My Vocabulary Briefing in Legal English
accord 符合、一致和解或和解协议reach an accord/accord and
acquire 获得、获取对公司的购买、收购Acquisition~M&A
act/action 行为、行动作为、诉讼Act~forbear/initiate an action agent 代理人、代理商商业代理(非商业用)
proxy attach 依附、粘贴扣押(财产)Attach the property/attachment order bind 包扎、粘合约束Bind sb. to sth./to do sth.
call 呼唤、召集催促履行义务、催款Notice of call composition 作文、结构和解协议债务人与债权人 ~settlement
agreement contribution 贡献、捐赠出资Registered capital contribution custom 风俗、惯例惯例法、 Customs 海Custom and usage(惯例、习惯
关法 )customs declaration. Customs duty distress 悲痛、贫困;使扣押物Abuse the distress滥用扣押物。
悲痛、使贫困Distress sale 扣押物出售future 未来Futures 期货;期货Futures sales; futures contract; futures
合同market grace 慈悲、恩惠宽限期Day of grace; grace period Honor 荣誉、信誉对票据的承兑Honor a bill
infant 婴儿未成年人( minor )The contract made by an infant limitation 限制时效Lapse of limitation promotion 推广发起设立(公司)Incorporation by promotion realize 实现财产的变现Realize the security; unrealized profit; receivable 可接受的应收Schedule of accounts receivable; bills
receivable; amount receivable.
retain 保留、保持聘请(律师、顾问等)Retain an attorney
royalty 皇族、高贵知识产权使用费Royalty bonus; royalty interest; royalty
satisfaction 满足清偿或履行Satisfaction by legacy; satisfaction of
judgment; satisfaction of lien.
survive 幸存继续有效This clause shall survive the
affect influence affect its right
Construe/constructi Interpret/interpretation A waiver shall not be construed as on 法律英语中表Construction of the contract
determine It shall be determined with reference to
示判决、裁决 ) The court decided that the litigation fee Due to Because of The contract was terminated due to Exclusive of excluding All rates quoted herein are exclusive of tax. In accordance with According to 类似词组 pursuant to, in pursuance with forthwith immediately It shall forthwith notify the other party Provided that but 略
Real property Real estate 范围更广些,除土地及附属建筑和房屋还
有其他附属的各种权益undertake promise Undertake to do As of since This contract shall take effect as of the said
Comply with Abide Failure to comply with the regulations can
by/observe/follow result
Deem(be deemed believe shall be deemed to be the consent of to)
Intend to Wish to
In the event/case if
interim temporary Regular meetings and interim meetings notwithstanding Though/although
一词多义 :
释义: advise 在法律英语中有两个常用意思: ①律师等法律工作者提供法律建议,如
The partner of the law firm advised the Manager on various specialist legal issues 。
该律师事务所的合伙人就各种专业法律问题向经理提出了法律建议。 ②通知,相当于 notify 或 inform ,如
The use of advise in the sense of “inform, notify, ” was restricted to business correspondence and legal contexts. Thus one may say the suspects were advised of their rights, but it would be considered pretentious to say you ’d better advise your friends that the date of the picnic has been changed 。
advise 表示“通知,告知”的这种用法局限地用于商业往来及法律情况。 因 但是你最好通知你的朋友,野餐的
He has a deposit of 10,000yuan in ICBC 。他在工商银行有 1 万元的存款。 People tend to deposit their idle money in the bank 。人们喜欢把不用的钱存到 银行。
②定金,保证金,相当于 earnest money 。根据中国的合同法,缴纳定金方违约的,定金不予返还,接收定金方违约的,应当双方返还定金。如
The shop undertook to keep the goods for me provided that I paid a deposit. 商店答应 , 倘若我付定金就给我保留这批货。
释义: discharge 在法律英语中的常用含义有两个:①履行,侧重于对具体义务的履行,相当于 fulfill ,如 He
discharged his obligations after the call of the creditors 。 他在债权人的督促下,才履行了自己的义务。 ②免除,即免除他人的义务或债务。
His liability to pay the loan to the bank was discharged due to his bankruptcy 。 他对银行的借款偿还义务因其破产而免除。
从上面两个例子可以看出, discharge 的两个含义是截然相反的,因此,我们在理解和翻译它的含义时,应当放到上下文中,不能望文生义。一般来说,如 果主语是自己(如例证 1),就理解为履行,动作由别人发出(如例证 2),则理解为免除。
Deposit 释义: deposit 在法律英语中通常最常用的意思有两个:①存款,这是他在普通英语和法律英语都很常见的意思, 动词,如 此可以说嫌疑犯被告知他们所具有的权利,日期有所改变,这种说法被认为是做作的。