Cross-border Qualified Commodity Purchase & Sales
Con tract
合同号(Contract No):签订日期:
供应商(Supplier): (hereinafter referred to Party A)(以下简称甲方)
采购商(Buyer): (hereinafter referred to Party B)(以下简称乙方)
On the basis of equality and free will and through full consultation. Party A and Party B have m utually agreed on the follow ing terms of the sales con tract for Party B' s purchase of Party A' s co mmodities.
乙方向甲方采购_______ 品类产品,共品种, _______ 数量产品;采购清单见附件1<采购订单>
INVOICE发票等票据以___________________________ 为抬头提供给乙方。
Bills like in voice will be issued in the n ame of _________________________ for Party B.
质量标准及包装:___________ 原装包装,未经使用过的、全新的,合法销售渠道供应,产品质量符合出口国
Quality standard & packaging: _______________ original packaging and legal supply of sales channels. T
he product quality con forms to the releva nt quality sta ndards of the exporter and has passed the ins pecti on.
Available period of commodities: if the available period of commodities lasts for 36 mon ths and over i t, the n the available period of the actual supplied goods shall be not less tha n 30 mon ths; if the ava ilable period of commodities is with in 30 mon ths, the n the available period of the actual supplied go ods shall be not less tha n 24 mon ths; if the available period of commodities is with in 24 mon ths, th en the available period of commodities of the actual supplied goods shall be not less tha n 18 mon ths;
and if the available period of commodities lasts for 18 mon ths and is with in it, the n the available p eriod of the actual supplied goods shall be not less tha n 15 mon ths. For special commodities, both p arties shall reach an agreeme nt on the in struct ions for the available period of commodities.
Party A shall promise that the goods supplied by it have reregulated, lawful and compliant channels. Party A shall be responsible for the source and link of goods, shall have the legal authorization of su pply cha nnel and shall be fin ally resp on sible for the legality of commodities. Once it is revealed and proved that the supplied commodities belong to fake and inferior commodities, Party A shall bear all the ensuing consequences and Party B shall reserve the right to investigate the accountability of Party
A shall promise that all the products related to this con tract shall meet all kinds of quality and tec hnical standards