当前位置:文档之家› 合同范本美国租房合同样本(中英文)




甲方同意将 __________ 位及其设备在良好状态下租给乙方,租

赁面积统计约______ 方米.

Party A hereby agrees to lease-i n clea n and tenan table con diti on to

Party B,the size of the leased dremises being approximate-squire meters.

4. 租赁期Tenancy

租赁期为 _年,自____ 年__月—日至 _____ 年—月—日,租赁期



The premises is hereby leased for a term of-years commenciny on-and expiri ng on-. Neither Party A nor Party B can term in ate the con tract in the first year of tenan cy,i n the sec ong year,shall any party wish to stop the con tract.the in tiate party shall give the other party two mon ths prior writte n no tice.

5. 租金Rent

A. _____________ 租金每月为元整

The mon thly rent is ___

B. _________ 租金以单位,租金应以现金或支票支付,当甲方或甲方


The rent is payable in-by cash or check.Party A(or As represe ntative)shall issue a receipt to Party B upon receivi ng the ren t.The rent must be paid before or on the-day of each mon th.

6. 押金Deposit


Party B must pay to Party A-m on ths rent as deposit for a total of-of-withi n-days upon the con tract sig ned.



On the completi on of the con tract,Party A shall return the deposit without interest to Party B within 14 days as long as Party B has paid off all outsta nding fees in the tenanty period and retur ned the premises to Party A.


If Party B breaches any Party of this contract.such as not paying the rent punctually,or if party B causes damange to the leased premises,Party A has the right to retain part or all of the deposit in compe nsati on.

7. 费用Charges

A. 租赁期内的管理费用由—方负责支付.

The man ageme nt fee shall be paid by ___ .

B, 租赁期内之水,电,煤气费,电话费及有线电视费等.每月根据实


Charges for water,elctricity,gas,teleph one and cable TV are payable by- mon thly to the relative bureau accord ing to bills received.

8. 甲方的责任Landlords responsbilities



Party A is not permitted to take back the leased presises during the tenancy period .If Party A breaches this con tract.The deposit will be bouble retur ned to Party B.

9. 乙方的责任Tenants responsbilities



If Party B vacates the premises before completion of the tenancy period without any permission of Party A,the deposit will not be returned
