当前位置:文档之家› 上海市房地产买卖合同翻译


Shan ghai Reside ntial Real Estate Sales and Purchase Con tract

(Number of the con tract: 11111111)

Set pers on of the real estate sales and purchase con tract:

The Seller (Part A): YANG BABA


In accorda nee with the releva nt laws and regulati ons in the People ' s Republic of China and the releva nt regulati ons in Sha nghai. Both Part A and Part B agree to sig n the con tract show ing clearly that Part B will buy the house from

Part A on equality, willingness and agreement from both sides basis, which will be serves as an evide nee for both sides to abide by.

Item 1 Part A agrees to sell the house and land tenure in the range the right of use of the house(that will be shorted as: real estate). The detail status is

show n as follow:

(I) The certificate number of the house which Part A get legally: SONG1999001111

(II) The real estate located in Room 401, No.57, XXX XXX Village,

Songjiang District (Position: Room 401 ) house type __________________ ; house

structure admixture 1

(III) The house gross size 106.68 centiare. Land tenure in the range

the right of use of the house 【area of sharing ] 0 centiare.

(IV) House ich no graphy and rang of the house see (Appe ndix one)

(V) Land tenure in the range the right of use of the house is State-owned :

the right of use of the state land is obtain by sells .

Item 2 Both sides have reached agreeme nt on the price of the house to be sold at (REN MIN Bl) 500000 Yuan. (capitalization ) : FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND .

The payme nt method and payme nt terms of Party B shall be clearly stated by both parties in the payme nt agreeme nt (Appe ndix 3). After Party B pays for the house, Party A shall draw out a receipt conforming to the taxation regulati ons.

Item 3 When Part A transfer the real estate, the tenure of land will be deal with the item NO: _1_ shown as below.

(I ) Part A obta in the use period of the right of use of the state land from

Year Month Day to Year Mon th Day, there in to, Part B in

accorda nce to this con tract gai n the real estate, obtai n the use period of the right of use of the state-ow ned land from Year Month Day to Year Month Day, as Legally use the date of expiry of the right of use of the state-ow ned land.


Item 4 Both sides have reached agreement that Part A should vacate before the day 2007 Year 04 Mo nth 30 Day this house and inform Part B to check and accept. Part B should check the decoration 、equipment in the house from the day Part B receive the in formatio n in 5 days. After check ing, Party A

shall transfer the keys of the house to Party B, which indicates the tran sfere nce of the house.

Item 5 Party A promises that if there is any damage or demoliti on to the house decorati ons or auxiliary facilities duri ng the period from the agreeme nt-sig ning date to the house accepta nce date, it shall pay Party B the pen alty of RMB Yua n, which is equivale nt to the value of the damaged or

demolished facilities.

Item 6 Party A and Party B agree to apply for the house transferenee at the th

real estate exeha nge before April 30 , 2007.
