地址:123 XXXX Street, New York, WV 26426
Party A: Un iversity of Intern ati onal Busin ess and Econo mics Address: No.12 Huixi ndongjie St., Chaoya ng, Beiji ng; 100029
Party B: XXXX Uni versity
Address: 123 XXXX Street, New York, WV 26426
Through frie ndly n egotiatio ns, Party A and Party B have reached the follow ing agreeme nt on issues of intern ati onal educati on cooperati on.
美国XXXX大学是XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X学X也是中国教育部承认学历的美国正规大学。
I. The two Parties
As one of 211 Project uni versities directly subord in ated to the Ministry of Education of P.R.China , Party A is a higher educational
in stituti on hav ing the qualificati on of running a school
in depe nden tly. The intern ati onal educatio n excha nge and cooperati on
can cover such areas as cooperation with foreign educational institutions, teacher exchange, student exchange and programs of
preparatory courses as well as running a school with foreign coun terparts.
XXXXXX Un iversity, XXXXXXXXX in stitutio n of higher learni ng in the United States, is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. As a regular university of U.S.A, its academic
credentials have also been admitted by the Chinese Ministry of Educati on.
II. Purpose & Aim
Taking mutual trust, mutual reciprocity and mutual ben efit as the
principle, both Party A and Party B shall cooperate on one ' s own resource adva ntages in order to reap favorable social and econo mic ben efits, and promote one' s own social in flue nee power. Party A shall offer the educati onal platform and educatio nal hardware, and Party B shall in troduce high-quality educati onal resources and adva need ideas in educational administration from U.S.A. Both sides shall tap the education market in both China and the U.S. cooperatively.
III. Con te nt & Mode
1. Both sides shall cooperate in launching a training program at Party A
for the student to study in the US.
2. Being a non-academic credential education program, the U.S.A
training program shall introduce ESL ---English certificate
training course, which is commonly recognized among American
universities and can substitute TOEFL scores. Its purpose is to
en sure that the stude nts acquire an En glish Ian guage proficie ncy level high eno ugh for tak ing classes together with those n ative En glish speak ing stude nts after they go to the U.S.A.
3. Party A shall offer classrooms and teachi ng facilities and is
responsible for recruiting new students, while Party B shall
provide the overall teaching materials, educational software, teachers of ESL course as well as ESL En glish certificate which is uni versally recog ni zed among US uni versities.
4. The new class shall not be started in case the enrollment is less than