当前位置:文档之家› 地铁隧道工程建设承包合同(中英文)




签约日期:Signature Date of


Translated from Chinese to English

by Mr. Chang Yunejune.

发包人:城市轨道交通(集团)有限公司 Employer: City Railway (Group)., Ltd.

承包人:隧道工程建设有限公司 Contractor: Tunnel Construction Limited Company




Whereas: City Railway (Group)., Ltd. ( hereinafter referred to as employer), in the expectation of construction of tunnel earthwork for No. 6 railway traffic, has accept the bid of Contractor: Tunnel Construction Limited Company (hereinafter referred to as contractor ).

Whereas: Contractor is a professional engineering company with the quality and technical ability of tunnel civil engineering, willing to accept the bidding conditions which are issued by employer and win the bid;

NOW, THEREFORE, Parties of employer and contractor hereby, in accordance with bidding documents, enter into following agreement:

第一部分协议书 Part One Agreement


Contract documentation is constituted by this agreement and following documents: (1)中标通知书;Notice of Acceptance

(2)投标函及投标函附录;Bid letter and Appendix therewith

(3)专用合同条款及通用合同条款Particular provision and general provision

(4)技术标准和要求及图纸;Technical standard, requirement and drawing

(5)已标价工程量清单;Priced list of project amount

(8)其他合同文件。Other contract documentation

2. 上述文件互相补充和解释,如有不明确或不一致之处,以合同约定次序在先者为准。The documents above should be taken as mutually complementary and explanatory

of one another. In the event of any indefinite, vague or inconsistency among them, the order in front by contract agreement will be prevail.

3. 签约合同价: Contracted price

4. 承包人承诺按合同约定承担工程的实施、完成及缺陷修复。

Contractor promise to undertake pursuant to the stipulation of contract the implement, complement and defect repair of project.

5. 发包人承诺按合同约定的条件、时间和方式向承包人支付合同价款。

Employer promise to effect payment of contracted price pursuant to the conditions, time and ways which stipulated in contract.

6. 承包人应按照监理人指示开工,工期为595日历天。

Contractor should make commencement subject to supervisor’s order. Work’s period is 595 calendar days.

7. 本协议书一式壹拾伍份,合同双方各执柒份,公证机关壹份。

This agreement in made fifteen original copies, each party hold seven copies and notarization authority hold one copy.

8. 合同未尽事宜,双方另行签订补充协议。补充协议是合同的组成部分。Outstanding issues herein will be with supplementary agreement by parties separately. Supplementary agreement is the integral part of contract.

第二部分专用合同条款 Part Two Particular Provision

1.一般约定 General Provision

1.1.工程和设备 Project and Equipment


Permanent Works: tunnel engineering including local roadbed, interval zones, the interval zones of tunnel entrance, entry section, road expanding to construction site, and auxiliary projects such as installation of water, power for work, and so on.

临时工程:隧道、高架区间、路基工程及出入段线的主体工程及附属工程,以及实施以上工程必须的施工进出场道路的拓宽和施工用水、电的安装等临时工程。Temporary Projects: Tunnel, elevated section, roadbed, main project and auxiliary project for in and out of section / line, and road expanding to construction site, and temporary projects such as installation of water, power , which are necessary for Work implementation, and so on.

1.1.2 缺陷责任期:结构工程两年,防水工程五年。

Defect Liability Period: Two years for structure project and five years for water proof project.

1.2 合同生效的条件 Effective Condition


Effective condition: This contract will come into force and effect upon the signature and seal by legal representatives of parties or authorized agent in addition to Performance Guarantee issued by contractor, of 12% of total contract price.
