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Loan agreement 外债贷款合同

Shareholder Loan Agreement股东贷款协议

This Intra-Group Loan Agreement ( The “Agreement”) is entered into as of the date of the approval from SAFE by and between


(1)BORROWER:XXXX, a company duly incorporated under the laws of China with

corporate registration number XXX having its registered office at xxxxChina (the “Borrower”);


(2)LENDER: xxxx. a company duly incorporated under the laws of Singapore with corporate

registration number xxxxx having its registered office at xxxx (the “Lender”) which is 100% subsidiary of xxxxx duly incorporate under the laws of India with corporate registration number xxxx having its registered office at xxxxxx

出借方:xxxx依据新加坡法律成立的公司,注册号:xxx, 注册地址:xxxx(简称“出借方”)是xxxxx的全资子公司;xxxxx依据印度法律成立的公司,注册号:xxxxx,注册地址:xxxxxx

Each of the Borrower and the Lender in the following, also referred to as a “Party”, and jointly the “Parties”(借款方和出借方以下简称“双方”)


(A)The Borrower has notified the Lender that it is requesting a short term working capital borrowing of US$ __________(the “Loan”) and;

出借方给予借款方美金贷款 (简称“贷款”),并且

(B) The Lender has agreed to make the Loan on the terms set forth below.

在本协议中,双方愿意更新和该笔贷款相关的文件出借方愿意按照以下条款提供贷款。THE PARTIES HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS:



1.1. Purpose: Working Capital Financing (目的:营运资本贷款)

1.2. Currency: US$ (US Dollars) (币别: 美金)

1.3. Amount: ________ (金额:)

1.4. Final Maturity Date: The loan will mature after 12 months from the date of loan

disburse by the Lender.


1.5. Interest: the interest rate on the Loan shall be fixed at 5.60% for the period until

Final Maturity Date.


1.6. Interest Period and Payment: Interest will be paid on Final Maturity Date or any

other period that the parties may agree


1.7. Interest calculation Method:Interest will be calculated on the basis of a 360 day

year and for the actual number of days elapsed.


1.8. Reporting:报告

(a) Statement of Accounts, stating outstanding amount and accrued interest

will be distributed on a monthly basis. 每月发出对账单, 列明余额及利息。

(b) For each Interest Period, a Confirmation stating interest period and interest

rate will be distributed.每个利息期内, 出借方会确认利息期间及利率。


2.1. The Borrower shall repay the outstanding principal (incl. accrued interest) on the

Final Maturity Date.原则上借款方需在借款到期日偿还未付贷款(包括应计利息)。

2.2. Interest shall be paid on Final Maturity Date or any other period that the parties may

mutually agree. 利息应该在贷款到期日或双方同意的其它期间支付利息。

2.3. If the due date for any payment under this Agreement falls on a day which is not a

Business Day, the due date shall be extended to the next succeeding Business Day.

如果还款日恰好碰到非工作日, 到期日可被顺延到下一工作日。

2.4. The Borrower shall be entitled to at any time and without penalty or premium, repay

the Loan in whole or in part, on demand by the Lender.

