当前位置:文档之家› 房屋租赁合同(中英文对照)






























2.1 租赁房屋的租赁期限为年,自年月日


2.2 租赁期届满,甲方有权收回租赁房屋, 乙方应如期归还。乙方希望在租赁期满后续租,须在租赁期届满前三个月书面通知甲方。经双方达成协议,重新签订租赁合同,乙方依法享有优先承租权。如甲、乙双方未能在租赁期届满前三个月就续租租金与租赁期限达成一致协议,甲方可以不受乙方的任何制约而自行处置租赁房屋。
























































































Lease Agreement

The lease agreement is executed as of by and between:


Registered Address:

Legal representative:

Contact Address:

Post Code:




Registered Address:

Legal representative:

Contact Address:

Post Code:




1. Pursuant to provisions of laws, Party A is entitled to lease the premises located at _______South Road West Third Ring, Fengtai District, Beijing---- rooms of second floor of Party A’s office building and a warehouse( ㎡) to Party B for the purpose of its business.

2. It is understood that Party B completely acknowledge the lease procedure and enter into the agreement by itself and fulfill it.

Pursuant to Contract Law of PRC, Administrative Measures for Municipality on House Tenancy and provisions of relevant laws and regulations, after friendly negotiation between Party A and Party B, both parties have reached agreement in order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties and fulfill it on good faith.

1. Premises

1.1 Party A agrees to lease and Party B agree to rent pursuant to terms and conditions under this agreement, ---- rooms of second floor of Party A’s office building and a warehouse(500㎡) located at _____South Road West Third Ring, Fengtai District, Beijing (hereinafter refer to as “premises”).

1.2 Party A shall provide Party B

for the sake of connivance.

2. Lease terms

2.1 the terms of this agreement shall be 3 (i.e.: ) years, commencing on and ending on

(including the first date and the last date).

2.2 After the expiration of the lease agreement, Party A is entitled to withdraw the premises and the party B shall return it on schedule. In the case that party B is willing to renew this agreement, Party A shall be informed 3 months in advance from the date of the termination of this agreement. Party B shall have the legal preemptive right to lease upon the both parties’ agreement. In the

event that both parties fail to reach agreement in terms of rental and terms for the renewable agreement within 3 months from the date of the termination of the agreement, Party A may dispose of the premises on his own discretion.

3 rental and payment of other expenses

3.Rental fees: yearly rental shall be CNY (i.e.: ). The rental shall be paid within working days upon the due date of payment. The dates for the payment of rental are specified as follows:

Party A’s Bank Account information:


Bank name:

Bank account:

3.2 other expenses

(1)where Party B need to use the telephone, fax, broad band, Community Antenna Television and facilities with reserved interface by party A, party B shall bear any expenses arising form installment and operation of foregoing facilities.

(2)During the terms of the agreement, where party B need to rent parking areas, party B shall follow the Regulation on the Administration issued by Party B.

(3)The rental does not include the heating fee in the heating season. Party B shall pay the party A the heating fee in accordance with the regulation made by heating supply enterprises.

(4)during the terms of the agreement, Party B agrees to pay all bills which are relevant to the premises such as water, electricity and sanitation fee to Party A in accordance with the standard prescribed by relevant authorities.

3.3 insurance liabilities

Owner of the premises, equipments, and facilities not belonging to party B shall bear the insurance liabilities for the forgoing assets. Party B shall undertake the insurance liabilities for its own equipments, facilities and operation.

4 purpose of the use of the premises

4.1 the premises shall be only used as the legal business place of Party B. party B shall strictly comply with Chinese

polices and regulations which govern the rented houses and undertaking activities in the houses. Unless obtaining the party B’s acknowledgement in writing, party B shall not change the purpose of the use of the premises without authorization.

4.2 Party A shall be responsible to guarantee that party B utilizes the premises and relevant facilities in accordance with the purpose set out in the agreement during the terms of the agreement.

4、3 Party B shall be entitled to legally hang (or not to hang) Party B’s name, sign of its trademark or service marks with the size and format decided by its own during the terms of the agreement by sending Party B a notice.

5 decoration and repair of the premises

5.1 party B shall be responsible for the costs and expenses of the decoration during the lease terms. The ownership of decoration, facilities, other annexes and fixed objects invested by Party B in the premises in order to carry on meet its specific business belong to Party B. After the termination of the agreement, Party B may remove the

parts which are removable and of whose the backout is harmless to the appearance and main structure of the house.

5.2 the decoration design to be carried out by Party B shall be approved by Party A in writing.

5.3 any rebuild of the rent house to be carried out by Party B shall be approved by Party A in writing.

5.4 Party A shall be responsible for the regular examination and maintenances of the premises and bear the expenses and costs incurred from them including the expenses of the repair of losses in the normal process of utilization.

5.5 Party A shall first obtain the permission of Party B in order to enter into the rented premises for repair, regardless the conditions of facilities of the premises. However, in emergency, party A shall have rights to enter into the premises without any notices to party B for the sake of safety, fire control and urgent repair of premises. Otherwise, party A shall be responsible to compensate party B’s losses, unless emergency actions taken to avoid danger is involved.

6. Presentation and guarantee of Party A

6.1 Party A guarantees that it was duly incorporated under the laws and legally exists and possesses full power and authority to enter the agreement.

6.2 Party A guarantees that it has the legal ownership of the rented premises and possesses the rights to lease it without any flaws in rights.

6.3 party A guarantees that all legal requirements in connection with the rented premises are satisfied and still remain during the terms of the agreement.

6.4 Party A may provide relevant information and legal documents in connection with the fulfillment of the agreement upon the request of Party B.

7.Presentation and guarantee of Party B

7.1 Party B shall fully pay the rental and any relevant fees set out in this agreement in due time.

7.2 Party B shall not change and install or remove facilities in the rented premises and shall not change the indoor structure and the purpose of the use of the premises.


Tenancy Agreement 房屋租赁合同 出租人(以下简称甲方): Landlord:(hereinafter called” Party A”) 身份证号码(Identity Card No.):电话(Tel): 法定地址(Registered Address): 代理人(Agent):电话(Tel): 法定地址(Registered Address): 代理人身份证号码(Identity Card No.): 承租人(以下简称乙方): Tenant:(hereinafter called “Party B”) 护照/身份证号码(Identity Card No.):电话(Tel): 法定地址(Registered Address): 甲、乙双方就甲方愿意出租、乙方自愿承租物业事宜,以双方协商一致,同意签订本房产租赁合约。An Agreement made BETWEEN Party A of the one part and Party B of the other part WHEREBY IT IS: 一、租赁物业名称(以下称“该物业”): Name &address of Property to be rented:(hereinafter called “the said premises”): 二、用途:该物业只供作住宅使用。 Usage:for domestic use only. 三、面积:该物业建筑面积为平方米。 Area:gross floor area is square meter. 四、租约期限(Terms of Tenancy): 两年固定租约由年月日至年月日 Formal Tenancy:Fixed term from to 五、租金(Rent): 租赁期租金:每月人民币XX元整。此租金已经包含该房屋每月的出租税金。 Rent: RMB XX per month. The rental is including the house monthly tax fee . 六、付租条款(Payment Terms): 1、日期:乙方须于每月XX 日前支付下月租金。 Date: Party B shall prepay the monthly rental for every next month before XX.


房屋租赁合同双语版 房屋出租人将房屋提供给承租人使用,承租人定期给付约定租金,并于合同终止时将房屋完好地归还出租人,这算是房屋租赁合同。那么英文的租赁合同如何写?下面是小编整理的合同范本,欢迎阅读! 【英文房屋租赁合同范本】 房屋租赁合同Apartment Contract 第一条、合同各方 Article1. Parties to the Contract 出租人/The Landlord: 联系电话/Telephone: 承租人:The Tenant: 联系电话/Telephone: 居住人/The occupant: 联系电话/Telephone: 第二条、租赁客体 Article2. Object of the Lease 2.1 出租人出租其位于xxxx 的公寓。包括所有的附属装置、家具和电器(以下统称租赁房产) The Landlord leases out the apartment located at xxxxx Including all fixtures, furniture and appliances (hereafter referred to as the leased property). 2.2 该租赁房产的总面积为xxx平方米。其中:卧房x 间,卫生间x,厨房x间,洗衣房间,地下室,车库; 花园面积平方米,(包括草坪、花草、树木、围栏等) Area of the leased property is xm2 ,in which there are bedroom x washing room x, kitchen x laundry , basement , garage , garden m2 with all appurtenances. 2.3 承租人有权使用出租人供所有承租人使用的共用面积。 The Tenant shall have the right to use the common areas shared by all tenants. 2.4 该租赁房产仅用于承租方指定人员居住,别得用于经营等其它用途。 The Tenant shall use the leased property only for residential purpose. 2.5 本合同附件一为房产证明或购房合同及业主身份证复印件(营业执照复印件)。 本合同附件二为家具、附属装置和电器的清单。 Copy of ownership Certificate of Leased Property or purchased contract of leased Property and copy of the landlords identity certificates (business license) is attached as Appendix I to this Contract. The list of the furniture, fixtures and appliances in the leased property is attached as Appendix II to this Contract.) 第三条、租期 Article3. Lease Term 3.1 租期为1年,自x xxx 起,至xxxxx日止。 The lease term is for xx year, commencing on xxx,expiring on xxxxx 3.2 合同期满后本合同终止,承租人若想延长租期,应在租期届满前的至少1个月书面通知出租人。 Should the Tenant want to extend the lease term, he shall notify the Landlord in writing not later than 1 month before the expiration of the lease term. 第四条、租金与支付条款 Article4. Rent and Terms of Payment 4.1 租金应为未税每月xxxx RMB,租金每半年支付一次。 每月房租包括:发票税金xxx,物业治理费xxx元,有限(数字)电视的安装和使用费xxx 元,宽带安装和使用费xx元,中介费用xx元,车位费xxx元,水电气费xxxx元,一年内超出


房屋租赁合同 House Leasing Contract 甲方(出租方)乙方(承租方) A (Lessor) B (Tenant) 联系电话:联系电话: Phone Number:Phone Number: 出租方与承租方于2013年9月15日双方协商一致,就以下条款达成协议。 The Lessors with renting the side achieved consistently to the following provision in Sept. 15, 2013. 1.甲方同意将康营家园7区1号楼1单元1002室及其设备良好的状态下租给乙方。 Party A agrees to Room 1002, Unit 1, 1#Area 7 of KangYing community, and equipment good condition to party B. 2.租赁期自2013年9月15日至2014年9月15日,届时本合同自然终止 Lease since Sept. 15, 2013 to 2014, Sept. 15, 2014, when the contract is the automatic termination. 3.租赁期满,甲方有权收回全部出租房屋,乙方应如期交还。乙方如需继续承租,需在本合同期满50天前,向甲方提出书面通知。租金以双方协商而定。 Expiry of the lease, Party A has the right to no longer premises, party B should be returned. If party B need to continue leasing, need to be in 50 days before the deadline, a written notice to party A, rent to both parties through consultation and decide. 4.租金。每月为叁仟元人民币。 Rent. Per month for ¥3,000. 5.租金按季度支付,必须于每交付期3日前付清。如乙方逾期未付,需按月交付0.5%滞纳金,超过七天未付,视为自动退租并按合同条款规定。 The rent payable on a quarterly basis, must pay up to date 3 days before pay cost. Party B will not pay, should be delivered by the month the fine for delaying payment of 0.5%, more than 7 days without pay, an automatic retreat hire. 6.在本合同有效期内租金不予调整。 The rent in the contract within the effective date will not be changed. 7.押金。乙方同意支付1个月房租计人民币叁仟元整作为押金(押金由居住人自行支付),自本合同签定日支付与甲方。合同期满,乙方如不再续租,甲方应在十天内(在乙方将全部电话费,水电费和煤气费付清后)将押金反还给乙方(不计利息)。


上海巿房屋租赁合同 上海市房屋土地资源管理局 上海市工商行政管理局制定 二008年4月印制 While all terms and conditions shall be based on the Chinese version of Tenancy Agreement, this English version shall be for reference only. 上海房屋租赁合同 SHANGHAI MUNICIPALITY TENANCY AGREEMENT (合同编号:) (Contract No. _________ )本合同双方当事人: Parties to Contract (出租)出租人(甲方): Lessor (Party A) : 承租方(乙方): Lessee (Party B) : 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《上海市房屋租赁条例》(以下简称:《条例》)的规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的基础上,经协商一致,就乙方承租甲方可依出租(出租)的商品房(房屋/商品房)事宜,订立本合同。

In accordance with the Laws of Contract of the People?s Republic of China and the Tenancy Regulations of the Shanghai Municipality (hereina fter referred to as “the Provisions”), Party A and Party B, having reached an agreement based on the principles of equality, willingness and mutual benefit, hereby enter into this Contract on matters in relation to the Lease of the Property by Party A to Party B. 一、出租房屋情况 Condition of the Lease or Pre-Lease Property 1-1甲方出租(出租)给乙方的房屋座落在本市(区/县)路号(弄/新村)(号/幢)室(部位)(以下简称该房屋)。该房屋实测(【出租】实测)建筑面积为平方米,房屋用途住宅,房屋结构为钢混。甲方已向乙方出示: Party A shall lease Party B the Property situated at , , (hereinafter referred to as “the Property”). The total gross area of the Lease Property shall be _________square meters, the purpose of the Land shall be for Consolidated Purpose , the type of Property shall be Residential Building , the structure shall be . The floor plan of the Property see Appendix 1 of this Contract. Party A has already presented to Party B: 1)【出租】房地产权证/房屋所有权证/ 沪房地产权证市字;(证书编号: 号。 [Lease] Shanghai Certificate of Ownership of the Property (Certificate No. ).


房屋租赁合同中英文合同范本 lease contract 出租方(甲方)lessor (hereinafter referred to as party a) : 承租方(乙方)lessee (hereinafter referred to as party b) : 根据国家有关法律、法规和有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协商一致,就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲方房屋事宜,订立本合同。 in accordance with relevant chinese laws 、 decrees and pertinent rules and regulations ,party a and party b have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract. 一、物业地址 location of the premises 甲方将其所有的位于上海市_________区____________________________________的房屋及其附属设施在良好状态下出租给乙方___________使用。 party a will lease to party b the premises and attached facilities all owned by party a itself, which is located at _______________________________________ __________________________ and in good condition for_____________ . 甲方如未按本合同规定的时间向乙方提供租赁房屋,应按延迟期间内乙方应交租金的_____%计算,向乙方偿付违约金。 1-该房屋的现有装修及设施状况,由双方在合同附件( )中加以列明。除双方另有约定外,该附件作为甲方按本合同约定交付乙方使用和乙方在本合同租赁期满交还该房屋时的验收依据。 二、房屋面积 size of the premises 出租房屋的登记面积为_________平方米(建筑面积)。 the registered size of the leased premises is_________square meters (gross size). 三、租赁期限 lease term


房屋租赁合同 House Lease Contract 出租方(甲方)Landlord: 承租方(乙方)Tenant : 居间方(丙方)Agent:

出租方(甲方) Landlord(Part A): _____________________________________________________ 承租方(乙方) Tenant (Part B): _____________________________________________________ Agency: BEIJING FANGEASYCO.LTD 第一条:租赁物业Tenancy: 1、甲方同意将位于北京市___________区___________________________________房屋及房内设备 设施在良好状态下出租给乙方。建筑面积为______________平米。 Party A hereby agrees to lease___________________________________and the fixtures, fittings and equipment therein are cleaned and in tenantable conditions to Party B. Total area of the leased property is ________㎡. 2、签订本合同之前,甲方必须向乙方出示有关物业的房地产产权证。产权证编号:___________如不能提供该文件,甲方必须提供相关有效的可证明其物业所有权的文件。若该物业产权证上所有权人的名称与此合同中甲方名称不一致。则必须提供甲方与物业所有权人的合法租赁协议的复印件。Prior to the execution of this agreement, Party A shall provide to Party B the Real Estate Ownership Certificate in respect of the Property. Ownership Certificate No.: . If this document is not available, Party A shall provide an alternative and acceptable proof of ownership. If the name on the ownership certificate is not the same as the name of Party A on this tenancy agreement, a copy of the additional leasing agreement between the rightful legal owner and party A must be supplied.第二条:租期Term of Tenancy: 1、租赁期为_____月,自______年_______月______日起至______年_______月______日止。 The above property is hereby leased for a term of _____________months, commencing On___________________________, and expiring on _______________________. 2、在租期开始三日前,出租房屋及其家俱电器应已装修或安装布置完毕,处于可供租赁的良好状态。The above property and its equipment and furniture shall be fully renovated or installed and in tenantable conditions three days before the commencement of the lease. 3、租期届满,甲方有权收回出租房屋及全部家俱、电器,乙方亦应如期交还(附件1);乙方如要求续租,则享有优先续租权,但必须在本租约固定期满前二个月向甲方提出书面申请,租金双方另行协商;如乙方不再续租,甲方有权向新租客展示该房。 On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the leased property in full, and Party B must deliver the leased property on the date of expiry (Appendix I). If Party B wishes to renew the lease after the tenancy period, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease with two months advance written notice to Party A. The revised rental shall be negotiated between the two parties. If party B not renew the lease contract, Party A have rights show the property to new tenant. 第三条:租金Rent:


房屋租赁合同英文版 篇一:房屋租赁合同中英文版 tenancy agreement 房屋租赁合同 出租人(以下简称甲方): landlord:(hereinafter called” party a”) 身份证号码(identity card no.):电话(tel):法定地址(registered address):代理人(agent):电话(tel):法定地址(registered address):代理人身份证号码(identity card no.): 承租人(以下简称乙方): tenant:(hereinafter called “party b” 护照/身份证号码(identity card no.):电话(tel):法定地址(registered address):甲、乙双方就甲方愿意出租、乙方自愿承租物业事宜,以双方协商一致,同意签订本房产租赁合约。 an agreement made between party a of the one part and party b of the other part whereby it is: 一、租赁物业名称(以下称“该物业”) name & address of property to be rented:(hereinafter called “the said premises”): 二、用途:该物业只供作住宅使用。 usage:for domesticuse only. 三、面积:该物业建筑面积为平方米。 area:square meter. 四、租约期限(terms of tenancy): 年固定租约由 formal tenancy:租赁期租金:每月人民币xx元整。此租金已经包含该房屋每月的出租税金。 六、付租条款(payment terms): 1、 . 五、租金(rent): 2、付款方式:乙方须以银行自动转帐方式在支付。


英文房屋租赁合同样本(合同 范本) Contracts concluded in accordance with the law have legal effect and regulate the behavior of the parties to the contract ( 合同范本 ) 甲方:______________________ 乙方:______________________ 日期:_______年_____月_____日 编号:MZ-HT-005659

英文房屋租赁合同样本(合同范本) 出租方(甲方)lessor (hereinafter referred to as party a) :承租方(乙方)lessee (hereinafter referred to as party b) :根据国家有关法律、法规和有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协商一致,就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲方房屋事宜,订立本合同。 in accordance with relevant chinese laws 、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations ,party a and party b have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract. 一、物业地址 location of the premises 甲方将其所有的位于上海市_____区______的房屋及其附属设 施在良好状态下出租给乙方_____使用。


房屋租赁合同LEASE CONTRACT-中英文对照 发布时间:2010-12-19 11:18:55 http: 本合同双方当事人 出租方(甲方): 承租方(乙方): 根据国家有关法律、法规和本市有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协商一致,就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲方房屋事宜,订立本合同。 一、建物地址 甲方将其所有的位于上海市区的房屋及其附属设施在良好状态下出租给乙方使用。 LEASE CONTRACT Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A): Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B): Party A and B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude thefollowing contract. 1.Location of the premises Party A will lease to Party B the premises and attached facilities owned by itself which is located at and in good condition for .

二、房屋面积 出租房屋的登记面积为平方米(建筑面积)。 三、租赁期限 租赁期限自____年__月__日起至____年__月__日止,为期年,甲方应于年月日将房屋腾空并交付乙方使用。 2.Size of the premises The registered size of the leased premises is __squaremeters (Gross size)。 3.Lease term The lease termwill be from(month)(day)(year) to_(month)___(day)___(year)。Party A will clear the premises and provide it to Party B for use before ___(month) ___(day)___(year)。 四、租金 1.数额: 双方商定租金为每月___元整(含管理费)。乙方以___形式支付给甲方. 2.租金按___月为壹期支付;第一期租金于___年___月___日以前付清;以后每期租金于每月的___日以前缴纳,先付后住(若乙方以汇款形式支付租金,则以汇出日为支付日,汇费由汇出方承担);甲方收到租金后予书面签收。 3.如乙方逾期支付租金超过七天,则每天以月租金的 0.3%支付滞纳金;如乙方逾期支付租金超过十天,则视为乙方自动退租,构成违约,甲方有权收回房屋,并追究乙方违约责任。 4.Rental


房屋租赁合同 出租方(甲方) Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A): 承租方(乙方) Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B): 根据国家有关法律、法规和有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协商一致,就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲 方房屋事宜,订立本合同。 In accordance with relevant Chinese laws、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations, Party A and Party B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract. 一、物业地址Location of the premises 甲方将其所有的位于南京市浦口区 的_ 房屋 及其附属设施(床,书桌,衣橱,空调)在良好状态下出租给乙方使用。 Party A will lease to Party B the premises and attached facilities all owned by Party A itself, which is located at ________________ and in good condition for bed, desk, wardrobe and air-condition. 二、房屋面积Size of the premises 出租房屋的登记面积为平方米(建筑面积)。 The registered size of the leased premises is square meters (Gross size). 三、租赁期限Lease term 租赁期限自____ 年___月___日起至 _____ 年___月___日止,为期___年. The lease term will be from (month) ____ (day) ____ (year) to _____ (month) ___ (day) _____ (year). 四、租金Rental 1.数额:双方商定租金为每月人民币300 元(叁佰元)整. Amount: the rental will be 300 RMB per month.

房屋租赁合同中英文 正规房屋租赁合同范本

房屋租赁合同中英文正规房屋租赁合同范本第一章合同双方 第1条(略) 第2条(略) 第3条(略) 第二章出租房屋 第4条 4.1甲方同意出租给乙方,乙方同意向甲方租赁按本合同经双方同意的附件B “出租房屋图示”所确定的房屋(附件B1:所有的面积表;B2:所有楼层的图纸中出租面积用粉红色标明;B3:按已批准的扩初设计制作的全套建筑图纸) 。该出租房屋与扩初设计一致,其竣工后与竣工图一致,并且与本合同的条款一致。甲方得到施工图就向乙方提供。 4.2如果因为中国政府或建筑技术的要求与扩初设计的图示相比较,甲方对出租房屋的建筑和/或对最后竣工的出租房屋作了改变,

只要这些变更不改变按本合同规定的出租房屋的用途,提供了相应的装修和设备,而且只要这类改变对实际的使用面积不作大的变化的话,双方同意这些更改。在这种情况下双方应继续受本合同的所有条款的约束,而且乙方同意不应对这些更改提出任何索赔或其他要求。 4.3出租房屋的建筑的内外装修应根据甲方和出租房屋建筑的承包商之间的施工协议的标准说明(附件C) ,由甲方自费设计和实施。乙方要求对附件C 作出的任何改变应得到甲方的书面同意,由此而 产生的任何费用由乙方承担。 第5条 5.1______双方希望出租房屋所在的建筑的建造将以正常的建造 速度进行,以便在______年______月______日或者由甲方在缔结中心建筑合同后______个工作日内通知的其他日期竣工并交付使用。甲方应提前______ 个月以书面形式通知乙方出租房屋的租赁(以及第9 条中规定的义务) 应根据本合同的条款开始生效的日子(以下称为 “开张日期”) ,但在开张日之前出租房屋应已由甲方从承包商手中接收过来“开张日期”不应比______年______月______日或前面所说的甲方通知乙方的其他日期早于或晚于______个工作日。如果“开张日期”超过______年______月______日或上述其他所定日期 ______


房屋租赁合同 Residential Lease Contract 出租方:(以下简称甲方) 承租方:(以下简称乙方) Parties hereto Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A) : Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B) : 甲、乙双方就房屋租赁事宜,达成如下协议: Party A and B have, in respect of leasing the dwelling unit owned by Party A to Party B, reached the following agreement. 一、甲方将位于房屋出租给乙方居住使用,租赁期限自年月日至年月日。 1. Party A will lease to Party B the dwelling unit located at ________________. The lease term will be from ___(month)___ (day)___(year)to___(month)___(day)___(year). 二、本房屋月租金为人民币元,按年结算。每年——月 15 日内,乙方向甲方支付年租金 2. The rent will be ___ RMB per month. Party B shall make the annual payment of the rent on or before the 15th day of ___ (month) each year to Party A. 三、乙方租赁期间,水费、电费、取暖费、燃气费、电话费、物业费以及其它由乙方居住而产生的费用由乙方负担。租赁结束时,乙方须交清欠费。 3. During the lease term, Party B shall pay fees of water, electricity, heat, gas, telephone, management fees and any other fees and charges incurred from facilities used by Party B. Upon expiry or termination of the lease term, Party B shall clear the arrears. 四、乙方同意预交元作为保证金,合同终止时,当作房租冲抵。 4. Party B agrees to pay RMB ___ in advance as security deposit. Upon expiry or termination of the contract, the security deposit shall be refunded in the form of a credit against the rent. 五、房屋租赁期为,从年月日至年月日。在此期间,任何一方要求终止合同,须提前三个月通知对方,并偿付对方总租金的违约金;如果甲方转让该房屋,乙方有优先 购买权。


精 丸 ' 又 本由 述双 签订 I S y the -- arties. ( ) (hereinafter referre a) an 承租 ) tenant a 承租区域 remises H 匕、 a ere b y re owner o he o an facilities there in con diti on to party to as pa “ the uare meters 【】单元(以 甲方同意将房 简称“ 甲方为 建筑面积为 租给 乙方,‘ day of of china 乙方”) 四、租赁期 ease term 年月 20XX con structi on area is ease the premises anc , which are in clean and tenantal for use as office(s) only. )rese nts that it is the lega | I 71 ■ apartme nt , gua ng hua lu soho (here in after 希.^^^Hhich agrees that it will l H|r the 【 ■ premise ease agre sig ned in beiji ng followi ng 年 月 日至年 月

the term of this lease agreement shall be for a period of 【】year(s) commencing from 【】until 【】。 4.2 租期届满,甲方有权收回全部房屋,乙方应在租期届满日或之前,以甲方交付时状态或双方共同认可的状态将房屋完好交还甲方。 upon expiry of this lease ,party a has the right to take back the entire premises ,and party b shall return the premises on or prior to the date of expiry in the same condition as it is delivered or the other condition the parties agree to party b by party a . 4.3 租期届满,乙方如要求续租,应在本合同期限届满前两个月提出书面申请,取得甲方同意后,甲、乙双方须另行签署租赁协议。 if party b wishes to renew the lease ,party b shall submit a written application to party a two months prior to the expiry of this lease ,and a lease agreement shall be concluded between the parties separately subject to party a ‘ s consent. 五、免租期(含装修期) grace period (including the decoration period ) 免租期为【】天,自年月日起至年月日止。乙方在免租期内免付租金。 the grace period shall be for a period of 【】days,commencing from 【】until 【. 】during the grace period party b need not pay the rent. 六、租金和其它费用: rent and other charges : 6.1 租金:房屋租金以每月每平方米(建筑面积)【】元人民币计算,建筑面积为【】平方米,计每月租金为【】元人民币,租金包含物业管理费、供暖费,甲方按合同金额开具税务发票,相关税费由【】方承担。 the rent is rmb 【】per square meter(construction area) per month. the area of the premises is 【】square meter


房屋租赁合同 House LeaseContract 出租方 (甲方)Landlord:承租方(乙方)Tenant 出租方 (甲方) Landlord(Part A): _____________________________________________________ 承租方 (乙方) Tenant (Part B): _____________________________________________________ 第一条:租赁物业Tenancy: 1、甲方同意将位于 ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________________ 房屋及房内设备设施在良好状态下出租给 乙方。建筑面积为______________平米。 Party A herebyagrees to lease ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________ and the fixtures, fittings and equipment therein are cleaned and in tenantableconditions to Party B. Total area of the leasedpropertyis ________㎡. 2、签订本合同之前,甲方必须向乙方出示有关物业的房地产产权证。产权证编号:___________如不能提供该文件,甲方必须提供相关有 效的可证明其物业所有权的文件。若该物业产权证上所有权人的名称与此合同中甲方名称不一致。则必须提供甲方与物业所有权人的合法租赁协议的复印件。 Prior to the execution of thisagreement, Party A shall provide to Party B the Real Estate Ownership with the No______. If this document is not available, Party A shall provide an alternative and acceptable proof of ownership. If the name on the ownership certificate is not the same as the
