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Appendix: 附录

1. Price Breakdown Sheet 价格分解清单

2. Specimen of Bond 债权标本

3. Tender Clarification Documents 招标澄清文件


SUPPLIER 供应商 = Jiangxi ZhongHeng Construction Group Company (江西中恒建设集团公司)

MERIAL 梅里亚 = MERIAL Animal Health Co., Ltd. and/or E.P.C.M 梅里亚动物健康有限责任公司 CCAP = Special Administrative Clauses and Conditions 专门管理条款和条件

CCAG = General Administrative Clauses and Conditions 通用管理条款和条件 CCTP = Special Technical Clauses and Conditions 专门技术条款和条件

E.P.C.M = M+W ZANDER (Shanghai) Co., LTD. (Engineering, Procurement and Construction 美滋威尔(上海)有限公司(由梅里亚指定的工程,采购和施工管理供应商) Management SUPPLIER appointed by MERIAL)


1.4 MERIAL, E.P.C.M. and SUPPLIER 梅里亚,美滋威尔和供应商

In construing the Order the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings hereby assigned to them. 在发布命令的过程中,以下的文字和表达在签署时将表示以下的意思。

‘ E.P.C.M. m'eans M+W ZANDER (Shanghai) Co., LTD., who is responsible to MERIAL for

provision of the engineering, procurement and construction management services in accordance with the CCAG and CCAP for Order of Engineering Service; and shall provide engineering, oversight and management services to the Works, and test and examine any of the facilities, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatuses or workmanship used and adopted in

conn ection therewith. EPCM表示美滋威尔(上海)有限公司,他将对梅里亚负责,根据专门管理条款和


1.4.1 MERIAL shall carry out such duties in issuing certificates, decisions, instructions and

orders as are specified in the Order. 梅里亚需要执行在决议中规定的下列工作,发布证书,决定,说明


Whenever the above-mentioned certificates, decisions, instructions and orders are to be issued

to the SUPPLIER, MERIAL shall address the same to the SUPPLIER, copying the E.P.C.M. 以上所


1.4.2 The E.P.C.M. shall be responsible to MERIAL for provision of the engineering, procurement and construction management stipulated in the CCAG and CCAP for Order of Engineering Services entered into by and between MERIAL and the E.P.C.M. and shall provide

engineering, oversight and management services to the Works, test and examine any of the

facilities, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatuses or workmanship used and adopted in connection therewith. 美滋威尔将对梅里亚负责,根据专门管理条款和总管理条款条件的由美滋威尔和梅里亚双方之间的关于工程服务命令的管理规定提供工程,采购和施工管理服务,同时应该提供工程建造,检查和管理服务,测试和检查所有的设施,设备,机械,工具,仪器以及在连接工作中需要使用的工作车间。

In this regard, the E.P.C.M. can issue certificates, decisions, instructions and orders as are specified in the Order to be issued by MERIAL, on MERIAL ' s behalf per MERIAL 's request and

such certificates, decisions, instructions and orders shall be copied to MERIAL and shall have

the same effect as being given by MERIAL except for those concerning matters of increasing

and decreasing in the costs to the Order. In any case, such certificates, decisions, instructions and orders concerning matters of increasing and decreasing in the costs to the Order shall be

approved by MERIAL in writing in advance with MERIAL ' sauthorized signature of approval. 在这点上,根据梅里亚的要求,美滋威尔能够代表美滋威尔签署发布证书, 决定,说明和在决议中规定的决议。除


1.4.3 MERIAL may from time to time delegate to the E.P.C.M. any of his duties and MERIAL may also revoke such delegation at any time. 梅里亚可能不时的授权委派给美滋威尔职责,同时梅里亚也可能随时撤回这些授权。

Any delegation or revocation shall be made in writing. MERIAL shall furnish to the SUPPLIER a copy of any such written
