当前位置:文档之家› 设备搬迁合同(4)【范本】







moving services agreeme nt

this movi ng services agreeme nt (the "agreeme nt") is en tered into as of the 日期day of 月份,2006, betwee n 甲方名称with its prin cipal place of bus in ess at 甲方地址(here in after referred to as the “ shipper " ) and 乙方名称with its princ

ipal place of bus in ess at 乙方地址(here in after referred to as the"carrier").


the shipper wishes to have its equipment in the central terminal moved from the

curre nt address to 新地址and the carrier is in the bus in ess of moving service

s and assures the shipper that it has the facilities, personnel, and technical expertise n ecessary to carry out the sin gle full-service move, in con sideratio n of the mutual promises, cove nan ts, and agreeme nts contained here in, both the p arties reach the agreeme nt as follows, subject to the con tract laws of people / s republic of china, hence, the responsibilities, rights, and obligations of eac h party are specified with the view to ensuring that both parties will honorabl

y put the agreeme nt into executi on.


(1 )针对甲方需搬迁的设备,乙方只负责硬件设备搬迁不负责数据和软件安全。

(2 )对于搬迁的设备,乙方如果需对设备进行拆装,以后因拆装引起的保修问题由甲方负责。

exempti ons

1. in performing the services stipulated in the agreement, the carrier shall be

responsible for moving the shipper / s hardware only, but shall not in any way

be held liable for the safety or in tact ness of the database and software concer n ed.

2. also, the carrier shall unin stall and in stall the equipme nt (as defi ned belo

w), but any problem aris ing thereof in connection with maintenace and repair of

the equipme nt shall be han dled by the shipper only.








ups电池1 块rmb30元





service fees

item qua ntity service fee per unit platform mach ine one set rmb50 server one set rmb450 cab inet one rmb450

small mach ine one set rmb450

disc array cab inet one rmb450

ups main frame one set rmb350

ups battery one rmb30

mon itor one rmb200

switch board one set rmb350

vehicle transportation, including the driver, fuel, parking charge, and

in sura nee rmb950 per day

other equipme nt na to be n egotiated and quoted




with in three days after the services agreed on are completed, the carrier is to

add up the total cost of the services on the basis of the delivery receipt dul

y signed by the shipper and then present the detailed bill in writing to the sh ipper. after verifying the bill, the shipper shall sign on it. after that, each party shall be give n one copy of the sig ned bill (see attachme nt b).

no te: since the workload in volved with the agreeme nt cannot be precisely estima ted before the move, the actual expe nses shall depe nd on nothing other tha n the final detailed bill.



2. 选择一条以上运输线路图,提前五日提供给乙方;

3. 检测新机房温度,湿度,电源环境(注:地线必须接地)达到设备使用要求;
