Lease contract termination
The Landlord(‘Party A’
承租人(以下简称乙方):The Tenant(‘Party B’):
Party A and Party B Signed the lease on November 4,2011 of Apartment 2301,building 10,lane506 south huangpi road Shanghai, Now party A would like to terminate the lease contract by 2012 July 4th for his own reason.
Therefore, through friendly consultation on the lease contract termination. Both parties accept the following agreement.
lease contract terminates on July 4,2012 .
Party B agrees to return the property on July 4th 2012 to Party A
Party B shall bear the housing actual utility fees before 2012/07/04, including water ,electricity ,gas, phone and internet.
Party B should ensure that water, electricity, gas and other facilities under functional use and shall not damage the existing facilities in the apartment and if any damage made by Party B, Party B shall pay the compensation.
5. 甲方同意以2个月的免租期作为对违约的赔偿,即2012年5月4日到2012年7月4日此两个月乙方不需要支付租金仍可继续居住,当乙方于2012年7月4日搬走后甲方在7个工作日内将乙方已经支付的租赁保证金以网银转账方式无息返还。
party A agrees to two month rental free period as compensation for breach of contract,May4.2012 to july4.2012 this two months party B continue to live in without
paying rental. within seven working days after the moving out date (2012/07/04) . party A has to pay the two months’ rental deposit to Party B by transfer.
开户行账号bank account:
开户行全称bank name:
开户行地址bank address:
After party B moved out of the apartment, the items left behind as a waiver, the party A entitled to dispose of.
This Agreement is made in duplicate, Party A and Party B shall each have a copy of the same and shall have a binding legal effect, In the event of any contradictions between this Agreement in Chinese version and English version, the Chinese version will take precedence
this agreement shall take effect from the date of both parties signed and sealed.
甲方(party A):乙方(party B):