购电人: _______________________ 售电人: ______________________ 签订日期:___ 年_____ 月 ____ 日
第 1 页共37 页
鉴于In view of
(1)售电人在拥有/兴建并/并将经营管理总装机容量为兆瓦(Mv y 的电厂(以下简称电厂)。
Electricity sales in Owners / build ing and / and the total in stalled capacity of man ageme nt Megawatts (MW) of Power Pla nt (herei nafter referred to as power pla nts)
Power has been / will be incorporated into the purchase of people's power grid management
The two sides under the "Contract Law","People Power Law "「dispatching Management
Regulati ons " and other releva nt laws and regulati ons, the pri nciples of equality,
volu ntary, good faith, by consen sus, sig ning of this con tract
1 定义和解释Defin iti ons and in terpretati on
1.1 本合同所用术语,除上下文另有要求外,定义如下:
The terms used in the con tract, unl ess the con text otherwise requires, defi ned as follows
1.1.1 电厂:指位于由售电人拥有/兴建并/并将经营管理的一座总装机容量为
Power Plant: refers to in From the sale of electricity-owned / built and / and
man ageme nt of a total in stalled capacity of 4MW (unit capacity 0.500 MW, Number of
extending to the property rights of all ancillary facilities demarcation point.
1.1.2 年实际上网电量:指售电人每年在计量点输送给购电人的电量。电量的计量单位为千
The actual grid electricity : that the sale of electricity in the measurement of each
year to buy electricity from one point of delivery of electricity. KW power unit of
measureme nt ? Time (kWh).
1.1.3 年合同上网电量:指本合同第 4.1条约定的每年的上网电量。
Grid conn ecti on power-year con tract : means the con tract agreed in Article 4.1 of the
grid electricity per year
1.1.4 年(月)累计购电量:指本合同第 4.4.1款规定的购电量。
Year (m on ths) cumulative share power : that paragraph 4.4.1 of the Con tract of share
1.1.5 调试运行期上网电量:指电厂不同机组首次并网开始,到正式交付商业运营前为止的上
Commissioning of grid electricity : refers to the power grid with different units for
the first time began commercial operation before the official delivery date of the grid electricity.
1.1.6 计划停运:指电厂机组处于计划检修期内的状态,包括机组的大修、小修、公用系统计
Planned outage : refers to the power plant unit at the scheduled maintenance period,
the state, including the overhaul of units, minor repairs, maintenance and utility system plans purchase one (power operator) maintenance requirements of holidays, lack of such low consumption. Power plan to allow each unit outage hours per year are listed in Annex III.