当前位置:文档之家› 技术合作合同中英文版







乙方:KOCAT INC.(包括其在中国设立的子公司)

法定代表人:Hak-Ro Bae

地址:No.802 Ingok Bldg., 370-5, Dangsandong-3Ga, Youngdeungpo-ku, Seoul, 150-803, Korea

Part A:

Legal representative:


Part B: KOCAT INC (including subsidiaries established in china)

Legal representative: Hak-Ro Bae

Address: No.802 Ingok Bldg., 370-5, Dangsandong-3Ga, Youngdeungpo-ku, Seoul,

150-803, Korea


甲方系中国国家事业型研究单位;乙方系韩国私营公司,在中国江苏省常州市设有KOCAT CHINA INC.公司。双方经友好协商,就技术合作事宜达成协议如下:

WHEREAS, For and in consideration of premises, covenants and undertakings set forth in this Agreement, Part A, a national institution of China, and part B, a Korea private company, which has established the subsidiary (KOCAT CHINA INC.) in Changzhou city of jiangsu province agree as follows:







Chapter one: Object

1, The technology herein means de-Nox in short (details see Annex 1).

2, Target applications of de-NOx in this Agreement primarily shall be as follows:

- Mobile sources such as gasoline vehicle, diesel vehicle, etc.

- Stationary sources such as boiler, gas turbine, incinerator, etc.

Other sources where technology developed by both parties are applicable







Chapter Two: Content and scope of the agreement

1, Part A shall give part B exclusive license to apply the patent and know-how, and both parties hereto will sign Exclusive Patent License Agreement separately (see annex 2)

2, Part A shall proceed to develop the technology as requested by part B at the expense of part B.

3, Part A is obliged to offer technical assistance in the respect of the technical application and products promotion etc. Part A may dispatch the technicians to assist part B if necessary, and the cost thereout shall be borne by Party B.

4, Part B is obliged to conduct the technical popularization and the industrialized technical application.

5, Part B shall propose requests for research and development to part A in writing with the change of market or as requested by the market.



1.1 乙方分五年共支付七十万元(¥700,000.00)人民币现金给甲方,每年十四万元(¥140,000.00);第一笔费用于本合同签订之日起两周内支付,其他年份的现金支付日期与第一年相同。

1.2 剩余二百八十万元(¥2,800,000.00)人民币于乙方与他方签订正式de-NOx技术项目合同时分别支付;支付费用为合同总额的4%,支付时间为乙方获得每笔合同款项之日起两周内。

1.3 乙方按照上款支付方式向甲方支付的费用总额不超过二百八十万元(¥2,800,000.00)人民币;如合同期满达不到该数额的,乙方应予以补足。




Chapter three: Price and payment

1, Part B shall pay the total amount of RMB 3,500,000.00 for the patent and know-how, the amount aforementioned shall be paid as follow:

1,1 Part B shall pay part A the total amount of RMB 700,000.00 in cash in five

years (140,000RMB per year); The first year payment shall be within two weeks as from the date of the agreement. Date of payment shall be same every year.

1,2 The balance amount (2,800,000RMB) shall be partially paid when part B officially executes the agreement relating to de-NOx projects with the other party; The payment shall be 4% of contracted amount, and the date of payment shall be within two weeks as from the payment date of each accomplished project.

1,3 Part B shall give part A the total amount of not more than RMB 2,800,000.00 in the way of payment aforementioned; if part B fails to pay such amount when the expiration of the agreement, he shall fulfill aforesaid payment.

2, Part B shall separately pay 0.5% of contracted amount to part A after the payment by part B comes up to RMB 3,500,000.00 during the agreement. The date of payment shall be within two weeks as from the payment date of each accomplished project by part B.

3, If part A provides the clues of clients and assists part B to sign agreements, etc, part B shall separately pay remuneration to part A for what part A has done during the course signing. Both parties shall separately sign an agreement as appendix of this agreement.

4, Part B shall present financial statement for previous half-year in every July and January of the next year so as to make the signing be available for part A.





Chapter four:Research and Development

1, Both parties shall discuss the theme, contents and schedule of the technical research and development every year and make written documents as appendices of this agreement.

2, Part A shall provide the existing research and development results such as technical reports, papers and patents, etc within a month as from the first year payment; Part A shall provide result of assigned research and development results to part B twice a year during the period of cooperation.

3, when part A intends to publicize and/or disclose any part of the contents of the research and development results related to de-Nox, part A shall send a copy of the contents to part B.



