Con tract of Con struct ion P roject
合同编号:Con tract Number:
工程名称:P roject Name:
Empio yer (P arty A): Intern ati onal Con sult ing Engin eers ( Beiji ng) Limited
Con tractor (P arty B): Zhong Huany igao Buildi ng Decorati on Engin eeri ng Co. , Ltd
In order to make defi nite of the rights, obligati ons and econo mic respon sibilities of both p arties duri ng the con struct ion, the p arties, in accorda nee with The PRC Con tract Law and Con structi on Engin eeri ng Con tract Regulati ons and releva nt p rovisi ons, agree to sig n this con tract.
第一条工程项目Article 1, Project item
1.工程地点:P roject site:
2.工程范围:Scope of p roject
Project cost: PMB Yuan only (Cost of this con tract is the con tract price for labor and materials)
第二条施工准备Article 2, Prep arati on for con struct ion
Party A shall assists party B to deal with the pro cedures of temporary hydro po wer and vertical transp ortati on and p rovide architectural draw ings and docume nts of releva nt con cealed obstacles .
2 .乙方:.Party B:
Be respon sible for the works of lay ing, man ageme nt, use and maintenance of the temporary facilities, water and electricity pip eli ne in the con struct ion area.
Orga nize con struct ion man ageme nt staff and con structi on materials, con struct ion mach inery en ter the Site.
Be respon sible for kee ping p ublic p laces clea n duri ng con struct ion and p ack ing con struct ion material and
leavi ng in the garbage collecti on p lace desig nated by man ageme nt office each day.
第三条工程期限Article 3 P eriod of Con structio n
Accord ing to the p eriod of con structi on and the use n eed, the total con struct ion p eriod
agreed shall be days (Cale ndar days), start from the date of and compi ete on the
date of .
Con struct ion p eriod shall be proIon ged upon Party A site rep rese ntative's con firmati on whe n the matters occur
as follows.
① 按施工准备规定,甲方未协助乙方办理临时水电及垂直运输,影响进场施工;
Accord ing to the requireme nts of con structi on prep arati on. Party A fail tot assist Party B to apply for temporary
water and electricity and vertical transp ortati on and have an impact on P arty B con struct ion;
② 因甲方提出增减项目而造成重大设计变更,因而影响进度;
' s requireme nt of additi on The material modificatio n or cha nge of desig n due to the p arty A
or deleti on of p roject have the effect of hindrance on the p rogress of works.
P arty A fail to pay the adva nee p ayme nt and con struct ion cost to party B and impact the con struct ion p rogress;
The delay of schedule of con struct ion due to Force Majeure.
第四条工程质量Article 4 The quality of project
The quality of p roject should achieve the requireme nts of acce ptance agreed by both p arties.
P arty B should carry on the con struct ion in strict accorda nee with draw ing, sp ecificati on file and regulati ons
and sp ecificati ons authorized by the comp ete nt authorities and be un der the sup ervisi on of Party A.