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联合国国际货物销售合同公约(United Nations Convention on Contracts

for the International Sale of Goods (1980) )


The States Parties to this Convention Bearing in Mind the broad objectives in the resolutions adopted by the sixth special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the establishment of a New International Economic Order. Considering that the development of international trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit is an important element in promoting friendly relations among States, Being of the Opinion that the adoption of uniform rules which govern contracts for the international sale of goods and take into account the different social, economic and legal systems would contribute to the removal of legal barriers in international trade and promote the development of international trade, have decreed as follows:

本公约个缔约国: 铭记联合国大会第六界特别会议通过的关于建立新的国际经济次序的各项决议的广泛目标, 考虑到在平等互利基础上发展国际贸易, 是促进各国间友好关系的一个重要因素, 认为采用照顾到不同的社会, 经济和法律制度的国际货物销售合同统一规则,将有助于减少国际贸易的法律障碍, 促进国际贸易的发展 .

兹协议如下 .


Sphere of Application and General Provisions

Chapter I

Sphere of Application

Article 1

(1) This Convention applies to contracts of sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in different States: ( 本公约适用于营业地在不同国家的当事人之间所订立的货物销售合同,)

(a) when the States are Contracting States; or ( 如果这些国家是缔约国, 或)

(b) when the rules of private international law lead to the application of the law of a Contracting State. ( 如果国际私法规则导致适用某一缔约国的法律,)

(2) The fact that the parties have their places of business in different States is to be disregarded whenever this fact does not appear either from the contract or from any dealings between, or from information disclosed by, the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract. ( 当事人营业地在不同国家的事实,如果从合同或从订立合同前任何时候或订立合同时, 当事人之间的任何交易或当事人透露的情报均看不出, 应不予考虑)

(3) Neither the nationality of the parties nor the civil or commercial character of the parties or of the contract is to be taken into consideration in determining the application of this Convention. ( 在确定本公约的适用时, 当事人的国籍和当事人或合同的民事或商业性质,应不予考虑)

Article 2

This Convention does not apply to sales: ( 本公约不适用以下的销售)

(a) of goods bought for personal, family or household use, unless the seller, at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract, neither knew nor ought to have known that the goods were bought for any such use; ( 购供私人, 家人或家庭使用的货物销售, 除非卖方再订立合同前任何时候或订立合同时不知道而且没有理由知道这些货物是购供任何这种使用)

(b) by auction; ( 经由拍卖销售的)

(c) on execution or otherwise by authority of law; ( 根据法律执行令状或其他领状的销售)

(d) of stocks, shares, investment securities, negotiable (可通过谈判解决的)instruments (手段)or money;( 公债,股票,投资证券, 流通票据或是货币的销售)

(e) of ships, vessels (船只), hovercraft (水翼船)or aircraft;( 船舶船只,气垫船或是飞机的销售)

(f) of electricity. ( 电力的销售)

Article 3

(1) Contracts for the supply of goods to be manufactured or produced are to be considered sales unless the party who orders the goods undertakes to supply a substantial part of the materials necessary for such manufacture or production.( 供应尚待制造或生产的货物的合同应视为销售合同, 除非订购货物的当事人保证供应这种制造或生产所需的大部分重要材料 .)

(2) This Convention does not apply to contracts in which the preponderant( 优势的) part of the obligations of the party (当事人)who furnishes the goods consists in the supply of labour or other services.( 本公约不适用于供应货物一方的绝大部分义务在于供应劳力或其它服务的合同)

Article 4

This Convention governs only the formation (形成)of the contract of sale and the rights and obligations of the seller and the buyer arising from (产生)such a contract. In particular, except as otherwise expressly (明确地)provided in this Convention, it is not concerned with: ( 本公约只适用于销售合同的订立和卖方和买方因此种合同而产生的权利和义务. 特别是本公约除非另有明文规定, 与以下事项无关:)

(a) the validity (效力)of the contract or of any of its provisions

(供应)or of any usage;( 合同的效力,或其任何条款的效力,或任何惯例的效力)

(b) the effect which the contract may have on the property in the goods sold. (合同对所销售物所有权可能产生的影响。)Article 5

This Convention does not apply to the liability (责任、义务)of the seller for death or personal injury caused by the goods to any person. (本公约不适用于卖方对于货物对任何人所造成得死亡或伤害的责任)

Article 6

The parties may exclude the application of this Convention or, subject to article 12, derogate (背离)from or vary the effect of any of its provisions. (双方当事人可以不适用本公约,或在第十二条的条件下,减损本公约德任何规定或改变其效力。)

Chapter II

General Provisions

Article 7

(1) In the interpretation of this Convention, regard is to be had to its international character and to the need to promote uniformity in its application and the observance of good faith in international trade. (在解释本公约时,应考虑到本公约的国际性质和促进其适用的统一以及在国际贸易上遵守诚信的需要。)


合同 Contract 合同号Contract No: 签字日期Signing Date: 约地点Signing Place: 买方: The buyers: General Manager: 卖方: The sellers: Sales Manager: 本合同由买卖双方根据下列条款和条件,经买卖双方共同协商签订,以便共同遵守This contract is made by and between the buyer and the seller: whereby the buyer and the seller agree to the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated below: 1.商品名称和规格(详细见销售报价单Quotation sheet) 2.原产国及制造厂商:中国 Country of origin & manufacturer: China,装运期限: Shipping date: NOT LATER THAN 3.装运口岸: Port of loading: 4.到货口岸: Port of destination: 付款条件:Terms of payment: 5.合同的生效:本合同在双方代表签字后及双方有关当局批准后立即生效。 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CONTRACT:

This Contract shall come into force immediately after signature by representative of both parties and upon approval by the relevant authority of both parties. 6.包装:需用适合长途海运,防潮、防湿、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运的包装,由包装不良 所发生的损失,由于采用不充分或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损,卖方应负担由此产生的一切费用和/或损失。 Packing: The packages should be suitable for long distance freight transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers. 7.装运条款:卖方保证按时将合同所述货物运往买方港口。 Terms of shipment: The seller shall ship the goods within the shipping date from the port of shipment to the port of destination. Transshipment is not allowed without the buyer’s consent. 8.装运通知:货物全部装船后,卖方将于10个工作日内将合同编号、商品名称、数量、 毛重、发票金额、船名和开船日期邮件通知买方。 Shipping advice: The seller shall within 10 working days after the completion of the loading of the goods advise by e-mail the buyers of the contract No., commodity, quantity, invoice value, gross weight, name of vessel and date of sailing. 9.保险: Insurance: Insurance shall be covered by the seller for 110% of the invoice value against Additional Risks and Strike Risks, and insurance fee will be borne by the buyer. 10.检验: Inspection 根据买方要求进行出货前检验,并提供检验合格报告给到买卖双方。 Inspection will be carried out as per buyer's assignment and offer Inspection Report to both parties. 12. 仲裁:凡有关本合同或执行本合同而发生的一切争执,应通过友好协商解决。如不能解决,则应申请进行仲裁。仲裁将在中国贸易促进委员会仲裁委员会进行。其做出的裁决是最终的,买卖双方均应受其约束,任何一方不得向法院或其他机关申请变更。仲裁费用由败诉方负担。 Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly negotiation, in case no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the case under dispute shall be submitted for arbitration to the China Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Beijing in accordance with the provisional rules of procedures promulgated by the said arbitration commission. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties for revising the decision. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing part. 13. 不可抗力:由于人力不可抗拒事故,而卖方交货迟延或不能交货时,责任不在卖方,但 卖方应立即将事故通知买方,并于事故发生后十四天内将事故发生地政府主管机关出具的事故证明用空邮寄交卖方为证。 Force Majeure: The seller shall not be held responsible for any delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods due to force majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. However, the seller shall advise the buyer immediately of such occurrence and within 14 days thereafter, the seller shall send by airmail to the buyers for their acceptance a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authorities of the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. 14. 附加条款:本合同采用中文、英文书写,具有同等法律效力。本合同一式二份买卖双方


SALES CONTRACT 销售合同 合同号Contract No: 签字日期Signing Date: The Buyer: Address: Tel: The Seller: Address: TEL: This Contract, made out by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agree to buy and the Seller agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.(According to the practical price of invoice) 本合同由买方和卖方签订,根据下面规定的条款,买方同意购买并且卖方同意销售如下商品(根据发票的实际金额)。 2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURER: 原产地和制造商: 3.TRANSPORTATION: Marine refrigerated container transportation. 运输方式:海洋冷藏集装箱运输。 4. PACKING: To be packed by new strong wooden cases suitable for long distance ocean transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Seller shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers in regard to the packing. 包装:须用坚固的新木箱包装,适合长途海运,防湿、防潮、防震、防锈,防粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失,或采用不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损,卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和损失。 5. SHIPPING MARK: The Seller shall mark on each package with faceless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: "RIGHT SIDE UP", "HANDLE WITH CARE", "KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTUE", and the shipping mark. 卖方应在每件包装箱上用不褪色的油漆刷上箱号、毛重、净重、尺码和“勿倒置”,“小心轻放”,“防潮”等字样。


联合国海洋法公约中英 文 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】

【标题】1982年联合国海洋法公约(附英文)【分类】国际海事 【时效性】有效 【颁布时间】 【实施时间】 【发布部门】蒙特哥湾 目录 第Ⅰ部分用语和范围 第Ⅱ部分领海和毗连区 第1节一般规定 第2节领海的界限 第3节领海的无害通过 第4节毗连区 第Ⅲ部分用于国际航行的海峡 第1节一般规定

第2节过境通行 第3节无害通过 第Ⅳ部分群岛国 第Ⅴ部分专属经济区 第Ⅵ部分大陆架 第Ⅶ部分公海 第1节一般规定 第2节公海生物资源的养护和管理 第Ⅷ部分岛屿制度 第Ⅸ部分闭海或半闭海 第Ⅹ部分内陆国出入海洋的权利和过境自由第Ⅺ部分“区域” 第1节一般规定 第2节支配“区域”的原则 第3节“区域”内资源的开发 第4节管理局

第5节争端的解决和咨询意见 第Ⅻ部分海洋环境的保护和保全 第1节一般规定 第2节全球性和区域性合作 第3节技术援助 第4节监测和环境评价 第5节防止、减少和控制海洋环境污染的国际规则和国内立法第6节执行 第7节保障办法 第8节冰封区域 第9节责任 第10节主权豁免 第11节关于保护和保全海洋环境的其他公约所规定的义务第XIII部分海洋科学研究 第1节一般规定 第2节国际合作

第3节海洋科学研究的进行和促进 第4节海洋环境中科学研究设施或装备第5节责任 第6节争端的解决和临时措施 第XIV部分海洋技术的发展和转让 第1节一般规定 第2节国际合作 第3节国家和区域性海洋科学和技术中心第4节国际组织间的合作 第XV部分争端的解决 第1节一般规定 第2节导致有拘束力裁判的强制程序 第3节适用第2节的限制和例外 第XVI部分一般规定 第XVII部分最后条款 附件Ⅰ高度回游鱼类(略)


外贸销售合同范本(英文版) 合约编号:________ Contract NO._______ 售货合约 SALESCONTRACT ------- 买方:_____ 日期:____年__月__日 Buyers:_____cate:_____ 卖方:____中国___进出口公司___省分公司 Sellers: China National Metals &Minerals Import& Export corporation ,____Branch 双方同意按下列条款由买方购进卖方售出下列商品: The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following good ontermsand conditions set for the below: ──────────────┬───────┬──────┬────── (1)货物名称及规格,包装及│(2)数量│(3)单价│(4)总价 装运唛头│││ Name or commodity and Speci-│Quantity│unit price│Total Fications Packing and shipp-│││Amount Ing Marks│││ ──────────────┼───────┼──────┼────── (装运数量允许有%的增减)│││ (Shipment Quantity% more│││ Or less allowd│││ ──────────────┴───────┴──────┴────── (5)装运期限 Time of Shipment: (6)装运口岸 Ports of Loading (7)目的口岸 Port of Destination: (8)保险:投保___险,由___按发票金额___%,投保 Insurance: Covering Risks for____% of Invoice Value to be effected By the (9)付款条件:___…… Terms of Payment :___凭保兑的,不可撤消的,可转让的,可分割的即期付款信用证,信用证以中 国五金矿产进出口公司__分公司为受益人并允许分批装运和转船。 By confirmed irrevocable, transferable and divisible letter of credit In favour of China National Metals &Minerals Import& Export Corporation


销售合同 买方: __________________________ 卖方: __________________________

签订日期: _____ 年 ____ 月_____ 日

买方:(The Buyers) 卖(The Sellers) 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: This con tract is made by and betwee n the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby th e Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the un der-me nti oned goo ds subject to the terms and con diti ons as stipulated here in after: ⑴商品名称: Name of Commodity : ⑵数量: Qua ntity: ⑶单价: Unit price: ⑷总值: Total Value: (5)包装: Pack ing: ⑹生产国别: Country of Origi n :

⑺支付条款: Terms of Payme nt: (8) 保险: in sura nee: (9) 装运期限: Time of Shipme nt: (10) 起运港: Port of Ladi ng: (11) 目的港: Port of Dest in ati on: (12) 索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不附,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭中国商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。 Claims: Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination should the quality ,Speeifieati ons or qua ntity be found not in con formity with the stipulati ons of the eon tract except those claims for which the ins urance compa ny or the owners of the vessel are liable ,the Buyers shall have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers


Sales Contract 国际购销合同 编号(Contract No):SDAUP-01 日期( Date) :JULY 28TH, 2015 Buyers:XXXXXXXXXXX Address:XXXXXXXXX ALGERIE TEL/FAX:033XXXXXXXXXXX NIF:00XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Sellers: Address: Tel:Fax: Beneficiary Bank: BANK OF CHINA, JINAN SHENGFUQIANJIE SUBBRANCH 开户行: 中国银行xxxxxxx行 Account number: XXXXXX 账号:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SWIFT:BKCHCNBJ51B Through friendly negotiation, buyer and seller have entered into this contract, as the following stipulated terms and condition. 买卖双方通过友好协商,就以下条款达成合同。 modity : spare parts , total amount is USD four hundred fifty thousand only . 商品:汽车配件。总价:美金肆拾伍万圆整。。 2.Packing: To be packed as export standard suitable for long distance ocean freight transportation. 包装:以适合长距离海运出口标准包装。 3. Shipping mark: The Buyer shall inform the Seller fifteen (10) days prior to the shipment if any shipping mark may be required, otherwise the Seller shall consider no need shipping mark. 买方应于装船前10天通知卖方是否需要唛头,否则视为不需要。 4.Insurance:To be covered by the_buyer_for 100% of the invoice value against_ocean marine _. 保险;由 买方负责,按本合同总值100%投保__海运_险。 5. Intended ports of shipment: Qingdao, China. 装运港口:中国青岛 6. Port of destination: ANNABA,ALGERIA 目的港:阿尔及尔港 7.Shipping documents: The Seller shall present the following documents.


国际买卖合同范本(中英文对照版) 买方The Buyer: 地址Address Tel:Fax: 卖方The Seller: 地址:Address Tel:Fax: 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商品:This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: (1)货名及规格Commodity & Specification (2)数量Qty. (3)单价Unit Price (4)总价Total Amount (5)原产公司:COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : (6)装运期限:TIME OF SHIPMENT: (7)装运口岸:PORT OF SHIPMENT: (8)到货目的地:DESTINATION: (9)保险:INSURANCE: 由卖方按合同金额110%投保一切险和战争险 All Risks and War Risk for 110% contract value to be covered by the Seller. (10)运输方式:TERM OF SHIPMENT:空运By air (11)包装:PACKING: 须用坚固的新木箱包装,适合长途空运/陆运,防湿、防潮、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失,由于采用不充分或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损、破损,卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和损失。包装箱内应包含一整套服务操作手册。卖方使用的木质包装应经薰蒸处理,并在木质包装表面标上清晰的IPPC标识。 To be packed in new strong wooden case(s) suitable for long distance air/land transportation and well protected from dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage and break damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Sellers, and in such case or cases any and all losses and / or expenses incurred in consequence thereof shall be borne by the Sellers. One full set of service and operation manuals concerned shall be enclosed in the case(s). The wood packaging the Seller used shall be fumigated and marked with “IPPC”on the surface of wood packaging. (12)唛头:SHIPPING MARK: 卖方应在每件包装上,用不褪色油墨清楚地标刷件号、尺码、毛重、净重、“此端向上”、“小心轻放”、“切勿受潮”等字样,并刷有下列唛头:


国际民用航空公约 (1944年12月7日芝加哥) 序言 鉴于国际民用航空的未来发展对建立和保持世界各国之间和人民之间的友谊和了解大有帮助,而其滥用足以威胁普遍安全; 又鉴于有需要避免各国之间和人民之间的磨擦并促进其合作,世界和平有赖于此; 因此,下列各签署国政府议定了若干原则和办法,使国际民用航空得按照安全和有秩序的方式发展,并使国际航空运输业务得建立在机会均等的基础上,健康地和经济地经营;为此目的缔结本公约。 第一部分空中航行 第一章公约的一般原则和适用 第一条主权 缔约各国承认每一国家对其领土之上的空气空间享有完全的和排他的主权。第二条领土 本公约所指一国的领土,应认为是在该国主权、宗主权、保护或委任统治下的陆地区域及与其邻接的领水。 第三条民用航空器和国家航空器 一、本公约仅适用于民用航空器,不适用于国家航空器。 二、用于军事、海关和警察部门的航空器,应认为是国家航空器。 三、一缔约国的国家航空器,未经特别协定或其他方式的许可并遵照其中的规定,不得在另一缔约国领土上空飞行或在此领土上降落。

四、缔约各国承允在发布关于其国家航空器的规章时,对民用航空器的航行安全予以应有的注意。 第三条分条 注: 一九八四年五月十日,大会决定修正芝加哥公约,增加第三条分条。该条尚未生效。 一、缔约各国承认,每一国家必须避免对飞行中的民用航空器使用武器,如拦截,必须不危及航空器内人员的生命和航空器的安全。此一规定不应被解释为在任何方面修改了联合国宪章所规定的各国的权利和义务。 二、缔约各国承认,每一国家在行使其主权时,对未经允许而飞越其领土的民用航空器,或者有合理的根据认为该航空器被用于与本公约宗旨不相符的目的,有权要求该航空器在指定的机场降落;该国也可以给该航空器任何其他指令,以终止此类侵犯。为此目的,缔约各国可采取符合国际法的有关规则,包括本公约的有关规定,特别是本条第一款规定的任何适当手段。每一缔约国同意公布其关于拦截民用航空器的现行规定。 三、任何民用航空器必须遵守根据本条第二款发出的命令。为此目的,每一缔约国应在本国法律或规章中作出一切必要的规定,以便在该国登记的、或者在该国有主营业所或永久居所的经营人所使用的任何航空器必须遵守上述命令。每一缔约国应使任何违反此类现行法律或规章的行为受到严厉惩罚,并根据本国法律将这一案件提交其主管当局。 四、每一缔约国应采取适当措施,禁止将在该国登记的、或者在该国有主营业所或永久居所的经营人所使用的任何民用航空器肆意用于与本公约宗旨不相符的目的。这一规定不应影响本条第一款或者与本条第二款和第三款相抵触。


马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、江泽民“三个代表”重要思想Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiao-ping Theory, Jiang Zemin “Three Represent’s” important Thought 新民主主义革命new-democratic revolution 民族独立和人民解放national independence and the liberation of the people 经济体制改革和政治体制改革reforms in the economic and political structure 社会主义制度socialist system 社会变革social transformation 建设有中国特色的社会主义事业the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics 中华民族的伟大复兴the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 党在社会主义初级阶段的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领the basic theory, line and program of our Party in the primary stage of socialism 改革开放政策the policies of reform and opening to the outside 中国共产党十一届三中全会The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 马克思主义政党Marxist political Party 党的第一(第二、第三)代中央领导集体the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee of the first (second\third)generation 人民民主专政the people’s democratic dictatorship 国民经济体系national economic system 综合国力aggregate national strength 国内生产总值the annual gross domestic product(GDP) 独立自主的和平外交政策an independent foreign policy of peace 马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合the fundamental principles of Marxism with the specific situation in China 加强和改进党的建设,不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机与活力strengthen and improve Party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and


外贸销售合同 Sales Contract 编号:No: 日期:Date : 签约地点:Signed at: 卖方:Sellers: 地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 买方:Buyers: 地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物: The sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below: 1 货号Article No. 2 品名及规格Description&Specification 3 数量Quantity 4 单价Unit Price 5 总值: 数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定。 Total Amount With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option. 6 生产国和制造厂家Country of Origin and Manufacturer 7 包装:Packing: 8 唛头:Shipping Marks: 9 装运期限:Time of Shipment: 10 装运口岸:Port of Loading: 11 目的口岸:Port of Destination: 12 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。


编号:_____________ 国际贸易买卖合同 Sales Contract 甲方(Seller):________________________________________________ 乙方(Buyer):___________________________ 签订日期(Date):_______年______月______日

签约地(Signed at):________________ 日期(Date):__________________ 卖方(Seller):________________ 地址(Adress):_______________ 电话(Tel) :________________ 传真(Fax):______________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):_____________ 买方(Buyer):_______________ 地址(Adress):_________________ 电话(Tel) :________________ 传真(Fax):______________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):_____________ This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under the mentioned commodity according the terms and conditions stipulated below: 买卖双方就以下条款达成协议: 1、COMMODITY商品 备注:数量允许有5%的短溢装。 2、Commodity Technical Standard 产品技术标准 3、COUNTRY AND MANUFACTURES: Zhejiang Futurestitch Sports Co. Ltd 原产国和制造商: 浙江针永体育用品有限公司 4、PACKING: To be packed in standard shipping packing. The Sellers shall be liable for any


内部编号:AN-QP-HT660 版本/ 修改状态:01 / 00 The Contract / Document That Can Be Held By All Parties Of Natural Person, Legal Person And Organization Of Equal Subject Acts On Their Establishment, Change And Termination Of Civil Rights And Obligations, And Defines The Corresponding Rights And Obligations Of All Parties Participating In The Contract. 甲方:__________________ 乙方:__________________ 时间:__________________ 外贸购销合同通用范本

外贸购销合同通用范本 使用指引:本协议文件可用于平等主体的自然人、法人、组织之间设立的各方可以执以为凭的契约/文书,作用于他们设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系,同时明确参与合同的各方对应的权利和义务。资料下载后可以进行自定义修改,可按照所需进行删减和使用。 _____(售方)为一方,与_____(购方)为另一方,签定合同如下: 第一条合同对象 依据_____年_____月_____日双方签定的关于合作的协议,在售方国国境车上交货条件下售方售出,购方购入货物。其数量、种类、价格及交货期均按第_____号附件办理,该附件为本合同不可分割的部分。 合同总金额为_____。 第二条价格 本合同所售出货物的价格以_____计算,此项价格系卖方国国境车上交货,包括包皮、包


1.售货合同(sales contract) 编号No. 日期Date: 买方: The Buyers: 电报:传真: Cable:FAX 卖方: The Sellers: 电报:电传:传真: Cable: Telex: FAX 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商品: This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers,whereby the Buyers agree to buy andthe Sellers agree to sell the undermentio (5)生产国别和制造厂商:COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS: (6)装运期限:TIME OF SHIPMENT: (7)装运口岸:PORT OF SHIPMENT: (8)到货口岸:PORT OF DESTINGATION: (9)保险:INSURANCE: 由买方投保。 Tobe coverd bythe Buyers. (10)包装:PACKING: 须用坚固的新木箱/纸箱包装,适合长途海运,防湿、防潮、防震、防锈,而粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失,由于采用不充分或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损,卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和/或损失。 Tobepacked in new strong woden case (s) / carton (s) suitable for long distanceocean transportation and wellprotected againstdampenss,moisture,shock, rustand rough handling.TheSellersshall b eliableforanydamageto thegoodsonaccount of improper pack ingand for anyrust damage attributableto inadequateor improperprotective measures takenbythe Sellers,and insuch caseor cases any andall losses and/or expenses incurred in consequence thereofshallbe borne bythe Sellers. (11) 唛头:SHIPPING MARK: 卖方应在每件包装上,用不褪色油墨清楚地标刷件号、尺码、毛重、净重、“此端向上”、“小心轻放”“切勿受潮”等字样,并刷有下列唛头: On the surfacee of each package, the packagenumber,measurements, gross weight,netweight,the lifting positions,such cautionsas“D


联合国宪章 【题注】(1945年6月26日订于旧金山)本宪章于1945年10月24日生效。中国系联合国原始成员国,分别于1945年6月26日和1945年9月28日签署和批准宪章。 【章名】全文 我联合国人民同兹决心 欲免后世再遭今代人类两度身历惨不堪言之战祸, 重申基本人权,人格尊严与价值,以及男女与大小各国平等权利之信念, 创造适当环境,俾克维持正义,尊重由条约与国际法其他渊源而起之义务,久而弗懈, 促成大自由中之社会进步及较善之民生,并为达此目的 力行容恕,彼此以善邻之道,和睦相处, 集中力量,以维持国际和平及安全, 接受原则,确立力法,以保证非为公共利益,不得使用武力, 运用国际机构,以促成全球人民经济及社会之进展,用是发愤立志,务当同心协力,以竟厥功。 爰由我各本国政府,经齐集金山市之代表各将所奉全权证书,互相校阅,均属妥善,议定本联合国宪章,并设立国际组织,定名联合国。 【章名】第一章宗旨及原则 第一条 联合国之宗旨为: 一、维持国际和平及安全;并为此目的:采取有效集体办法、以防止且消除对于和平之威胁,制止侵略行为或其他和平之破坏;并以和平方法且依正义及国际法之原则,调整或解决足以破坏和平之国际争端或情势。 二、发展国际间以尊重人民平等权利及自决原则为根据之友好关系,并采取其他适当办法,以增强普遍和平。 三、促成国际合作,以解决国际间属于经济、社会、文化、及人类福利性质之国际问题,且不分种族、性别、语言、或宗教、增进并激励对于全体人类之人权及基本自由之尊重。 四、构成一协调各国行动之中心,以达成上述共同目的。 第二条 为求实现第一条所述各宗旨起见,本组织及其会员国应遵行下列原则: 一、本组织系基于各会员国主权平等之原则。 二、各会员国应一秉善意,履行其依本宪章所担负之义务,以保证全体会员国由加入本组织而发生之权益。 三、各会员国应以和平方法解决其国际争端,俾免危及国际和平、安全、及正义。


INTERNATIONAL CHARTER FOR THE CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION OF MONUMENTS AND SITES 威尼斯宪章 ?[Preamble] ?Definitions ?Aim ?Conservation ?Restoration ?Historic Sites ?Excavations ?Publication [Preamble] 前言 Imbued with a message from the past, the historic monuments of generations of people remain to the present day as living witnesses of their age-old traditions. People are becoming more and more conscious of the unity of human values and regard ancient monuments as a common heritage. The common responsibility to safeguard them for future generations is recognized. It is our duty to hand them on in the full richness of their authenticity. 世世代代人民的历史文物建筑,饱含着从过去的年月传下来的信息,是人民千百年传统的活的见证.人民越未越认识到人类各种价值的统一性,从而把古代的纪念物看作共同的遗产.大家承认,为子孙后代而妥善地保护它们是我们共同的责任.我们必须一点不走样地把它们的全部信息传下去。 It is essential that the principles guiding the preservation and restoration of ancient buildings should be agreed and be laid down on an international basis, with each country being responsible for applying the plan within the framework of its own culture and traditions. 绝对有必要为完全保护和修复古建筑建立国际公认的原则,每个国家有义务根据自己的文化和传统运用这些原则。 By defining these basic principles for the first time, the Athens Charter of 1931 contributed towards the development of an extensive international movement which has assumed concrete form in national documents, in the work of ICOM and UNESCO and in the establishment by the latter of the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property. Increasing awareness and critical study have been brought to bear on problems which have continually become more complex and varied; now the time has come to examine the Charter afresh in order to make a thorough study of the principles involved and to enlarge its scope in a new document. 1931 年的雅典宪章,第一次规定了这些基本原则,促进了广泛的国际运动的发展.这个运动落实在各国的文件里,落实在从事文物建筑工作的建筑师和技术人员国际议会(ICOM)的工作里,落实在联合国教科文组织的工作以及它的建立文物的完全保护和修复的国际研究中心(ICCROM)里.人们越来越注意到,问题已经变得很复杂,很多样,而且正在继续不断地变得更复杂,更多样;人们已经对问题作了深入的研究.于是,有必要重新检查宪章,彻底研究一下它所包含的原则,并且在一份新的文件里扩大它的范围。 Accordingly, the IInd International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historic Monuments, which met in Venice from May 25th to 31st 1964, approved the following text: 为此,从事历史文物建筑工作的建筑师和技术人员国际会议第二次会议,于196 4 年 5 月 25 日至31 日在威尼斯开会,通过了以下的决定:
