<质量保证协议书> ●Form132
●机密等级: 普通
(Quality Agreement)
本质量保证协议书,依照XXX股份有限公司(“甲方”)与(“乙方”)之间的产品订购合同/协议(“协议”),自(MM/DD, YYYY)有效。质量保证协议书的内容与采购协议的条款如有相冲突或相矛盾的部分,以本质量保证协议书为准。
This Quality Agreement (“AGREEMENT”) is effective from(MM/DD, YYYY) according to Purchase Agreement and entered into between CHICONY POWER Technology Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to “CHICONY POWER”)
In the event of any discrepancy in AGREEMENT and any provisions in Purchase Agreement or Purchase Order, the AGREEMENT shall prevail.
本质量保证协议书适用于XXX 及上述各公司现在与未来在国内外所组设之任何公司、办事处、工厂、关系企业及(或)其他营业组织。
This Quality Agreement was written by Chinese and English, in the event that there is any discrepancy between these two version, Chinese version shall prevail.
1. 目的(Purposes)
2. 范围(Scopes)
3. 定义(Definitions)
4. 质量代表(Point of Contact)
5. 一般要求(General Requirements)
6. 质量目标(Quality Goals)
7. 检验标准(Inspection Criteria)
8. 技术支持(Technical Support)
9. 包装方式(Packing Methods)
10.不合格品处置(Non-conforming Products Dealing)
Attachment1:CHICONY POWER Components VLRR Target (DPPM)
1. 目的(Purposes)
(This AGREEMENT specifies the CHICONY POWER quality requirements for Supplier understanding and complying with CHICONY POWER’s quality standard and criteria in order to produce and deliver the defect-free products to CHICONY POWER, then create win-win relationship.)
2. 范围(Scopes)
(This AGREEMENT apply to all local or overseas supplier which manufactures or provides services, component and/or products to CHICONY POWER.)
3. 定义(Definitions)
4M: man、machine、material、method (人、机、料、法)
ANSI: American National Standards Institute (美国国家标准机构)
AVL: Approved Vendor List (合格供货商名录)
BOM: Bill of Materials (物料清单或材料表)
CE: Component Engineering (零件工程)
CIP: Continuous Improvement Plan (持续改善方案)
CPT: Chicony Power Technology(群光电能的简称)
DPPM: Defect Parts Per Million (每百万分之一的不良产品数)
ECR: Engineering Change Request (工程变更需求)
GP: Green Product/Partner (绿色产品/绿色伙伴)
HF: Halogen Free(Follows HPT-01-043, section 4. & 5.)
IQC: Incoming Quality Control (进料质量管理)
ISO: International Organization for Standardization (国际标准化组织)
LF: Lead Free(Follows HPT-01-043, section 4.)
MTBF: Mean Time Between Failures (平均失效间隔时间)
ORT: On-going Reliability Test (可靠度测试或是信赖度测试)
PMP: Process Management Plan (制程管理计划,即QC工程图)
QA: Quality Assurance (质量保证)
QBR: Quarterly Business Review (季度经营审核)
RoHS: Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances (Follows HPT-01-043)
SQE: Supplier Quality Engineer (供货商质量工程师)
SQM: Supplier Quality Management (供货商质量管理)
UL: Underwriters Laboratories (是美国第一家产品安全标准发展与认证的机构)
VLRR: Verified Line Reject Rate (在线淘汰率)