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contract translate


A company incorporated in and under the laws of China with Registration office at *********,Herein represented by ****being duly authorized to do so. Referred in this contract as BUYER, this contract made to:

WHEREAS the BUYER is an International Trader of ****and the BUYER is desirous of buying all such ZIRCON SAND from the SELLER. The BUYER confirmed the purchase of the contracted amount from the SELLER in this contract. And WHEREAS the BUYER, is desirous of purchasing all such ****offered by the SELLER.

WHEREAS the SELLER, is a trader of the product subjected in this contract. The SELLER is willing to give all his productions and sales in this contract to the BUYER. And WHEREAS the SELLER is in the process of selling *****, which originates from mine site based in ***, at approximately ****MT or more per month.



Unless specifically stated the following terms in this contract shall refer to and will have the following meaning : Goods shall mean----; DMT shall mean dry metric ton DMT ; WMT ; shall mean wet metric ton ; Ton or "Metric Ton" shall mean a ton of 1.000 kilograms or 2,204.62 pounds avoirdupois wet or dry basis as stated ; Inspectorate shall mean independent inspectorate as SGS( Société Générale de Surveillance S.A, Switzerland) and/or its correspondence, CCIC (China Commodity Inspection Co.,Ltd.) and/or its correspondence, or any independent inspectorate accepted by both parties ; T/T shall mean Telegraphic Transfer ; L/C shall mean Irrevocable Letter of Credit in accordance and subject to Uniform Customs and Practice for Doc.

Credits Revision 1993 Publication N° 500 of ICC, Paris ; $ or dollar or cent shall mean dollars and cents of the United States of America official currency ; CIF shall mean cost , Insurance and freight as per Incoterms ICC 2000.



1. Unit Price: US$ ****(US Dollars:****Only) Per Dry Metric Ton Cost, Insurance, Fright (C.I.F) Shanghai port, P.R. China. Basis content *****.

2. If content*****Above / below than 60% Max the Basic Price shall be Increased /decreased Fraction scale Pro-rata USD11.50 (US Dollar: Eleven point Fifty Cent) per centigrade. But content ****must above than 55%.

3. If content *** below 55%, cargo shall be rejected and they must not in any case be loaded onto

4. Both Seller and Buyer agree to review the Selling Price on every 2 (two) shipments.


CIF Shanghai Port, P.R. China. Incoterms ICC 2000


Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, the quantity (all quantities being in tons)of the ****to be purchased during each monthly period shall be the quantity specified in the Delivery Order issued by BUYER prior to each and any shipment. By giving SELLER notice at least 21 (twenty one) working days before the beginning of each Period, BUYER may increase or decrease the quantity for such period subject to SELLER’S a pproval. BUYER recognizes that SELLER'S delivery capability may not be uniform.

Trial Shipment shall be at 500DMT in SELLER’S option. Monthly base Quantity shall be at 500DMT~1000DMT per month or more for the period of twelve (12) months performing contract, the exact quantity for each shipment will be agreed 7 working days period to the date of L/C opening by both SELLER and buyer.


1. The ZIRCON SAND shall be delivered to BUYER at destination sea port assigned by BUYER currently planned to be in Shanghai Port, P.R. China.

2. Goods shall be packaged per 50 Kgs of ZIRCON SAND in polypropylene Bags.

3. Partial shipment and transshipment are allowed

4. First shipment will be shipped not later than 14 (Four teen) days after receipt of operative Letter of Credit at Seller’s bank

5. 500mt~1000 MT monthly quantity (from 2nd to 13th

shipment) of the Contract should be shipped by 30 days after received of the monthly operative Letter of Credit at Seller’s bank for each month’s quantity

6, the shipment will be made by 20” FCL containers .each container will load about 22mt~24mt .


1. Analysis at Loading Port: At the time of loading of this shipment,PT.SUCOFINDO(SGS) appointed by the SELLER shall take representative samples in accordance the prevailing standards. The BUYER or BUYER’S representative approved by the SELLER shall have the right to be present at such Sampling at the BUYER’S expense. PT. SUCOFINDO (SGS) shall analyze for Zircon Dioxide (ZrO2) content and other chemical composition on dry basis, free moisture loss at 105 DEGREE C AND physical composition on wet basis.

2. The cost of such sampling and analysis shall be born by the SELLER. The analysis thus determined shall be the basis for PROVISIONAL INVOICE as per Clause 9.5. The SELLER shall advice the BUYER by Fax/Email within Five (5) working days after sailing of the vessel from the loading port, of the contents of such analysis Certificate and the amount of the Provisional Invoice.

3. Analysis at discharging port: At the time of discharging port, CCIQ/CIQ China shall take representative samples in accordance with the prevailing standards. The SELLER or SELLER’S representative approved by the BUYER shall have the right to be present at such Sampling at the SELLER’S expense. CCIQ/CIQ China shall analyze the samples so taken for physical composition of Iron Ore and free moisture content.

4. After completion by CCIQ/CIQ China of analysis for physical composition and free moisture content, the sample taken for chemical analysis shall be divided into three equal parts and sealed, one for the BUYER, one for SELLER and the Third to be retained for Umpire Purpose.

5. CCIQ/CIQ China shall analyze one of portions for Zircon Dioxide (ZrO2) content and other chemical composition on Dry basis as set forth in Clause 2 shall issue a Certificate of such analysis. Such certificate shall be couriered to SELLER within 20~30 days after completion of discharge of a shipment of Chinese port.

6. The Certificate of CCIQ/CIQ China thus determined shall be FINAL and be considered to constitute the analysis of Final Settlement of the said shipment, PROVIDED any difference in ZrO2; Tio2; Sio2; Fe2O3 and Al2O3 between CCIQ/CIQ China’s analysis and the analysis of PT. SUCOFINDO (SGS) appointed by the SELLER at the loading

port, does not appear to be more than 0.2 percent.

7. In case of any difference in percentage of ZrO2 content between CCIQ/CIQ china and the said loading port analysis is more than 0.2% to 0.5% or if there exists a significant difference between the two said analysis of the respect of any one or more chemical contents other than ZrO2, then the excessive part over 0.2 and up to 0.5% should be equally borne by the two parties.

8. And if the difference in any of the contents ZrO2; Tio2; Sio2; Fe2O3 and Al2O3 between the two analyses is more than 1%, the SELLER shall consult with the BUYER to reconcile such difference. If after consultation between the SELLER and the BUYER, the difference cannot be reconciled, either SELLER or BUYER maybe allowed to appeal to the opposite for an umpire analysis on the reserved umpire sample by an umpire chemist mutually agreed between the SELLER and the BUYER and result of umpire analysis thus obtained shall be than considered as to constitute the analysis are borne by the party whose initial analysis shows greater difference from the umpire analysis.

9. If the umpire analysis is the exact mean of the analysis of PT.SUCOFINDO( (SGS) and the analysis of CCIQ China, then such expenses shall be equally borne by both parties.


Weighing at loading port: At the loading port, the SELLER at the SELLER’S expenses shall engage PT. SUCOFINDO (SGS) to determine the weight of the shipment of Zircon sand by scales the

weight/quantity of Zircon Sand as ascertained and certified shall be the basic of the SELLER’S invoice.

Weighing at the Discharging port: At the discharging port, the BUYER shall at BUYER’S expense applies the China Entry-Exit Inspection And Quarantine Bureau/CCIQ/CIQ China for weighing, the weight of each shipment at the discharging port is to be ascertained by scales ..

1. The weight determined by CCIQ/CIQ china should be FINAL as to wet quantity in the relevant shipment, PROVIDED that the difference in weight between the weight issued by PT.SUCOFINDO (SGS) and by CCIQ China shall not be more than 5%.

2. The final dry weight shall be calculated by deducting the final free moisture content, in the event that is impossible or extremely difficult to conduct the weight at the loading and/or discharging port; SELLER and BUYER shall decide an alternative method of weighing through mutual agreement.

3. If no scale is preformed at the discharging port, the

PT. SUCOFINDO (SGS) weight certificate at loading port will be registered as FINAL.


1. Payment to be made by

Irrevocable,Transferrable ,payable at sight 95% Letter of Credit covering above 100% of the CIF each shipment’s Value.

2. The buyerr shall open an Irrevocable, transferrable; Payable at Sight 95%, documentary Letter of Credit to the seller’s Bank, (Standard Chartered Bank,Beijing Brnach ) covering above 100% of cargo value. The total amount for the first L/C sum is US$ 345,000 +/- 5 for the first shipment.

3. The Master L/C opening banks will be major Chinese Banks,in the L/C, must mark “ this L/C is a transferable L/C, the transferring Bank is standard Chartered Bank,Beijing Branch”

4. The BUYER must send a copy of the L/C Draft to the SELLER for approval, once the SELLER approve of the Letter of Credit.

5. Documents shall be presented within 14 days after the date of shipment but within the validity of the L/C .The provisional payment for the amount of 95% of the cargo value shall be paid at sight drawn from the L/C against presentation of the following documents :

a. Full set (3/3) of clean on board ocean bill of lading.

b. Beneficiary’s signed provisional commercial invoice in three (3) originals and three (3) copies indicating contract number, L/C number and date.

c. Certified certificates of weight and quality are to be issued & conducted by an independent and internationally recognized surveyor in the loading port, PT. Superintending Company of Indonesia, Worldwide Services Correspondents of SGS Geneva, (hereunder refer as PT Sucofindo), in three (3) originals and three (3) copies consisting of:

d. The scale report certifying the weight of goods on board.

e. Certificate of quality and supervision/loading report indicating test methods and actual test results with full

specifications as called for by the L/C.

f. Original Packing List (3/3) evidencing B/L number, numbers of bags, gross weight and net weight.

g. Certificate of origin, in one (1) original and three (3) copies issued by Chamber of Commerce of country of origin.

One set of shipment documents including information of ETA, description of goods, name of vessel, B/L no., wet or gross weight, shipment date and one set copy of invoice, B/L, certificates issued by PT Sucofindo to be sent by the Seller to the Buyer by fax & email within 3 days after completion of loading.

6. Balance Payment shall be made under T/T bank transfer at the amount of 5% of final invoice upon conclusion of the following documents:

? Final Invoice based on the inspection result by CIQ ? Inspection report by CIQ at discharging port.

7. The balance payment shall be settled by telegraphic transfer (T/T) to any Bank account nominated by the SELLER. The amount difference will be settl ed after 20`30 days from the date of vessel’s arrival, or to be effected by T/T within 5 working days after receiving the CIQ’S inspection report.


In the event of any strikes, act of God, war, warlike operations, force majeure, lock-out, combination of workmen, interference of trade union, suspension of labor, fire accident, or of any other case whatsoever beyond the control of SELLER or BUYER whether of the foregoing nature or not, preventing them or hindering them or either of them from giving or receiving the delivery under this contract shall be suspended during such time provided any such inability by either party contracting hereto BUYER giving notice under this clause, the contract shall be each time extended for a period equal to the period of suspension. But if such period of suspension extends for more than

90 days, the party having received the notice of suspension shall have

a right to terminate contract forthwith by giving notice of this to the other party.



In the event of partial loss/or damaged of the cargo due to insured

perils before completion of weighing, sampling and moisture determination at the destination, final settlement shall be made as soon as all the necessary data is available on the basis of shipped weight, the assays agreed to as provided in Clause “Weighing, Sampling and Moisture Determination” and “Assays” on that part o f cargo, which has been safely, delivered and otherwise with the term of this contract.


In the event of total loss of the cargo, the final settlement is to be made as soon as all the necessary details are available based on shipped weight and moisture, assay issued by the independent at loading and otherwise with the term of this contract.


Marine Insurance: To be covered by the SELLER’S beneficiary Insurance will be covered by the SELLER of 110% of the invoice value against ALL RISKS, the seller should inform buyer by fax within 3 (Three) working day from the Bill of Lading date :- the details of goods description, quantity / weight, invoice value, B/L date, B/L No., vessel’s name, etc.


In the event that SELLER is liable for the discrepancies and the BUYER lodges a claim within Sixty (60) days after discharge of the goods at the destination, such claim must be accompanied by an inspection certificate issued by CIQ or equivalent.


All disputes in accordance with this contract shall, unless amicably settled between the parties be finally settled under the rules of conciliation and arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Singapore.

It is understood that in the event of dispute or arbitration, both the English language is working languages, and the award of ICC shall be final and binding on both parties.


1. Should the SELLER fails to effect on time as stipulated in this contract owing to causes other than Force Majeure as provided in Clause 10 of this contract, the BUYER shall have the right to lodge

a claim.

2. Penalty [SELLER’s Fault] shall be charged at the daily rate of 0.3% of pro rata temporize of the value of the undelivered commodity but the total amount shall not exceed 5% of the value of the cargo involved.

3. The delay of shipment must not exceed 30 days after the latest shipment date of this contract. After the said 30 (Thirty) days


合同编号:WU-PO-545-97 国际货物买卖合同的根本违约标准 样本 In Order T o Protect The Legitimate Rights And Interests Of Each Party, The Cooperative Parties Reach An Agreement Through Common Consultation And Fix The Responsibilities Of Each Party, So As T o Achieve The Effect Of Restricting All Parties 甲方:_________________________ 乙方:_________________________ 时间:________年_____月_____日 A4打印/ 新修订/ 完整/ 内容可编辑

国际货物买卖合同的根本违约标准 样本 使用说明:本合同资料适用于协作的当事人为保障各自的合法权益,经过共同协商达成一致意见并把各方所承担的责任固定下来,从而实现制约各方的效果。资料内容可按真实状况进行条款调整,套用时请仔细阅读。 案情 上海甲公司将于20xx年9月25日筹办大型庆祝宴会、20xx年8月25日,因客户丙对宴会的主菜牛排提出7肉质要求,故与美国*公司签订合同:甲公司向乙公司购买u.s.d.a.prim安格斯菲力牛排500奔斤:甲公司特地向乙公司说明了合同的意图,并强调了牛排的等级要求。 乙公司随后开始组织资源。固装货延误,在 20xx年9月24日送到上海。随后,甲方在验货时发现,u.s.d.a.prim级牛排只有200公斤,其余为


国际货物买卖(进口/出口)合同 (中文版) 合同编号: 签约日期: 签约地点: 卖方(签章): 地址: 电话: 传真: 电子邮箱: 买方(签章): 地址: 电话: 传真: 电子邮箱: 买卖双方在平等、互利原则上,经充分协商一致,由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物,并按下列条款履行: 第一条.品名、规格: 单位: 数量: 单价: 总价: 总金额: 第二条.原产国别和生产厂: 第三条.包装: 须用坚固的木箱或纸箱包装。以宜于长途海运/邮寄/空运及适应气候的变化。并具备良好的防潮抗震能力。 由于包装不良而引起的货物损伤或由于防护措施不善而引起货物损失,卖方应赔偿由此而造成的全部损失费用。 包装箱内应附有完整的维修保养、操作使用说明书。 第四条.装运标记: 卖方应在每个货箱上用不褪色油漆标明箱号、毛重、净重、尺寸、合同号、目的港、收货人编号并书以“防潮”、“小心轻放”、“此面向上”等字样和装运:。 第五条:交货条件: FOB/CFR/CIF/ ,。 除非另有规定“FOB”,“CFR”和“CIF”均应依照国际商会制定的《国际贸易术语解释通则》(INCOTERMS1990)办理。

第六条.装运日期: 第七条.装运港口: _ 第八条.卸货港口: 第九条.保险: 当交货条件为FOB或CFR时,应由买方负责投保。 当交货条件为CIF时,应由卖方按发票金额%投保险;附加险:。 第十条.支付条件: (1)信用证(L/C)支付方式: 买方收到卖方交货通知后,应在交货日前天,由________ 银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销/可撤销信用证。信用证于装运日期后天内有效。 该信用证适用UCP500/UCP600/ 的规定 (2)托收(D/P或D/A)支付: A、货物装运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的即期跟单汇票(D/P),连同装运单据,通过卖方所在地银行和买方银行交给买方进行托收。 B、货物装运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的承兑跟单汇票(D/A),汇付款期限为后,按即期承兑交单(D/A 日)方式,通过买方所在地银行和买方________ 银行交给买方进行承兑,买方承兑后,向买方转交装运单据,买方按汇票期限到期支付货款。 (3)汇付(T/T或M/T): 买方在收到卖方依本合同第十一条规定提交的装运单据后日内,以电汇/信汇方式支付货款。 (4)直接付款: 买方收到卖方装运单据后天内,以航邮向卖方支付货款。 第十一条.单据: (1)卖方按照以下不同运输方式向买方提供相应单据: A、海运: 全套清洁海运提单,标明“运费付讫”/“运费预付”,作成空白背书并加注目的港________ 公司。 B、空运: 空运提单副本一份,标明“运费付讫”/“运费预付”,寄交买方。 (2)商业发票一式五份,标明合同号和货运唛头(若货运唛头多于一个,发票需单独开列),发票根据有关合同详细填写。 (3)在CIF条件下的保险单/保险凭证份。 (4)由厂商出具的装箱清单一式份。 (5)由厂商出具的质量和数量保证书。 (6)原产地证明书 (7)货物装运后立即用电报/信件通知买方。 第十二条.装运条件: (1)FOB条款: A、a、由买方负责按照合同规定的交货日期租船订舱。 b、卖方船运代理________ 公司________ ,(电报:________ ),负责


联合国国际货物销售合同公约 (CISG) 1980年4月11日订于维也纳 本公约各缔约国铭记联合国大会第六届特别会议通过的关于建立新的国际经济秩序的各项决议的广泛目标,考虑到在平等互利基础上发展国际贸易是促进各国间友好关系的一个重要因素,认为采用照顾到不同的社会、经济和法律制度的国际货物销售合同统一规则,将有助于减少国际贸易的法律障碍,促进国际贸易的发展,兹协议如下: 第一部分适用范围和总则 第一章适用范围 第一条 (1)本公约适用于营业地在不同国家的当事人之间所订立的货物销售合同: (a)如果这些国家是缔约国;或 (b)如果国际私法规则导致适用某一缔约国的法律。 (2)当事人营业地在不同国家的事实,如果从合同或从订立合同前任何时候或订立合同时,当事人之间的任何交易或当事人透露的情报均看不出,应不予考虑。 (3)在确定本公约的适用时,当事人的国籍和当事人或合同的民事或商业性质,应不予考虑。 第二条 本公约不适用于以下的销售: (a)购供私人、家人或家庭使用的货物的销售,除非卖方在订立合同前任何时候或订立合同时不知道而且没有理由知道这些货物是购供任何这种使用; (b)经由拍卖的销售; (c)根据法律执行令状或其它令状的销售; (d)公债、股票、投资证券、流通票据或货币的销售; (e)船舶、船只、气垫船或飞机的销售; (f)电力的销售。

第三条 (1)供应尚待制造或生产的货物的合同应视为销售合同,除非订购货物的当事人保证供应这种制造或生产所需的大部分重要材料。 (2)本公约不适用于供应货物一方的绝大部分义务在于供应劳力或其它服务的合同。 第四条 本公约只适用于销售合同的订立和卖方和买方因此种合同而产生的权利和义务。特别是,本公约除非另有明文规定,与以下事项无关: (a)合同的效力,或其任何条款的效力,或任何惯例的效力; (b)合同对所售货物所有权可能产生的影响。 第五条 本公约不适用于卖方对于货物对任何人所造成的死亡或伤害的责任。 第六条 双方当事人可以不适用本公约,或在第十二条的条件下,减损本公约的任何规定或改变其效力。 第二章总则 第七条 (1)在解释本公约时,应考虑到本公约的国际性质和促进其适用的统一以及在国际贸易上遵守诚信的需要。 (2)凡本公约未明确解决的属于本公约范围的问题,应按照本公约所依据的一般原则来解决,在没有一般原则的情况下,则应按照国际私法规定适用的法律来解决。 第八条 (1)为本公约的目的,一方当事人所作的声明和其它行为,应依照他的意旨解释,如果另一方当事人已知道或者不可能不知道此一意旨。 (2)如果上一款的规定不适用,当事人所作的声明和其它行为,应按照一个与另一方当事人同等资格、通情达理的人处于相同情况中,应有的理解来解释。 (3)在确定一方当事人的意旨或一个通情达理的人应有的理解时,应适当地考虑到与事实有关的一切情况,包括谈判情形、当事人之间确立的任何习惯作法、惯例和当事人其后的任何行为。


国际货物买卖合同范本最新 国际货物买卖合同是营业地处于不同国家境内的买卖双方当事人之间,买卖货物、支付货款的协议。下面小编就给大家分享看看买卖合同,希望大家参考哦! 国际货物买卖合同范本1 甲方:______________________________(以下简称为甲方) 乙方:______________________________(以下简称为乙方) 甲、乙双方为发挥各自优势,联合开拓甲方之________白酒的销售市场,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》,双方本着诚信、开拓市场、互利互惠、共同发展的原则达成协议如下: 一、确定销售关系 1.甲、乙双方根据本合同确立销售关系,不经甲方特别书面授权,乙方只有销售甲方产品的权利,乙方无权代甲方做出任何承诺或立下任何债务。 2.乙方与甲方的合作性质为________ 经销商。 二、销售区域、期限

1.乙方销售甲方产品,仅限于在________ (以行政区域划分)内进行销售,不得擅自超出该区域进行销售。 2.乙方若需开辟其它区域市场,须征得甲方书面同意和授权。 3.销售期限:从________ 年________月________日至 ________年________月________日。 三、销售产品 1.销售产品为甲方现有________ 等系列产品(以下简称产品),质量及包装标准以产品生产企业标准为准。 2.甲方开发其他新产品,将另行通知乙方具体销售政策,经甲、乙双方同意后可另行签约或以本合同为准。 3.乙方同意按照双方约定的价格体系销售产品(价格体系见附表) 四、销售目标 1.乙方在本合同有效期限内完成销售目标(指乙方累计购货金额)(见下表)乙方合同期限内进货金额不得低于_____万元/年。分月销售目标分解(见下表)(以当月_________日前货款到甲方账上为准) (单位:万元)


国际货物买卖合同书中英文范本 SALES CONTRACT 编号:No: 日期:Date: 签约地点:Signed at: 卖方:The Seller: 地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:fax: 电子邮箱:E-mail: 买方:The Buyer: 地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:fax: 电子邮箱:E-mail: 买卖双方同意成交下列产品,订立条款如下:The undersigned Seller and Buyer have agreed to conclude the following transaction on terms and conditions as specified below: TIME OF SHIPMENT: 6. 装运时间:PORT OF SHIPMENT:装运港:PORT OF DESTINATION 目的港:PAYMENT:付款条件:7. INSURANCE:保险:8. □由卖方按发票金额的110%保一切险及战争险。买方如要求增加保额或保险范围,须承担因此增加的保险费。To be covered by the Seller for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risks. If additional insurance amount or coverage is required, the additional premium is to be borne by the Buyer.□由买方自理To be effected by the Buyer. 9. 付款条件Terms of Payment(以下四项任选一项): (1)信用证方式:Letter of Credit: 买方应在装运期前/合同生效后__日,开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的议付信用证,信 用证在装船完毕后__日内到期。. The Buyer shall, ______ days prior to the time of shipment /after this Contract comes into effect, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller. The Letter of Credit shall expire ____ days after the completion of loading of the shipment as stipulated. (2) 付款交单:Documents against payment: 货物发运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的付款跟单汇票,按即期付款交单(D/P)方式,通过卖


联合国国际货物销售合同公约1980年4月11日订于维也纳 本公约各缔约国铭记联合国大会第六届特别会议通过的关于建立新的国际经济秩序的各项决议的广泛目标,考虑到在平等互利基础上发展国际贸易是促进各国间友好关系的一个重要因素,认为采用照顾到不同的社会、经济和法律制度的国际货物销售合同统一规则,将有助于减少国际贸易的法律障碍,促进国际贸易的发展,兹协议如下: 第一部分适用范围和总则 第一章适用范围 第一条 (1)本公约适用于|营业地在不同国家的当事人之间所订立的货物销售合同: (a)如果这些国家是缔约国;或 (b)如果国际私法规则导致适用某一缔约国的法律。扩大适用,国际私法规范 (2)当事人营业地在不同国家的事实,如果从合同或从订立合同前任何时候或订立合同时,当事人之间的任何交易或当事人透露的情报均看不出,应不予考虑。 (3)在确定本公约的适用时,当事人的国籍和当事人或合同的民事或商业性质,应不予考虑。 (不是国籍标准) 第二条本公约不适用于以下的 销售:排除条件电令私卖船票 (a)购供私人、家人或家庭使用的货物的销售,除非卖方在订立合同前任何时候或订立合同时不知道而且没有理由知道这些货物是购供任何这种使用;消费者权益保护 (b)经由拍卖的销售;(特殊规则) (c)根据法律执行令状或其它令状

This Conven ti on does not apply to sales: (a) of goods bought for pers on al, family or household use, uni ess the seller, at any time before or at the con clusi on of


国际货物买卖合同(一) 合同编号:________ 买方:______________ 法定住址:__________ 法定代表人:________ 职务:______________ 委托代理人:________ 身份证号码:________ 通讯地址:__________ 邮政编码:__________ 联系人:____________ 电话:______________ 传真:______________ 账号:______________ 电子信箱:__________ 卖方:______________ 法定住址:__________ 法定代表人:________ 职务:______________ 委托代理人:________ 身份证号码:________ 通讯地址:__________ 邮政编码:__________ 联系人:____________ 电话:______________ 传真:______________ 账号:______________ 电子信箱:__________ 鉴于买方为____需要同意购买,卖方同意出售下列货物,双方本着自愿、平等、互惠互利、诚实信用的原则,经充分友好协商,订立如下合同条款,以资共同恪守履行。 第一条买卖标的 1.名称:________ 2.品种:________ 3.规格:________ 4.质量:按下列第项执行: 以实物表示货物质量。包括凭成交货物的实际品质和凭样品两种方法。根据提供样品者的不同可分为:卖方样品,买方样品,对等样品。 以说明表示商品质量。即以文字、图表、照片等方式说明商品质量。 A.凭规格买卖:利用一些足以反映商品品质的主要指标,如化学成分、含量、纯度、性能、容量、长短、粗细等来确定货物的品质; B.凭等级买卖:通过同一类商品按规格上的差异,分为品质优劣各不相同的若干等级来确定货物的品质; C.凭标准买卖:通过由国家或有关政府主管部门、同业公会、交易所或国际性的工商


协议编号:LX-FS-A29879 国际货物买卖合同标准范本 After Negotiation On A Certain Issue, An Agreement Is Reached And A Clause With Economic Relationship Is Concluded, So As To Protect Their Respective Legitimate Rights And Interests. 编写:_________________________ 审批:_________________________ 时间:________年_____月_____日 A4打印/ 新修订/ 完整/ 内容可编辑

国际货物买卖合同标准范本 使用说明:本协议资料适用于经过谈判或共同协商的某个问题,在取得一致意见后并订立的具有经济或其它关系的契约条款,最终实现保障各自的合法权益的结果。资料内容可按真实状况进行条款调整,套用时请仔细阅读。 国际货物买卖合同阅读 买方:______ 地址:____ 邮码:____ 电话:____ 法定代表人:____ 职务:____ 国籍:____ 卖方:______ 地址:____ 邮码:____ 电话:____ 法定代表人:____ 职务:____ 国籍:____ 经买卖双方在平等、互利原则上协商一致,达成本协议各条款,共同履行: 第一条货物名称:____ 第二条产地:____

第三条数量:____ 第四条商标:____ 第五条价格:____fob____ 第六条包装:____ 第七条付款条件:签订合同后买方于7个银行日内开出以卖方为受益人的、经确认的、不可撤销的、可分割、可转让的、不得分批装运的、无追索权的信用证。 第八条装船:从卖方收到买方信用证日期算起,45天内予以装船,若发生买方所订船舶未按时到达装货,按本合同规定,卖方有权向买方索赔损毁/耽搁费,按总金额____%计算为限。因此,买方需向卖方提供银行保证。 第九条保证金:卖方收到买方信用证的14个银行日内,向买方寄出____%的保证金或银行保


1.装船条件: Terms of Shipment: 离岸加运费价条款:卖方应在本合同第(9)条规定之时间内,将货物由装船口岸直接船运到中国口岸,在未经征得买方同意前,中途不得转船。货物不得用悬挂买方不能 接受国家的旗帜的船只装运。 For CFR Terms: The Sellers shall ship the goods within the time as stipulat ed in Clause (9) of this Contract by a direct vessel sailing from the port of loading to China Port. Transhipment enroute is not allowed without the B uyers' consent.The goods should not be carried by vessels flying of the cou ntries not acceptable to the Buyers. 离岸价条款: For FOB Terms: (A)装运本合同货物的船只,由买方或买方运输代理人中国租船公司(地址: 电报挂号:)租定舱位。卖放应负责将所订货物在本合同第(9)条规定的装船期限内按买方所通知的任何日期装上买方指定的船只。 The shipping space for the contracted goods shall be booked by the Buyers o r the Buyers'shipping agent,China National Chartering Corporation (Address: Address:).The Sellers shall undertake to lo ad the contracted goods on board the vessel nominated by the Buyers on any date notified by the Buyers, within the time of shipment stipulated in the Clause (9) of this Contract. (B)货物装运前10—15日,买方应电告卖方合同号、船只名称、船只预计到港日期、 装运数量及船运代理人的名称,以便卖方可与该船运代理人联系及安排货物的装运。 卖方应将联系结果及时报告买方,如买方因故需要变更船只或有关船只提前或推迟到


编号:YB-HT-026040 国际货物买卖合同书详细版 The contract stipulates mutual obligations and rights that must be performed 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日 精品合同 / Word文档 / 文字可改 编订:Yunbo Design

国际货物买卖合同书详细版 买方:____________________________________ 地址:____________邮码:____________电话:____________ 法定代表人:____________职务:____________国籍:____________ 卖方:____________________________________ 地址:____________邮码:____________电话:____________ 法定代表人:____________职务:____________国籍:____________ 经买卖双方在平等、互利原则上协商一致,达成本协议各条款,共同履行: 第一条货物名称:____________________ 第二条产地:____________________

第三条数量:____________________ 第四条商标:____________________ 第五条价格:____________________fob________________ 第六条包装:____________________ 第七条付款条件:签订合同后买方于7个银行日内开出以卖方为受益人的、经确认的、不可撤销的、可分割、可转让的、不得分批装运的、无追索权的信用证。 第八条装船:从卖方收到买方信用证日期算起,45天内予以装船,若发生买方所订船舶未按时到达装货,按本合同规定,卖方有权向买方索赔损毁/耽搁费,按总金额____%计算为限。因此,买方需向卖方提供银行保证。 第九条保证金:卖方收到买方信用证的14个银行日内,向买方寄出____%的保证金或银行保函。若卖方不执行本合同,其保证金买方予以没收。 第十条应附的单据:卖方向买方提供: 1.全套清洁提货单;


( 合同范本 ) 甲方: 乙方: 日期:年月日 精品合同 / Word文档 / 文字可改 联合国国际货物买卖合同公约 (合同范本) The contract concluded after the parties reached a consensus through equal consultations stipulates the mutual obligations and the rights they should enjoy.

联合国国际货物买卖合同公约(合同范本) 《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》除序言外,共分四部分,101条。第一部分共13条,对公约的适用范围和总则做出规定;第二部分共11条,规定合同订立程序和规则;第三部分共64条,就货物买卖的一般规则、买卖双方的权利义务、风险的转移等做出规定;第四部分是最后条款,对公约的保管、签字、加入、保留、生效、退出等做出规定。 (一)公约的宗旨和适用范围 根据公约在序言中的规定,公约的宗旨是建立新的国家经济秩序,在平等互利的基础上发展国际贸易,照顾到不同的社会、经济和法律制度,制定国际货物销售的统一规则,以减少法律障碍,促进国际贸易的发展。 公约的适用范围包括:1.公约适用的主体范围。公约适用于营业地在不同国家的当事人之间所订立的货物买卖合同,但必须具备

下列两个条件之一:或者双方当事人营业地所在国都是缔约国;或者虽然当事人营业地所在国不是缔约国,但根据国际私法规则导致应适用某一缔约国法律。2.公约适用的客体范围。公约适用的客体范围是“货物买卖”。但并非所有的国际货物买卖都属于公约的调整范围,公约排除了以下几种买卖:(1)以直接私人消费为目的的买卖;(2)拍卖;(3)依执法令状或法律授权的买卖;(4)公债、股票、投资证券、流通票据和货币的买卖;(5)船舶、气垫船和飞行器的买卖;(6)电力的买卖;(7)卖方绝大部分义务是提供劳务和服务的买卖。3.公约没有涉及的法律问题。公约的规定并没有涉及国际货物买卖合同的所有方面,以下问题公约没有涉及:合同的效力,或其任何条款的效力或惯例的效力;合同对所有权的影响;货物对人身造成伤亡或损害的产品责任问题。 在合同成立问题上,公约采用了传统的要约、承诺的理论。 (二)合同双方的义务 1.卖方的义务。 公约第30条至第44条主要规定了卖方的义务。卖方的义务主


国际货物买卖合同(中英文) 1.售货合同(sales contract) 编号 No. 日期 Date: 买方: The Buyers: 电报:传真: Cable: FAX 卖方: The Sellers: 电报:电传:传真: Cable: Telex: FAX 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商品: This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers ,whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the undermentioned commodity according to the term and conditions stipulated below.

(5)生产国别和制造厂商:COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS: (6)装运期限:TIME OF SHIPMENT: (7)装运口岸:PORT OF SHIPMENT: (8)到货口岸:PORT OF DESTINGATION: (9)保险:INSURANCE: 由买方投保。 To be coverd by the Buyers. (10)包装:PACKING: 须用坚固的新木箱/纸箱包装,适合长途海运,防湿、防潮、防震、防锈,而粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失,由于采用不充分或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损,卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和/或损失。 To be packed in new strong woden case (s) / carton (s) suitable for long distance ocean transportation and well protected against dampenss, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or


最新国际货物买卖合同范本精 华版 What the parties to the contract ultimately expect to get or achieve through the conclusion and performance of the contract ( 合同范本 ) 甲方:______________________ 乙方:______________________ 日期:_______年_____月_____日 编号:MZ-HT-003130

最新国际货物买卖合同范本精华版 合同号码: 86 日期: 中国化工进出口总公司(以下简称卖方)和株式会社(以下简称买方)双方经过友好协商,同意按照以下两部分条款签订本合同: 第一部分 一,商品品名:胜利原油 二,数量:吨 (换算原油重量按 GB1884-80方法进行) 三,规格:指标项目试验方法 ①密度:克/立方厘米 P20°C最高0.920 GB1884-80 ②含硫:重% 最高0.9 GB 387-64 ③含水:重% 最高1.0 GB 260-77

四,价格:本合同各交货期的具体价格原则上与86XOIL25J号合同,同一交货期有效的价格一致. 五,交货期:一九八六年第1季度吨 第2季度吨 第3季度吨 第4季度吨 上述各季度的装船月份由买方选定,但应在各季度前月15日以前通知卖方. 六,装船口岸:中国青岛港. 七,目的口岸:日本国港口. 八,付款条件:买方应于货物装船前十天,按本合同第二部分第三条①款双方商定的装船数量及期限,通过双方同意的银行开出以中国化工进出口公司山东省分公司为受益人的,不可撤销的可转让的,可分割的美元信用证.该信用证凭受益人出具的以开证行为付款人 的汇票以及本合同第一部分第九条所规定的各项单据,自提单日起三十天(包括提单日在内),由开证行将货款电汇中国银行. 信用证


国际货物买卖合同格式范本 买方:____________________________________ 地址:____________邮码:____________电话:____________ 法定代表人:____________职务:____________国籍:____________ 卖方:____________________________________ 地址:____________邮码:____________电话:____________ 法定代表人:____________职务:____________国籍:____________ 经买卖双方在平等、互利原则上协商一致,达成本协议各条款,共同履行: 第一条货物名称:____________________ 第二条产地:____________________ 第三条数量:____________________ 第四条商标:____________________ 第五条价格:____________________FOB________________ 第六条包装:____________________ 第七条付款条件:签订合同后买方于7个银行日内开出以卖方为受益人的、经确认的、不可撤销的、可分割、可转让的、不得分批装运的、无追索权的信用证。 第八条 装船:从卖方收到买方信用证日期算起,45天内予以装船,若发生买方所订船舶未按时到达装货,按本合同规定,卖方有权向买方索赔损毁/耽搁费,按总金额____%计算为限。因此,买方需向卖方提供银

行保证。 第九条保证金:卖方收到买方信用证的14个银行日内,向买方寄出____%的保证金或银行保函。若卖方不执行本合同,其保证金买方予以没收。 第十条应附的单据:卖方向买方提供: 1.全套清洁提货单; 2.一式四份经签字的商业发票; 3.原产地证明书; 4.装箱单; 5.为出口________所需的其他主要单据。 第十一条装船通知:卖方在规定的装货时间至少14天前用电报方式将装船条件告知买方,买方或其代理人将装货船估计到达装货港的时间告知卖方。 第十二条其他条款:质量、数量和重量的检验可于装货港一次进行,若要求提供所需的其他证件,其办理手续费、领事签证费应由买方负担。 第十三条装船时间: 第十四条装货效率:每一个晴天工作日,除星期日、节假日外,每舱口进货为________立方(吨)。 第十五条延期费/慢装卸罚款:对于________载重吨船来说,每天________U.S.D.。 第十六条不可抗力:签约双方的任何一方由于台风、地震和双方同意


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 国际货物买卖合同中英文对照版 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

国际货物买卖合同 买方: ________________________________ 卖方: ________________________________ 签订日期: _______ 年 ______ 月 ______ 日 买方: The Buyers: 传真: FAX: The Sellers: 电报: 电传: 传真: Cable: Telex: FAX: 电报: Cable:

本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商 品: This Con tract is madeby and betwee n the Buyers and Sellers ,whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the undermentioned commodity according to the term and con diti ons stipulated below. (1)货名及规格COMMODITYAND SPECIFICATIONS ⑵数量AMOUNT (3)单价PRICE (4)总价TOTAL PRICE (5)生产国别和制造厂商:COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS (6)装运期限:TIME OF SHIPMENT (7)装运口岸:PORT OF SHIPMENT (8)到货口岸:PORT OF DESTINGATION (9)保险:INSURANCE 由买方投保。


国际货物买卖合同模板大全国际货物买卖中有哪些注意事项,以下是CN人才小编带来买卖合同模板的相关内容,希望对你有帮助。 国际货物买卖合同模板一合同编号:____ 日期:____ 卖方:____ 签约地点:____ 地址:____ 电报挂号:____ 买方:____ 地址:____ 电报挂号:____ 兹经卖买双方同意成交下列商品订立条款如下: 1.商品:_________ 2.规格:_________ 3.数量:_________ 4.单价:_________ 5.总价:___(大写: )。______ 6.包装:_________ 7.装运期:____收到信用证后____天。______ 8.装运口岸和目的地:从__经__至__。 9.保险:____________ 10.付款条件:___________ (1)买方须于19__年__月__日前将保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让、可分割的即期信用证开到卖方。信用证议付有效期

延至上列装运期后,__天在__到期。 (2)买方须于签约后即付定金_____%。 11.装船标记及交货条件:货运标记由卖方指定。 12.注意:开立信用证时请注明合同编号号码。 13.备注:__________ 卖方:______ 买方:______ 注: ①格式合同亦称标准合同(standard contract)。在国际贸易买卖中,由一个国际组织或外贸商业组织或律师事务所根据买卖合同应具有的基本内容而拟定的固定条文,即成固定格式的空白标准合同。经双方当事人签字后,才能成为有效的合同,对双方当事人都有法律的约束力。 国际货物买卖合同模板二20__年__月__日__为卖方和__为买方。双方同意买卖__,其条款如下: 1.合同货物:____ 2.产地:____ 3.数量:____ 5.合同价格:____FOB____ 6.包装:____ 7.付款条件:签订合同后买方于7个银行日内开出以卖方为受益人的、经确认的、不可撤销的、可分割、可转让的、不得分批装运的、无追索权的信用证。


附1 国际货物买卖合同 Sales Contract 编号(No.):______________ 签约地(Signed at):________________ 日期(Date):__________________ 卖方(Seller):________________ 地址(Adress):_______________ 电话(Tel) :________________ 传真(Fax):______________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):_____________ 买方(Buyer0:_______________ 地址(Adress):_________________ 电话(Tel) :________________ 传真(Fax):______________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):_____________ 买卖双方经协商同意按下列条款成交:(The undersigned Seller and Buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions set forth as below:) 1、货物名称、规格和质量(Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity): 2、数量(Quantity): 3、单价及价格条款(Unit Price and Terms of Delivery):除非另有规定,贸易术语均应依照国际商会制定的《2000年国际术语解释通则》办理。(The trade terms shall be subject to International Rules for the International of Trade Terms 2000 provided by International Chamber of Commerce unless otherwise stipulated herein.) 4、总价(Total Amount): 5、允许溢短装(More or Less):______% 6、装运期限(Time of Shipment):收到可以转船及分批装运之信用证_______天内装运。(Within______days after receipt of L/C allowing transhipment and partial shipments ) 7、付款条件(Terms of Payment): 买方须于______前将保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期付款信用证开到卖方,该信用证的有效期延至装运期后______天在中国到期,并必须注明允许分批装运和转船。


合同编号:YT-FS-8726-32 国际货物销售合同范本 (完整版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

国际货物销售合同范本(完整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 第一部分特别条款 part i specific conditions 该特别条款不限制当事人双方作出另外的约定。 these specific conditions does not prevent the parties from agreeing other terms or further details in box i-16 or in one or more annexes. 卖方:买方: seller:____ buyer: ____ 地址(address): _____ 地址(address): _____ 电话(tel): _____ 电话(tel): _____ 传真(fax): _____ 传真(fax): _____ 电邮(e-mail):____ 电邮(e-mail): _____


国际货物买卖合同(中英文对照) 一、国际货物买卖交货条款 TERMS OF DELIVERY 1.装船条件: Terms of Shipment; 离岸加运费价条款:卖方应在本合同第(9)条规定之时间内,将货物由装船口岸直接船运到中国口岸,在未经征得买方同意前, 中途不得转船。货物不得用悬挂买方不能接受国家的旗帜的船只装运。 For CFR Terms: The Sellers shall ship the goods within the time as stipulated in Clause (9) of this Contract by a direct vessel sailing from the port of loading to China Port. Transhipment enroute is not allowed without the Buyers' consent.The goods should not be carried by vessels flying of the countries not acceptable to the Buyers. 国际货物买卖合同离岸价条款: For FOB Terms: (A)装运本合同货物的船只,由买方或买方运输代理人中国租船公司(地址:北京、二里沟。电报挂号:ZHOUGZU PEKING)租定 舱位。卖放应负责将所订货物在本合同第(9)条规定的装船期限内按买方所通知的任何日期装上买方指定的船只。 The shipping space for the contracted goods shall be booked by the Buyers or the Buyers'shipping agent,China National Chartering Corporation (Address: Er LiGou Beijing Cable Address:ZHOUGZU PEKING).The Sellers shall undertake to load the contracted goods on board the vessel nominated by the Buyers on any date notified by the Buyers, within the time of shipment stipulated in the Clause (9) of this Contract.
