当前位置:文档之家› 锌精矿合同英文版



TRADING AG ( Seller ”, has sold and Co., LTD ( Buyer ”China hereby agrees to purchase the following material on the following specific terms and conditions:




Zinc Concen trates with typical assays as below


Zn (锌):45 -47% Ag (银):68 Grs/dmt

As (砷):0.04% Co (钻):0.01%

Cd (镉):0.14% Cu (铜):0.04%

Cac )(氧化钙):0.27% Co2 (二氧化碳):0.70%

Hg (汞):0.0139% K2O (氧化钾):0.03%

Mn (锰):0.03% MgO (氧化镁):0.33%

Ni (镍):0.009% Na2O (氧化钠):0.02%

Pb (铅):3.26% SiO2 (氧化硅):8.5-10%

Fe (铁):10% Ge (错):0.008%

For the bala nee of its compositi on, the material shall be free of con stitue nt 'deleterious eleme nts

S (硫):30.0% Sb (锑):0.005%

harmful to the smelting and refining process.

2. QUANTITY (数量):

10000(ten thousand )Dry Metric Tons, +/- 10% (plus/minus ten percent)Zinc Concentrates, in Seller 'soption.


3. SHIPMENT (装运):

In contain ers, duri ng July 2005, subject to Seller 'receipt of fully workable Letter of Credit ope ned by Buyer in favor of Seller in accordance with the provisions of Clause 7 and also subject to suitable vessel/ccontainer availability. Furthermore, no vessel nomination will be done until the fully workable Letter of Credit is in place.


4. DELIVERY (交付):

The concentrates shall be delivered on the basis CIF (Incoterms 2000) CY Fangcheng/Beihai or main China Port to be declared timely by buyer.

All THC and other cost at the disport for buyer 'accou nt.


5. PRICE (报价):

The price of the material shall be the sum of the followi ng payable metals:


5. A) Payable Metals (应付款金属):

5. A.1 Zi nc (锌):

Buyer shall pay 85% (eighty five perce nt) of the final zinc content, subject to mini mum deduction

of 8 (eight) units, at the official LME Cash Settlement quotation for Special High Grade Zi nc

as published in Metal Bullet in, averaged over the Quotati onal Period.


5. A.2 No other metals shall be payable.

5. B) Deducti ons:

5. B.1 Treatme nt Charge ( T/C"):

The Treatme nt Charge shall be U.S. Dollars245.00 (two hun dred forty five point zero zero) per dry metric tons of material flat CIF CY Fan gche ng/Beihai or Mai n Chi na port.

5. B.2 No other deducti ons shall be applicable.


6. A.1 The Quotati onal Period ( QP "for zi nc shall be the average of the sec ond month followi ng

the month of shipme nt ( M+2 ", as evide need by the on board date of Bill of Ladi ng.

6. A.2 Subject to receipt of fully workable Letter of Credit, Buyer shall, prior to the last LME

tradi ng day before QP starts, price the total material at any time, basis QP LME price


zinc. The mini mum qua ntity for which Buyer is allowed to fix a price each time is 500mt.

6. A.3 However, if the material is not priced prior to the comme nceme nt of the QP, the n the price

for that porti on shall be fixed as per 6.A.1 above.
