关键词: 保险合同解释;疑义利益解释原则;疑义利益解释原则适用。
Describe the Doubtful point interests explain the principle in Contract of insurance
—And concurrently the one that discusses to article 30 of " law of insurance " is understood and
properly used
Student: Shuilan Lao Supervisor: Rong Luo
In the Doubtful point interests explain the principle in
Contract of insurance, means “in a situation that the insurance
policy is made and can carry on two kinds of explanations, Characters of the insurance policy,Should explain according to
the way most unfavorable to the insurer.” In o rder to protect
the interests of the assured or the beneficiary, various countries
are in the long-term insurance practice have accumulated and developed the doubtful point interests explain the principle,
offer the relief to the assured or the beneficiary. Integrate the international law of insurance, article 30 of " law of insurance
" of our country has stipulated this principle too. Though this regulation is significant to interests safeguarding the assured
and beneficiary, But because this regulation only explains to
doubtful point interests the principle has been made very with
the regulation of the principle generally, in the judicial practice, as to the thing that how should this regulation
applicable to this question, there are a great deal of disputes. This text explains to doubtful point interests suitable terms and scope of application of the principle carry on the discussion, in order to to correct to understand and properly use the beneficial regulation of " law of insurance ".
Keywords: The contract of insurance is explained; Doubtful point interests explain the principle; Doubtful point interests explain the principle is suitable.
前言 5第一章保险合同解释的涵义及适用范围, 我国法律关于保险合同解释原则的规定 5 1.1保险合同解释的涵义 5 1.2界定保险人的条款说明义务的适用范围 5 1.3强调保险合同的保障功能 6 1.4我国法律关于保险合同解释原则的规定 6第二章保险合同中的疑义利益解释原则的概念以及理由7 2.1疑义利益解释原则的概念 7 2.2疑义解释规则的基础和目的 7 2.3疑义利益解释原则的理由 9第三章疑义利益解释原则的理解与适用9 3.1适用范围 10 3.2适用程度 10 3.3被保险人的适用 11 3.3.1弱势被保险人的适用 12 3.3.2其他被保险人的适用 13 3.3.3保险合同中“专业用语”的适用
3.4 保险主管机关制定的保险条款的适用 15
第一章保险合同解释的涵义及适用范围, 我国法律关于保险合同解释原则的规定
保险合同的解释,是保险合同内容发生争议时,由法院和仲裁机构对保险合同的内容予以确定和说明。我国《合同法》第 125 条规定:“当事人对合同条款的理解有争议的,应当按照合同所使用的词句、合同的有关条款、合同的目的、交易习惯以及诚实信用原则,确定该条款的真实意思。”因保险具有专业性、社会互助性以及保险合同条款的标准化,保险合同的解释原则和方法不同于一般合同解释,在保险活动或司法实践中,应遵循以下原则:1、客观标准原则;2、意图解释原则