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This Chief Executive Officer Employment Agreement (“Agreement”) is made effective as of the ____ day of ___________, 20__ (the “Effective Date”) by and between ABC (hereafter referred to as “Company”), and Ming Wang, M.D. (“CEO”):



WHEREAS, Company desires to employ CEO, and CEO desires to be employed by Company, on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement;


WHEREAS, for purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the respective meanings set forth below: 为充分解释本协议,以下为用语释义

(i)“Person” means an individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, governmental authority, unincorporated organization, trust, association, or other entity;


(ii)“Affiliate” of a Person means any other Person that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such Person. The term “control” (including the terms “controlled by” and “under common control with”) means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a Person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise. In the case of a natural Person, “Affiliate” shall include, without limitation, such Person’s spouse, parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchild, mother-in-law and father-in-law and brothers and sisters-in-law, and spouse of any of these.


WHEREAS, in his position, CEO will have access to confidential and proprietary information concerning Company, and Company wishes to protect itself from unauthorized use of this information.


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants of the parties hereto, together with other valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Company and CEO have agreed as follows:


1.Position. Company hereby employs CEO, and CEO agrees to employment by, as the Chief Executive Officer of Company.


2.Duties. 职责

2.1 CEO shall have such duties as are required of the Chief Executive Officer of Company designated by Company, and as provided in the operating a greement of Company (“Operating Agreement”, as amended from time to time), and shall have such other duties and positions as may be reasonably assigned to him by Company which are commensurate with his experience and responsibilities and the position for which he is employed pursuant to Section 1 hereof. If requested, elected and qualified, CEO will, without additional compensation, serve as director, officer, trustee, governor, member or incorporator of (or in any substantially similar capacity for) Company, any Affiliate or any other Person in which Company may have an interest. By his election to office and under the Operating Agreement, CEO is vested with authority to carry out and administer the policies of Company. Such authority shall include the authorities as set forth in Annex A attached hereto. CEO hereby agrees to devote his best efforts to the faithful performance of his duties and to the promotion and advancement of the business and affairs of Company and its Affiliates to the exclusion of any other employer or entity for the term of this Agreement as set forth in Section 4 hereof, except as otherwise permitted by Company.


2.2 CEO shall ensure that his performance of duties under this Agreement complies with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. CEO represents and warrants that he is under no obligation or restriction, nor will CEO assume any obligation or restriction, which would in any way interfere or be inconsistent with his commitments under this Agreement. CEO will exercise due diligence and care in the performance of his duties to Company under this Agreement. Furthermore, CEO is expected to abide by all Company policies and procedures, including those promulgated or amended after the effective date of this Agreement. Company reserves the right to amend, interpret, or withdraw any of its policies or procedures at any time and without prior notice.


http://biz.doczj.com/doc/5213709598.html,pensation. For all services rendered by CEO during the term of this Agreement, CEO shall

receive from Company:


3.1 An annual base salary of _________________1, payable in installments corresponding to Company’s normal payroll periods (“Base Salary”).


3.2 For the initial term of this Agreement as set forth in Section

4.1, and in the sole and absolute discretion of Company, an incentive bonus with a maximum available amount of $200,000. [The amount payable for each fiscal year in such initial term shall be based upon CEO’s success in ach ieving performance goals set forth in Annex A attached hereto as compared to the result of the annual performance review of CEO, which shall be conducted during the [first quarter] of each fiscal year of Company, and the results of which will, on or before the end of such quarter, be discussed with CEO and confirmed in a writing signed by CEO and Company.]2 No incentive bonus shall be earned or paid in any fiscal year in which CEO’s employment is terminated.

在本协议第4.1节所规定的首个聘任期(首任期)内,公司根据自主裁定权,给予CEO每年不高于20万美元年度奖励。[公司每个财年的[第一个季度]进行年度绩效考核,并在该季度末在与CEO讨论后由公司和CEO书面确认考核结果。首任期内每个财年的年度奖励金将根据年度绩效考核CEO成功完成附件A 所规定的目标的情况予以确定。]如果CEO聘用协议终止,CEO在协议终止的这一财年将不享受任何年度激励奖金。

3.3 Subject to the terms of each plan, program, or policy, the benefits set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto.


4. Term and Termination. 聘任期及终止

4.1 The initial term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and continue for three (3) years. [Such initial term shall be automatically extended for one or more successive one (1)-year periods unless, not less than ninety (90) days before the end of the initial term or any such extension, either party gives written notice to the other that it elects not to extend the term.]3 The initial term and extension periods, if any, are herein referred to as the “Term.”


4.2 Notwithstandi ng the provisions of Section 4.1, this Agreement and CEO’s employment hereunder may be terminated in any of the following ways:


4.2.1 By Company for Cause upon written notice and with immediate effect. For purposes of this Agreement, “Cause” means:

公司由于下文所示‘原因’发出书面通知并即刻生效,本协议中‘原因’指: any of the following, if in the sole judgment of Company, such

actions are or could likely be injurious to Company or any of its Affiliates:出现以下


1NTD: To be provided by

2NTD: Subject to review.

3NTD: Subject to review. CEO is indicted for or convicted of a felony or a

misdemeanor involving the illegal use of controlled substances or moral

turpitude; or CEO被指证犯罪或者非法使用管制物或违反社会公德,或 CEO has been excluded from Medicare, Medicaid, or any

federal healthcare program; or CEO被医保、医疗补助计划或任何联邦医

疗健康计划除名,或 CEO has knowingly committed any fraud, embezzlement,

misappropriation, or other material act of dishonesty against Company or

any Affiliate, or knowingly commits a felony under any federal or state

criminal law; CEO故意实施诈骗、挪用公款、侵吞资金或其他对公司


犯罪行为。或 CEO knowingly breaches his fiduciary duty or duty of

loyalty to Company; or CEO故意违反了自己对公司诚信义务或忠诚的义

务。或 Any other conduct by CEO that is demonstrably and

injurious to Company, either monetarily, reputationally or otherwise. CEO

实施了任何有损公司金钱、名誉或其他利益的行为。 CEO takes any action or omission which causes Company or any Affiliate to: (a) violate any provision or Title XVII or XIX of the Social Security Act, or any regul ation of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”), which violation results (or could result) in any of Company’s Affiliate being excluded from participation in governmental health care programs, or otherwise being required by such agency or the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to terminate this Agreement; provided however that this definition of Cause shall not include any act or omission taken by CEO at the direction of Company; CEO任何的作为或者不做导致公司或关联方:a 违反了社会保障法案第十七条或十九条,或违法医保法律法规,因违反法规导致(或者可能导致)公司任何关联方被政府医保计划除名,或者被诸如美国卫生与服务部监察办公室要求终止本协议的;本条款所解释“原因”不包括CEO受公司指示而实施的作为或不作为行为。 A total disability of CEO, which means any physical or mental condition that renders CEO incapable of performing his material duties to Company and is reasonably expected to be permanent, all as determined by Company in good faith; and in any event, CEO shall be treated as having a total disability on the date

that: (i) CEO has been declared legally incompetent by his state of residence, or (ii)

Company has received a written opinion from a physician designated by Company to

the effect that CEO has incurred a mental or physical condition that can reasonably

be expected to prevent him from carrying out his material duties to Company for a

period of six (6) months or longer from the date of such opinion, or (iii) the first day

that CEO has been unable to carry out his material duties to Company for a period of

six (6) consecutive months. As used herein, the phrase “material duties to Company”

means any duties provided in this Agreement or which CEO otherwise customarily

performs for Company. CEO 完全无资格,是指经由公司善意判断,CEO身体或







应履行的职责。或 CEO’s death; or CEO死亡。或 The occurrence of any one of the following acts or omissions which

remains uncured thirty (30) days after CEO’s receipt of written notice from Company

that said act or omission has occurred: (a) CEO fails to perform any of his material

duties under this Agreement or otherwise materially breaches this Agreement, (b)

CEO fails to follow any lawful and material instructions of Company delivered to

him in writing, or (c) CEO repeatedly fails to follow material written policies or

procedures of Company.





4.2.2 by Company without Cause upon sixty (60) days’ advance written notice to CEO.


4.2.3 by CEO for Good Reason (as defined below), provided that CEO has first given Company or its successor sixty (60) days’ advance written notice of his contention that circumstances constituting Good Reason exist and provided further that neither Company nor its successor has, within thirty (30) days following receipt of CEO’s notice, addressed such circumstances to such extent that they no longer constitute Good Reason. For purposes of this Agreement, “Good Reason” means:

首席执行官因为“合理理由”(如下所定义)需终止协议,应向公司或其继任人提前六十(60)天提交书面通知,说明“合理理由”的构成情况确实存在,同时公司或者其继任人在收到CEO的发函30日起均没有就该“合理理由”的提出争议,协议可终止。就本协议而言,“合理理由”是指: [a material diminution in CEO’s duties or responsibilities];

CEO的职责或责任出现重大削减。 a material continuing breach of this Agreement by Company.


4.2.4 By CEO other than for Good Reason, upon sixty (60) days’ advance written notice to Company of his resignation; provided that at any time following receipt of such notice, Company may by notice to CEO accelerate the termination of his employment to an earlier date. In the event of such acceleration, Company shall pay CEO his then existing Base Salary from the date of his notice of resignation for a total period of sixty (60) days, payable at the time and in accordance with Company’s usual payroll practices for other employees, and any other compensation or benefits during the remainder of such sixty (60) day period shall be determined exclusively under Section 5 below.

除因“合理理由”之外,CEO提出辞职应提前六十(60)天向公司发出书面通知; 在收到通知后的任何时间,公司可以通知CEO提前终止协议。如公司在此种情况下提前终止协议,公司应支付从CEO辞职通知之日起至60日的基本工资,支付形式遵照公司其他员工的工资方式支付,在该六十(60)天内出现的任何其他补偿或利益应仅根据以下第5节确定。

4.3 Following the termination of CEO’s employment, CEO agrees to reasonably cooperate with Company and use CEO’s reasonable efforts in responding to all reasonable requests by Company for assistance and advice relating to matters and procedures about which CEO has personal knowledge as a result of CEO’s tenure with Company. CEO also covenants to cooperate in defending or prosecuting any claim or other action that arises, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigat ive, in which CEO’s participation is required in the reasonable judgment of Company by reason of CEO’s former employment with Company. Upon Company’s request, CEO will use CEO’s reasonable efforts to attend hearings and trials, to assist in effecting settlements, and to assist in the procuring of witnesses, producing evidence, and in the defense or prosecution of said claims or other actions.


5. Non-Competition and Non-Solicitation.竞业限制

5.1 For so long as CEO is employed by Company and for a period of twenty four (24) months after CEO ceases to be employed by Company for any reason, neither he nor an Affiliate, employee, representative or agent on his behalf (each a “CEO Agent”) shall directly or indirectly, as a principal, shareholder, partner, representative, agent, director, officer, employee or in any other manner or capacity whatsoever engage in any business activity that competes with the business of Company within the State of Tennessee. The non-competition covenants hereof shall apply to business activities conducted over the Internet.



5.2 CEO agrees that during the Term and for a period of two (2) years following the termination or expiration of this Agreement, neither CEO nor any CEO Agent shall (i) directly or indirectly, solicit, interfere with or attempt to disrupt, directly or indirectly, any account, customer, client, supplier or other person or entity with whom Company has a business relationship; or (ii) directly or indirectly, induce or attempt to induce any of the employees or independent contractor of Company or any of its Affiliates to leave the employment of or limit the services to Company or its such Affiliate.

CEO同意本协议有效期内及本协议终止或失效后的两(2)年内,CEO或任何CEO代理人不得(i)直接或间接索取、干扰或直接或间接意图中断与公司有业务关系的任何账户、顾客、客户、供应商或其他个人或实体; 或(ii)直接或间接诱使或企图诱导任何公司和关联方的职员及其独立供应商离职,或限制他们给公司或其关联方提供的服务活动。

5.3 CEO has carefully read and considered the provisions of this Section 5, and, having done so, agrees that the restrictions and requirements set forth in this Section 5 are fair, reasonable and are reasonably required for the protection of the interests of Company and its Affiliates. CEO agrees that any breach by CEO of this Section 5 creates a threat of irreparable harm to Company, for which legal remedies are inadequate. Accordingly, for any such breach by CEO of the covenants not to compete in this Agreement, and in addition to any other remedies available to Company at law or in equity, CEO consents that Company should be entitled to equitable relief, including a temporary restraining order, an injunction, specific performance and any other relief that may be available from a court of competent jurisdiction (without any requirement to post bond).


5.4 If the covenants set forth under this Section 5 is held to be unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the parties agree and intend that the court will not render the provision void but will instead modify the duration, geographic scope and such other terms that the court deems reasonable, necessary and appropriate in accordance with applicable law and to protect Company’s interests as set forth herein. The covenants contained in this Section 5 and each provision hereof are severable and distinct covenants and provisions. The invalidity or unenforceability of any such covenant or provision shall not invalidate or render unenforceable the remaining covenants or provisions hereof, and any such invalidity or unenforceability in any jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render unenforceable such covenant or provision in any other jurisdiction.


5.5 The covenants set forth under this Section 5 as to the non-competition and non-solicitation obligations shall be interpreted and enforced in conjunction with similar covenants of CEO in any other instrument or document to which Company or its Affiliates is a party. In the event of any conflict between any such covenants, the more restrictive covenant shall control.


6. Confidential Information. 机密信息

6.1“Confidential Information” Defined.CEO recognizes Company derives economic value from information created and used in its business which is not generally known by the public, including, but not limited to: all intellectual property (including copyright, trademark, and patentable ideas), proprietary equipment, formulas, products, services, technologies and procedures relating to the business and related services; all systems of operation, services, programs, products, procedures, policies, standards, techniques, specifications and criteria which now comprise, or in the future may comprise, a part of business; software; Company’s manuals (as they may be amended from time to time); records pertaining to customers or billings; methods of advertising and promotion; instructional materials; customer names and addresses; customer bidding, pricing, quoting, and billing methods; staff and sales training; staff composition and organization systems;quality assurance programs; supervision systems; recommended services; recordkeeping systems and materials; bookkeeping systems and materials; business forms; product and service order forms; proposal and contract forms and formats; general operations materials; revenue reports; advertising, promotional, and public relations materials/campaigns/guidelines/philosophy; specifications, systems, standards, techniques, philosophies and materials, guidelines, policies and procedures concerning the business; reports, proposals, advice, or materials received from consultants in association with work performed by the consultants for Company; methods of operations which are now, or may in the future be, employed by Company including all standards and specifications relating thereto and the means and manner of offering and selling same; all other components, specifications, standards, requirements and duties imposed by Company; strategic planning; Protected Health Information as defined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, as amended; and any other confidential concepts or ideas related to Company’s business.


6.2 For purposes of this Agreement, only such information described in the prior section that is disclosed by Company during CEO’s employment shall constitute “Confidential Information”. Confidential Information shall not include information that i) is or may become known to CEO or to the public from sources outside Company and through means other than a breach of this Agreement or ii) is disclosed by CEO after written approval from Company.


6.3Non-Disclosure. It is understood and agreed that, in the course of his employment hereunder and through his activities for and on behalf of Company CEO will receive, deal with and have access to Company’s Confidential Information, and CEO holds Company’s Confidential Inf ormation in trust and confidence for Company. CEO agrees that, except when necessary or required in the normal course of CEO’s employment hereunder and for the benefit of Company or with the express written consent of Company, CEO will not, and will not permit any other Person or entity to, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of Company: (i) use Confidential Information for the benefit of any Person or entity; (ii) remove, copy, duplicate or otherwise reproduce any document or tangible item embodying or pertaining to any of the Confidential Information; or (iii) publish, release, disclose, deliver or otherwise make available to any third party any Confidential Information by any communication, including oral, documentary, electronic or magnetic information transmittal device or media.

保密。双方了解并认同,在CEO的任职期间通过其任职活动、代表公司他将获取并处理公司相关的机密信息,CEO对公司抱有信任和信心。CEO同意,除非在有必要或者被要求的情况下,CEO不会允许任何个人、组织,直接或间接,未经公司书面同意的情况下:(i)为任何个人或实体的利益泄使用机密信息; (ii)删除,复制或以其他方式再制任何体现任何机密信息的文件或有形物品;或(iii)采用任何通讯形式(包括口头,纪录片,电子或磁性信息传输设备或媒体)发布,公开,披露,传递或以其他方式向任何第三方提供任何机密信息。

6.4 Confidential Information Misuse.If CEO becomes aware of any misuse or misappropriation of Confidential Information, CEO shall immediately notify Company in writing of such misuse or misappropriation.


6.5 Response to Legal Process Requesting Confidential Information.In the event CEO is requested, pursuant to subpoena or other legal process, to disclose any Confidential Information, CEO shall immediately notify Company so that Company may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy and/or waive compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. In the event (i) such protective order or other remedy is not obtained or (ii) the appropriate party waives compliance with the provisions of this Agreement, CEO shall furnish only that portion of the Confidential Information that is legally required.



6.6 Duration of Non-Disclosure Provisions. The covenants contained in this Agreement as to the non-disclosure of Confidential Information, non-competition with Company and non-solicitation of Company’s employees shall survive expiration or termination of CEO’s employment and shall be and remain effective, binding and enforceable, and shall be in addition to, and shall be interpreted and enforced in conjunction with, similar covenants of the parties contained in any other instrument or document. In the event of any conflict between any such covenants, the more restrictive covenant shall control.


6.7 Equitable Remedies. In t he event of CEO’s breach or violation of his obligations set out in this Section 6, CEO agrees Company would not have an adequate remedy at law and Company shall be entitled, without posting a bond, to an injunction restraining any breach and to other appropriate equitable relief. CEO hereby waives the right to use as a defense to any equitable action the allegation that Company has an adequate remedy at law. The equitable remedy provided Company shall be in addition to any other remedies it may have and nothing in this provision shall be construed as prohibiting Company from pursuing any other remedy available to it, including without limitation withholding of payments otherwise due CEO and the refund of past payments made to CEO.


7.Books and Records. CEO acknowledges that all files, records, lists, designs, specifications, formulas, books, products, and other materials owned and used by Company and its Affiliates, in connection with the conduct of their business shall at all times remain the property of Company and its Affiliates, and that upon termination or expiration of CEO’s employment hereunder for any reason, CEO will surrender to Company all such materials. Until the expiration of four (4) years after furnishing of the services under this Agreement, CEO, Company and their subcontractors will, to the extent required by applicable law, make available to the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Comptroller General, and their representatives this Agreement and all books, documents and records necessary to certify the nature and extent of the cost of such services.


8.This Agreement is Confidential. It is understood that the terms of this Agreement are confidential. Each party agrees that, without the prior consent of Company, no disclosure of any of the terms of this Agreement will be made to any Person, other than to Company and to any employees and advisors of the parties who need to know and who agree to be bound by this provision.


9.Waiver. Failure to insist upon strict compliance with any of the terms, covenants or conditions hereof shall not be deemed a waiver of such term, covenant or condition, nor shall any waiver or relinquishment of, or failure to insist upon strict compliance with, any right or power hereunder at any one or more times be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of such right or power at any other time or times.


10.Addresses for Notices. Any notice contemplated, required, or permitted under this Agreement shall be sufficient ilia writing and shall be deemed given when delivered personally or mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the addresses listed below:


(a) To Company公司:

Attn: _____________

(b) To CEO: __________________



or such subsequ ent address(es) as the respective parties may hereafter designate in writing.


http://biz.doczj.com/doc/5213709598.html,erning Law; Forum. This Agreement shall in all respects be governed by and construed according to the laws of the State of Tennessee, without regard to any conflicts of laws principles. [Any dispute, controversy, claim or difference of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved exclusively by final and binding arbitration with one (1) arbitrator, which arbitration shall be conducted in Nashville, Tennessee in accordance with the American Health Lawyers Association Alternative Dispute Resolution Service Rules of Procedure for Arbitration, and judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The language of the arbitration proceedings and written decisions or correspondence shall be English.]

适用法律; 管辖法庭(仲裁庭)。无论是否与法律原则相冲突,本协议接受田纳西州法律的管辖和解释,[任何由本协议产生或与本协议有关的任何争议、冲突、索赔或分歧,必须提交由一名仲裁员组成的仲裁庭进行终局的、有法律约束力的仲裁。仲裁根据美国健康律师协会替代性争议解决服务条例的仲裁程序,由田纳西州的纳什维尔一(1)名仲裁员进行最终和有约束力的仲裁。仲裁程序和书面决定或通信的语言应为英语。

12.Indemnification. 补偿

a. Company will indemnify and hold harmless CEO against any and all expenses, including

reasonable attorney fees, judgments, fines or amounts, paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by CEO in connection with any action, claim, suit or proceeding brought against CEO solely in his capacity as its Chief Executive Officer to the maximum extent permitted by the Operating Agreement of Company.


b. CEO will indemnify and hold Company harmless against any and all expenses, including

reasonable attorney fees, judgments, fines or amounts paid in settlement, actually and reasonably incurred by Company in connection with any action, claim, suit or proceeding brought against Company as a result of any gross negligence, reckless, willful or intentional misconduct by CEO.



13.Successors, Heirs and Assigns. The duties and obligations of CEO under this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of Company and its Affiliates and their successors and assigns. Company shall have the right to assign, transfer, or convey this Agreement to its Affiliates, successor entities, or assignees or transferees of substantially all of Company’s business activities. This Agreement, being personal in nature to CEO, may not be assigned by CEO.

继任人,继承人和受让人。首席执行官在本协议下的职责和义务应确保公司及其关联方及其继承人和受让人的利益。公司有权将其转让,转移或委派本协议给其关联方、继承实体、公司业务活动的受让人或受让人。 CEO作为自然人,不得转让本协议。

14.Amendment. This Agreement may not be changed or amended orally, but only by an agreement in writing expressly purporting to amend this Agreement and signed by both parties hereto.


15.Severability. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction determines any portion of this Agreement is in violation of any statute or public policy, then only the portions of This Agreement that violate such statute or public policy shall be stricken. All portions of this Agreement that do not violate any statute or public policy shall continue in full force and effect Furthermore, any court order striking any portion of this Agreement shall modify the stricken terms as narrowly as possible to give as much effect as possible to the intentions of the parties under this Agreement.


16.Attorneys’ Fees. In case of any action or proceeding to compel compliance with, or for a breach of, any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party all costs of such action or proceeding, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, accountants’ fees, cost s, and disbursements.


17.Survival.It is the express intention and agreement of the parties that all covenants, agreements, statements, representations, warranties, and indemnities made in this Agreement will survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement.


18.No Rule of Strict Construction.The language of this Agreement will be deemed to have been approved by both parties, and no rule of strict construction will be applied against either party.


19.Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement under seal, as of the ____ day of ___________, 20__.








聘请单位:(以下简称甲方) 受聘人:(以下简称乙方) 为了达成公司专业技术领域更上台阶,特邀乙方与甲方合作,甲乙双方根据国家相关法律法规,按照自愿、平等、协商一致的原则,签订本协议。 一、聘请时间: 1、聘请有效期:自年月日至年月日止,共年。 二、聘请合作方式及内容: 1、合作方式:聘请乙方为甲方项目研发专家及专业咨询教授; 2、合作内容: (1)甲方项目专业和技术的研发及培训; (注:) 三、聘请酬金: 1、甲方每月支付乙方元的酬金。(注:) 四、甲乙双方的权利和义务: 1、甲方的权利和义务: (1)甲方应遵守国家相关法律规定,公平、公正的与乙方进行合作; (2)甲方应按协议规定给乙方支付酬金; (3)甲方不得在未经乙方同意的情况下借助乙方进行广告效应类的宣传及炒作; (4)甲方在与乙方合作期间,因甲方原因造成乙方利益的损失,则甲方要承担相应的责任和损失;

(5)甲方在合作期间发现乙方有违法行为,经证实后有提前解除合约的权利; 2、乙方的权利和义务: (1)乙方应遵守国家的法律法规进行项目专业及技术的研发; (2)乙方在合作期间应按协议要求完成合作内容; (3)乙方在与甲方合作期间,因乙方原因造成甲方利益损失,则要承担相应的责任和损失;(4)乙方在合作期间发现甲方有违法行为,经证实后有提前解除合约的权利; 五、聘请协议的变更、终止和解除: 1、协议生效后,双方必须履行协议规定的义务,任何一方不得擅自变更协议。如需变更,经双方应协商一致,可变更协议。双方未达成一致意见,原协议继续有效。 2、协议期满或者双方约定的协议终止条件出现时,协议即自行终止。在协议期满一个月前,经双方协商同意,可以续签协议或按协议内容终止。 3、在合作期间,双方因自然灾害、国家变动等不可抗因素造成协议不能正常履行时,经双方协商一致,可提前解除协议; 4、合作期间,经甲乙双方协商一致,协议可提前解除。 六、其它事项: 1、甲乙双方因合作发生人事争议,可先自行协商解决,如协商无效,可按法律规定申请仲裁,如对仲裁裁决不服,可向人民法院提起诉讼。 2、本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,经甲、乙双方签字后生效。 甲方(盖章):乙方(签字): 日期:日期:


合同编号: 兼职聘用协议书范本 签订地点: 签订日期:年月日

兼职聘用协议书范本 甲方: 法定代表人: 甲方地址: 乙方: 性别: 学历: 身份证号码: 甲乙双方经平等协商,就乙方在甲方兼职工作一事达成如卜协议,本协议一经双方签字,即具有法律效力,未经对方许可,任何一方不得擅自更改。 第一条甲方将聘请乙方从事兼职工作,本协议白____年____月____日至____年____月____日有效。 第二条公司将为乙方提供的薪资标准为转正前为税前____元人民币,转正后为税前____元人民币,试用期为____个月,公司也将保留根据乙方工作表现给予适度调整的权力。 第三条乙方的工作报酬将在此聘用协议结束时一次性结算。乙方薪资应按国家规定由甲方代扣应缴纳的个人所得税。 第四条双方可根据公司实际情况协商续签聘用协议或提前解除此聘用协议,任何一方欲提前终止本协议需提前3个工作日通知对方。终止本协议时请做好工作交接以及离职会签工作。

第五条本协议期间甲方为乙方上意外伤害保险,乙方将不享受公司正式职工享受的相关福利以及养老、医疗、工伤、失业等保险和公积金待遇。 第六条乙方需遵守公司有关管理规章制度,遵守职业道德。 第七条本协议之未尽事宜,由双方协商解决;如协商解决不成,可依据国家相关法律规定执行。 第八条本协议一式两份,双方各执一份。 甲方(公司印章) 日期: 乙方(签字): 日期: 甲方:___________________有限公司 办公地址:_______________________ 法定代表人:_____________________ 委托代理人:_____________________ 乙方:___________________________ 出生日期:______年______月_____日 性别:__________民族:___________ 文化程度:______国籍:___________ 身份证号码:_____________________ 家庭住址:_______________________


兼职技术人员聘用协议书 聘请方: (以下简称甲方) 受聘方: (以下简称乙方)身份证号码:联系电话: 甲、乙双方根据平等、自愿、协商一致的原则,就甲方聘用乙方担任兼职技术顾问一事达成如下协议,并订立本协议,双方共同信守。 一、聘用岗位及职责 甲方聘用乙方担任本公司的兼职技术顾问,负责公司的产品设计、技术开发和研制、技术革新和改进、技术的保密和管理、技术指导和咨询服务等。 二、聘用期及工作时间 聘任时间总计为期年,自年月日开始起算至年月日止。合同期满,双方协商重新签订。 乙方的工作时间为弹性工作时间,但需保持通讯畅通。 三、聘用报酬及工作费用、社会保险 乙方的报酬为元(含税),由甲方于2014年6月5日前支付。如因工作需要,而发生的差旅费、招待费等,按甲方的有关规定执行。 鉴于乙方是兼职工作的原因,甲方不为乙方办理社会保险。 四、技术成果及归属 乙方主要为甲方提供和研制等技术咨询。乙方在甲方兼职期间,因履行职务或者主要是利用甲方的物质技术条件、业务信息等产生的发明创造、作品、计算机软件、技术秘密或其他商业秘密信息,有关的知识产权均属于甲方所有。甲方可以在业务范围内充分自由的利用这些发明创造、作品、计算机软件、技术秘密或其他商业秘密信息,用于申请权利保护、生产经营或者向第三方转让。乙方应当按甲方的要求,提供一切必要的信息和采取一切必要的行动,包括申请、注册、登记等,协助甲方取得和行使有关的知识产权。乙方在离职后无权在继续使用该技术或转让该技术。

五、保密责任 1、乙方兼职职期间的保密义务,乙方除了履行职务的需要之外,承诺承担下列保密义务: (1)乙方在兼职期间,必须遵守甲方规定的任何成文或不成文的保密规章、制度,履行与其工作岗位相应的保密职责; (2)未经甲方同意不得刺探与本职工作或本身业务无关的商业秘密; (3)未经甲方同意不得以泄露、告知、公布、发布、出版、传授、转让或者其他任何方式使任何第三方(包括按照保密制度规定不得知悉该项秘密的甲方其他成员)知悉属于甲方或者属于他人但甲方承诺有保密义务的技术秘密或其他商业秘密信息; (4)乙方承诺,在甲方兼职期间,非经甲方事先同意,不在与甲方生产、经营同类产品或提供同类服务的其他企业、事业单位、社会团体等担任任何职务,包括股东、合伙人、董事、监事、经理、职员、代理人、顾问等,并不自营与甲方类似的产品或服务,不为他人类似经营提供任何建议; 2、乙方离职之后的保密义务 双方同意,乙方离职之后仍对其在甲方兼职期间接触、知悉的属于甲方或者虽属于第三方但甲方承诺有保密义务的技术秘密和其他商业秘密信息,承担如同兼职期间一样的保密义务和不擅自使用有关秘密信息的义务,而无论乙方因何种原因离职; 六、违约责任 甲乙双方任何一方违反本协议之约定造成对方损失的,应该按照损失的大小承担违约赔偿责任。 七、争议的解决 本协议经双方签盖公章后生效。因履行本合发生的争议,由争议双方协商解决,协商不成的,提交深圳市仲裁委员会,依该仲裁委员会的仲裁规则仲裁。 八、本合同一式两份,具有同等法律效力,甲乙双方各执一份。 甲方:乙方: (签章)(签字) 签订日期:年月日签订地:


STANDARD AGREEMENT SAMPLE (协议范本) 甲方:____________________ 乙方:____________________ 签订日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-015551 大学教授聘用协议书精装版

大学教授聘用协议书精装版 大学教授聘用协议书 经甲方_________(引进单位)、乙方_________(被引进者)平等协商,自愿签订本协议。 一、聘用岗位及职务 甲方以智力引进方式聘请乙方为_________大学_________教授。 二、协议期限 本协议自_________年_________月_________日至_________年_________月 _________日止,期限为_________年,乙方每年到甲方工作时间不少于_________个月。 三、乙方工作职责、任务与目标 _________。 四、甲方提供的基本条件 1.甲方为乙方提供工作津贴_________元/月(年)。 2.提供_________平方米工作住房或_________元/月住房补贴。 3.提供_________平方米的科研办公用房。 4.聘期内提供基本条件保障费共_________元,其中第一年到位_________元,

其余根据目标完成情况滚动投入。 五、双方约定事项 1.工作津贴中的基础津贴部分按10个月平均发放,其余部分年终考核通过后一次性给付。 2.乙方因主观因素导致未完成本协议既定工作目标的,甲方有权随时解除本协议,且乙方须按甲方已支付薪酬(工资+岗位津贴)总额的50%给予甲方以经济补偿。 3.甲方因工作需要,或甲、乙双方因客观原因导致无法履行协议条款时,双方可通过协商变更协议条款。 4.乙方在协议期内须将年度业绩情况报校高层次人才领导小组办公室备案。5.协议期内双方解除协议及违约责任事项参照《_________大学岗位聘任(用)暂行办法》执行。 六、本协议一式三份,甲方、乙方及人事部门各执一份。本合同约定事项违背国家法律、法规、或涂改、未经授权代签无效。 甲方(盖章):_________乙方(签字):_________代表人(签字): __________________年____月____日_________年____月____日签订地点: _________签订地点:_________ XX网络科技有限公司 YunBo Network Technology Co., Ltd.


外聘专家聘用协议书 外聘研究员聘用合同;鉴于:;郑州大学西亚斯国际学院法学院(以下简称甲方)为了;(以下简称乙方)在法学领域内具有较高的技术水平及;甲乙双方在平等、自愿的基础上,经过友好协商,特就;一、聘用期限;本聘用合同有效期自至止;二、工作内容及任务;1、甲方聘用乙方从事;2、乙方在聘期内的具体工作内容及任务;(1)为甲方在法学领域的发展提供重要的指导意见和;(2)在客观条外聘研究员聘用合同 鉴于: 郑州大学西亚斯国际学院法学院(以下简称甲方)为了吸引法学界杰出人才,充分利用社会教学资源,加强师资队伍建设,促进教学、科研工作的发展,全面提高教学、科研综合实力的强烈愿望。 (以下简称乙方)在法学领域内具有较高的技术水平及业务素质和良好的职业道德,并愿意以外聘研究员身份参与工作,并接受甲方的监督和管理。 甲乙双方在平等、自愿的基础上,经过友好协商,特就以下条款达成一致意见,签订本聘用合同。 一、聘用期限 本聘用合同有效期自至止。合同期满。双方协商可以重新签订。 二、工作内容及任务 1、甲方聘用乙方从事 2、乙方在聘期内的具体工作内容及任务

(1)为甲方在法学领域的发展提供重要的指导意见和建议; (2)在客观条件许可的情况下,出席甲方的重大活动,为甲方的发展提供意见和建议; (3)参与甲方的专业建设中,每学期不少于学时的授课量,且每年为教师和学生作学术报告或举办专题讲座(原则上一年不少于次),对青年教师进行具体指导; (4)指导科研工作,带领中青年教师申报、承担国家、盛部级科研项目,每年策划争取到国家级科研项目项或者盛市级科研项目项或者横向项目项,按计划每年提交年度报告,并确保项目的顺利实施和目标实现。对本学科研究方向的选择、科研项目的选定等方面给予全面具体的指导; (5)在受聘期内,每年在甲方工作的时间不少于个月。 (6)根据教学工作需要,承担本科生部分紧缺课程或开设新课程的教学任务。 三、双方的权利和义务 甲方:1、提供完成合同规定任务所必要的工作条件; 2、为异地受聘人员提供必需的生活条件。 乙方: 1、应有强烈的事业心、责任感和敬业精神;有良好的职业道德和实事求是的科学态度和工作作风;有团队协作精神,愿意为甲方的教学、科研等方面的发展做出贡献; 2、在聘期间,对外可使用"郑州大学西亚斯国际学院特聘研究员"的称


公司聘用顾问协议书范本 公司聘用顾问协议书范本 在现在社会,协议起到的作用越来越大,签订签订协议是最有效的法律依据之一。我们该怎么拟定协议呢?下面是WTT 为大家收集的公司聘用顾问协议书范本,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 甲方 : 乙方: 甲、乙双方依据《中华人民共和国合同法》之相关规定,就甲方聘用乙方一事达成协议内容如下,并订立本合同,以兹双方共同信守。 一、聘用岗位 甲方聘用乙方担任本公司的技术总顾问,全权负责公司的技术开发和研制、技术革新和改进、技术的保密和管理、技术指导和咨询服务等。 二、聘用时间 时间总计为期三年,自年月日开始起算至年月日止。合同每年一签,每年期满双方重新签订。 三、聘用报酬

乙方的报酬由两部分构成,一是每年的年薪万元,支付方式根据实际情况进行安排,或由双方另行商定。第二部分是技术开发成果奖励,按照每提供或研制开发一项符合市场推广标准的专利或非专利技术,在根据该技术成果进行生产销售个月后,确能够带来经济效益的,按照双方在投入生产之前商定奖励金额支付。乙方不再要求该技术生产推广的利润中有任何分成或奖励。 四、技术成果及归属 乙方主要为甲方提供和研制:等技术或配方。乙方在甲方任职期间,因履行职务或者主要是利用甲方的`物质技术条件、业务信息等产生的发明创造、作品、计算机软件、技术秘密或其他商业秘密信息,有关的知识产权均属于甲方所有。甲方可以在业务范围内充分自由的利用这些发明创造、作品、计算机软件、技术秘密或其他商业秘密信息,用于申请权利保护、生产经营或者向第三方转让。乙方应当按甲方的要求,提供一切必要的信息和采取一切必要的行动,包括申请、注册、登记等,协助甲方取得和行使有关的知识产权。乙方在离职后无权在继续使用该技术或转让该技术。 五、技术成果的标准要求及开发时间、验收。 六、保密责任 1、乙方任职期间的保密义务


聘请方(甲方): 受聘方(乙方): 甲方聘请乙方作为专家顾问,就本合同约定项目为甲方提供专项技术服务,并由甲方支付相应的技术服务报酬。双方经过平等协商,在充分地表达各自真实意思的基础上,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,达成如下协议,供双方共同遵守。 第一条甲方聘请乙方进行技术服务的内容如下 1.技术服务的项目:海洋经济咨询、海洋政策法规咨询、海洋技术咨询等。 2.技术服务的内容和目标: 解答甲方遇到的海洋事务咨询,无需常年坐班,甲方遇到海洋事务专业问题,可以向乙方请教。乙方要安排时间当面或来电来函解答。并指导甲方工作人员工作。 3.技术服务的方式: 第二条乙方应按下列要求完成技术服务工作 1.技术服务地点:; 2.技术服务期限:; 3.技术服务进度:; 4.技术服务质量要求:; 5.技术服务质量期限要求:。 第三条为保证乙方有效进行技术服务工作,甲方应当向乙方提供下列工作条件和协作事项 1.提供技术资料; (1); (2); 2.提供工作条件或协助事项;

; 第四条甲方向乙方支付技术服务报酬及支付方式为 1.海洋事务服务费按甲方按年度支付乙方,具体为每年5000元人民币。 2.技术服务费由甲方分期支付乙方,具体支付方式和时间如下; 第五条双方确定因履行本合同应遵守的保密义务如下 甲方: 1.保密密内容(技术信息)乙方获得的甲方与第三方的合作协议、海洋技术、等信息未经甲方书面同意不得泄露给其他方。 3.泄密责任:如乙方泄密,应赔偿甲方合作协议额度的20%给甲方。 4.保密密内容(包括技术信息和经营信息) 5.保密期限: 6.泄密责任: 第六条双方确定以下列标准和方式对乙方的技术服务工作成果进行验收 1.乙方完成技术服务工作的形式: 2.技术服务工作成果的验收标准: 3.技术服务工作成果的验收方法: 第七条双方确定 1.甲方利用乙方提交的技术服务工作成所完成的新的技术成果,归甲方所有。 2. 乙方利用甲方提供的技术资料和工作条件所完成的新的技术成果,归甲、乙双方所共有。 第八条双方确定,按以下约定承担各自违约责任 1.甲方未按本合同约定向乙方支付技术服务费,除应当继续履行支付义务外,还应按未支付金额


编号:QJ-HT-0895 大学教授聘用协议书新(官 方版) Both parties to the contract shall perform their obligations in accordance with the contract or the law within the contract period. 甲方:_____________________ 乙方:_____________________ 日期:_____________________ --- 专业协议范本系列下载即可用---

大学教授聘用协议书新(官方版) 说明:该协议书适用于甲乙双方为明确各自的权利和义务,经友好协商双方同意签署协议,在协议期限内按照协议约定或者依照法律规定履行义务,可下载收藏或打印使用(使用时请先阅读条款是否适用)。 经甲方_________(引进单位)、乙方_________(被引进者)平等协商,自愿签订本协议。 一、聘用岗位及职务 甲方以智力引进方式聘请乙方为_________大学_________教授。 二、协议期限 本协议自_________年_________月_________日至_________年_________月_________日止,期限为_________年,乙方每年到甲方工作时间不少于_________个月。 三、乙方工作职责、任务与目标 _________。 四、甲方提供的基本条件 1.甲方为乙方提供工作津贴_________元/月(年)。

2.提供_________平方米工作住房或_________元/月住房补贴。 3.提供_________平方米的科研办公用房。 4.聘期内提供基本条件保障费共_________元,其中第一年到位_________元,其余根据目标完成情况滚动投入。 五、双方约定事项 1.工作津贴中的基础津贴部分按10个月平均发放,其余部分年终考核通过后一次性给付。 2.乙方因主观因素导致未完成本协议既定工作目标的,甲方有权随时解除本协议,且乙方须按甲方已支付薪酬(工资+岗位津贴)总额的50%给予甲方以经济补偿。 3.甲方因工作需要,或甲、乙双方因客观原因导致无法履行协议条款时,双方可通过协商变更协议条款。 4.乙方在协议期内须将年度业绩情况报校高层次人才领导小组办公室备案。 5.协议期内双方解除协议及违约责任事项参照《_________大学岗位聘任(用)暂行办法》执行。


编号: 兼职专家教授聘用合同 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:—年月日 甲方:

乙方: 为提高公司科技研发水平,加强公司与技术专家之间的合作,甲方聘用 大学教授 先生/女士《乙方)为技术专家。根据《民法通则》 '《中华人民共和国合同法》等有关规 定,甲乙双方经平等协商一致,自愿签订本聘用协议,共同遵守本协议所列条款: 一'协议期限 本协议有期限自年月日起至年月日止,期满作废。如需继续聘用,须提前一个月进行协商,重新签订聘用协议。 二、工作内容与要求 1、甲方聘用乙方:担任职务,提供- ”(以下简称"专利技术")专 利成果转化期间的技术服务与咨询,并对申报科技型项目、 技改类项目及实用新型专利等提供出 技术服务与咨询意见。 2、 乙方服务甲方的工作地点包括甲方中试工厂、实验室、科研基地及甲方需要的其他地方。 3、 协助总工程师,配合专门工程技专家审核可行性报告、设计规范流程,对工艺技术路线、设 计方案进行把关性控制,指岀缺憾,提岀指导意见; 4、 协助总工程师,配合专门工程技专家对设计方案中的设备选型及相关匹配材料选型布局的合 理性,提出指导性意见或可执行性方案与解决渠道。 5、 借助网络、电话、传真' 视频等高效快捷的现代化媒体平台,结合在线指导的方式,实现高 效率技术指导与信息沟通。如遇技术难题或者施工关键性技术节点时, 乙方可视甲方需要作为技 术专家参加现场设计施工会审碰头会,以便实现技术突破,力克难关; 6、 乙方的工作时间为弹性工作时间,但需保持通讯畅通,并在不影响乙方正常工作的条件下,

乙方应积极配合甲方就专利技术成果转化期间进行所需的相关技术服务工作, 满足甲方专利技术 成果转化工作的需要。 7、全程参与项目设计管理工作和工程优化实施指导建设工作;协助总工程师,根据设计平面布 置图提出工程建议,配合工程招投标工作顺利进行;对甲方提出的有关设计、 施工建设、技术难题等咨询,提供专业、准确、合理的意见和解决建议。 三' 劳动保护和劳动条件 1、甲乙双方都必须严格执行国家有关生产安全、劳动保护、卫生健康等规定。 2、 甲方根据乙方工作岗位的实际情况,按公司有关规定向乙方提供必要的劳动保护用品和其他 劳动保护条件。 3、乙方対自身安全' 健康负有谨慎注意义务,必须严格遵守公司各项安全生产制度。 四、工作报酬待遇及福利待遇 1、聘用期间,甲方支付乙方薪酬为人民币:元/月; 2、在实施工业化中试期间发放通讯费及工地补贴:通讯补贴元/月;工地补贴 /天。 3、甲方于次月10日前,以银行转账形式向乙方支付上月薪酬。 4、因乙方属于甲方兼职聘用人员,甲方不承担其社会保险费用,但甲方为乙方每年购买 份人身意外伤害险(详见保险条款),每份保险费元,双方同意该保险的受益人为乙方。 鉴于乙方是兼职工作,乙方在聘用期间因自身疾病产生的各项费用,由本人基本医疗保险承


编号: 公司厨师聘用协议书 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_____ 年____ 月_____ 日 以下简称甲方) 聘用方: 受聘方:(以下简称乙方)

为解决好公司员工食堂和__________________ 对外接待用餐,甲方决定聘用乙方夫妻为食堂厨师, 经甲、乙双方在平等、自愿的基础上充分协商,达成如下协议: 一、聘用性质: 为临时聘用,期限为一年,一旦解除合同,甲方不再承担乙方任何上班期间的责任和费用。 二、聘用时间: 自 _____ 年______ 月______ 日至_______ 年______ 月______ 日期满后,甲方如需继续聘用,同等条件下优先考虑乙方。 三、劳动报酬 1、乙方夫妻二人税后工资_______ 元/月(其中_______ 元/月,_______ 元/月),除此之外不再享受其他任何福利待遇,享受正常周日、节假日等假期福利(特殊情况除外)。 2、乙方如在工作期间请假,甲方不支付请假期间工资。 四、乙方职责 (一)任职要求 1、身体健康(持有健康证),仪表仪容整洁,有一定的文化和语言表达能力。 2、具备较高的烹饪技术,能满足员工用餐及对外接待要求。 3、服从公司管理,自觉遵守公司食堂管理及相关制度。 4、对员工态度温和相处融洽,不带情绪上岗。 5、就餐时尽量满足员工及接待客人的需求,服务周到细致。 (二)岗位职责 1、甲方以招聘形式选择乙方,乙方以自愿形式到甲方工作。 2、乙方负责餐厅、厨房安全、防火、卫生工作 3、乙方在工作期间应尽职尽责,在菜品,食品花样上不断推陈岀新。 5、乙方在工作中爱护设备、节约能源,避免浪费。做到科学组织、工艺合理,营养丰富。


YOUR LOGO 大学教授聘用协议书范本正式版 After The Contract Is Signed, There Will Be Legal Reliance And Binding On All Parties. And During The Period Of Cooperation, There Are Laws To Follow And Evidence To Find 专业合同范本系列,下载即可用

大学教授聘用协议书范本正式版 使用说明:当事人在信任或者不信任的状态下,使用合同文本签订完毕,就有了法律依靠,对当事人多方皆有约束力。且在履行合作期间,有法可依,有据可寻,材料内容可根据实际情况作相应修改,请在使用时认真阅读。 经甲方_________(引进单位)、乙方_________(被引进者)平等协商,自愿签订本协议。 一、聘用岗位及职务 甲方以智力引进方式聘请乙方为_________大学_________教授。 二、协议期限 本协议自_________年_________月_________日至 _________年_________月_________日止,期限为_________年,乙方每年到甲方工作时间不少于_________个月。 三、乙方工作职责、任务与目标 _________。 四、甲方提供的基本条件 1.甲方为乙方提供工作津贴_________元/月(年)。 2.提供_________平方米工作住房或_________元/月住房补贴。 3.提供_________平方米的科研办公用房。 4.聘期内提供基本条件保障费共_________元,其中第一年到位_________元,其余根据目标完成情况滚动投入。 五、双方约定事项


聘用协议书通用范本 经甲方________________(引进单位)、乙方______________(被引进者)平等协商,自愿签订本协议。 一、聘用岗位及职务 甲方以智力引进方式聘请乙方为________________________。 二、协议期限 本协议自______年_____月_____日至______年_____月_____日止,期限为______年,乙方每年到甲方工作时间不少于_____个月 三、乙方工作职责、任务与目标 _________________________________________________。 四、甲方提供的基本条件 1.甲方为乙方提供工作津贴_________元/月(年)。 2.提供_________平方米工作住房或_________元/月住房补贴。 3.提供_________平方米的科研办公用房。 4.聘期内提供基本条件保障费共_________元,其中第一年到位_________元,其余根据目标完成情况滚动投入。 五、双方约定事项 1.工作津贴中的基础津贴部分按10个月平均发放,其余部分年终考核通过后一次性给付。 2.乙方因主观因素导致未完成本协议既定工作目标的,甲方有权随时解除本协议,且乙方须按甲方已支付薪酬(工资+岗位津贴)总额的50%给予甲方以经济补偿。 3.甲方因工作需要,或甲、乙双方因客观原因导致无法履行协议条款时,双方可通过协商变更协议条款。 4.乙方在协议期内须将年度业绩情况报校高层次人才领导小组办公室备案。 5.协议期内双方解除协议及违约责任事项参照《________________大学岗位聘任(用)暂行办法》执行。 六、本协议一式三份,甲方、乙方及人事部门各执一份。本合同约定事项违背国家法律、法规、或涂改、未经授权代签无效。 甲方(盖章):_________ 乙方(签字):_________ 代表人(签字):_______ _________年____月____日 _________年____月____日 签订地点:_____________ 签订地点:_____________


合同编号:YT-FS-4553-29 专业技术人员聘用合同书 (标准版)范本 Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

专业技术人员聘用合同书(标准版) 范本 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明 确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 甲方:______ 地址:____邮码:____ 电话:____ 法定代表人或委托代表人:____ 职务:____ 乙方:______ 性别:____年龄:____ 居民身份证号码:______ 签约日期:年月日 签约地点: 根据国家和本地劳动管理规定:甲乙双方经平等协商同意,自愿签定本合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。

一、聘用合同期限 第一条:本合同为三年期合同。 本合同生效日期____年____月____日,其中试用期六个月。 本合同____终止。 二、工作内容 第二条乙方同意根据甲方工作需要,担任____岗位(工种)工作。 第三条乙方应按照甲方的要求,按时完成规定的工作数量,达到规定的质量标准。具体内容是: 三、劳动报酬 第四条执行不定时工作制,乙方完成规定的工作任务,甲方每月____日以货币形式足额支付乙方工资,每月工资元,其中试用期间工资____元。 四、甲方的基本权利与义务: 第五条甲方的权利。 有权要求乙方遵守国家法律和公司各项规章制度; 有权对乙方违法乱纪和违反公司规定的行为进行


杭州电子科技大学特聘教授聘任合同聘任方:杭州电子科技大学(简称甲方) 受聘方: ________________ (简称乙方) 受聘岗位及类别: _____________ 学院特聘教授________ 岗 根据《杭州电子科技大学特聘教授岗位制度实施办法》(简称《实施办法》)的有关规定,经双方协商,订立本合同。 第一条聘期 特聘教授岗位聘期为三年,自 _____ 年 ___ 月_日至________ 年____月_日止。 聘任期满后根据工作需要及双方意愿可以续聘。如不续聘,聘任合同自动终止。 第二条岗位目标及工作任务 (本条内容应根据《实施办法》规定及应聘岗位的具体目标,结合本学科的实际情况,进一步明确、 细化,尽可能分年度制定,务求做到明确、具体、可操作。) 1、教学任务:(承担核心课程讲授任务,培养博士、硕士研究生,高级访问学者等) 2、科研任务:(申请、主持省、部级重大科研项目研究,发表高等级学术论文,出版学术专著等) 3、学科建设任务:(领导本学科学术梯队建设,建立新专业,申报新学位授予点等) 4、人才培养任务:(指导、培养青年教师等) 5、设岗学院的特定岗位职责:(带领本学科在其前沿领域赶超或保持国内外先进水平, 科研成果推广应用,开展社会服务等) 第三条权利与义务

、甲方权利 根据学校有关规定及《实施办法》规定的岗位目标及工作任务,对乙方进行管理、考核和奖惩。 二、甲方义务 依法维护乙方应享有的各项权利,提供有关工作条件和生活待遇。 三、乙方权利 1乙方按照《实施办法》规定在聘期内利用学校的教学、科研资源进行工作。 2、乙方按照《实施办法》规定在聘期内享受特聘教授岗位津贴,同时享受学校按国家规定提供的工资、校内、保险、福利等其他待遇。 3、甲方如不能按规定履行其应尽义务时,乙方有权向上级有关部门申诉。 四、乙方义务 1、遵守《实施办法》及甲方的各项规章制度。 2、全面履行特聘教授岗位职责,完成特聘教授岗位的工作目标及任务,接受甲方的监督、考核及科研经费的财务管理。 3、乙方人事关系未正式调入甲方的,在聘期内仍应全职在甲方工作,认真履行职责,完成规定的工作量。 4、乙方在聘期内所取得的教学、科研等成果均属职务成果,其发表有关论文、著作或申报有关奖励、专利和科研项目及经费等,均需同时署乙方及甲方名(即必须同时署作者及作者单位,作者单位只能署甲方名)。 5、技术秘密和成果转让收益属双方共有,其所得分配依照国家有关法律规定。 6乙方个人收入涉及税收问题,按国家有关法律规定缴纳。 第四条工作条件及生活待遇 一、甲方为乙方提供的工作条件: 工作场所: 学科建设经费: 二、甲方为乙方提供的生活待遇: 1除按国家规定提供的工资、保险、福利等其他待遇外,在聘期内每年支付特聘教授岗位津贴人民币______________ 万元。


技术专家聘用协议书新完 整版 In the case of disputes between the two parties, the legitimate rights and interests of the partners should be protected. In the process of performing the contract, disputes should be submitted to arbitration. This paper is the main basis for restoring the cooperation scene. 【适用合作签约/约束责任/违约追究/维护权益等场景】 甲方:________________________ 乙方:________________________ 签订时间:________________________ 签订地点:________________________

技术专家聘用协议书新完整版 下载说明:本协议资料适合用于需解决双方争议的场景下,维护合作方各自的合法权益,并在履行合同的过程中,双方当事人一旦发生争议,将争议提交仲裁或者诉讼,本文书即成为复原合作场景的主要依据。可直接应用日常文档制作,也可以根据实际需要对其进行修改。 编号:_________ 为了进一步规范技术专家队伍建设与管理,加强公司与技术专家之间的合作,双方协商一致,签订合作协议,共同遵守协议所列条款。 _________(以下简称甲方)聘用_________先生/女士(以下简称乙方)作为甲方技术专家。 本协议有效期为_________年,自双方签字之日起执行。 一、甲方承诺:


编号:_____________ 技术专家聘用合同 甲方:__________________________ 乙方:__________________________ 签订日期:_____ 年_____ 月 _____ 日 甲方: 乙方:

诚信合作是一切事业发展的基础,外部智力是企业进步的源泉。甲、乙双方经友好协商达成本协议,甲方愿意聘请乙方为特邀技术专家,乙方愿按本协议内容与甲方合作。甲乙双方经平等协商一致,自愿签订本聘用协议,共同遵守本协议所列条款。 一、聘用岗位及职责 甲方聘用乙方担任技术专家,提供有关设备、生产流水线采购,规划建设优化、创新、改造等技 术服务;并对申报科技型项目、技改类项目及实用新型专利等提岀咨询意见,工作职责由甲方制定,具体工作内容由甲方总经理安排。 乙方应按岗位职责和规范要求,完成与其技术职称相一致的工作任务。乙方在协议期内应遵守甲 方的规章制度。 二、聘用期及工作时间 聘用时间为期年,自年月日开始起算,至年 月日截止,期满作废。如需继续聘用,须提前一个月进行协商,重新签订聘用协议。 三、工作方式 (1)乙方服务甲方的工作地点包括但不限于。甲方在日常生产、研发工作中,根据岀 现问题的具体内容和要求,结合乙方的专业技术特长情况,邀请乙方参加公司生产、研发的顾问 工作或具体课题开发。 (2)甲、乙双方保证通讯畅通,方便乙方平时为甲方提供技术咨询服务。乙方每年提供不少于 6次的技术服务工作(如参加甲方有关技术会议、技术指导、技术培训等) ,否则甲方有权解除 并终止本合同。如需乙方参加甲方会议或负责培训的,甲方需提前三天告知乙方开会时间和会议 内容(或培训时间和内容),以便乙方做好相关准备工作。乙方无特殊原因,需按时岀席相关活 (3)乙方在日常工作中如有需要,可以甲方的名义进行相关的技术联络和信息收集,甲方给予必要的身份证明 四、专家工作待遇


YOUR LOGO 大学教授聘用协议书新范本正式 版 After The Contract Is Signed, There Will Be Legal Reliance And Binding On All Parties. And During The Period Of Cooperation, There Are Laws To Follow And Evidence To Find 专业合同范本系列,下载即可用

大学教授聘用协议书新范本正式版 使用说明:当事人在信任或者不信任的状态下,使用合同文本签订完毕,就有了法律依靠,对当事人多方皆有约束力。且在履行合作期间,有法可依,有据可寻,材料内容可根据实际情况作相应修改,请在使用时认真阅读。 经甲方_________(引进单位)、乙方_________(被引进者)平等协商,自愿签订本协议。 一、聘用岗位及职务 甲方以智力引进方式聘请乙方为_________大学_________教授。 二、协议期限 本协议自_________年_________月_________日至 _________年_________月_________日止,期限为_________年,乙方每年到甲方工作时间不少于_________个月。 三、乙方工作职责、任务与目标 _________。 四、甲方提供的基本条件 1.甲方为乙方提供工作津贴_________元/月(年)。 2.提供_________平方米工作住房或_________元/月住房补贴。 3.提供_________平方米的科研办公用房。 4.聘期内提供基本条件保障费共_________元,其中第一年到位_________元,其余根据目标完成情况滚动投入。 五、双方约定事项


(协议范本) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YW-HT-010066 公司聘用协议书范本(2020版) Model employment agreement

公司聘用协议书范本(2020版) 甲方:地址: 乙方:身份证号码:住址: 因工作需要,甲方聘用乙方为甲方工作,为此,双方根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》、《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关法律法规,经过平等、自愿协商,签订本协议,共同遵守本协议所列条款。第一条甲方聘任乙方担任________________职务(工作)。 第二条聘用期限为年,自年月日至年月日止。 第三条甲方享有的权利和承担的义务 (一)甲方应在协议期内为乙方提供必要的工作条件。 (二)甲方在乙方严格按协议完成工作后,必须按时以现金的方式支付乙方的劳动报酬。 (三)甲方有权对乙方在聘任期间的工作业绩和实际表现实施专业管理,并有权进行考核。 第四条乙方享有的权利和承担的义务 (一)乙方有权获得劳务报酬。 (二)乙方有权对甲方提出建议和意见。乙方应结合甲方需求认真履行本协议约定的义务,遵守甲方的劳动纪律及各项规章制度,按时、按质、按量完成甲方安排的工作任务。

(三)乙方在公司的工作时间为工作日每天上午8:00—11:30,下午2:30—5:30(节假日需加班的时间另行规定),每阶段工作完成后必须将工作进展情况如实地报告甲方。 (四)乙方在受聘期间以及聘用协议解除或终止后对公司技术资料、成果及其获悉的其他商业秘密承担保密义务,不得在未经甲方允许的情况下泄露给他人或甲方的竞争单位。 (五)乙方受聘于甲方后,原则上不应再为其它企业提供服务,如遇极其特殊的情况需要为第三方服务时,应提前告知甲方并征得甲方同意。 第五条其它约定 1、甲方支付乙方劳务报酬的标准、方式、时间 ___________________________________________________________ 2、乙方的社会保险费用(包括养老保险、医疗保险等)由乙方自行承担。 3、乙方由于健康或因其它方面的原因不能胜任所聘职务(工作)时,甲乙双方可协商解除协议而不承担任何责任。 第六条发生下列情形之一,本协议终止: 1、本协议期满的; 2、乙方超过15 天未到甲方工作事前又未取得甲方同意的; 本条第2项的情形需一方以书面形式通知另一方后方能终止。 第七条除本协议第五条第3项所述解除协议的情形外,甲乙双方若需单方面解除本协议,需提前一个月通知另一方。 第八条本协议终止、解除后,乙方应在一周内将有关工作向甲方移交完毕,并由双方在交接清单上签字。若乙方未按本协议的约定同甲方进行工作交接,因此给


YOUR LOGO 公司聘用协议书范本正式版 After The Contract Is Signed, There Will Be Legal Reliance And Binding On All Parties. And During The Period Of Cooperation, There Are Laws To Follow And Evidence To Find 专业合同范本系列,下载即可用

公司聘用协议书范本正式版 使用说明:当事人在信任或者不信任的状态下,使用合同文本签订完毕,就有了法律依靠,对当事人多方皆有约束力。且在履行合作期间,有法可依,有据可寻,材料内容可根据实际情况作相应修改,请在使用时认真阅读。 编号地址: 乙方:身份证号码:住址: 因工作需要,甲方聘用乙方为甲方工作,为此,双方根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》、《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关法律法规,经过平等、自愿协商,签订本协议,共同遵守本协议所列条款。第一条甲方聘任乙方担任_________职务(工作)。 第二条聘用期限为年,自xx年xx月xx日至xx年xx月xx日止。 第三条甲方享有的权利和承担的义务 (一)甲方应在协议期内为乙方提供必要的工作条件。 (二)甲方在乙方严格按协议完成工作后,必须按时以现金的方式支付乙方的劳动报酬。 (三)甲方有权对乙方在聘任期间的工作业绩和实际表现实施专业管理,并有权进行考核。 第四条乙方享有的权利和承担的义务 (一)乙方有权获得劳务报酬。 (二)乙方有权对甲方提出建议和意见。乙方应结合甲方需求认真履行本协议约定的义务,遵守甲方的劳动纪律及各项规


Both parties jointly acknowledge and abide by their responsibilities and obligations and reach an agreed result. 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 时间:___________________ 技术专家合作协议书

编号:FS-DY-20414 技术专家合作协议书 说明:本合同资料适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与 义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用 时请详细阅读内容。 (以下简称甲方)聘用先生/女士(以下简称乙方)作为甲方技术专家。 本协议有效期为叁年,自双方签字之日起执行。 一、甲方承诺: 1、根据审核需要邀请技术专家开展审核专业咨询、专业技术研讨、授课等活动,并按公司有关规定发给补助/报酬。 2、向乙方提供或传达上级部门和甲方有关认证活动的信息 3、甲方邀请乙方参加审核或相关组织活动时,按每个审核日发放10元保险费用,由乙方自行办理保险。 凡在参加甲方的审核时,发生意外伤亡及其他一切事故,按乙方投保的保险条款执行,甲方不承担任何责任;若乙方未办理保险,则一切责任由乙方个人承担,甲方不承担任何责任。

二、乙方承诺: 1、遵守甲方相关管理程序的规定。 2、甲方安排审核活动时一般能保证参加,如无特殊情况累计二次不能按任务书执行审核任务,则视为不愿意参加甲方审核活动,不再安排审核任务。 3、本人同意在审核中发生意外时,按协议第一项中的第3条执行。 4、甲方的经营、管理及审核信息和客户情况均属甲方机密,未经甲方书面许可,不得向第三方泄露。 北京军友诚信质量技术专家(签字): 认证有限公司(盖章): 年月日 年月日 Foonshion图文设计有限公司 Fonshion Design Co., Ltd
