Model Contract of Logistics Services
Party A (Clie nt):
Legal represe ntative: _____________________ A uthorized representative ______________ Address: Tel.: Fax:
Party B (Trustee): Legal representative: Authorized representative ________________
Address: Tel.: Fax:
Place of sig nature: Date of sig nature:
Through frien dly con sultatio n, both parties have reached the con tract, whereby Party B shall provide Party A with the following logistics services:
1. Scope of services
1.1 Party A desig nates Party B as its logistics service provider, and Party B shall provide the logistics services as per the products described in Appe ndix *
1.2 Party B provides Party A with logistics solutions, collection of payment, logistics in sura nee and other releva nt services as well as storage, allotme nt, allocati on, distributio n of the commodity . (The con tract shall set forth the specific items of the logistics services, the physical attributes of the goods, all the requireme nts for load ing, uni oad ing and han dli ng and tran sportati on, mode of tran sportati on, in formati on flow and each and every detail of the logistics process).
2. Obligations of both parties
2.1 Party A'obligati ons
(1)Party A guara ntees the legitimacy of the articles con sig ned and guara ntees that the
exter nal package is complete and free of defects and damages.
(2)Party A is obliged to describe the goods accurately in Appendix *, put forth clear
requirements for the transportation and custody in the corresp onding part of the
Appe ndix *, and provide the sample vouchers for tak ing delivery of the goods as
described in Appe ndix *.
(3)Party A shall provide Party B with the documents and materials at the time cove nan
ted in the logistics soluti on s con firmed by both parties and be responsible for the
appropriateness and authenticity of the authorized docume nts provided.
(4)In case Party B is required to provide the transportation services, Party A shall send
written notification to Party B( to be negotiated and determined separately for urge
nt allocati on and distribution) and clearly no tify Party B of the following content:
Name and qua ntity of the goods;
Shipme nt place and con sig nment address of the goods as well as the n ame and
con tact phone nu mber of Party 'shipper;
Address and time for tak ing delivery and place of uni oadi ng; and Name, address and phone number of the collecting unit, postcode, con tact pers on and other
(5)Party B does not accept the declaration form made by call in principle, but in case
Party A can not make the declaration in writing in special circumsta nces,the declarati on form may be pre-processedby call with corresp onding in dicati ons made on
suppleme ntary declarati on forms in writ ing that follow.
(6)In case of any changeto the allocation and distribution/shipment upon start of
shipment, Party A shall duly notify Party B of such change in writi ng, which cha nge should be con firmed by Party B. Any extra expensesincurred with the transportation after such change should be borne by Party A.
(7)Party A shall provide Party B with the written confirmation
within __ hours accord ing to the shipme nt requireme nts.
(8)Party A shall provide the goods in the format of the transportation plan of
the attached Form *. Special pers ons shall be desig nated for delivery of the goods, who shall sig n on the delivery bill recog ni zed by both parties for handling with the delivery formalities on behalf of Party A. In case the delivery cannot be made at the time described in the pla n, Party A shall send no tificatio n to Party B hours in adva nee.
(9)Party B shall provide Party A with DTW express bills and standard packing materials,
and Party A shall select the matching package accord ing to the attributes of the
articles tran sported and adopt n ecessary preve nti on and protecti on measures. (10)Party A shall be responsible for the losses arising out of Party B 'execution of
the instructions from Party A due to errors or illegibility in the documents and bills provided by Party A, and Party A shall also un dertake all the expe nses in curred
thereof by Party B.
(11)In case of any delay due to weather, tran sportatio n vehicle, accide nts and
other similar reasonsthat beyond control , Party B is entitled to postp one deliveri ng the goods.
(12)Party A shall pay the logistics expenses and the commissions described in Appe
ndix * to the con tract and at the time stipulated by the con tract.
(13)Whe n freight is to be paid by ano ther party or to be paid uni ess and un til the
goods is delivered. Party A shall be resp on sible for pay ing the freight and other
releva nt expe nses whe n the con sig nee or the third party has refused to pay such freight.
(14)During the performa nee of the con tract, the above-me nti oned service
should not be tran sferred from Party A to ano ther party by Party A (uni ess