' s representativesiter LIU/KE Mobile:+91-9830342154


Seco nd Party ' s represe ntativesitei: XU/BIN Mobile:+91-7044304796

八、双方的权利和义务Rights and obligations for both sides


This Agreement is made in four identical copies with each Party holds two copies. All copies are equally authentic.


First Party will provide electricity and water n eeded in con struct ion to Second Party which are restricted to desig nated location for connecting water pipes and power source. Second Party shall be responsible for specified installation. First Party ' s well water is free but electricity bills shall be paid by Second Party themselves.


机事故,均由乙方承担一切责任及连带责任;如由乙方原因给甲方造成的财产损失或人身伤害,乙方应负责赔偿甲方的全部损失;Second Party must strictly abide by all rules and regulati on sof First Party to do civilizati on con struct ion .All

resp on sibilities and joint liability shall be borne by Second Party if any huma n accide nt happe ns due to Second Party's improper operati on or man ageme nt omissi ons. Second Party should be resp on sible to compe nsate all loss of First party if First Party ' s property damage or personal injury are caused by Second Party 4、乙方提供的材料和工程质量均达到甲方设计要求;

All material and engineering quality provided by Second Party should reach the design requirement of First Party


If the site does not have the construction condition, such as the impact of natural disasters and other force de majeure, Second Party shall have the right to suspend the construction and postpone the construction progress ac,caofrtdeirngly they inform in writing to First Party and receive First Party ' s written consent.


Second Party must accept supervision and management of First Party's representative during construction .


All the materials and components of the building site provided by Second Party must be accepted as qualified by First Party ' s representativnegionre e ring supervision. Unqualified materials are not allowed to enter the building site.

九、违约责任Liability for Breach of Contract 1、合同盖章生效后,如因不可抗力原因需终止合同,双方需协商解决。如单方无故要求终止合同,由违约方向对方赔偿总标的10%作为违约金;

After the Agreement is stampedand effective, both partiesneedto negotiateto solve if they have to terminatethe Agreement due to reasons such as force de majeure. Default party should compensate 10% of total price to the other First Party ' s penalty if they terminAatgeretheement unilateral.ly 2、乙方须严格执行印度相关法规,保证质量、工期,规范施工。如果本工程的工程质量因达不到甲方设计要求而无法通过验收,乙方必须返工直到至验收合格为止,因乙方原因延误工期,乙方应按下列约定向甲方支付逾期违约金;因乙方原因导致工期延长,甲方将对乙方进行合理的处罚,如违约工期在1至20天内,超一天罚款20,000卢比;如果违约工期在21至30天内每天罚款60,000卢比。

Second Partyshould strictly implementthe relevant laws and regulations ofIndia, ensurethe quality, time limit and standard construction. If the engineering quality cannot meet the design requirements of First Party by acceptance, Second Party must rework until to be qualified. If construction delay happens due to Secon,dthPeafrotyllowing agreements will be executed for Second Party pay overdue liquidated damages to F;irFsitrsPtaPrtarty will make a reasonable punishment to Second Party because of their d.eIlfatyhe default time is limited in One (1) twoeTnty (20) days, the fine is up to 20,000 rupees a day; If the default time is limited in Twenty-one (21) to Thirty (30) days, the fine is up to 60,000 r.upees a day 十、其他Other 1、本合同未尽事宜,由双方协商解决,达成一致可签订补充协议,作为本合同的附件,与本合同具有同等法律效力;

Supplement Agreement may be drafted between the parties through consultation for issues not settled in the Agreement as appendix thereof, which shall have the same legal force with the Agreement.

2、本合同履行过程中,如发生争议,甲、乙双方应友好协商解决,协商不成,在工程所在地法院提起诉讼;All disputes in connection with the execution of this Agreement shall be settled friendly through negotiation. In case no settlement has been reached, either party can file a suit to the court at the location of the project.


There are four copies of thigreeme nt for each parties, and each copy carries the same meaning with equal legal effect. 十一、本合同协议书中有关词语含义与本合同第二部分《通用条款》中分别赋予它们的定义


In this Agreeme nt , words concerned shall have the same meaning as are respectively assig ned to the Second Part General Con diti ons.

十二、乙方向甲方承诺按合同约定进行施工、竣工并在质量保修期内承担工程质量保修责任,甲方向乙方承诺按照合同约定的期限和方式支付合同价款及其他应当支付的款项。Second Party en sures First Party for the con struct ion and completi on accord ing to this Agreeme nt , and shall make good any defects with in the Quality Guara ntee Period. First Party promise to pay the agreeme nt sum and other acco unts payable to Second Party in accorda nee with the time and the form agreed in this Agreeme nt.

十三、合同生效Execution of agreement


The agreeme nt time: May 7th, 2016


This agreeme nt address: The office of New Hope Kolkata Ani mal Feed Pvt. Ltd


This agreeme nt is agreed by both Parties to be effective with sig natures and stamps.


This Agreement is made in four identical copies with each Party holds two copies.


In the case of any discrepa ncy betwee n the Agreeme nt and the Gen eral Con diti ons, the former shall prevail.


Bi ndi ng Docume nts

(1)中标通知书Notification of Award

(2)招标文件及招标答疑The tender documents and clarification

(3)招标时使用的图纸The tender drawings

(4)投标文件及附件The bidding documents and accessories

(5)最终工程报价预算书The budgetary report of final project quotation


The agreeme nts/files on n egotiati on and cha nges of related engin eeri ng betwee n both sides


1. 桩基础施工备忘录协议File Foundation Construction Memorandum of Understanding

2. 土木建设劳务施工合同Civil Engineering and Construction Services Constructioon Confr合同编号)

3. 其他代付合同或者订单Other Agreements or Purchase Order that First Party signed on behalf of Second Party


First Party: (Seal)


Legal representative:


Authorized Representative (Signature) 住所:







Bank of deposit:


Second Party : (Seal)


Legal representative:


Authorized Representative (Signature) 住所:







Bank of deposit:


Account number: Account number:


Part Two General Conditions

一、词语定义及合同文件Definitions and Interpretation of Agreement Document



Unless statedin Particular conditions of Agreement otherwise,the following words and expressionsshall have the meanings assigned to them as follows:

1.1 通用条款:是根据法律、行政法规规定及建设工程施工的需要订立,通用于建设工程施工的条款。

General Conditions of agreement: The terms and conditions as stipulated in the General Conditions are in accordance with applicable laws, administrative regulations and are generally applicable to the construction & engineering projects.

1.2 专用条款:是发包人与承包人根据法律、行政法规规定,结合具体工程实际,经协商达成一致意见的条款,是对通用条款的具体化、补充或修改。

Particular Conditions of agreement: Agreed terms and conditions concluded between the Employer and the Contractor based on applicable laws and administrative regulations, and mutual agreements reached particularly for this project. They are the general terms and conditions of the specific, supplement or revision.


The Employer: Person, firm, company or other body named in this agreement as Employer includes the Employer 's personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. The Employer possesses the legal person status to enter into agreement and pay the contractor.


The Contractor: Person, firm, company or other body named in this agreement as Contractor to whom the agreement has been awarded by the Employer includes the Contractor's personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. The Contractor possesses the legal person status to enter into agreement and carry out the works.


Project Manager: The person who has been appointed by the Contractor to be responsible for the supervision of the project and agreement administration of the agreement named in the Particular Conditions of agreement.


Design Institute: The designinstitute, holdingvalid qualification license,that has been entrusted bythe Employer to provide design services for this project.



Engineer: The chief supervision engineer appointed by the supervision company to supervise the whole construction work or the representative appointed by the Employer for the administration of this agreement. The Engineer's limit of authority shall be defined in the Particular Conditions of agreement. 1.8工程造价管理部门:指工厂局、地区办公室及甲方委托的工程造价管理机构


ConstructionPrices Administration Department:Directorateof Factories,DM Office, any other constructionprice administrative department entrusted by the people government at various levels and the construction prices administration department that are entrusted by First .Party


Works: The scope of oWrks as stipulated in this agreement entered into between the Employer and the Contractor. 1.10合同价款:指发包人承包人在协议书中约定,承包人按照合同约定完成承包范围内全部工程并承担质量保修责任的款项。

agreement Sum: The sum that has been agreed upon by the Employer and the Contractor in this agreement. The sum to be paid by the Employer to the Contractor who has completed the works as per agreement terms and conditions and is responsible to make good any defects within the defects liability period.

1.11追加合同价款:指在合同履行中发生需要增加合同价款的情况,经发包人确认后按计算合同价款的方法增加的合同价款。Additional agreement Sum: In the course of the implementation of the agreement, additional agreement sum is incurred, which shall be calculated and added to the original agreement sum in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. 1.12费用:指不包含在合同价款之内的应当由发包人或承包人承担的经济支出。

Expense: Any expenses, whether the expenses should be born by the Employer and the Contractor, that are not included in the Agreement Sum.


Agreement Period: The total calendar days (including public holidays) agreed by the Employer and the Contractor in the agreement to be needed for the whole construction work.


Date of Commencement of oWrk: The date agreed by the Employer and the Contractor in the agreement to commence the agreement works.


Date for Completion: The date agreed by the Employer and the Contractor in the agreement to complete the agreement works.

1.16图纸:指由发包人提供或由承包人提供并经发包人批准,满足承包人施工需要的所有图纸(包括配套说明和有关资料)。Drawings: The drawings (including related notes and materials) provided by the Employer or by the Contractor with approval

by the Employer, required for the contraction of the agreement works.


Construction Site: The place provided by the Employer to be used for the construction of the project, which is clearly stipulated in the drawings.

1.18书面形式:指合同书、信件和数据电文(包括电报、电传、传真、电子数据交换和电子邮件)等可以有形地表现所载内容的形式。Written Documents: Means agreement documents, letters and digital telecommunications and digital telecommunication (such as cable, telex, fax, electronic digital exchange and E-mail, etc.) capable of reducing oral agreement into written form.


Liability for Breach of Agreement: The liability that the either party shall be responsible for not honoring their respective contractual obligations or not fully discharge their contractual obligations.


Claim: In the course of implementation of the agreement, any loss and/or expenses incurred by the innocent party shall be compensated by the default pa, trhtye agreement period shall be extended accor.dingly 1.21不可抗力:指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况。

Force de majeure: Any occurrences that cannot be foreseen, or avoided or overcome. 1.22小时或天:本合同中规定按小时计算时间的,从事件有效开始时计算(不扣除休息时间);规定按天计算时间的,开始当天不计入,从次日开始计算。时限的最后一天是休息日或者其他法定节假日的,以节假日次日为时限的最后一天,但竣工日期除外。时限的最后一天的截止时间为当日24 时。

Hour or Date: If hour is regarded as a unit in this agreement, which shall be calculated from the effective time (excluding time for rest); If a date is used as a calculation unit, the starting date shall not be calculated, but calculating from the second date. If the time limit last date is a rest day or a public hol,idtahyen the next date to the rest day or a public day shall be regarded as the final date except for the completion date. The time limit of final day shall be 24:00 hour of t.he final day 2、合同文件及解释顺序agreement Document and Order of Interpretation 2.1合同文件应能相互解释,互为说明。除专用条款另有约定外,组成本合同的文件及优先解释顺序如下:

The documents in the agreement shall be mutually explanatory to each other. Apart from those stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Agreement, the interpretation of the document in this agreement shall be according to the following order: -

(1)本合同协议书Articles of Agreement

(2)中标通知书Notification of Award

(3)招标文件及招标答疑The tender documents and clarification

(4)本合同专用条款Particular Conditions of Agreement

(5)本合同通用条款General Conditions of Agreement

(6)招标时使用的图纸及施工时的正式图纸The tender drawings and construction drawings

(7)标准、规范及有关技术文件Standards, Codes of Practice and relevant technical data / sheets

(8)投标文件及附件The bidding documents and accessories

(9)工程量清单Bills of Quantities

(10)工程报价单或预算书The budgetary report or project quotation 合同履行中,发包人承包人有关工程的洽商、变更等书面协议或文件视为本合同的组成部分。

In the course of implementation of the agreement, any negotiations or changes reducing into document or written record of negotiationand variation betweenthe Employer and the Contractorshall be deemedto be the integral part of the agreement.

2.2当合同内容含糊不清或不相一致时,在不影响工程正常进行的情况下,由发包人承包人协商解决。双方也可以提请监理的工程师做出解释。双方协商不成或不同意负责监理的工程师的解释时,按本通用条款37 条关于争议的约定处理。

When there is any inconsistencyor discrepancyappearedin the agreementdocument,both the Employer and the

Contractor shall endeavor to reach settlement on the conditions that the progress of works are not affected. Both parties can also request the supervision engineer to interpret the inconsistency or discrepancy arisen. In the event that both parties cannot reach mutual agreement or disagree with the interpretation of the supervision engineer then the disputes shall be dealt with as per Clause 37 of the General Conditions of Agreement.

3、语言文字和适用法律、标准及规范Official language and governing laws, standards and codes 3.1语言文字Language 本合同文件使用汉语语言文字书写、解释和说明。如专用条款约定使用两种以上(含两种)语言文字时,汉语应为解释和说明本合同的标准语言文字。

This agreement is in Chinese and is interpreted and demonstrated in Chinese language. If two or more languages are stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Agreement for the agreement document, and then Chinese language shall be regarded as a standard language for interpretation of the agreement document. 在少数民族地区,双方可以约定使用少数民族语言文字书写和解释、说明本合同。

In the minority nationalities area, the two parties can reach an agreement that the agreement to be made and interpreted in the language of a minority nationa.lity

3.2 适用法律和法规Governing laws and regulations 本合同文件适用工厂所在地的法律和行政法规。需要明示的法律、行政法规,由双方在专用条款中约定。

This Agreement is in conformity with current laws and administrative regulations in the location of the. fPaacrtoticryular provisions of laws and regulations shall be clearly stipulated and defined in the Particular Conditions of Agreement.

3.3 适用标准、规范Standards and Codes


The standards and codes to be adopted shall be agreed by the two parties in the Particular Conditions of Agreement; if no such standards or codes are stipulated in the agreement, the two parties shall agree of the standards and codes of the respective industries. The Employer shall provide the Contractor a list of the standards and codes to be adopted in the works in two copies within the deadline as stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Agreement. 没有相应标准、规范的,由发包人按专用条款约定的时间向承包人提出施工技术要求,承包人按约定的时间和要求提出施工工艺,经发包人认可后执行。发包人要求使用外标准、规范的,应


There is no such corresponding standards or codes in the cou, nthtrey Employer shall provide the Contractor with the technical requirements within the deadline as stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Agreement. The Contractor shall submit the technical standards to the Employer for approval and execute the works in accordance with the approved technical standards after approval by the Employer. If the Employer require that foreign standards or codes to be adopted, then the Employer are responsible to provide the Contractor with the Chinese version of the relevant standards or codes. 本条发生的购买、翻译标准、规范或制定施工工艺的费用,由发包人承担。

The Employer shall be responsible for any expenses incurred in purchase and translation of these standards and codes or the technical standards.

4、图纸Drawings 4.1发包人应按专用条件约定的日期和套数,向承包人提供图纸。承包人需要增加的图纸套数的,发包人应代为复制,复制费用由承包人承担。发包人对工程有保密要求的,应在专用条款中提出保密要求,保密措施费用由发包人承担,承包人在约定


The Employer shall provide drawings to the Contractor in accordance with agreed date and sets number in the Particular Conditions. If the Contractor needs to increase sets number of the drawings, the Employer should copy for him and copy expensesshall be borne by the Contractor.The Employer should submit the secrecyrequirementin the Particular Conditions if it is necessar,yand the expenses of secrecy measures shall be borne by the Employer. The Contractor should fulfill confidentiality obligations within the period stipulated.

4.2承包人未经发包人同意,不得将本工程图纸转给第三人。工程质量保修期满后,除承包人存档需要的图纸外, 应将全部图纸退还给发包人。

The Contractor must not provide the drawings to any third party without the Employer ' s approva period of the project expires, the Contractor shall return all of the drawings to the Employer except for those of the Contractor ' s filing.


The Contractorshall maintaina completedrawing in constructionsite, availablefor inspectionby the engineerand relevant personnel of engineering.

二、双方一般权利和义务Rights and Obligations of the Employer and Contractor

5、工程师Engineer 5.1实行工程监理的,发包人应在实施监理前将委托的监理单位名称、监理内容及监理权限以书面形式通知承包


If the project engineering to be carried out under supervision system, the Employer shall inform the Contractor in written form the name of supervision comp,asncyopes of supervision work and the supervision limits of au.thority 5.2监理单位委派的总监理工程师在本合同中称工程师,其姓名、职务、职权由发包人承包人在专用条款内写明。工程师按合同约定行使职权,发包人在专用条款内要求工程师在行使某些职权前需要征得发包人批准的,工程师应征得发包人批准。

The chief supervisor entrusted by the supervision company for this project is entitled as Engineer in this Agreement His name, position, functions and power shall be indicated by the Employer in the Particular Conditions of Agreement. The Engineer shall execute his functions and power as required in the Particular Conditions of Agreement. The Employer require that the Engineer shall have approval from the Employer when implementing some of his functions and power. The appointment of the Engineer shall have approval by the Employer.


The person sent to the construction site by the Employer as its representative for the implementation of the Agreement is also called as Engineer.His name, position, functions and power shall be indicatedin the ParticularConditions of Agreement by the Employer. His functions and power shall not be overlapped with those of the Engineer appointed by the supervision compan.yWhenever overlapping functions and power found or they are not clear, the Employer shall be responsible for the clarification and inform the Contractor in written form.

5.4合同履行时,发生影响发包人承包人双方权利或义务的事件时,负责监理的工程师应依据合同在其职权范围内客观公正地进行处理。一方对工程师的处理有异议时,按本通用条款37 条关于争议的约定处理。

In the implementation of the Agreement, any conflict between the Employer and Contractor in the field of rights and obligations, the supervision Engineer shall deal with the case in just and fair manner and within his functions and power. If either party has objection to the settlement result by the supervision Engineer, it can be settled as per Clause 37 on dispute. 5.5 除合同内有明确约定或经发包人同意外,负责监理的工程师无权解除本合同约定的承包人的任何权利与义务。

Apart from those clearly stipulated in the Agreement or approval by the Employer, the supervision Engineer has no right to rescind any rights and obligations of the Contractor that has been agreed in the Agreement.

5.6 不实行工程监理的,本合同中工程师专指发包人派驻施工场地履行合同的代表,其具体职权由发包人在专有条款内写明。

If no supervision system is applied over the construction work, the term Engineer means the representative appointed by the Employer to the construction site for the implementation of the Agreement, whose specific functions and power shall be indicated by the Employer in the Particular Conditions of Agreement.

6、工程师的委派和指令The appointment and instructions of an Engineer 6.1工程师可委派工程师代表,行使合同约定的自己的职权,并可在认为必要时撤回委派。委派和撤回均应提前7 天形式通知承包人,负责监理的工程师还应将委派和撤回通知发包人。委派书和撤回通知作为本合同附件。工程师代表在工程师授范围内向承包人发出的任何书面形式的函件,与工程师发出的函件具有同等效力。承包人对工程师代表向其出的任何书面形式的函件有疑问时,可将此函件提交工程师,工程师应进行确认。工程师代表发出指令有失误时,工程师应进行纠正。

The Engineer can entrust an engineer representative to execute his functions and power indicated in the Agreement and can

remove such entrustment when neces.sTahrye Employer shall inform the Contractor such entrustment or removal 7 days in advance. The supervision Engineer shall inform the Employer the entrustment or removal of a representative. The letter of entrustment and removal shall be kept as an integrated part of the Agreement.

Any written form letter or material to the Employer by the representative of the Engineer have equal effect as those issued by the Engineer himself. When the Contractor has any doubt over the written form letter and material, they can submit such letter or material to the Engineer himselffor confirmation. Whentheseinstructionsproved to be incorrect, the Engineer shall correct them accordin. gly 除工程师或工程师代表外,发包人派驻工地的其他人员均无权向承包人发出任何指令。

None but the Engineer or his representative has right to issue instructions for the Agreement. 6.2工程师的指令、通知由其本人签字后,以书面形式交给项目经理,项目经理在回执上签署名和收到时间后生效。确有必要时,工程师可发出口头指令,并在48小时内给予书面确认,承包人对工程师的指令应予执行。工程师不能及时给予书面确认的,承包人应于工程师发出口头时指令后7 天内提出书面确认要求。工程师在承包人提出确认要求后48 小时内不予答复的,视为口头指令已被确认。

The Engineer instructions notice to be signed by himself and submit to the project manager. The instructions become effective after the signature by the project manager at the time of reception. When necessary the Engineer can issue verbal instruction, which shall be confirmed within 24 hours, the Contractor should carry out the verbal instruction a.cIcfordingly the Engineer is unable to confirm his verbal instruction in time, then the Contractor shall request a written confirmation from the Engineerwithin 7 days after the verbal instructionreleased.The verbal instructionshall be deemedto be confirmed if the Engineer does feedback his confirmation within 48 hours after the receipt of the request. 承包人认为工程师指令不合理,应在收到指令后24小时内向工程师提出修改指令的书面报告,工程师在收到承包人报告后24 小时内做出修改指令或继续执行原指令的决定,并以书面形式通知承包人。紧急情况下,工程师要求承包人立即执行的指令或承包人虽有异议,但工程师决定仍继续执行的指令,承包人应予执行。因指令错误发生的追加合同价款和给承包人造成的损失由发包人承担,延误的工期相应顺延。

When the Contractors hold that the instruction issued by the Engineer is irrational, they shall submit a written report to the Engineer for the revision of the instruction within 24 hours after the receipt of the instruction, the Engineer shall clearly response to this report, either re-issue in written the revised instruction or the decision to maintain original instruction unchanged.Under some critical conditions, the Engineer demandsthat the Contractor immediately carry out his instruction while the Contractorsput forward their doubt over it, but the Engineer insists on his instruction to be implemented, in such case the Contractors shall carry out the instruction. The Employer shall be responsible for any additional variation to the Agreement sum resulting from the implementation of the wrong instruction and the construction progress shall be duly postponed.


The above term is also applicable to the instruction or notice issued by the Engineer representative. 6.3工程师应按合同约定,及时向承包人提供所需指令、批准并履行约定的其他义务,由于工程师未能按合同约定履行义务造成工期延误,发包人应承担延误造成的追加合同价款,并赔偿承包人有关损失,顺延延误的工期。

The Engineer shall issue timely instructions to the Contractor and approve other obligations as stipulated in the Agreement. The Employer shall be responsible for any additional cost to the Agreement sum and the postponement of the work progressand relevant loss incurred becauseof the Engineer fails to implement his obligations as required in the Agreement.


If there is need to change the place of the Engineer, the Employer shall inform the Contractor this decision at least 7 days in advance

7、项目经理Project manager

7.1 项目经理的姓名、职务在专用条款内写明。Name and post of the project manager shall be indicated in the Particular Conditions of Agreement


Any instruction issued by the Contractor as stipulated in the Agreement shall be in written form and signed by the project manager and pass to the Engineer. The instruction goes effective at the time when the Engineer signs his name on the receipt.


The project manager organizes the construction work as per the construction program approved by the Employer and the instructions issued by the Engineer as required in the Agreement. When impossible to contact with the Engineer, the project manager shall first take emergent measures to protect the life of the workers in the site and ensure the property safety of the project and submit a report about it to the Engineer within 48 hours of the measures taken. If the Employer or the third party is responsiblefor this, they shall be responsiblefor the additional cost to the Agreementsum and postponement of progress duly; if the Contractor is responsible for it, the Contractor shall be responsible for any cost incurred and the progress schedule shall not be postponed.


If the Contractor wishes to change the place of the Project manager, they shall inform the Employer at least 7 days in advanceand obtainthe approval from the Employer Thesuccessor shalel xecuteall the functions and power of his predecessor and implement his obligations as required in the Agreement.


The Employer can put forward their suggestion to change the project manager via negotiation with the Contractor when they think that the project manager does not deserve his post.

8、发包人工作The Employer responsibilities 8.1发包人按专用条款约定的内容和时间完成以下工作:The Employer shall complete the following work within the deadlineas requiredin the ParticularConditions of Agreement.


Complete the procedure of land requisition, compensation for the original occupants and leveling of the site to meet the construction requirement and continue to be responsible for the settlement of any practical problems arising therefrom. 将施工所需水、电、电讯线路从施工场外部接至专用条款约定地点,保证施工期间的需要;

Temporary power / water / telecommunication line tie-in to the designated spots in the construction site from outside as specified in the Particular Conditions of Agreement so as to ensure the construction requirement. 开通施工现场地与城乡公共道路的通道,以及专用条款约定的施工场地内的主要道路,满足施工运输的需要,保证施工期间的畅通;

Road accessto the site from public traffic road systemand main road in the site areaas specifiedin the Particular Conditions of Agreement so as to meet the requirement for the construction work and ensure easy access to the site. 向承包人提供施工场地的工程地质和地下管线资料,对资料的真实准确性负责;

Provide the Contractor any data of geological survey and underground piping / cable system. The Employer shall ensure that the data they provide is true and authentic.



Completion of the procedures for any permit certificates for the construction of the project and any relevant approved documentfrom the local authoritiesand obtain the approval certificatenecessaryfor the constructionwork such as temporary land use permit, application for temporary cut off power / water s, utepmplpyorary blockade of traffic road and carry out explosion work (excluding the qualification certificate for the Contractor). 确定水准点与坐标控制点,以书面形式交给承包人,进行现场交验;

Confirmation of bench mark and coordinate control point, and inform the Contractor the above data in written form and jointly

re-check at the site.


Organize a joint drawings review with design institute and the Contractor and put all the technical information to be known on the table.


Coordinate and settle the problems between the underground piping / cable system and the nearby construction buildings (including the ancient buildings and structure to be protected and preserved) and famous ancient trees, the Employer is responsible for any relevant cost incurred.


Any other work and responsibilities to be stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Agreement by the two parties. 8.2发包人可以将8.1款部分工作委托承包人办理,双方在专用条款内约定,其费用由发包人承担。

The Employer can entrust the Contractor to complete the work and responsibilities in Clause 8.1, which shall be indicated in the Particular Conditions of Agreement and the cost for the work shall be on the Employer account. 8.3发包人未能履行8.1款各项义务,导致工期延误或给承包人造成损失的,发包人赔偿承包人有关损失,顺延延误的工期。

If the Employer fail to implement the work and responsibilities set in Clause 8.1 and result in the delay of the construction

progress, they shall be responsible for any loss incurred to the Contractor and the construction progress schedule shall be duly postponed.

9、承包人工作The Contractor responsibilities 9.1承包人按专用条款约定的内容和时间完成以下工作:

The Contractorshall complete the following work within the designatedlimit of time as stipulatedin the Particular Conditions of Agreement.


According to the entrustment of the Employer, the Contractor can complete construction drawings or some auxiliary design within their qualification grade and business scope, the Employer will be responsible for the expense incurred when the above work is confirmed.


Submit to the Engineer the annual / quarterly / monthly progress schedule and relevant progress statistics report.


Provide lighting and barricade facilities applied during night overwork and security personnel for the work.


Provide the Employer site office space and some living facilities as stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Agreement, but the expense incurred shall be on the Contractor account.


Adhere administrative regulations on construction site traffic, noise control and environmental protection and safety work issued by the local authorities and complete required procedures, and inform the Employer in written form of their work, the Employer shall be responsible for any expense incurred except the fine and penalty sum resulting from the fault of the Contractor.


As per the stipulations set in the Particular Conditions of Agreement the Contractor is required to protect the finished item of work that has not yet been formerly accepted. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage and repair work; if the Employer require the Contractor to take special care on the protection of some items of work, additional cost shall be added to the Agreement sum, which shall be stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Agreement.


Take proper measuresto protect undergroundpiping / cable system, buildings, structureand ancient treesaround (including ancient buildings) as stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Agreement.


Good house-keepingat constructionsite and adhereregulationson environmentalprotectionand hygiene,clean the construction site at the time of handing-over to the requirement as set in the Particular Conditions of Agreement and is responsible for any penalty resulting from the fault of their own.


Any other work as agreed by the both parties as required in the Particular Conditions of Agreement. 9.2承包人未能履行9.1款各项义务,造成发包人损失的,承包人赔偿发包人有关损失。

The Contractorshall be responsiblefor any loss to the Employer resulting from the fault of the Contractorwhen implementing the responsibilities in Clause 9.1

三、施工组织设计和工期Construction Program and Time Limit for the Project 10、进度计划Progress Schedule 10.1承包人应按专用条款约定的日期,将施工组织设计和工程进度计划提交工程师,工程师按专用条款约定的时间予以确认或提出修改意见,逾期不确


The Contractor is required to submit construction program for the work and progress schedule to the Engineer within the deadline stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Agreement. The Engineer shall confirm or put forward his comments over the construction program and progress schedule within the deadline as stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Agreement. If they are not confirmed or the Engineer does not provide his comments over them, it shall be deemed to be approved.


The single item of work in a complex engineering work to be built by stages, the Contractor shall compile the progress schedule for separate item of work as per the drawings supplied by the Employer and the relevant material, the specific contents of which is agreed by the both parties in the Particular Conditions.



The Contractor shall proceed their work as per the progress schedule already confirmed by the Engineer and shall accept the inspection and supervision from the Engineer. When the actual construction progress is not in conformity with the confirmed progress schedule, the Contractor is required to submit the improvement measures as per the requirement by the Engineer and precede the work after the confirmation from the Engineer. The Contractor shall not raise any request for the additional cost for the improvement measures taken because of delayed construction progress totally out of their fault.

11、开工及延期开工Commencement and postponement of the work 11.1承包人应当按照协议书约定的开工日期开工。承包人不能按时开工,应当不迟于协议书约定的开工日期前7 天,以书面形式向工程师提出延期开工的理由和要求。工程师应当在接到延期开工申请后的48 小时内以书面形式答复承包人。工程师在接到延期开工申请后48 小时内不答复,视为同意承包人要求,工期相应顺延。工
