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TEL: 86 518 83065551 FAX: 86 518 83065552



AGREEMENT Dated 合同日期




hereinafter called “Seller”卖方



Room 1916,19th Floor, DongSheng Plaza ZhongShan Road,

LianYun Distric LianYunGang City, 222042 China

hereinafter called “Buyer”买方


The contract commences on xxxx(date) and shall remain in force until completion of the parties? obligations herein.

The Seller will sell approximately xxx mt of Lead concentrate (hereinafter “Concentrate”) to the Buyer in Seller?s option and the Buyer agrees to buy approximately xxxx mt of Lead concentrate from the Seller in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.

The quantity shall always be +/-10% at Seller?s option.



2. QUALITY 货物的品质

The Concentrates to be delivered under this Agreement shall be of xxx (原产地)original with the following typical analysis:


The concentrates shall otherwise be free from deleterious impurities harmful to normal lead smelting. Should circumstances prove otherwise both parties are to meet and discuss. The concentrate shall furthermore conform to IMO Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes.

Buyer has the right to reject the cargo or renegotiate with seller if Lead content is below x x%, and the silver is below xx%. If so, the Seller shall immediately provide another

cargo with the same specification which is stipulated in the contract and all fees

includes expenditure, losses, Interest, etc which are accurred by the business shall be

for Seller?s account.


如果铅品位低于XXX, 银品位低于XXX, 买方有权拒收货物或者与卖方重新协商,如果是这样的话,卖方应立即提供合同上规定的相同品质的货物给买方,并且所有的费用包括开销,亏损,利息等等由卖方承担。


The concentrates shall be shipped in bags in containers within 30 days after the date of L/C.



The Concentrates shall be delivered CIF (Incoterms 2000) Liner Terms Lianyungang, China in bags in standard or heavy duty containers at Seller?s option, duty unpaid, and customs uncleared.


At the discharge port, Buyer shall be responsible for all costs beyond CIF Liner Terms, THC and container cleaning etc., at discharge port is for the account of the Buyer.


Seller has option to load upto XXX wmt in one FCL.


5. PRICE 价格

The price, per dry metric ton of concentrate, shall be the value of the Metal Payments less the Deductions, specified below:


Metal Payments

Lead: Buyer shall pay xxx(系数) of the finally agreed analytical lead content at the daily London Metal Exchange US$ Lead Cash Settlement quotation,

as published in the London “Metal Bulletin”, and averaged over the

Quotational Period in accordance with Article 6


Silver: Buyer shall pay xxx(系数) of the finally agreed analytical silver content at the daily London Bullion Broker?s Spot price for silver as published in the

London …Metal Bulletin”, and averaged over the Quotational Period in

accordance with Article 6.



The Quotational Period ("Quotational Period") for the calculation of the payable metals according to Clause 5 shall be the third calendar month following the month of shipment (M+3) as determined by the shipped on board date on the bill of lading.

关于计价金属的作价期的计算根据第五条,应该是装船当月后的第N 个月份(即M+N),装船月是由提单上面的装船日期来决定。

From the date of Seller?s confirmed receipt of Buyer?s fully workable Letter of Credit for each shipment up to, and including, the second market day prior to the onset of the contractual Quotational Period (M+3), Buyer has the right to fix any unknown price during M+1 and M+2, the buyer shall be advise the price to Seller in advance by email or telephone.Such price shall be mutually agreed between Buyer and Seller If the Buyer has not been priced during M+1 and M+2, We shall be do the average price on M+3. Any priced payable metal content of the Concentrate for each shipment shall be taken as finally priced.

卖方在收到可行信用证的那天开始到进入作价期前的第二天为止,买方有权点M+1 M+2 中的任意一天的未知价格,但是要提前用邮件和电话的形式通知卖方,双方同意后,方能点价,如果M+1 M+2未能点价,那么将用第三个月的均价作来计价。任何关于精矿的计价金属的点价都作为最终的点价。



All invoices or credit notes shall be in U.S. Dollars and Cents, and all payments shall be made by the relevant party in U.S. Dollars and Cents.


Provisional Payment: 临时付款

Buyer shall open a freely negotiable, irrevocable, at sight Letter of Credit, through a first class bank acceptable to Seller. Buyer shall open such letter of credit prior to any container booking. The Letter of Credit shall be for 100% of the provisional CIF LT value allowing for +/-10% variation on quantity and +10% and no restriction on under value. The Letter of Credit shall be adjusted upward immediately by Buyer if the cargo value, subject to LME price has moved, exceeds +/-10% variation of the initial letter of credit amount. The Letter of Credit shall allow third party documents and shall be free for negotiation at any bank.

The Letter of Credit shall allow partial shipment and partial drawing. The Letter of Credit shall allow for a first provisional payment of 95% of the estimated CIF LT value against presentation of the following documents:

买方应通过卖方可接受的一级银行来开立可自由议付的不可撤销即期信用证。买方在订舱前开立信用证开证金额应为100 %的CIF金额,金额上允许有10%上下浮动,或者多于10%,下限没有限制,根据LME的价格的浮动,如果超出首次信用证金额的10%,那么买方应立即上调信用证。该信用证应允许第三方文件,在任何银行议付。该信用证应允许分批装运。


a) Signed Provisional Commercial Invoice in 3 original and 3 copies based on

certificate of Weight and Certificate of Quality issued by SGS,indicating L/C No.,Contract No. B/L No.



b) Full set of 3 originals and 3 copies of shipped on board Bills of

Lading,COSCO must be as carrier, marked freight prepaid,made


LIANYUNGANG BRANCH, notifying Applicant, and just only

showing the commodity of the cargo..



c) 1 original and 2 copies of weight certificate issued by SGS at

loading port showing moisture in percentage, wet metric ton, dry

metric ton and whole inspection process. Certificate is responsibility

for the whole shipped cargo.



d) 1 original and 2 copies of assay certificate issued by SGS at

loading port, showing container No.,seal No., content of

Pb ,moisture, size and whole inspection process. Showing that the

containers were sealed under the surveyor?s supervision.Cretificate

is responsibility for the whole shipped cargo.




e) Declaration from Seller that confirming shipment contains no solid wood



f) Insurance Certificate in duplicate for 110% of the provisional CIF cargo

value with claim if any payable at destination in the currency of the credit

covering all risk, war risks and SRCC,indicating payable in China, and

blank endorsed.



g) Certificate of Origin in duplicate issued by beneficiary indicating the name

of commodity, loaded quantity, name of carrying vessel.


Document for provisional drawing to be presented within 28 days after the B/L date is acceptable.


The Letter of Credit to be opened latest by xxxxxxx


Final Payment 最终付款

Any balance between Seller's provisional invoice value and final value of the cargo shall be payable under the Letter of Credit at sight or by T/T against presentation of following documents:


1) Final commercial invoice issued by Seller, 1 orginal and 2 copies.


2) Inspection certificate of quality issued by CCIC.


3) Inspection certificate of weight and moisture issued by CCIC.


The report of CCIC in China shall be the final for settlement.


If the final amount according to the the report of CCIC is less than the amount

of first payment, Seller should remit the difference amount to Buyer within 3

working days after CCIC results is presented.



All bank charges in china are for Buyer?s account.


All bank charges outside of China are for Seller?s account.



All concentrates lost or damaged after risk has passed to the Buyer in accordance with Article 10, will be treated as if they had been safely delivered to the Buyer for the purposes of determining whether the obligation of the Seller to deliver and sell, and the obligation of the Buyer to buy concentrates in accordance with Article 1 has been fulfilled.


Total Loss: 全部货损

In case of total loss of, or damage to concentrates after risk has been transferred to the Buyer in accordance with Article 10, payment shall be made as if the shipment had been safely delivered.


The amount payable will be calculated based on the Bill of Lading wet weight, the provisional moisture and provisional assays of the loaded Lead concentrates and otherwise in accordance with the terms of this contract.


Partial Loss: 部分货损

In case of partial loss of, or damage to concentrate after risk has been transferred to the Buyer in accordance with Article 10, payment shall be made as if the shipment had been safely delivered.


The amount payable will be calculated based on the Bill of Lading wet weight, and the final moisture and final assays on that part of the cargo which has been safely delivered and otherwise in accordance with the terms of this contract.



For each shipment, Seller shall arrange marine insurance in favour of Buyer, covering the Concentrate from the port of loading until discharged at the discharge port, for 110% of the value finally established in accordance with this Agreement, on the following conditions: 关于装运,卖方应该安排海运险,受益人是买方,投保的铅精矿包括从起运港直到在目的港卸货整个过程按照协议规定的金额进行110%投保。

- Institute Cargo Clauses (A); 货物一切险

- Institute Strikes Clauses (Cargo); 罢工险

- Institute War Clauses (Cargo).. 战争险

10. TITLE AND RISK 货权和风险

Title to the concentrate for each shipment or any part thereof, shall pass from Seller to Buyer on receipt by Seller of the first provisional payment in accordance with Article 8 of this Agreement.


Risk to the Concentrate shall pass from Seller to Buyer at the time the Concentrate passes over the ship?s rail into the carrying vessel at the port of loading. For the avoidance of doubt, the risk in respect of those material that have passed the ship?s rail will pass to the Buyer notwithstanding that the entire shipment of concentrate has not passed the ship?s rail.




The cargo should be inspected by SGS at loading port when cargo is being loaded.The Buyer shall authorize SGS to inspect the cargo on behalf of the buyer and this operation shall be carried out for Seller?s account. Seller should notify the Buyer beforehand by fax or email of the date of inspection, the name and contact information of the surveyor acting on behalf of the independent inspector specified in the contract.


Cargo shall be loaded from xxxx(地点) into containers in big bag condition under SGS?s representative?s supervision. After all the cargo were loaded into containers and sampled over, all containers shall be sealed under the inspector?s supervision, and record the containers number and seals number. Prior to loading, each container shall be inspected by SGS and should be clean, dry and suitable to load the cargo. And the weather conditions should be clear and sunny during loading.


Quantity is determined by weighing each truck full and empty after the loading of the commodity into containers. Net weight of the commodity mentioned above is calculated by subtracting the tare weight of the containers, written on each container from each total container weight.


The provisional weighing, sampling and moisture determination shall be carried out from each big bag in order to form approximately 250 WMT lots when loading the cargo into containers by using a suitable sampling spear.


Within 3 working days after sampling and sealing, Seller shall notify Buyer immediately by fax or email the name of the surveyor, the date and place of the sampling, the sealing numbers, and the whole process of the sampling and assaying. In the certificates issued by the independent inspector (here is SGS), the words such as “The result is just for the sent samples” or “We are not responsibility for the whole shipped cargo” or with similar meaning must not appear.


The above operation shall be carried out for Seller?s account at loading port.




Final weighing, sampling and determination of moisture of the Concentrate shall be carried out at the discharge port at Buyer?s expense by CIQ/CCIC. Seller shall have the right to be represented at its own expense by an internationally recognised surveyor when the final weighing, sampling and moisture determination is being carried out. The weight determined by light & heavy container shall govern for final settlement.The sampling shall be done during the Concentrate discharge into truck.The results of the entire weighing, sampling and moisture determination operation shall be mutually agreed between CIQ/CCIC and this internationally recognised surveyor.

在目的港的最终精矿的称重取样和水份测试由CCIC或者CIQ 执行,费用买方承担。当操作称重取样和水份测试的时候,卖方有权派代表一起监管,费用自付。称重是按照空重箱的过磅得出的数据作为最终的结算依据,取样应该在货物装上卡车的同时进行,整个称重取样和水份测试的操作应达到CCIC和有国际认证资质的检验员的一致认可。

The final weighing, sampling and moisture determination shall be carried out in lots of about 250 WMT, and repeated for each lot. Each lot shall comprise a separate and complete delivery for the purpose of this Agreement.


The composite sample for each lot shall be divided into 8 equal portions: 2 for Seller, 2 for Buyer, 2 for Miner and 2 to be properly packed, sealed, labelled and retained by the CIQ/CCIC as reserve samples for analysis by umpires if required under Article 13. All samples shall be sealed and signed jointly by both Buyer?s and Seller?s representative.




Assaying for Lead and Silver shall be made independently by both Seller and Buyer on samples drawn, as defined in Article 12, in accordance with standard practices generally recognized by the mining and smelting industry throughout the world. Assay results for Lead shall be reported as a percentage of the net dry weight to two decimal places and as grams in each DMT, 2 decimal places required, in the case of Silver.

Assay certificate for exchange shall be issued by an independent international surveyor or CIQ/CCIC. The results of such assays shall be exchanged by registered mail or courier as mutually agreed, on a date to be agreed upon in advance, but in any event within 90 days after last receipt of the samples at the receiving smelter. The assays of Lead and Silver shall be exchanged on lot by lot basis. Seller and Buyer undertake to agree on a date for the exchange of assays as soon as possible.

Should the difference between the results of both parties be not more than the following splitting limits:

Lead :0.5%

Silver: 30grms

分析在条款12当中,卖方与买方在样品分析时,铅和银都分别作了分析,根据全球矿物验炼厂一致认同的标准条款。铅的分析结果以干净吨的百分比保留两位小数和每干吨以克计算,银的分析结果也要保留两位小数。品质证应该由有独立的有国际认证资质的检验员或者CCIC/CIQ 来签发,分析结果交换时是在提前协议的日期通过双方协议的邮件或邮递员交换,但是在冶炼厂收到样品的90天期间。铅和银的分析结果一组一组的交换,买方与卖方都要尽快在协议日期内交换分析报告。如果双方之间的结果差异不低于下列分裂限制更多:铅0.50%


then the exact mean of the two results shall be taken as the agreed assay for the purpose of final accounting. In the event of greater difference, umpire assaying shall be performed on the sample(s) reserved for this purpose by a laboratory(s) to be mutually agreed upon by Buyer and Seller, which shall be from the following list of laboratories:


Alfred H. Knight International Ltd.

Eccleston Grange, Prescot Road

St. Helens, Merseyside WA10 3BQ


阿尔弗雷德H ·奈特国际有限公司


圣海伦斯,默西塞德郡WA10 3BQ



Alex Stewart Assayers, Ltd.

Caddick Road, Knowsley Industrial Estate

Knowsley, Merseyside L34 9ER




诺斯利,默西塞德郡L34 9ER



Societe Generale de Surveillance

1 Place des Alpes P.O. Box 2152,1211 Geneva 1, Swizterland Corporate.


瑞士日内瓦1,邮政编码2152 1211,阿尔卑斯1区

Laboratory Services International BV

Geyssendorfferweg 54, 3088 GK

Rotterdam. Netherlands


Geyssendorfferweg 54,3088竞


If any of the above companies act as either Buyer?s or Seller?s representative during the weighing, sampling and moisture determination operations at the smelter, then they shall automatically be disqualified from acting as an umpire


Should the umpire's determination fall between the results of the assays conducted by Buyer and Seller, or coincide with either Buyer's or Seller's assay, then the arithmetical mean of the umpire's assay and the assay of the party nearest to the umpire's assay shall be taken as the agreed assay in respect of the lot in question. Should the umpire's assay fall elsewhere, then the arithmetical mean of the umpire's assay and the assay of the party nearest to the umpire's assay shall be taken as the agreed assay in respect of the lot in question.


In all cases, the cost of the umpire?s assay shall be paid by the party whose result varied the most from the umpire?s assay, unless the umpire?s assays is the exact mean of the Buyer?s and Seller?s assay, in which event the cost of the umpire?s assay shall be borne equally between Buyer and Seller.



Any taxes, tariffs and duties, whether present or imposed on the concentrate or contained metal or on commercial documents relating hereto arising in China shall be borne by Buyer.

Any taxes, tariffs and duties, whether present or imposed on the concentrate or contained metal or on commercial documents relating hereto arising outside China shall be borne by Seller.

任何在中国产生的精矿税收,关税都由买方承担,相反在中国以外产生的关税由卖方承担15. LICENSES 执照

Seller guarantees the timely issuance of any export license(s), if required.

Buyer guarantees the timely issuance of any import license(s), if required.




In the event of any war, revolution, act of God, flood, storm, earthquake, fire, explosion, strike, lockout, stoppage of work, combination of workmen, interference of Trade Unions, act of Government or Government appointed agents, Government changes in export regulations, obstruction or blockage of port or wharf, lack of railway or seaborne freight facilities or delays en route whether due to mechanical fault or to action of the elements, or, in the event of any other disabling causes whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of the parties concerned (any such cause being hereinafter called "Force Majeure") preventing or hindering Seller or Buyer from performing its obligations in the Agreement (namely if a Force Majeure event prevents performance by the producing mine, or receipt or treatment by the consuming smelter) provided that neither party can rely on any change in economic circumstances as Force Majeure, the party affected by Force Majeure may at its option, either suspend or reduce delivery or acceptance of tonnage hereunder by giving prompt written notice to the other party of the details of such cause. In such event, the duration of this Agreement shall be extended by a period equal to that during which such circumstances will remain in force to the extent that such period is not varied or amended by the remaining provisions of this Article below.




Where the containers have been booked by Seller and Seller has entered into an ocean freight commitment, Buyer shall remain obliged to accept delivery of the same notwithstanding that Buyer has declared Force Majeure.


Neither Buyer nor Seller may declare Force Majeure in respect of Concentrate for which the Quotational Period has already commenced.


Should the duration of Force Majeure exceed three (3) months, the party who did not declare Force Majeure shall be entitled, by notice in writing to the other party, to cancel the tonnage which would have been delivered during the affected period.


Should the duration of Force Majeure exceed nine (9) months, either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by notice in writing to the other party.


The party declaring Force Majeure shall give prompt written notice to the other party once the cause of such Force Majeure has been resolved.



The metal price quotations specified under this contract are the quotations currently in general use for the pricing of the Lead metal content of Lead concentrates.


In the event that any of these price quotations ceases to exist, ceases to be published or should no longer be internationally recognized as the basis for the settlement of Lead

concentrate contracts, then upon the request of either party Buyer and Seller will promptly consult together with a view to agree on a new pricing basis and on the date for bringing such basis into effect. The basic objective will be to secure the continuity of fair pricing.



This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England. The parties irrevocably agree that the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement. Each party agrees to waive any objection to the English courts, whether on the grounds of venue, or on the grounds that the forum is not appropriate.




This Agreement and all its provisions shall be binding upon and endure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. Other than as provided in this Article, neither party shall assign this agreement without the written consent of the other party.


20. NOTICES 公司信息

It is agreed that any and all notices required or permitted to be given to either party under the terms of this Agreement shall be notified by facsimile, followed by special courier, addressed to the party to be notified at the following respective addresses, or any other addresses regarding which the respective parties have been informed prior to the sending of such notices, namely:











Seller shall not be liable to Buyer and Buyer shall indemnify and save forever harmless Seller from any claims, suits, charges and losses for personal injury, death or property

damage arising out of, or resulting from the handling, possession, resale, use or disposal of the concentrates supplied hereunder which meets the specifications under Article 3, whether alone or in combination with other substances, by Buyer or the agents, employees or customer of Buyer, such indemnification and save harmless agreement to survive the term of this agreement for a period of five (5) years.



The Seller or Buyer may elect to terminate this Agreement in the event that the debtor party fails to pay the creditor party any amount payable hereunder as and when due and such default has continued unremedied for a period of 30 business days after written notice thereof is given by the creditor. This Agreement shall terminate at the option of either party if the other party materially defaults in the performance or observance of any obligations hereunder and fails to remedy the default within 30 days after receiving written demand therefore. This Agreement shall terminate at the option of either party if the other party becomes insolvent or bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or if a receiver or trustee in bankruptcy is appointed for the other party, or if any proceeding in bankruptcy, receivership, or liquidation is instituted against the other party and is not dismissed within 30 days following commencement thereof.


All amounts and obligations arising hereunder that are still outstanding at the time of termination of this Agreement shall survive such termination.



Except with Buyer?s/Seller?s written agreement, neither this contract nor any provis ion thereof can be waived, changed, discharged or terminated. All previous negotiations and correspondence are considered void after this contract has been signed.



?the term “metric ton”, “metric tonne”or “mt” means 1000 kilograms or 2204.62 pounds, wet or dry basis


?the term “pound” (lb) means pound avoirdupois, equal to 453.593 grams


?the term “ounce” (oz) means ounce troy, equal to 31.1035 grams


?the term “g/t” means grams per dry metric ton

?g/t 是指每干吨里含多少克

?the term “wet metric ton” (wmt) means metric ton, wet basis


?the term “dry metric ton” (dmt) means metric ton, dry basis


?the term “unit” means 1% of a net metric ton, dry weight


?amounts of money stated in USD, US$ and ¢ (U.S. Dollars and cents) are references to the lawful currency of the United States of America


?date of shipment in respect of any shipment shall mean the date of the signed Bill of Lading


?month of shipment in respect of any shipment shall mean the calendar month during which shipment has taken place and evidenced by the bill of lading date ?装船月是指提单上日期的月份

?The abbreviations for the alternatives of the delivery shall be interpreted as per INCO Terms 2000 – Publication N° 560


?“IMO Bulk Cargo Code” means the International Maritime Organisation?s Code of Safe Practice for Bulk Cargoes as amended from time to time

?.IMO 是指国际海运散装货物安全条例的海事组织

?LBMA : London Bullion Market Association


LME: London Metal Exchange

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

Signed by: __________________ ________________

For and on behalf of Buyer: LIANYUNGANG HANXIANG TADING CO. LTD.

Name in Print:


Date: __________________ _________________

Signed by: __________________ ________________

For and on behalf of Seller OCEAN PARTNERS UK LTD.

Name in Print: Ad van Halder Sam Wooldridge

Title: Director Treasurer

Date: __________________ _________________


编号: BM-20214376 甲 方:______________________________ 乙 方:______________________________ 日 期:_________年________月_______日 翻译保密合同(样式一) This contract is executed in three counterparts, all of which are considered as originals and of the same effect.

[标签:titlecontent] 本协议由甲方:(以下简称"甲方")地址:_________和乙方:______翻译服务有限公司(以下简称"乙方")地址:_____________签订,并自双方签订之日起生效。 文件名称_______________ 翻译时间:____________ 一、甲方聘请乙方为其提供笔译服务(由源语言译成目标语言)。 二、乙方应为甲方提供的信息保密,并且不得披漏(或许可其雇员披漏)信息予其机构以外任何其他人。乙方及其工作人员只能在翻译工作进行时使用该信息,未经甲方先书面同意,不得为自身或第三方的利益使用或试图使用该信息。 三、甲方提供信息及其相关所有专利,版权,贸易秘密,商标及其它知识产权的唯一所有人.本协议未授予或暗示乙方对此类权利的任何许可或转让。 四、对于相关文稿,专利,版权,贸易秘密,商标及其它知识产权的翻译,甲方享有唯一所有权.乙方无权向任何第三方提供,复制或销售该译稿。

五、乙方若违反以上条款应承担相关的法律责任。 六、本协议一式两份,具有同等法律效力。甲乙双方各持一份。 七、本合同的附件与合同正文具有同等的法律效力。 甲方:乙方: (盖章):(盖章): 客户负责人:客户负责人: 日期:日期:


翻译保密合同书 甲方:_________ 乙方:_________ 订立本协议旨在乙方为顾客提供规范,保密的翻译或本地化服务。双方本着平等互利的原则经友好协商,达成以下协议: 一、译文类型 甲方委托乙方翻译_________(资料名称),共_________页,约_________字。 二、翻译时间 双方协议翻译稿件交付日期为_________年_________月_________日。 三、交稿形式 _________________________________。

四、资料保密 本协议所涉及的甲乙双方在合作过程中或通过其它任何渠道所获知的对方未向社会公开的技术情报和商业秘密均负有保密义务,未经对方书面许可,任何一方不得将其泄露给第三方,否则应承担相应违约责任并赔偿由此造成的损失。此项保密义务在协议终止后仍然有效。 五、知识产权 所有翻译资料的知识产权归甲方所有,乙方未经许可不得用于(包括报告全文、摘录、单项资料等)公开发布、转载、使用或其它用途,否则视为违约。 六、本协议有效期内基于业务运作需要,双方协商共同定制的其它相关制度和书面文件,其效力等同于本协议。 七、本协议未尽事项,经双方协商一致签订补充协议,补充协议与本协议具有同等效力。本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。本保密协议经签字盖章后生效。 甲方(盖章):_____________

法人代表(签字):_________ 签约代表(签字):_________ 地址:_____________________ E-mail:___________________ 电话:_____________________ _________年______月______日签订地点:_________________ 乙方(签章):_____________ 法人代表(签字):_________ 签约代表(签字):_________ 地址:_____________________


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Tradi ng Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract This Contract is entered into this 5th day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __This Agreement was made on the_day of_19_, BETWEEN _ (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the Seller has agreed to sell and the buyer has agreed to buy _ (hereinafter referred to as the Goods ) the quantity, specification, and price of which are provided in Schedule A. IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 5.Contract For Joint-Operation Enterprise __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registered office at (hereinafter called “Party A”) AND __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registere d office at (hereinafter called “Party B”) Party A and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”) agree to jointly form a Co-operation Venture Company (hereinafter referred to as the “CVC”) in accordance with “the Laws of the People’s Republic of C hina on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and the “Regulations for the Implementation of the Laws of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and other applicable laws and regulations. 6.MODEL CONTRACT Contract No. Date: Seller: Signed at: Address: Cable Address: Buyer: Address: Cable Address: The Seller and the Buyer have agreed to conclude the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: of Commodity: 2.Specifications: 3.Quantity: 4.Unit Price: 5.Total Price: U.S.$: 6.Packing: 7.Time of Shipment: days after receipt of L/C. 8.Loading Port & Destination Port: From via to . 9.Insurance:


STANDARD CONTRACT SAMPLE (合同范本) 甲方:____________________ 乙方:____________________ 签订日期:____________________ 编号:YB-HT-025807 委托翻译合同(合同范本)

委托翻译合同(合同范本) 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:北京___________科技有限公司 关于乙方接受甲方委托,进行资料翻译事宜,经甲乙双方同意,签订以下翻译合同。 1.稿件说明 文稿名称:_____________________ 翻译类型为:英译中/中译英 翻译费为:_____________________ 交稿时间:_____________________ 2.字数计算 无论是外文翻译成中文。还是中文译成外文,都以汉字字数计价,按电脑工具栏字数统计的字符数(不计空格)为准。小件翻译:不足1000字按1000字计算。 3.笔译价格(单位:RMB/千字) 英译中_____________________ 中译英_____________________

4.付款方式 接收译稿后____日内支付全部翻译费 5.翻译质量 乙方翻译稿件需准确,通顺,简洁得体。一旦出现质量问题,乙方有义务无偿为甲方修改一到两次。力求满足甲方要求。如果因质量问题发生冲突,应该提请双方认可的第三方评判,或直接申请仲裁 6.原稿修改与补充 如甲方原稿修改,而需乙方对译文作相应修改,根据修改程度酌量收取改稿费,或在收取原稿翻译费后,对修改稿按单价重新计费。如补充翻译,则另行收费。中止翻译:如甲方在乙方翻译过程中,要求中止翻译,甲方须根据乙方的翻译进度,按乙方已经翻译的字数,以协定的单价计算翻译费给乙方7.交稿方式 乙方可根据具体需要,采取以下交稿方式中的任一种来交稿:打印稿、电脑软盘、传真、电子邮件。 8.版权问题 乙方对于甲方委托文件内容的版权问题不负责,由甲方负全责.保密性:乙方以翻译为业,遵守翻译职业道德,对其译文的保密性负责。 本合同一式二份,双方各执一份,授权人签字,盖章生效。 甲方:(签章)_______________________ 乙方:(签章)北京_______科技有限公司 XX网络科技有限公司


编号:_____________翻译协议样式 甲方:________________________________________________ 乙方:________________________________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

本合约双方当事人______________________________________________(以下简称甲方)及 兼职工作人员(以下简称乙方)_____________身份证号:_____________________________ 兹因甲方业务需要,委托乙方翻译书稿资料(以中文为主),经双方协商达成以下条款: 一、合约有效期间为_______年______月________日起至_______年_______月_________日止。 二、规格:乙方交付甲方Word文件翻译稿,格式、标题、字体,除甲方有特殊规格之要求外,每页(A4横式)不得少于三十行。 三、价格:乙方须按议定单价(详见所附议价单)计价,不得任意调整价格。 四、文件:乙方须按照甲方交稿时所约定的时间内完成翻译文稿,并经甲方核对。如有错误,应由乙方负责实时改正。乙方如有延误交件,甲方得以书面定期促请乙方改善、如乙方逾期仍未改善,甲方可以解除本合约。 五、收件时由乙方出示签认验收单,载明交件时间、张数、规格、金额(单价、总额),乙方完成翻译经核校无误后,由甲方核对验收签字并安排支付5%余款。 六、寄件地点:__________________________________________________________。


(合同范本) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YW-HT-002203 翻译保密合同(完整版) Translation confidentiality contract

翻译保密合同(完整版) 翻译保密合同 本协议由甲方:(以下简称"甲方")地址:_________和乙方:______翻译服务有限公司(以下简称"乙方")地址:_____________签订,并自双方签订之日起生效。文件名称_______________ 翻译时间:____________ 甲方聘请乙方为其提供笔译服务(由源语言译成目标语言)。 乙方应为甲方提供的信息保密,并且不得披漏(或许可其雇员披漏)信息予其机构以外任何其他人。乙方及其工作人员只能在翻译工作进行时使用该信息,未经甲方先书面同意,不得为自身或第三方的利益使用或试图使用该信息。 甲方提供信息及其相关所有专利,版权,贸易秘密,商标及其它知识产权的唯一所有人.本协议未授予或暗示乙方对此类权利的任何许可或转让。 对于相关文稿,专利,版权,贸易秘密,商标及其它知识产权的翻译,甲方享有唯一所有权.乙方无权向任何第三方提供,复制或销售该译稿。 乙方若违反以上条款应承担相关的法律责任。 本协议一式两份,具有同等法律效力。甲乙双方各持一份。 本合同的附件与合同正文具有同等的法律效力。甲方:乙方:(盖章)(盖章)

客户负责人:客户负责人:日期:日期: XX图文设计 YuWen Graphic Design Co., Ltd.


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Trading Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract th This Contract is entered into this 5 day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __ This Agreement was made on the_day of_ 19_, BETWEEN _(hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the


文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持. 商务合同翻译案例 一、理论、方法与技巧 翻译方法的学习 ,英汉语言特点的对比,商务术语的理解等等。 英语合同的特点与翻译 在英语中,合同一般称为Contract 。何谓“ Contract”年?1999中国《合同法》第二条对Contract 定义为: A contract in this Law refers to an agreement establishing ,modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subject of equal footing , that is,between natural persons legal persons or other organizations. 根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确 定民事权利和义务的协议。Steven H.Gifts 编著的“ LawDictionary 中将” contract 定义为“ contract is a promise or a set of promises ,for breach of which the law gives remedy ,or the performance of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.根据这一定义,合同”是一种 承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救济,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看成是一种救济。L.L.B Curzon 在其编纂的字典“ A Dictionary of Law给contract” 的定义:“ Contract is a legally binding agreement. 根”据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。总而言之,合同类法律文件用以 规定当事人的权利与义务,是预防与解决争议的依据。 一、用词特点与翻译要点 合同英语的用词极其考究,具有特定性。要求选词专业化 (professional )、正式( formal )、准确( accurate )。具体体现在下 列方面: 1、May, shall, must ,may not (或shall not)的使用 May, shall , must ,may not (或shall not)对学过英语的人再熟悉不 过,但在合同中用这些词时要极其谨慎。权利义务的约见定部分构成了合同的主 体。这几个词如选用不当,可能会引起纠纷。 may旨在约定当事人的权利(可以 做什么), Shall 约定当事人的义务(应当做什么时候), must 用 于强制性义务(必须做什么),maynot ( 或 shall not) 用于禁止性义务(不 得做什么)。 May do 不能说成 can do , shall do,不能说成should do或ought to do,may not do在美国一些法律文件可以用shall not,但绝不 能用 can not do或must not。 2、用语正式(formal) 合同英语有着严肃的风格,与其它英语作品有很大不同。例如:“因 为”的短语多用“ by virtue of ”,远远多于“ due to ”一般不用“ because of ”;“财务年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不


甲方:_________ 乙方:_________ 双方经平等协商,一致达成如下协议。 第1条定义 本合同有关用语的含义如下: 甲方:_________ 乙方:_________ 用户:指接受或可能接受服务的任何用户。 信息:指乙方按本合同向甲方提供并许可使用译文。 第2条业务内容及价格 甲方要求乙方将委托之文件翻译为_________(语种)。 翻译:甲方应向乙方支付劳务费用,由_________翻译为_________(语种),收费标准为译后的每千中文字符数(电脑统计,不计空格为准)_________元人民币;其他语种翻译另议。 支付时间:_____________________ 第3条提供译文 (1)乙方同意按甲方书面要求之日期完成其委托翻译之任务。 (2)乙方应将译文于_________交给甲方。 (3)乙方按照乙方制定的质量翻译标准进行翻译作业,此质量翻译标准为鉴定译文品质之唯一标准。 (4)乙方有义务在甲方书面或电子邮件通知后对译文所出现的错误进行及时免费修改。 (5)乙方将提供甲方一份电子翻译文件和书面翻译文件,并盖乙方翻译章。

第4条许可使用译文 乙方许可甲方利用译文制作成各式文档公开登载和展示。 乙方与甲方协商后决定是否标注译文的作者。 第5条免责 甲方的用户可以免费使用译文,并可对译文进行复制或修改编译。用户或第三方以任何方式对译文进行使用、修改、演绎、下载或转载,乙方的所有者均不对包括许可方在内的任何人承担任何责任。 第6条陈述与保证 双方保证其具有签订和履行本合同的权利和能力。 甲方保证译文由甲方的用户使用。 甲方保证译文的着作权人(如甲方不是信息的着作权人)同意其签订和履行本合同并不要求乙方的所有者支付任何费用,乙方可要求许可方就此提供译文的着作权人签署的文件。 乙方保证其向甲方提供的译文的及时性、完整性、合法性、真实性和准确性。 甲方保证乙方使用其译文的信息不构成对第三方任何权利的侵犯,同时甲方保证其签订,履行本合同不构成对第三方的违约或对第三方任何权利的侵犯,亦不会使乙方的所有者对任何第三方承担任何责任。 因甲方提供译文造成的对任何第三方的侵权,包括但不限于侵犯第三方的着作权,由甲方负责解决。 第7条期限 本合同有效期为_________,即自_______年______月______日起至_______年______月______日止。合同到期后自行终止。


2020 商业秘密保密协议(样式一)文档 CONTRACT TEMPLATE

商业秘密保密协议(样式一)文档 前言语料:温馨提醒,合同是市场经济中广泛进行的法律行为,人议,以及劳动合 同等,这些合同由其他法律包括婚烟、收养、监护等有关身份关系的协进行规范, 不属于我国合同法中规范的合同在市场经济中,财产的流转主要依靠合同。 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 甲方: 乙方: 鉴于双方正在进行业务项目; 鉴于双方就该项目的实施以及合作过程中,向对方提供有关保密信息,且该保密信息属提供方合法所有; 鉴于双方均希望对本协议所述保密信息予以有效保护。 商业秘密 本合同提及的商业秘密,包括但不限于:技术方案、工程设计、电路设计、制造方法、配方、工艺流程、技术指标、计算机软件、数据库、研究开发记录、技术报告、检测报告、实验数据、试验结果、图纸、样品、样机、模型、模具、操作手册、技术文档、相关的函电,等等。 本合同提及的其他商业秘密,包括但不限于:客户名单、行销计划、采购资料、定价政策、财务资料、进货渠道,等等。 秘密来源 乙方从甲方获得的与项目有关或因项目产生的任何商业、营

销、技术、运营数据或其他性质的资料,无论以何种形式或载于何种载体,无论在披露时是否以口头、图像或以书面方式表明其具有保密性。并, 甲方从乙方获得的与项目有关或因项目产生的任何商业、营销、技术、运营数据或其他性质的资料,无论以何种形式或载于何种载体,无论在披露时是否以口头、图像或以书面方式表明其具有保密性。 保密义务 对拥有方的商业秘密,接受方在此同意: 1]严守机密,并采取所有保密措施和制度保护该秘密(包括但不仅限于接受方为保护其自有商业秘密所采用的措施和制度); 2]不泄露任何商业秘密给任何第三方; 3]除用于履行与对方的合同之外,任何时候均不得利用该秘密;以及, 4]不复制或通过反向工程使用该秘密。接受方应当与能接触该商业秘密的员工、代理等签订一份保密协议,此协议的实质内容应与本协议相似。 例外约定 商业秘密拥有方同意上述条款不适用于下述情形: 1]该商业秘密已经或正在变成普通大众可以获取的资料; 2]能书面证明接受方从拥有方收到技术资料之前已经熟知该资料; 3]由第三方合法提供给他的资料;或者,


文件编号:GD/FS-9060 (合同范本系列) 翻译保密合同详细版 The Legal Relationship Established By Parties To Resolve Disputes Ultimately Realizes Common Interests. The Document Has Legal Effect After Reaching An Agreement Through Consultation. 编辑:_________________ 单位:_________________ 日期:_________________

翻译保密合同详细版 提示语:本合同文件适合使用于当事人双方(或多方)为解决或预防纠纷而确立的法律关系,最终实现共同的利益,文书经过协商而达成一致后,签署的文件具有法律效力。文档所展示内容即为所得,可在下载完成后直接进行编辑。 本协议由甲方:___________(以下简称“甲方”)地址:___________和乙方:____________翻译服务有限公司(以下简称“乙方”)地址:____________签订,并自双方签订之日起生效。 文件名称____________ 翻译时间:__________ 一、甲方聘请乙方为其提供笔译服务(由源语言译成目标语言) 二、乙方应为甲方提供的信息保密,并且不得披漏(或许可其雇员披漏)信息予其机构以外任何其他人。乙方及其工作人员只能在翻译工作进行时使用该信息,未经甲方先书面同意,不得为自身或第三方的

利益使用或试图使用该信息。 三、甲方提供信息及其相关所有专利,版权,贸易秘密,商标及其它知识产权的唯一所有人。本协议未授予或暗示乙方对此类权利的任何许可或转让。 四、对于相关文稿,专利,版权,贸易秘密,商标及其它知识产权的翻译,甲方享有唯一所有权。乙方无权向任何第三方提供,复制或销售该译稿。 五、乙方若违反以上条款应承担相关的法律责任。 六、本协议一式两份,具有同等法律效力。甲乙双方各持一份。 本合同的附件与合同正文具有同等的法律效力。 甲方:_____________ 乙方:_____________ (盖章)


翻译服务协议书 甲方:__________________________________________________ 乙方:__________________________________________________ 依据《中华人民共和国合同法》规定,本着诚实信用、平等互利的原则,甲乙双方就甲方资料翻译服务一事,达成协议如下: 第一条:翻译内容 乙方将甲方提供的文件中的英文翻译为中文;具体文件以甲方给乙方的纸质文件或者电子版文件为准。 乙方应保证翻译人员的专业性和翻译稿件的准确性,认真做好翻译校对工作; 乙方按照甲方的文件格式进行排版,最终翻译稿以电子文件的方式提供给甲方。 乙方应保证其翻译稿件质量:忠实原文、译文准确。 第二条:翻译期限及费用 计价方式:按照翻译完成的中文(字符数不计空格)进行计价。 本次翻译单价为,翻译费总金额为:元整。 翻译文件的交稿期限为:年月日。 甲方在签订合同当日支付翻译预付款元。 交稿时付清其余所有款项即元。甲方向乙方开具正式发票。 第三条:责任条款 如因甲方原因推迟提供给乙方翻译稿件或翻译的相关资料时间,受到的损失甲方承担。 甲方如对乙方译稿有异议,甲方有权在取稿之日起30日内,向乙方提出书面修改意见,乙方

应按甲方要求在规定的时间内免费进行修改,直至甲方满意为止。 如乙方在翻译质量和完成工期方面不符合合同要求,甲方有权中止合同并视为乙方违约,乙方应退还甲方预付款,另外赔偿甲方预付款的作为违约金。 在乙方无违约的状况下,甲方应按约定及时付款,否则乙方有权要求甲方支付延迟付款天数乘以翻译费用总额作为赔偿;翻译进行过程中,如甲方提出中止翻译,预付金不予退回并按照已翻译文件比例支付相应翻译费。 第四条:其他条款 乙方应考虑甲方翻译内容的保密性。另签署的保密协议作为本协议的一部分,具有法律效力。 本协议未尽之事,双方协商解决; 本协议一式二份,传真件有效,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方盖章之日起一年内有效。 甲方(盖章):乙方(盖章): 负责人(签字):负责人(签字): 联系电话:传真:联系电话: 地址:地址: 签字日期:年月日签字日期:年月日


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 翻译合同(样本)范本 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________ 说明:本合同资料适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与 义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用 时请详细阅读内容。

根据《中华人民共和国合同法》第七条: 当事人订立、履行 甲方: 乙方: 关于甲方委托乙方进行资料翻译事宜,双方经过认真协商,特 制订协议如下: 1. 翻译质量 乙方应当保证译文的翻译质量达到行业公允的水平,如对译文的翻译水平发生争议,应由双方共同认可的第三方评判,或者直接申请仲裁。 2. 修改与补充 全部价款付清之后,作业乙方应负责稿件的再次修改、审校,不得收取任何费用,但不包括甲方新增加、修订的部分。中止翻译:如甲方在乙方翻译过程中,要求中止翻译,甲方须根据乙方的翻译进度,按乙方已经翻译的字数,以协定的单价计算翻译费给乙方 3. 资料保密 乙方保证不泄露翻译稿件的客户商业秘密及个人隐私。对于甲方委托

的翻译稿件中所涉及内容及相关信息,乙方不得泄露稿件中任何内容及商业秘密。由于乙方保护不当或其他人为原因致乙方稿件内容泄露或信息流失,所造成的一切损失,概由乙方承担全部责任。 4. 仲裁 甲乙任何一方不按本协议履行其职责,视为违约,另一方可以提出质疑并要求对方纠正,若对方不纠正,另一方可以提出经济赔偿或中止协议要求,赔偿额不少于实际损失额。若通过仲裁机构解决时,新产生的诉讼等费用由败诉方承担。 5. 协议文种、份数 此协议用中文写成,共两份,甲方一份,乙方一份。传真件与协议正本一同有效。 客户委托单(无法填写的项目,可不填写) 翻译内容 单价 元/千字 排版费


翻译文件保密协议 甲方:__________________________________________________ 住所:__________________________________________________ 法定代表人:____________________________________________ 电话:__________________________________________________ 传真:__________________________________________________ 乙方:__________________________________________________ 住所:__________________________________________________ 法定代表人:____________________________________________ 电话:__________________________________________________ 传真:__________________________________________________ 译文类型甲方委托乙方翻译(资料名称)______________,共_______页,约______________字。 鉴于上述双方拟进行或正在进行业务合作,一方为此需向另一方披露某些保密资料,特签署协议如下:

1、有关本协议中的定义 “保密资料”:指不为公众所知悉,由披露方以任何形式向获取方披露的能为披露方带来经济利益,具有实用性,并经披露方采取保密措施的技术资料及经营资料,包括(但不仅限于)设计、程序、制造方式、管理诀窍、市场情报、客户名单、经营策略、内部报价、财务报告等资料,及该些资料的整体或部分及该资料派生被获取方利用的资料。 “披露方”:指披露保密资料的一方。 “获取方”:指获取保密资料的一方。 2、披露方的权利和获取方的义务 披露方享有其披露的自己的一切保密资料的所有权,任何人不得侵犯; 未经披露方事先书面授权,获取方不得为业务目的以外的任何目的使用、处分保密资料以及自保密资料得到收益; 获取方不得以任何原因或任何目的向任何第三方披露保密资料的任何内容; 获取方对披露方的保密资料应加以严格保护,其保护措施应等同于获取方对自己秘密资料所采取的保密措施; 获取方有权向其有关雇员披露他们必须了解的保密资料,但上列人员必须履行本合同规定的保密义务; 由于获取方非法使用披露方提供的保密资料致使披露方损失的,披露方有权追究获取方的责任; 披露方有权以书面形式通知获取方归还披露的保密资料及归还或销毁保密资料的书面或电子形式的任何拷贝;


协议编号:LX-FS-A56116 翻译服务合同标准范本 After Negotiation On A Certain Issue, An Agreement Is Reached And A Clause With Economic Relationship Is Concluded, So As To Protect Their Respective Legitimate Rights And Interests. 编写:_________________________ 审批:_________________________ 时间:________年_____月_____日 A4打印/ 新修订/ 完整/ 内容可编辑

翻译服务合同标准范本 使用说明:本协议资料适用于经过谈判或共同协商的某个问题,在取得一致意见后并订立的具有经济或其它关系的契约条款,最终实现保障各自的合法权益的结果。资料内容可按真实状况进行条款调整,套用时请仔细阅读。 甲乙双方本着友好协商、共同发展的原则签订本翻译服务合同,其条款如下: both parties of party a and party b have signed the translation service contract based on the principle of friendly cooperation and mutual development. the articles are as follows: 一、甲方委托乙方为其提供翻译服务,及时向乙方提交清晰、易于辨认的待译资料,提出明确要求,并对乙方的翻译质量进行监督。 1.party a entrusts party b with the translation service. party a shall provide legible


( 合同范本 ) 甲 方:_________________________ 乙 方:_________________________ 日 期:_________________________ 精品合同 / Word 文档 / 文字可改 2020翻译合同 The role of the contract is to protect the legitimate rights of both parties and to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of the state, collective and individual are not

2020翻译合同 甲方: 乙方:__________翻译有限公司 订立本契约旨在乙方为顾客提供规范、的翻译或本地化服务。双方本着平等互利的原则经友好磋商,达成以下契约: 一、译文类型 甲方委托乙方翻译(资料名称),共页,约 字。 二、翻译时间 双方协定翻译稿件交付日期为年 月日。 三、交稿形式 。 四、资料 本契约 所涉及的甲乙双方在合作过程中或通过其它任何渠道所获知

的对方未向社会公开的技术情报和商业秘密均负有义务,未经 对方书面许可,任何一方不得将其泄露给第三方,否则应承担相应 违约责任并赔偿由此造成的损失。此项义务在契约终止后仍然 有效。 五、知识产权 所有翻译资料的知识产权归甲方所有,乙方未经许可不得用于(包括报告全文、摘录、单项数据等)公开发布、转载、使用或其他用途,否则视为违约。 六、本契约有效期内基于业务运作需要,双方磋商配合定制的其他相关制度和书面文件,其效力等同于本契约。 七、本契约未尽事项,经双方磋商一致签订补充契约,补充契约与 本契约具有同等效力。本契约一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。本保密契约经签字盖章后生效。甲方:(签章)乙方:(签章) __________翻译有限公司 法人代表:法人代表: 签约代表:签约代表:


*********公司 翻译服务协议书 甲方: 乙方: 依据《中华人民共和国合同法》规定,本着诚实信用、平等互利的原则,甲乙双方就甲方资料翻译服务一事,达成协议如下: 第一条:翻译内容 1.乙方将甲方提供的文件中的英文翻译为中文;具体文件以甲方给乙方的纸质文件或者电子版文件为准。 2.乙方应保证翻译人员的专业性和翻译稿件的准确性,认真做好翻译校对工作; 3.乙方按照甲方的文件格式进行排版,最终翻译稿以电子文件的方式提供给甲方。 4.乙方应保证其翻译稿件质量:忠实原文、译文准确。 第二条:翻译期限及费用 1.计价方式:按照翻译完成的中文(字符数不计空格)进行计价。 2.本次翻译单价为,翻译费总金额为:元整。 3.翻译文件的交稿期限为:年月日。 4.甲方在签订合同当日支付翻译预付款元。 5.交稿时付清其余所有款项即元。甲方向乙方开具正式发票。 第三条:责任条款 1.如因甲方原因推迟提供给乙方翻译稿件或翻译的相关资料时间,受到的损失甲方承担。 2.甲方如对乙方译稿有异议,甲方有权在取稿之日起30日内,向乙方提出书面修改意见,乙方应按甲方 要求在规定的时间内免费进行修改,直至甲方满意为止。 3.如乙方在翻译质量和完成工期方面不符合合同要求,甲方有权中止合同并视为乙方违约,乙方应退还甲 方预付款,另外赔偿甲方预付款的作为违约金。 4.在乙方无违约的状况下,甲方应按约定及时付款,否则乙方有权要求甲方支付延迟付款天数乘以翻译费 用总额作为赔偿;翻译进行过程中,如甲方提出中止翻译,预付金不予退回并按照已翻译文件比例支付相应翻译费。 第四条:其他条款 5.乙方应考虑甲方翻译内容的保密性。另签署的保密协议作为本协议的一部分,具有法律效力。 6.本协议未尽之事,双方协商解决; 7.本协议一式二份,传真件有效,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方盖章之日起一年内有效。 甲方(盖章):乙方(盖章): 负责人(签字):负责人(签字): 联系电话:传真:联系电话: 地址:地址: 签字日期:年月日签字日期:年月日


翻译合同样本 Jenny was compiled in January 2021

翻译服务协议书甲方: 乙方: 依据《中华人民共和国合同法》规定,本着诚实信用、平等互利的原则,甲乙双方就甲方资料翻译服务一事,达成协议如下: 第一条:翻译内容 1.乙方将甲方提供的文件中的英文翻译为中文;具体文件以甲方给乙方的纸质文件或者电子版文件为准。 2.乙方应保证翻译人员的专业性和翻译稿件的准确性,认真做好翻译校对工作; 3.乙方按照甲方的文件格式进行排版,最终翻译稿以电子文件的方式提供给甲方。 4.乙方应保证其翻译稿件质量:忠实原文、译文准确。 第二条:翻译期限及费用 1.计价方式:按照翻译完成的中文(字符数不计空格)进行计价。 2.本次翻译单价为,翻译费总金额为:元整。 3.翻译文件的交稿期限为:年月日。 4.甲方在签订合同当日支付翻译预付款元。 5.交稿时付清其余所有款项即元。甲方向乙方开具正式发票。 第三条:责任条款 1.如因甲方原因推迟提供给乙方翻译稿件或翻译的相关资料时间,受到的损失甲方承 担。 2.甲方如对乙方译稿有异议,甲方有权在取稿之日起30日内,向乙方提出书面修改 意见,乙方应按甲方要求在规定的时间内免费进行修改,直至甲方满意为止。

3.如乙方在翻译质量和完成工期方面不符合要求,甲方有权中止并视为乙方违约,乙 方应退还甲方预付款,另外赔偿甲方预付款的作为违约金。 4.在乙方无违约的状况下,甲方应按约定及时付款,否则乙方有权要求甲方支付延迟 付款天数乘以翻译费用总额作为赔偿;翻译进行过程中,如甲方提出中止翻译,预付金不予退回并按照已翻译文件比例支付相应翻译费。 第四条:其他条款 5.乙方应考虑甲方翻译内容的保密性。另签署的保密协议作为本协议的一部分,具有 法律效力。 6.本协议未尽之事,双方协商解决; 7.本协议一式二份,传真件有效,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方盖章之日起一年内有 效。 甲方(盖章):乙方(盖章): 负责人(签字):负责人(签字): 联系电话:传真:联系电话: 地址:地址: 签字日期:年月日签字日期:年月日
