担保协议Guarantee Agreement 担保合同,(适用于银行担保项下)(Applicable to Bank Guarantee)
This Guarantee Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of (M/D/Y) between as the Client (hereinafter referred to as the "Client") and Branch, China XXXX Bank as the Guarantor (hereinafter referred to as the “Guarantor”).
The Agreement constitutes an integral part of the Credit Extension Agreement [20 ] No. (hereinafter referred to as the “Credit Extension Agreement”) between the Client and the Guarantor (if this paragraph applies, please click “√”in □).
1.委托人或被担保人(以下简称被担保人)与于年月日签署了总金额为币的编号为的关于的合同/ 标书(以下简称“合同”),或委托人或被担保人参加了招标书编号为关于项目的投标(以下简称“投标”);
1. The Client or the Guaranteed (hereinafter referred to as the “Guaranteed”) signed No. Contract on / Bid Document totaling (Currency) (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) with on (M/D/Y), or the Client or the Guaranteed participated in the tender for Project with Bid Document No. (hereinafter referred to as the “Bid”);
2. The Client applies to the Guarantor to open No. Letter of Guarantee/Stand-by LC (hereinafter referred to as the “Letter of Guarantee”) with an amount of (Currency) under the above Contract or Bid for the Client or the Guaranteed with as the Beneficiary (hereinafter referred to as the “Beneficiary”).
The Guarantor agrees to issue the above letter of guarantee in favor of the beneficiary for the Client or the Guaranteed upon request of the Client on the following terms and conditions:
Article 1 Before the Guarantor issues the letter of guarantee, the Client shall upon request of the Guarantor:
1.1 向保证人提供下列保障(以下项目根据实际情况打“√”选择):
1.1 Provide the Guarantor with the following security (please click “√”according to facts):
□1.1.1 在保证人处开立保证金账户(保证金账号为以保证金存入时甲方系统自动生成的帐号为准),存入金额为币的保证金,作为委托人履行本协议项下各项义务的质押担保,以备受益人索赔时偿付;和/或
□1.1.1 Open a guarantee fund account (A/C is generated automatically by Party A’s system when the guarantee fund is deposited) with the Guarantor, and deposit a guarantee fund of (Currency) as a pledge guarantee for the Client to perform each obligation under the Agreement, and indemnify the Beneficiary at the time of claim; and/or
□1.1.2 Have any corporation, or other organization or natural person recognized by the Guarantor issue the Guarantor with an irrevocable letter of counter guarantee in favor of the Guarantor; and/or
本合同为《授信协议》项下具体合同的,本条款不适用,本合同项下债务自动纳入与保证人签署了最高额抵/质押合同或向保证人出具了最高额不可撤销担保书的担保人的担保范围。If the Contract is a particular contract under the Credit Extension Agreement, this Article will be inapplicable, and the obligations under the Contract will be automatically included into the scope of undertaking by the undertaker signing a maximum mortgage/pledge contract with the guarantor or issuing the guarantor with a maximum irrevocable letter of undertaking.