当前位置:文档之家› 劳务协议书-LaborServiceAgreement中英文对照



Labor Service Agreement

甲方(单位名称): __________________________________

Party A (Compa ny Name): _________________________

乙方(劳务者姓名): ________________________________

Party B (Service provider Name): __________________________

性别:男 _______ 身份证/护照号码: ________________________________ 联系电话:_______________________

Gender: Male ______ ID/Passport No.: ____________________________ Tel No. : ________________

家庭住址: _________________________________________________________________

Home Address: ________________________________________________________



According to the "General Principles of Civil Law of the People's Republic of China", "Contract Law of the

Peop le's Republic of China ” and releva nt regulati ons, after equal n egotiati on. Both parties agree to sig n and comply with this labor service agreeme nt

第一条乙方承担的劳务内容为: _________________________ 。甲乙双方可另行约定岗位具体职责及要求,详见职责说


Article 1 Party B 's Job duty is __________________ Both parties agree on Job duties and requirement as in,

Annex I, Job Description.

第二条乙方的工作地点为: _________________ 根据甲方工作需要,经甲乙双方协调一致,可变更工作地点。

Article 2 Worki ng locati on of Party B is: ____ , which can be cha nged on the basis of mutual agreeme nt as

per Par ty A 's bus in ess requireme nts.

第三条本协议期限为自年年—月—日生效,至年年______ 月—日终止。其中试用期从—/

年—/_月_/—日起至_/ ________ 年_/_月 _/_日止。

Article 3, The Agreement period is from ______________ to _______ . The probation is /month(s), from ______ /

to /.


Article 4 During the agreement period, Party A 's responsibilities and obligations are:


1. Party A shall arra nge Party B reas on able time for rest in accorda nee with the regulati ons. Party B shall work uncon diti on ally in rest days if there are special circumsta nces. In additi on to the Spri ng Festival Party

B have no extra pay for overtime wages.

2、甲方每月以货币或转账形式支付乙方工资报酬,月工资为___________ 元。(具体参考本合同附件二,劳动


2. Party A pay remu nerati on with curre ncy or bank tran sfer to Party B mon thly, ____________ RMB Each

mon th. ( refers to the Annex II--- Remu nerati on agreeme nt )


3. Party A does n 't in clude Party B for social in sura nee. However, accord ing to the actual situati on. Party A can pay or compe nsate for commercial in sura nee or social in sura nee Party B buys for himself.


4. Party A provides n ecessary tools to Party B for work. Accord ing to the releva nt regulati ons of the State

and this Municipality, Party A provides occupational safety and health conditions for Party B as well as n ecessary labor protecti on articles.


Article 5 During the agreement period, Party B 's responsibilitiesdaobligations are:



1. Should provide true original ID/Passport and related personal information to Party A. If untrue, Party A

can term in ate the agreeme nt at any time and deduct all pay.


2. Shall obey the arran geme nt of the compa ny, work on time, no un excused abse nces, abse nteeism, obey

rules and regulations of Party A, complete tasks delivered by Party A on time and with good quality. Party A

has the right to inspect, supervise for Party B 's working status.


3. Shall maintain working tools in good condition provided by Party A, if lost, shall reimburse on its estimated price or orig inal price.
