Signed on the date of YYYY-MM-DD
甲方:中国A大学Party A: A University (China)
乙方:X国B大学Party B: B University (Country)
Through friendly negotiations, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on issues of international education cooperation.
I. The Two Parties
As one of the public universities directly subordinated to the Ministry of Education of P.R. China, Party A is a higher education institution with the qualification of running the university independently. The international education exchange and cooperation can cover such areas as cooperation with foreign educational institutions, teacher exchange, student exchange and programs of preparatory courses as well as jointly running a school with foreign counterparts. B University, an institution of higher learning in the (country), is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. As a regular university of (country), its academic credentials have also been admitted by the Ministry of Education of P.R. China.
II. Purpose & Aim
Taking mutual trust, mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit as the principle, both Party A and Party B shall cooperate on one’s own resource advantages in order to reach favorable social and economic benefits and promote one’s own social influence. Party A shall offer the educational platforms and hardware, and Party B shall introduce high quality educational resources and advanced ideas in educational administration from (county). Both sides shall develop the education market in both China and (country) cooperatively.
III. Content & Mode
1. 甲乙双方开展合作,在甲方开发赴外留学培训项目。
Both sides shall cooperate in launching a training program at Party A side for the student to study in (country).
2 赴外培训项目为非学历教育,引进外国大学通用的,可替代托福成绩的ESL英语证书培训课程,目的是为了使学生到外国后,其英语水平能够达到与母语为英语的学生一起上课的要求。
Being a non-academic credential education program, the training program shall introduce ESL English certificate training course, which is commonly recognized among English language universities and can substitute TOEFL scores. Its purpose is to ensure that the students acquire an English language proficiency level which is adequate for taking classes together with those native English-speaking students after they go to the (country).
3 甲方提供教学场所及设施,并负责招生,乙方负责提供课程的全部师资、教材、教学软件和证书。
Party A shall offer classrooms and teaching facilities and is responsible for recruiting new students, while Party B shall provide the overall teaching materials, educational software, teachers of ESL course as well as ESL English certificate which is universally recognized among English language universities.
4. 招生人数少于X人不得开班。
The training program shall not be started in case of the enrollment is less than X.
IV. Rights & Obligations of Both Parties
(一)甲方Party A:
1. 负责赴外留学项目开办所需的相关立项和报批手续。
To be responsible for relevant formalities in launching, reporting and obtaining approval for the training program of ESL of studying in (country).
2. 负责提供赴外留学英语培训项目的教学设施及相关服务。
To be responsible for offering teaching facilities and relevant services for the training program of ESL of studying in (country).
3. 负责教学质量的监控,确保教学计划的顺利实施。如乙方提供的师资质量出现问题,甲方保留提出整改及更换师资的权利。
To be responsible for the supervision and control of the teaching quality to ensure the smooth implementation of the program. If the teachers dispatched by Party B could not match the quality requirements, Party A reserves the rights to demand correction and change the teachers concerned.