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Supplier Con sig nment Stock Agreeme nt





米购方: Bosch (Chi na) Heati ng System Co., Ltd.


Date of Sig nature



-—*■ j—

12/ j — 12/


Place of Sig nature: Lecong, Shunde, Foshan

签约地点: 佛山市顺德区乐从镇

No. of Con tract

合同编号: 2004-STL-

This suppleme ntary agreeme nt is sig n ed by the Supplier (here in after called “ SUPPLIER ) and the Buyer (here in after called “ BOSCH ) based on the main Purchase Con tract ( )

with frien dly con sultati on, un der the prin ciple of fair cooperati on, mutual ben efit for both parties.



1.Con sig nment Stock Model -Automatic Product ion


Definition of Goods or Product: The Goods ” or Product ” under this Agreement refer to

all types of products ordered by BOSCH "from the SUPPLIER. The detailed products in formatio n shall refer to the main Purchase Con tract and Purchase Order ” from BOSCH.



The SUPPLIER should automatically and timely arrange the production of the con sig nment stock and make the related material pla nning accord ing to the “ Dema nd Forecast ” (see the Annex 1) given by BOSCH 30 days in advanee.



Un der this Agreeme nt, the SUPPLIER shall bear all taxes and fees/costs relati ng to the stock, such as storage fee, water and power fee, stock and property in sura nee premium etc by itself.



2.Dema nd Forecast


The first week of each mon th, the list “ Dema nd Forecast ” will by updated by “ Product ion Planning Department ” of BOSCH (hereinatter called BOSCH/MFO ”)and then given to the SUPPLIER by fax.



The list “ Dema nd Forecast ” shall in clude the dema nd forecast of at least three mon ths,

for each month there is an upper limit and a lower limit. Among which, the first month is fixed quantity, which

should be taken by the SUPPLIER as the basis for production of con sig nment stock. The sec ond and third month

is only forecast qua ntity and not binding, which should be take n by the SUPPLIER only for the purpose of

future material pla nning



The SUPPLIER must make sure that the upper and lower limits required by BOSCH can be met accord in gly. In prin ciple, the con sig nment stock reaches the lower level, the SUPPLIER should start to reple nish the stock level. Adversely, whe n the con sig nment stock exceeds the upper level, the SUPPLIER should reduce the stock level to a reas on able level by adjusti ng their product ion pla n.



3.Delivery and Tran sportati on


The delivery shall be arra nged by the SUPPLIER accord ing to the Fourth Shift “ Purchase

Orders "issued by BOSCH/MFO 1 ~ 2 days in adva nee by fax. The related a

Purchase Orders" include the codes, type

descriptions, quantities, required delivery date, unit prices and amounts of the cargo etc. Such Purchase Orders " only become effective after signed by the duly representative of BOSCH. For any delay in goods delivery, the SUPPLIER shall compe nsate econo mic losses if any caused to BOSCH ' product ion thereof.




The SUPPLIER is responsible to deliver the required goods to the warehouse (or assembly line) of BOSCH at the required dates, this means, transportation expenses from SUPPLIER ' s warehouse to BOSCH ' s warehouse shall be paid by the SUPPLIER.



The goods delivered by the SUPPLIER to BOSCH must be the on es, which have bee n released by “ Quality Assura nee Departme nt " of BOSCH (here in after called

BOSCH/QAS " and also tally with the related Purchase Orders of BOSCH/MFO. The paper showing the information about the related release by BOSCH and the copy of

Purchase Order " should accompany with the delivery of SUPPLIER. The warehouse (or assembly line) of BOSCH accepts the delivery by “ Release Paper " and “ Purchase Order in volved.




4.Release of Products
