买方: ________________________
卖方: ________________________
签订日期:___ 年____ 月___ 日
本合同由买卖双方共同签订,在此根据本合同规定的条款和条件,买方同意购进、卖方同意售出下述设备。This con tract is made by and betwee n the
Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the un der- mentioned equipment ( “ Equipments ” )
accord ing to the terms and con diti ons stipulated below :
1. 设备名称、规格和质量等(Name, Specificatio ns and Quality of Equipme nts)
2. 总价款仃otal Value) : CIF SHUNDE /BEIJIAO
3. 原产地和制造商(Country of Origin and Manufacturers)
Country of Origi n):
Manufacturer :
4. 包装(Packing)
To be packed in new strong woode n case(s) suitable for long dista nee ocea n tran sportati on and well
protected aga inst damp n ess, moisture, shock, rust and rough han dli ng. The Seller shall be liable for any damage, destroy to the Equipme nts and expe nses in curred thereof on acco unt of improper pack ing and damage attributable to in adequate or improper protective measures take n by the Seller in regard to the pack ing.
4.2 输往中国设备所使用的木质包装不得带树皮,且应当在出口前经过热处理、熏蒸处理或经中国相关机构认可的其他有效除害处理,并由输出国官方检疫部门出具植物检疫证书证明已经上述处理合格。经除害处理合格的木质包装上应有标记,在标记上须注明除害处理的方法、地点和实施除害处理
的单位或单位信息的代码等。对于无木质包装的设备,出口商须出具《无木质包装声明》The wood packing used for the Equipments imported into China should not bear any bark, and should be experienced the hot treatment, suffocating treatment, or other effective pest treatment recognized by the related Chinese authority. Inspection Certificate issued by the official Quarantine Bureau of the Seller ' s country which can certify that certain treatment mentioned above is taken is required. The tag showing the treatment techniques, place and information about the implementing company and its registration No. and etc shall be affixed to the package. In case of non-wood packing Equipments, the seller shall issue the Declaration of Non-wood Packing.
5. 装运标记(Shipping Marks) 卖方应在每件包装箱上用不褪色的油漆字迹清楚地写上包装箱号码、尺寸、毛重、“此端向上”、“禁止上下堆栈”、“防潮”等字样。
On the surface of each package, the package number, measurements, gross weight, the lifting position, such cautions as "Do Not Stack Upside Down", "KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTU ”RE, etc.
6. 装船时间:
7. 装船港口:
8. 目的地:
9. 保险:由卖方按发票金额110% 投保一切险和战争附加险,受益人为买方。
INSURANCE: In sura nee shall be covered by the Seller for 110% of the
inv oice value aga inst ALL Risks and WAR Additi onal Risks. The ben eficiary should be the Buyer.
10. 付款条件(Terms of Payment)