Con tract No.(合同编号):BN-JPB-043J04
Date (签订日期):Nov 19, 2016
Signed at (签订地点):Beijing
The Seller: China National Cereal, Oils & Foodstuffs Imp. & Exp. Corp.
Address: Fulinmen Building , Chaoyang Gate South Street Number 8, Chaoyang District , Beijing , Ch ina
Tel: 010 - 85006688
Fax: 010 - 65268550
The Buyer (买方):Okura Agri Co. Ltd.
Address: 3-3, GINZA 1 -CHOME CHUO -KU, TOKYO 1040061
Tel: 0081 3 5159 0100
The Seller and the Buyer agree to con clude this Con tract subject to the terms and con diti ons stated below: 买卖双方根据下文所述的条款订立本合同:
1. Name, Qua ntity and Specificatio n of Commodity (货物名称、数量和规格)
Chin ese Broke n Rice, Lia oning Origi n, 2016 crop ex An sha n Bainong Grain and oil Co, Ltd.
54 Metric To ns of 1,000 kilos net each.
Whole kern els in cludi ng over 2/3 of whole kern els 5.0% max
Moisture 16% max
Total foreig n matters 0.5% max
Con volvuiceous seeds 0.009% max Paddy & husk25 kern els per 1 kilos max
Colored kern els
1.0% max
Big broke ns *Small broke ns
4).Unit Price (单价): US$400 per Metric Ton of 1,000 kilos FOB at Dalian CY basis, China.
Price to the Buyer shall include charges for rice, packaging, picking up empty containers, delivery to place of loadi ng and stuffi ng of contain ers, and tran sportatio n.
400美元每公吨 FOB 中国大连
买方应负责大米、包装、提取空集装运箱、运送到集装箱装载和装箱的运费以及运输等费 用。
Packi ng, Shipp ing Mark (包装,唛头) 1) Packing (包装):
In new sin gle polypropyle ne bags of about 30 kilos each net weight with double machi ne sew n at the mouth. 新包装袋约30公斤每包,应在封口处缝两次。
2) Shipping Mark (唛头):
TOKYO 1/30
3. Time of Shipme nt (装运期)
By January 31,2017.
4. Loadi ng Port and Desti nation (装运港及目的地)
From Dalia n, China to Tokyo, Japa n
5. Loading Terms (装运条款):
A ) Partial shipme nts are allowed.
B ) The Buyer shall book marine containers for the tran sportati on of the rice un der this con tract. 买方应为本合同下的大米的运输用海运集装箱。
买方应在装运港装运后 15天之内给卖方的船名和出发日期的通知。
D) Pe navico han dli ng fee to be paid by ship(s) own er(s).
E )Dunnage and mats, if any, are all for the Buyer
' s 90% max 10% max
C )The Buyer shall give the Seller
15days date at the loadi ng port.
no tice of vessel s n ame and her calli ng and departure
s acco unt.