当前位置:文档之家› 购房合同(中英文版本)


Three-party Property Sales & Purchase Agreement

Agreement No.: S-34-700000

Three-party Property Sales & Purchase Agreement

Party A (Seller):

Party B (Buyer):

I. Sales & purchase of the property

Party A agrees to sell the property to Party B. The property is qualified for sale in the market in accordance with the regulation of Beijing Municipal Construction Committee. Together with the sales of the property, the allocated land area for the property and the usable term of the land is transferred to Party B jointly. The property is described as:

1.Serial no. of the title certificate of the property is:_____________________________;

2.Construction area: _________m2; usable floor space: __________m2(optional);

3.Together with the title of the property, facilities and interior decorations to be transferred are as described in Appendix (1);

4.Party A shall guarantee that it has completely disclosed the facts about the property, including but not limited to the title,

decoration and relevant information; Party B has fully understood the facts and agrees to buy the property voluntarily.

II. Sales price and terms of payment

1.Sales Price

Party A and Party B agree that the sales price of the property be(CAD ______);

The price includes: [price of the property], [public maintenance fund], [permanent interior decoration], [air-conditioners] and others

2.Terms of Payment

Party B shall make the payment in accordance with as follow:


Upon signing of this Agreement, Party B shall pay 10% of the price ( ________) as the deposit. This payment shall be made in accordance with ______as follow:

a.Paid to Party A in full and Party A shall issue an invoice;

b.Deposited temporarily This deposit will be released only when the title transfer from Party A to Party B is

completed and the property handover has been concluded, and the deposit will be released together with the

remaining payment to Party A. To do this, Party A and Party B need

Party A and Party B hereby agree that, for the afore-said method (b), once the escrow fund is deposited in the escrow account it is deemed that Party B has performed its payment obligation of deposit and the sales price.


a.Upon signing of this Agreement, Party B shall pay of the price as the deposit, which will be part of the down


b.Within days after signing of this Agreement, Party B shall make up the rest part of the down payment (the down

payment shall be no less thanof the price in accordance with mortgage bank’s requirement).

Through the negotiation, Party B agrees to make the afore-said payment in way as follow:

a.Paid in full amount to Party A and Party A shall issue an invoice;

b.Deposited temporarily into the escrow account This deposit will be released only when the title transfer from

Party A to Party B is completed and the property handover has been concluded, and the deposit will be

released together with the remaining payment to Party A. To do this, Party A and Party B need to sign a

separate Escrow Agreement with Region.

Party A and Party B hereby agree that, for the afore-said method (b), once the escrow fund is deposited in the escrow account it is deemed that Party B has performed its payment obligation of deposit and the down payment.

If Party B makes the remaining payment with bank mortgage, Party B shall sign a separate Entrusted Payment Authorization with Century 21 Beijing Region for its mortgage services.

a.If Party B satisfies the criteria of getting the mortgage loan through the examination of the lending bank, the

lending bank shall remit the loan in lump sum to the special settlement account opened by Party A at the bank in

accordance with the Entrusted Payment Authorization.

b.In case Party B does not satisfy the criteria of getting the loan through the examination of the lending bank, Party

B will choose the following methods as the solution:

i)Within days after the bank decides not to provide the loan, Party B shall raise the remaining payment

by himself and pay in cash to Party A. Party B shall bear all the expenses occurred during this period;

ii)Terminate this Agreement, and Party A and Party B shall refund the money which have been paid to each other. Party B shall bear all the expenses occurred during this period.

3.Taxes and fees

A.Party A and Party B shall pay all the taxes and fees respectively in accordance with relevant regulations of the state and

local governments. shall assist Party A and Party B to calculate relevant taxes and fees. Through negotiation, Party A and Party B agree to bear the taxes and fees as follows:

For any taxes or fees unspecified, unclear, or changed with the policy, Party A and Party B shall reach a consensus days before the title transfer, or Party A and Party B shall make the payment in accordance with the government regulation.

Fees including but not limited to property management fee, utility fees for water, electricity, gas, telephone and others before the handover of the property is concluded shall be born by Party A. And the fees after shall be born by Party B.

B. Party A and Party B may entrust to pay the aforesaid taxes and fees and shall transfer the payment proof, receipts and invoices issued by relevant government to the parties that make the payment.

III. Commission and terms of payment

The afore-said commission shall no be refunded by to any party shall this agreement fail to be performed due to default of either Party A or Party B once this Agreement is entered by the three parties.

IV. Title transfer agency services

Party A and Party B shall prepare the certificates and materials for title transfer and shall provide chargeable title transfer services for Party A and Party B with fees.

V. Handover of the property

1.Party A and Party B agree that Party A shall vacate the propert days before the title transfer. shall assist Party A and Party B

with the handover of the property. In case Party A and Party B agree to conduct handover of the property after the title transfer, Party A shall pay a deposit in the amount and this amount will be refunded to Party B after the handover of the property is completed.

2.Party A shall promise to compensate Party B for the damage to or the dismantling of the decorations and accessories

covered by Appendix I of the agreement from the signing of the agreement to the handover of the property in accordance with the evaluation of the damaged or dismantled decorations and accessories.

3.Party A shall bear the property management fee and other relevant fees before the handover of the property and the

aforesaid fees shall be paid by Party B after the handover of the property.

4. Party A and Party B agree to conduct the title transfer days after signing of this Agreement taking title certificate and relevant material. will inform the specific date. Party shall pay the taxes and fees for title transfer in accordance with the government regulations.

VI. Rights and obligations of Party A

1.Rights of Party A

A.Party A shall have the right to check Party B’s identification.

B.Party A shall have the right to get deposit and property sales price as stipulated in the Agreement.

C.Party A shall have the right of lawsuit upon Party B’s breach to this Agreement.

2.Duties of Party A

A.Party A shall provide Party B with true, completed and valid information about the property;

B.Party A shall disclose to Party B the real facts about the property, including but not limited to the rental, collateral,

leakage and other defect of the property;

C.Party A shall change its residence address at the property days after title transfer;

D.Party A shall cooperate with Party B for title transfer in a timely manner;

E.Party A shall guarantee all the facilities and accessories of the property described in Appendix I are in good

condition upon the handover of the property;

F. Party A shall pay off all the fees related with the property before the handover of the property.

VII. Rights and obligations of Party B

1. Rights of Party B

A.Party B shall have the right to check all the material, contracts and certificate about the property;

B.Party B shall have the right to inspect the property;

C.Party B shall have the right to be informed of the facts about the property;

D.Party B shall have the right of lawsuit upon Party A’s breach to this Agreement.

2. Obligations of Party B

A.Party B shall pay the deposit and sales price in accordance with the stipulation of this Agreement;

B.Party B shall cooperate with Party A for title transfer in a timely manner;

C. Party B shall provide true, completed and valid identification material.

VIII. Rights and obligations of Party C

1.Party C shall provide agency services for Party A and Party B for signing this Agreement, providing the signing place, and

bearing testimony of signing this Agreement;

2.Party C shall provide Party A and Party B related material, update them the transaction process and assist them

with property handover.

IX. Breach of the Agreement by Party A

1. Party A shall refund doubled deposit to Party B in case the title of the property fails to be transferred or the property fails to

be handed over due to the false, uncompleted or invalid certificates, contracts or material in relation with the property provided by Party A;

2. In case Party A fails to hand over the aforesaid property to Party B within the period stipulated in the agreement, Party A

and Party B agree to adopt of the following solutions:

A.Party A shall pay Party of the collected payment par day as the default fine and the agreement shall continue to

be effective.

B.In case the length of overdue period exceeds days and Party A has not handed over the property or transfer the

property title to Party B, Party B shall send a written notice to Party A, and Party B shall have the right to

terminate the agreement when Party A still fails to handover the property or transfer the title days after Party B

sends out the written notice to Party A. In this case, Party A shall return double the deposit to Party B and

compensate Party B economic damage due to the default.

3. In case there occurs any damage on Party B as the result that Party A fails to disclose to Party B the real facts about the property, including but not limited to the rental, collateral, leakage and other defect of the property, Party A and Party B agree to adopt the following solutions:

A.Party A shall pay Party of the property sales price par day as the default fine and the agreement shall continue to

be effective.

B.Party A promises to recover the property to the condition satisfied by Party B within days, and the agreement

shall continue to be effective. Otherwise, Party B reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and in this case,

Party A shall return double the deposit to Party B and compensate Party B economic damage due to the default.

4. Party A shall change the residence address withindays and shall pay to Party B as the default fine.

5. In case Party A damages the facilities or accessories in the property intentionally or negligently, Party A shall compensate Party B the actual price for the damage and pay defaulting fine to Party B.

X. Breach of the Agreement by Party B

1. In case the title fails to be transferred due to the false, uncompleted or invalid certificates or material provided by Party B, Party A reserves the right not to refund the deposit to Party B.

2. In case Party B fails to make the payment or conduct title transfer process following the timing as stipulated in this Agreement, Party A and Party B agree to adopt as the solution:

A.Party B shall pay Party of the default payment par day as the default fine and the agreement shall continue to be


B.In case the overdue, Party A shall send a written notice to Party B, and Party A shall have the right to terminate

the agreement when Party B still fails to make the payment or conduct title transfer process days after Party B

receives the written notice from Party A. In this case, Party A shall reserve the right not to refund the deposit to

Party B, and Party B shall compensate the economic damage to Party A due to the default.

XI.Validity of the agreement

1.The agreement shall take effect on the date when Party A, Party B and Party C sign and affix seals to the agreement.

2.In case the content of the agreements reserved by Party A and Party B disagrees, both Party A and Party B shall regard the

agreement reserved by Party C as the standard.

3.The agreement has four copies. Party A, Party B and Party C keep one each and the fourth copy shall be kept by Century 21

Beijing Region. The four copies have equal binding effect.

XII. Dispute settlement

In case disputes occur in the performance of the agreement, the three parties shall solve the disputes through negotiation. In case negotiation fails.

(1)Submit the dispute to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Beijing;

(2) Any party may file a lawsuit at the court where the property is located.

XIII. Supplementary agreement

1.The parties may sign a supplementary agreement to cover the unsettled issues in the agreement. Through negotiation,

Party A, Party B and Party C agree that the supplementary clauses or the supplementary agreement is an inalienable part of the agreement and has equal effect under the preconditions that the supplementary agreement (clause) does not violate relevant laws and regulations of the state and local governments.

2. In case the supplementary clauses disagree with the clauses of the agreement, the supplementary clauses shall prevail.

Party A (signature): Telephone:

ID No.: Agent:

Address of Party A:

Date of signature:

Party B (signature): Telephone:

ID No.: Agent:

Address of Party B:

Date of signature:


范文一: 合同双方当事人: 出卖人:_________________________________ 注册地址:_________________________________ 营业执照注册号: 企业资质证书号: 法定代表人:_____________ 联系电话:__________ 邮政编码:___________ 委托代理人:__________________ 邮政编码:_______________ 注册地址:___________________________ 营业执照注册号:_________________________ 【本人】【法定代表人】姓名:________ 国籍 _______ 【身份证】【护照】【营业执照注册号】________ 地址:_________________ 【委托代理人】姓名:_______ 国籍:______________ 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》及其他有关法律、法规之规定,买受人和出卖人在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上就买卖商品房达成如下协议:第一条项目建设依据 出卖人以____________________ 方式取得位于______________________ 、编号为 _______ _____________ 的地块的土地使用权。 第二条商品房销售依据 【土地使用权出让合同号】【土地使用权划拨批准文件号】【划拨土地使用权转让批准文件号】为_________________ 。 该地块土地面积为_____________________ ,规划用途为_____________________ ,土地使 用年限自___________ 年________ 月__________ 日至 ____ 年—月_______ 日。 出卖人经批准,在上述地块上建设商品房,【现定名】【暂定名】 ____________________ 。 建设工程规划许可证号为_____________________ ,施工许可证号为 __________ 。 第二条商品房销售依据 买受人购买的商品房为【现房】【预售商品房】。预售商品房批准机关为_________________ ___ ,商品房预售许可证号为___________________ 。 第三条买受人所购商品房的基本情况买受人购买的商品房(以下简称该商品房,其房屋平面图见本合同附件一,房号以附件一上表示为准)为本合同第一条规定的项目中的: 第_____________________ 【幢】【座】____________________ 【单元】【层】_________ ___________ 号房。 该商品房的用途为_____________________ ,属 _____________________ 结构,层高为— ----------------- ? 建筑层数地上____________________ 层,地下______________________ 。 该商品房阳台是【封闭式】【非封闭式】。 第六条买受人所购商品房的基本情况 该商品房【合同约定】【产权登记】建筑面积共_____________________ 平方米,其中,套内 建筑面积____________________ 平方米,公共部位与公用房屋分摊建筑面积____________ _________ 平方米(有关公共部位与公用房屋分摊建筑面积构成说明见附件二)。 第四条计价方式与价款


编号:_________________ 购房合同书标准版 甲方:________________________________________________ 乙方:________________________________________________ 签订日期:_________年______月______日

甲方(卖方): 乙方(买方): 甲、乙双方就房屋买卖事项,经协商一致,达成以下合同条款: 一、甲方自愿将坐落在济南市区路小区号楼单元室(建筑面积平方米,储藏室平方米,产权证号)房地产出卖给乙方,并将与所出卖该房产的相关的土地使用权同时出卖给乙方(附房产证复印件及该房产位置图)。 二、双方议定上述房地产及附属建筑物总价款为人民币大写;即人民币小写 . 三、乙方在签订本合同时,支付定金,即小写 . 四、乙方支付定金之日起个月内,向甲方支付首付款(定金从中扣除),首付款之外的款项通过银行住房按揭方式交付(有关期限和程序按照所在按揭银行规定办理)。 五、甲方保证该房产合法、权属清楚、有合法的土地使用权(已交纳土地出让金)。 六、办理房产证手续所产生的有关税费由方承担。

七、乙方支付首付款后,甲方即积极配合乙方办理有关房产过户手续,待房产过户到乙方名下之时,乙方应向甲方付清全部房款余额。 八、甲方应在前将该房产交付乙方;届时该房产应无任何担保、抵押、房产瑕疵,无人租住、使用;无欠账,如电话费、水电费、物业管理费、取暖费、入网费、有线电视费等。 九、本合同签订后,如一方违反本合同条款,该方应向对方支付元的违约金;一方如不能按规定交付房产或按规定支付房款,每逾期一日,应向对方支付五十元罚金,逾期30日视为毁约;如因政府及银行规定,本合同涉及房产手续客观上不能办理过户或银行不能办理按揭导致合同解除,不适用本条款。 十、交付该房产,甲方不得损坏该房产的结构、地面和墙壁及不适移动的物件,并将抽风机一台(型号:),空调两台(型号:),热水器(型号:),浴霸(型号:),饮水机(型号:),音响两台(型号:),凉衣架,房内灯具,前后门窗窗帘、电脑桌一张,橱卫设施,等让与乙方(含在房屋价值内)。 十一、本协议一式两份,具有同等法律效力,自双方签字之日生效。 十二、附加条款: 甲方(卖方):(印)


篇一:2011版苏州市区购房合同 商品房买卖合同 编号:苏x合同xxxxxxxxxxxx 苏州市住房和城乡建设局制定 二○一一版 买受方留存使用须知 一、本合同是苏州市住房和城乡建设局依据国家、江苏省、苏州市有关法律、法规和政策,制定的商品房买卖合同示范文本。苏州市市区范围内(不包括苏州工业园区)商品房买卖应当采用本合同文本。 二、商品房买卖是一种民事法律行为,买卖双方签订本合同之前,应当仔细阅读、并充分了解本合同内容。本合同提示性条款、专业用词以及网上签约操作事宜由苏州市住房和城乡建设局负责解释。 三、本合同所称商品房是指由房地产开发企业依法开发建设并出售的房屋。 四、本合同中的提示性条款不得修改,提示性内容的选择、补充性内容的载入,应当由买卖双方自主协商确定。合同文本打印以后,未被选定的内容显示“未被删除的内容视为双方同意内容。 五、买卖双方就商品房买卖事宜达成一致后,应当依托苏州市区商品房销售网上管理系统,在线拟订电子合同具体内容并打印出合同草稿,经双方修改、校对确认无误以后,由买受方在线设置合同密码,然后由出卖方即时打印出合同纸质文本,打印合同时自动生成唯一的合同编号及防伪代码,最后经买卖双方签章后由出卖方负责即时上传备案。 六、买受方设置的合同密码,由大小写英文字母和阿拉伯数字单一或交替组成,密码字符7~20个,密码中间不得出现空格或其他符号。 买受方设置合同密码,表示买卖双方对电子合同全部内容的认同。合同密码一经设置,商品房销售网上管理系统自动禁止对电子合同内容进行任何更改。 买受方务必自行设置合同密码,承担慎重保管密码的责任。 七、合同正式打印文本不得做任何涂改。 商品房买卖合同 合同双方当事人: 出卖方:注册地址:营业执照注册号:企业资质证书号:法定代表人:联系电话:电子信箱:邮政编码:委托代理人:联系电话:联系地址:电子信箱:邮政编码:委托代理机构:注册地址:营业执照注册号:代理机构备案证书号:法定代表人:联系电话:电子信箱:邮政编码:买受方: 【本人】【法定代表人】姓名:国籍:出生日期:【身份】【机构】证照名称:证照号:联系地址:联系电话:邮政编码:(购买房屋若为非政策性商品住宅,必须如实填写以下家庭成员情况信息。)(买受方若为成年人,填写以下信息:) 配偶【有】【无】 姓名:国籍:身份证照名称:证照号:未成年子女【有】【无】 姓名:国籍:身份证照名称:证照号:姓名:国籍:身份证照名称:证照号:姓名:国籍:身份证照名称:证照号:(买受方若为未成年人,填写以下信息:) 父亲【有】【无】 姓名:国籍:身份证照名称:证照号:母亲【有】【无】 姓名:国籍:身份证照名称:证照号:未成年兄弟姐妹【有】【无】 姓名:国籍:身份证照名称:证照号:姓名:国籍:身份证照名称:证照号:姓名:国籍:身份证照名称:证照号:法定代理人:国籍:


编号:_______________ 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 购房合同范本 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________ 说明:本合同资料适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与 义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用 时请详细阅读内容。

各省、自治区、直辖市建委(建设厅)、工商行政管理局:根据〈〈中华人民共和国合同法》和近几年来商品房买 卖中存在的问题,建设部、国家工商行政管理局对1995年印发的〈〈商品房购销合同示范文本》进行了修订,并更 名为〈〈商品房买卖合同示范文本》(以下简称〈〈示范文本》)。现将〈〈示范文本》印发给你们,并就有关问题通知如下:一、充分认识推行〈〈示范文本 行〈〈示范文本》的意义,大力推广使用〈〈示范文本》。近年来,消费者对商品房投诉较多,投诉的主要问题有:阀 广告虚假、一房多售、面积缩水、质量低劣、延期交房、产权纠纷等。出现这些问题,有制度不健全、管理不到位 的原因,也有合同不规范的原因。这些问题的出现不仅损害了消费者的合法权益,而且也将影响到住房消费热点的 形成。推行〈〈示范文本》,有利于保护当事人的合法权益,避免因合同缺款少项和当事人意思表示不真实、不确切,而出现显失公平和违法条款;有利于减少商品房买卖合同纠纷,促进合同纠纷的解决;有利于调动消费者的购房热 情,促进住房消费,拉动经济增长。各地要以推行新的〈〈示范文本》为契机,加强房地产市场管理,规范商品房销 售行为,切实解决老百姓购房的后顾之忧。二、做好〈〈示范文本》的分发工作,方便当事人领取。各地建设行政 主管部门与工商行政主管部门,应当协商指定〈〈示范文本》的印刷单位,并负责监制。当事人使用〈〈示范文本》, 可随时向各级建设行政主管部门领取,并缴纳工本费,其收费应当执行物价管理部门批准的收费标准。三、各省、自治区、直辖市建委(建设厅)要在2000年11月底前将贯彻、落实〈〈示范文本》的情况上报建设部。建设部将会 同国家工商行政管理局在2000年年底前检查各地执行〈〈示范文本》的情况。商品房买卖合同(示范文本)商品房买卖合同说明1.本合同文本为示范文本,也可作为签约使用文本。签约之前,买受人应当仔细阅读本合同内 容,对合同条款及专业用词理解不一致的,可向当地房地产开发主管部门咨询。2.本合同所称商品房是指由房地 产开发企业开发建设并出售的房屋。3.为体现合同双方的自愿原则,本合同文本中相关条款后都有空白行,供双 方自行约定或补充约定。双方当事人可以对文本条款的内容进行修改、增补或删减。合同签订生效后,未被修改的 文本印刷文字视为双方同意内容。4.本合同文本中涉及到的选择、填写内容以手写项为优先。 5.对合同文本「」 中选择内容、空格部位填写及其他需要删除或添加的内容,双方应当协商确定。「」中选择内容,以划w方式选定; 对于实际情况未发生或买卖双方不作约定时,应在空格部 ,应在空格部位打X,以示删除。6.在签订合同前,出卖人应当向买受人出示应当由出卖人提供的有关证书、阀 证明文件。7.本合同条款由中华人民共和国建设部和国家工商行政管理局负责解释。商品房买卖合同GF — 200 0-0171 合同编号:合同双方当事人:出卖人: 注册地址:营业执照注册 号:企业资质证书号: 法定代表人:联系电话:邮政编码:— 委托代理人:地址:邮政编 码:联系电话:委托代理机构: 注册地址:营业执照 注册号:法定代表人:联


编号:_______________ 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 简单版购房合同书样本 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

卖方: ________(以下简称甲方) 身份证号:______ 买方: ________(以下简称乙方) 身份证号:______ 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》及其他有关法律、法规之规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上,就乙方向甲方购买私有住房,达成如下协议: 第一条甲方所售房屋权证号及座落位置、结构、层次、面积、附属设施: 1、甲方所售房屋所有权证号为“______号”,房屋土地使用权证号为“______号”; 2、甲方所售房屋位于______区______路(街)______号,为______结构; 3、甲方所售房屋建筑面积______ 平方米; 4、甲方所售房屋附属设施为______。 第二条房屋价格及其他费用: 1、甲、乙双方协商一致,甲方所售房屋总金额为(人民币)___拾___万___仟___佰元整(含附属设施费用); 2、甲、乙双方达成一致意见,双方交易税费由方负担。 第三条付款方式: _________________________________________________________________ ___________________ _________________________________________________________________ ___________________ _________________________________________________________________ ___________________ 第四条房屋交付: 甲、乙双方在房地局交易所办理完过户手续(缴纳税费)后 ___ 日内,甲方将房屋交付乙方,因不可抗力等因素造成甲方逾期交房的,则房屋交付时间可据实予以延长。


购房合同样本标准版 (合同编号:) 合同双方当事人: 出卖人:_________________________________________________________注册地址:_______________________________________________________营业执照注册号:_________________________________________________企业资质证书号:_________________________________________________法定代表人:____________________联系电话:_______________________邮政编码:_______________________________________________________委托代理人:____________________地址:__________________________邮政编码:____________________联系电话:________________________委托代理机构:__________________________________________________注册地址:______________________________________________________营业执照注册号:________________________________________________法定代表人:____________________联系电话:______________________邮政编码:______________________________________________________买受人:________________________________________________________【本人】【法定代表人】姓名:__________________国籍______________【身份证】【护照】【营业执照注册号】【】_______________________地址:__________________________________________________________邮政编码:______________________联系电话:______________________【委托代理人】【】姓名:____________________国籍:_____________地址:__________________________________________________________邮政编码:______________________电话:__________________________


按揭购房合同范本 按揭是指按揭人将房产产权转让按揭受益人作为还款保证,按揭人在还清贷款后,受益人立即将所涉及的房屋产权转让按揭人,在此过程中,按揭人享有房产的使用权。以下是小编为大家带来的按揭购房合同范本,欢迎大家参考。 按揭购房合同1 抵押权人:(贷款人) 抵押人: (借款人) 担保人: (担保人) 第一条总则 抵押权人与抵押人于20 年月 日会同担保人签订本按揭贷款合同范本(下称“合同”),抵押人同意以其与担保人签订之房产买卖合同项下之全部权益抵押予抵押权人,赋予抵押权人以第一优先抵押权,并愿意履行合同全部条款;抵押权人向抵押人提供一定期限抵押贷款,作为抵押人购置抵押物业之部分楼款。担保人同意承担该笔贷款之担保责任。 经三方协商,特订立本合同,应予遵照执行。 第二条贷款内容 一、贷款金额币元整。抵押人必须将此笔贷款全部以抵押人购楼款名义,存入售房单位账户。 二、贷款期限从年月日至年月日共月。 三、贷款利率:月息‰。如遇国家利率调整,贷款利率相应调整。

第三条还本付息 一、本合同项下之贷款本金及其相应利息以分期付款等额偿还的方式还本付息。期数___________每期应缴付本_________息__________(不包括利率调整带来之应缴金额变动),首期还款日_______________。 二、抵押人必须在抵押权人处开立存款账户。抵押人对与本抵押贷款有关之本息和一切费用,可照付该账户,若因此而引致该账户发生透支,概由抵押人承担偿还之责。 三、如果抵押人未能按规定及时缴付本息时,抵押人必须立即补付期款及逾期利息。抵押权人有权在原利率基础上,向抵押人加收20%以上的罚息。抵押人所欠利息,按日累积计收。 第四条提前还款 一、抵押人自愿提早缴付本合同规定之部分或全部款项时,需提前1个月以书面形式通知抵押权人并经认可,且应给予抵押权人相等于该部分或全部款项1个月利息之补偿金。 二、在下列所述之任何情况下,抵押权人有权要求抵押人立即提前清还部分或全部实际贷款额,及(或)立即追讨担保人。 1.抵押人及(或)担保人违反本合同之任何条款。 2.抵押人及(或)担保人有不正当或违法经营。 3.抵押人及(或)担保人发生任何之重大变化而影响其履行本合同条款能力。 4.抵押人舍弃抵押房产。


售房协议 本购房合同在签约之前,买受人应当仔细阅读本合同内容,对合 同条款及专业用词理解不一致的,可向当地房地产开发主管部门咨询。 出卖人(以下简称甲方):_兰州天成房地产有限责任公司__ 法定代表人:_________________联系电话:______________ 注册地址:__________________邮政编码:______________ 营业执照号码:___________________________________ 买受人(以下简称乙方):______________________________ 身份证号:_____ ____ 地址:_________ ___________邮政编码:______________ 联系电话:_____________________________________ 委托代理人:____________________________________ 身份证号:_____ ____ 地址:________ ____________邮政编码:______________ 联系电话:_____________________________________ 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国城市房地产管 理法》及有关法律、法规的规定,甲乙双方遵循平等、自愿、公平、

诚实信用、守法的原则,经协商一致,达成如下条款: 第一条房屋情况 该房屋座落: __区、县________________路、道、街__________________________。设计用途_____,建筑结构_____,建筑层数为_____层。建筑面积_____平方米,其中:套内建筑面积_____平方米,公共部分分摊建筑面积_________平方米。 房屋平面图见附件一。 第二条房价款 房屋销售按建筑面积计算,每平方米价格为___________元(币种:_ __),价款为___ _ ___元,计___ __(大写)。 第三条房屋交付日期 房屋竣工,经验收合格后,方可交付;未经验收或验收不合格的,不得交付。 甲方于_____年____月____日前,将房屋交付乙方。如遇不可抗力,不能履行合同,双方同意按下列第____种方式处理: 1、变更合同 2、解除合同 3、 _____________________________。 第四条乙方付款形式及付款时间


经典版本购房合同样本(示范 合同) Contracts concluded in accordance with the law have legal effect and regulate the behavior of the parties to the contract ( 合同范本 ) 甲方:______________________ 乙方:______________________ 日期:_______年_____月_____日 编号:MZ-HT-004455

经典版本购房合同样本(示范合同) 关于简单购房合同范本 甲方(卖方): 乙方(买方): 甲、乙双方就房屋买卖事项,经协商一致,达成以下合同条款: 一、甲方自愿将坐落在济南市区路小区号楼单元室(建筑面积平方米,储藏室平方米,产权证号 )房地产出卖给乙方,并将与所出卖该房产的相关的土地使用权同时出卖给乙方(附房产证 复印件及该房产位置图)。 二、双方议定上述房地产及附属建筑物总价款为人民币大写 ;即人民币小写。 三、乙方在签订本合同时,支付定金,即小写。 四、乙方支付定金之日起个月内,向甲方支付首付款(定金从

中扣除),首付款之外的款项通过银行住房按揭方式交付(有关期限和程序按照所在按揭银行规定办理)。 五、甲方保证该房产合法、权属清楚、有合法的土地使用权(已交纳土地出让金)。 六、办理房产证手续所产生的有关税费由方承担。 七、乙方支付首付款后,甲方即积极配合乙方办理有关房产过户手续,待房产过户到乙方名下之时,乙方应向甲方付清全部房款余额。 八、甲方应在前将该房产交付乙方;届时该房产应无任何担保、抵押、房产瑕疵,无人租住、使用;无欠账,如电话费、水电费、物业管理费、取暖费、入网费、有线电视费等。 九、本合同签订后,如一方违反本合同条款,该方应向对方支付元的违约金;一方如不能按规定交付房产或按规定支付房款,每逾期一日,应向对方支付五十元罚金,逾期30日视为毁约;如因政府及银行规定,本合同涉及房产手续客观上不能办理过户或银行不能办理按揭导致合同解除,不适用本条款。


编号:FS-HT-05018 购房合同式样(标准版) Purchase contract specifications 甲方:________________________ 乙方:________________________ 签订日期:_____年____月____日 编订:FoonShion设计

购房合同式样(标准版) 出卖人(甲方):_____买受人(乙方):______身份证号码:______身份证号码:_______地址:_______地址:________ 邮编:_______邮编:________ 电话:_______电话:________ 其他权利人书面同意声明: 见证人: 出卖方:_____ (本人)(法定代表人)姓名:_____国籍:_____ (身份证)(护照)(营业执照号码):_____ 地址:_____ 邮政编码:_____联系电话:_____ 委托代理人:_____国籍:_____电话:_____地址:_____邮政编码:_____

买受方:_____ (本人)(法定代表人)姓名:_____国籍:_____ (身份证)(护照)(营业执照号码):_____ 地址:_____ 邮政编码:_____联系电话:_____ 委托代理人:_____国籍:_____电话:_____ 地址:_____邮政编码:_____ 第一条房屋的基本情况。 出卖方房屋(以下简称该房屋)坐落于_____;位于第_____层,共_____(套)(间),房屋结构为_____,建筑面积_____平方米(其中实际建筑面积_____平方米,公共部位与公用房屋分摊建筑面积_____平方米),房屋用途为_____;该房屋平面图见本合同附件一,该房屋内部附着设施见附件二;(房屋所有权证号、土地使用权证号)(房地产权证号)为_____。 第二条房屋面积的特殊约定。 本合同第一条所约定的面积为(出卖方暂测)(原产权证上标明)(房地产产权登记机关实际测定)面积。如


篇一:购房合同翻译件英文模板 商品房买卖合同 合同编号:(contract number: xxxxxxxxxxxxx) 合同双方当事人:contractual parties: 出卖人:xxxxxxxxxxxx房地产开发有限公司 seller:xxxxxxxxxxxxxreal estate development co., ltd 注册地址:xx县xx街 registered address: xx,xx county 营业执照注册号:xxxxxxxx registration number of business license: xxxxxxxxx 企业资质证书号:x建房【xxxx】xxx号 enterprise qualification certificate: 【xxxx】 no.xxx 法定代表人:xxx legal representative:xxx 联系电话:xxxxxxxxx tel:xxxxxxxx 邮政编码:xxxxxxxxx postal code: xxxxxxx 受托代理人:邮编: 地址: authorized agent:postal code: 委托代理机构: address: 联系电话: tel: authorized agency: 注册地址: registered address: 营业执照注册号: registration no. of business license: 法定代表人: 联系电话

legal representative: 邮政编码: postal code: 买受人:xxxxx tel: buyer:xxxxxxxxxx 本人/法定代表人姓名:xxxx personal/ legal representative name:xxxxxxxx 国籍:中国 nationality:china 身份证号码:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i.d.card:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 地址:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxaddress:xxxxxxxxxxxxx 邮证编码:xxxxxxxxx postal code:xxxxxxxxxx 联系电话:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx tel: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 受托代理人姓名:地址: 国籍: authorized agent name: address: 邮政编码: nationality 联系电话 postal code: tel: 根据国家和省法律、法规和有关规定,买受人和出卖人在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上就买卖商品房达成如下协议: 第一条项目建设依据。 article 1 basis for project construction 出卖人以出让方式取得位于xxxxxxxxxxx 编号为xxx的地块的土地使用权,取得《土地使用权证书》。土地使用权证号为x国用(xxxx)第xxxx号。 the seller obtained the use right of the land parcel ocated located by the number of assignment 该地块土地面积为xxxx平方米,规划用途为商住,土地使用权年限自2011 年至2061 年。


购房合同范本(标准版) 购房合同范本(标准版) 在人民愈发重视法律的社会中,合同起到的作用越来越大, 合同的签订是对双方之间权利义务的最好规范。那么相关的合同 到底怎么写呢?以下是WTT帮大家整理的购房合同范本(标准版),供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 购房合同范本(标准版)1 卖方: 姓名: 性别: 出生日期: 国籍: 住址: 电话: 身份证号码: 买方: 姓名: 性别: 出生日期: 国籍: 住址: 电话: 身份证号码: 买卖双方根据中华人民共和国法律,经过友好协商,自愿制定 本房产转让合同,条款如下: 一、卖方有房产个单元,坐落在市第座楼单元,合计面 积平方米。现自愿将该房产卖给买方。售价为币佰拾万仟 佰拾元整(原楼价为币佰拾万仟佰拾元整)。 二、买方对上述房屋已核实,并审阅了房产权证书及有关资料,同意交付上述房产价款。买卖双方一致自愿成交。 三、本合同一经签署,买方当即将房产全部价款交给卖方,卖 方在收到该房产价款后,即将上述房产权证书及有关资料交给买方。

四、双方买卖成交后,即携带房产权证书到市房地产权登记处办理房产权转移登记手续,该房产所有权即归买方所有。 五、卖方所卖房产如有抵押、按揭等手续不清时,概由卖方负责,与买方无关。 六、买方交付房产价款后,而卖方不能交房时,则卖方应即退回房产价款,并负责赔偿买方损失。 七、本合同发生纠纷时双方应友好协商解决,如不能解决时,按下列第( )项方式解决: 1.向仲裁委员会申请仲裁; 2.依法向人民法院起诉。 八、本合同自双方签署后经市公证处公证之日起生效。 九、本合同用钢笔填写与打字油印的文字具有同等效力。 十、本合同共页,一式三份,买卖双方各执一份,市公证处执一份,均具同等效力。 卖方: 日期: 买方: 日期: 购房合同范本(标准版)2 一:售房方(甲方): 身份证号码:购房方(乙方): 身份证号码:关于乙方向甲方购房事宜,双方经协商,达成协议如下:


商品房购房合同书样本(示范合 Sample of commercial housing purchase contract (合同范本) 姓名: 单位: 日期: 编号:YW-HT-023847

商品房购房合同书样本(示范合同) 说明:以下合同书内容主要作用是:合同有效的约定了合同双方的权利和义务,对合同的履行有积极的作用,能够较为有效的约束违约行为,能够最大程 度的保障自己的合法权利,可用于电子存档或打印使用(使用时请看清是否适合您使用)。 买房签合同流程: 购房者认购——购房者交定金(拿收据)——开发商下载网签合同,双方进行签合同,购房者交首付——开发商将首付款打到房产局的资金监管账户——开发商下载备案单并打印备过案的合同——通知购房者再次签订备案合同——开发商将备案合同送到房产局审核盖章——办理相关贷款手续。 商品房购房合同范本 甲方(卖方): ; 注册地址:; 营业执照号码:;资质证书号码:; 法定代表人:;联系电话:;

通讯地址:; 邮编:; 委托代理机构:; 注册地址:; 营业执照号码:;资质证书号码:; 法定代表人:;联系电话:; 通讯地址:; 邮编:. 乙方(买方):; 住所(址):; 国籍:;性别:;出生年月:; 身份证/护照/营业执照号码:; 通讯地址:; 邮编:;联系电话:; 移动电话:;电子邮箱:. 委托(法定)代理人姓名:;国籍:; 住所(址):; 身份证:; 通讯地址:; 邮编:;联系电话:. 委托代理机构:;

注册地址:; 购房合同

购房合同营业执照号码:;资质证书号码:; 法定代表人:;联系电话:; 通讯地址:; 邮编:。 第一条项目建设依据 甲方以方式取得位于编号为的地块的土地使用权,面积 平方米,规划用途为,土地使用权年限自年月日至 年月日止。 甲方经批准,在该地块上投资建设商品房(填写《商品房预售许可证》记载的项目名称)。该项目的有关批文如下: 1、《建设工程规划许可证》 颁发机关:;编号:; 2、《国有土地使用权证》 颁发机关:广州市国土资源和房屋管理局; 编号:; 3、《建设工程施工许可证》 颁发机关:;编号:; 4、。 第二条商品房销售依据 乙方购买的商品房为【现房】【预售商品房】。 1、该商品房作为现房,已办理权属登记,登记机关为;并领取了【房 地产权属证明书】【房地产权证】,编号为。



房屋买卖合同 卖房人:身份证号码: 详细住所: 联系方式:固定电话移动电话 买受人:身份证号码: 详细住所: 联系方式:固定电话移动电话 买卖双方就房屋买卖相关事宜,依照现行法律法规,本着平等、自愿、公平、公正的原则,协商一致,订立本合同如下条款,供双方共同遵照执行:第一条买受人所购房屋基本情况 1、房屋名称: 2、房产地点: 3、房屋所有权证证号: 4、房屋平面图及其四至见房产证。 5、出售范围:住宅房屋一栋,属结构,层高为层,建筑面积共平方米;附属庭院一处,面积平方米;附属构筑物,面积平方米;附属场地平方米;附属围墙、水、电等配套设施、设备;房屋占用范围内的土地使用权;基于房屋产生的相关权益。上述内容以下统称“本房产”。 第二条计价方式与价款 本房产采用整体一次性计价方式,房产总价款为:人民币___拾___万___仟___佰___拾___元整(¥元)。 第三条付款方式及期限 买受人按下列第种方式按期付款: 1、一次性付款,即本合同签订之日起日内,买受人向出卖人一次性支付房产总价人民币元整。 2、分期付款,即本合同签订之日起,买受人分期向出卖人支付房产价款,第一期为年月日前支付人民币元,第二期为 年月日前支付人民币元,第三期为年月

日前支付人民币元。 3、预交定金,即本合同签订之日起日内,买受人支付给出卖人履约定金人民币万元;买受人支付定金之日起日内,向出卖人支付房产价款人民币元(定金可充作房款);如出卖人违约,按定金双倍赔偿给买受人;如买受人违约,定金不退。 3、预留尾款,即本合同签订之日起日内,买受人向出卖人支付房产价款人民币元;剩余尾款人民币元于房屋交付之日付清(或房屋产权完成登记之日付清)。 4、其他方式, 出卖人收到买受人的房款时,应出具收款收据。 第四条买受人逾期付款的违约责任 买受人如未按本合同约定的付款方式及期限付款的,按下列第__种方式处理: 1、逾期在__日之内,自本合同约定的应付款期限之第二日起至实际全额支付应付款之日止,买受人按日向出卖人支付逾期应付款万分之十五的违约金,合同继续履行。 2、逾期超过__日后,出卖人有权解除合同。出卖人解除合同的,买受人按累计应付款的百分之15%出卖人支付违约金。买受人愿意继续履行合同的,经出卖人同意,合同继续履行,自本合同规定的应付款期限之第二日起至实际全额支付应付款之日止,买受人按日向出卖人支付逾期应付款万分之十的违约金。 3、其他方式, 第五条交付期限 出卖人应当在_____年_____月_____日前,依照国家和地方人民政府的有关规定,将本合同约定的房产交付买受人使用。 第六条出卖人逾期交房的违约责任 出卖人如未按本合同约定的期限将本房产交付买受人使用,按下列第 ______种方式处理:


购房合同英文翻译 【篇一:商品房买卖合同中英文翻译模板】 serial no. :327338 commercial housing sales contract supervised and made by beijing municipal bureau of state land and resources and house management instructions of commercial housing sales contract 1. the contract is a sample contract; which is made together by beijing construction committee and beijing administration for industry and commerce. 2. the commercial house in the contract refers to the house built and sold by the enterprise of real estate development. 3. party involved should sign the contract based on willingness, justice, honesty and reputation. any party cannot give the law to the counterpart. both parties can carry out amendment, supplement and deletion to clauses in the contract. after the contract taking effect, as to the printed words without alteration, it can be considered that both parties agree with the contents. 4. as for the selected options, handwriting is preferential. 5. as to [ ] options, blank filling and other contents needed to be deleted or added in the contract, both parties should make a decision by negotiation. [ ] use √ to choose options; with regard to the practical conditions not happened 6. before signing, vendor should show license of presale of commercial housing and other related certificates and documentary evidence to buyer. 7. the contract articles are explained by ministry of construction of the p.r.c.


The Legal Relationship Established By Parties To Resolve Disputes Ultimately Realizes Common Interests. The Document Has Legal Effect After Reaching An Agreement Through Consultation. 编订:XXXXXXXX 20XX年XX月XX日 简单的购房合同范本标准 版本

简单的购房合同范本标准版本 温馨提示:本合同文件应用在当事人双方(或多方)为解决或预防纠纷而确立的法律关系,最终实现共同的利益,文书经过协商而达成一致后,签署的文件具有法律效力。文档下载完成后可以直接编辑,请根据自己的需求进行套用。 甲方(售房人): 乙方(买房人): 见证人: 第一条 甲方自愿将其房屋出售给乙方,乙方也已 充分了解该房屋具体状况,并自愿买受该房 屋。该房屋具体状况如下: (一)座落于________,建筑面积为 __________平方米(此面积不含地下室面积); (二)出售房屋的所有权证证号为 _________; (三)房屋平面图及其四至见房产证;

该房屋占用范围内的土地使用权随该房屋一并转让。 该房屋的相关权益随该房屋一并转让。 第二条购房合同范本甲方保证已如实陈述上述房屋权属状况和其他具体状况,保证该房屋不受他人合法追索。 第三条 乙方在_______前付给甲方定金(人民币),(大写)_______________元,(小 写)___________元。 上述定金在乙方最后一次付款时充抵房款在___________时由甲方退还乙方。 第四条 该房屋协议价格为(人民币)(大 写)_________元,(小写)___________元。


编号:FS-HT-05018 中介购房合同(标准版) Intermediary house purchase contract template 甲方:________________________ 乙方:________________________ 签订日期:_____年____月____日 编订:FoonShion设计

中介购房合同(标准版) 卖方: 身份证号(营业执照号码): 代表人/代理人: 身份证号码: 地址: 买方: 身份证号码(营业执照号码): 代表人/代理人: 身份证号码: 地址: (本合同履行过程中所有文件及通知以快递或挂号信邮寄至上述地址即视为送达,收件人拒收或未签收导致退回的,也视为递达。)买卖双方经友好协商,达成以下协议:

一、卖方同意向买方出售深圳市单位物业(下称该房地产),建筑面积为平方米,房产证编号为. 二、该房地产产权现状为尚未办理出商品房房地产证,双方均清楚该房地产上述产权状况,且确认该房地产是以现状并按套定价出售,买方已检查或已售权代表为检查该房地产。双方同意按以下程序履行合同。 1、若该房地产办理出一手商品房房地产证后即无抵押或其他权利负担(即属买方已向开发商一次性付清购房款情形),则双方须按第三条规定签署《深圳市房地产买卖合同(现售)》。若该房产办理出一手商品房房地产证后处于抵押状态,则卖方应于_____年___月___日前还清贷款、办妥解除抵押登记手续(卖方需委托担保公司担保融资赎楼的,需于办出一手商品房房产证后日内出具全权委托公证给担保公司,赎楼费用由方承担,同时买方须协作卖方办理赎楼手续,即须依照本合同第三条规定及时足额支付款项并办理有关手续。
