jian _______________________________________
agency: beijing fangeasyco.ltd
第一条:租赁物业 tenancy :
1 、 甲方同意将位于墨尔本市 _69 haverbrack ave, mulgrave, vic 设施在良
好状态下出租给乙方。 party a hereby agrees to lease_69 haverbrack ave, mulgrave, fittings and equipment therein are cleaned and in tenantable
2 、签订本合同之前,甲方必须向乙方出示有关物业的房地产产权证。产权证
编号: ____ 如 不能提供该文件,甲方必须提供相关有效的可证明其物业所有权的文件。若 该物业产权证上所有权人的名称与此合同中甲方名称不一致。则必须提供甲方与物业所有权 人的合法租赁协议的复印件。 prior to the execution of this agreement, party a shall provide to party b the real estate ownership not available, party a shall provide an alternative and acceptable proof of ownership. if the name on the ownership certificate is not the same as the name of party a on this tenancy agreement, a copy of the additional leasing agreement between the rightful legal owner and party a must be supplied.
第二条:租期 term of tenancy :
1 、 租赁期为 _3.5_ 月,自 2014__年 __ 3___月 __1
2 __ 日起至 _2014_年 _6_月 _27__日止。 on___2014
3 12 , and expiring on __201
4 6 27 ____ .
3 、租期届满,甲方有权收回出租房屋及全部家俱、电器,乙方亦应如期交还(附件
1 ); 乙方如要求续租,则享有优先续租权,但必须在本租约固定期满前 1 个月向甲方提出书面申 请,租金双方另行
协商;如乙方不再续租,甲方有权向新租客展示该房。 on expiry of this lease, party a has the right to take back the leased property in full, and party b must deliver the leased property on the date of expiry (appendix i). if party b wishes to renew the lease after the tenancy period, party b shall have the priority to renew the lease with one months advance written notice to party a.
the revised rental shall be negotiated between the two parties. if party b not renew the lease contract, party a have rights show the property to new tenant.
rent :
140 元 / 每周。 rent: aud 140 / per
week. 560
付 2___周,押金不得充抵房屋租金。 as much as___560___ rent as deposit and 2___ week(s) for each 每两个周的星期三 : owner acknowledges receipt of the months rent of $560 on the
房屋租赁合同 house lease contract 出租方 ( 甲方) landlord 出 租 方
( kellher ______ 承租方 承租方 (乙方) tenant 甲 方 ) landlord(part 居间方(丙方) agent : a ):
sean ( 乙 方 ) tenant
(part b): xiu 的房屋及房内设备
vic and the fixtures,
conditions to party b.
第三条: 租金 1 、租金标准澳币: 2 、付款方式:押 payment method:
payment. the deposit shall not be used as the rent.
2 、 付款时间为:
3 、 payment time wednesdays of
every 2 weeks.
4 、 租金支付方式: 以澳元支付。甲方收到押金后,向乙方开具收据。
the rent shall be paid in aud. party a shall issue a receipt upon the receipt of deposit.
5 、 在本租约有效期内,租金不予调整。
the rent cannot be adjusted during the term of this tenancy agreement. 第四条 押金 deposit :
1 、本租约押金计 ___________ 。租约期满, 乙方如不再续租, 甲方应在租赁期结束前叁日内
将押金退还(不计利息) 。
2 、甲方因乙方违反本合同的规定而受的损失,可在保证金中扣抵合理数目,在甲方作出 该种抵扣前, 需通知乙方将被抵扣的金额和理由, 乙方有权拒绝不合理或不公正的抵扣, 足部分乙方必须在接到甲方付款通知后 7 天内补足。
2 、甲方应保证物业公司向乙方提供足够的服务,如冷水、热水、 正常工作。甲方应负责租赁期内房屋及其设备的正常维修,并承担维修房屋
及设备的正常磨 损而产生的费用。 party a shall ensure that the estate management office provides sufficient and timely service to party b, such as supply of cold water, hot water, electricity a nd ensure the proper maintenance of all kinds of equipment. party a shall
be responsible for all normal maintenance of the leased property and equipment during the term lease, and party a shall bear all maintenance charges.
3 、甲方应对甲方的固定设施,包括该物业的结构、屋顶、管道、设施、排污、管道和缆 线(包括电 力及电话) 等进行维护, 使之处于完好状态; 如果对上述各项的造成的损坏或破 坏,不是由乙方的疏忽或不良行为造成的,则甲方在收到乙方发出的通知后 7 天内修理或修 缮该损坏处。
to maintain and keep party a ' s fixtures, including the structure, roof, sanitary
party a may deduct a reasonable amount from the security deposit towards payment of any actual damages party a may have incurred or suffered as a result of party bs breach of this agreement. prior b of the amount, and the reason to object to such deductions if or unjustified. if the security b must pay the deficiency a. to making such deductions, party a shall for making such deductions. party b shall party b believes that such deductions are deposit is not sufficient
inform party be entitled unreasonable to cover such
amounts; party
within seven (7) days of the receipt of a demand from party
第五条:其它费用 other charges :
1 、 乙方的租金已经包括租赁期内的水,电,煤气,电视,网络,等一切费用。 所用电
话,按电信局标准收费,每月根据实际用量结算,乙方按单缴付。 3 、甲方承担在租赁期内的物业管理费,供暖费。
during the period of tenancy, party a shall pay property fee . 第六条: 甲方的责任 landlord ' s responsibilities 方不得无故收回房屋。租赁期内,甲方需提前收回该房屋的,应提前 收取的租金余额退还乙方并按月租金的 ___100__%支付乙方违约金。
2 、乙方
management fee, heating
: 1、 本租约签订后,甲 30 日通 知乙方, 将已 party a is not permitted to take back the leased property during the term of
contract without any reason. during the term of contract, b 30 days in advance in case party a needs to reclaim the a shall return the balance of the collected rent to party to__100___% of the monthly rent to party b. a shall inform in advance and party premise b and pay default fine
party party equal 电的供应及各种设备的