当前位置:文档之家› 论意定监护合同



Although the adult voluntary guardianship system has established,it has some disadvantages,such as a general summary,lack of how to carry out guardianship contract and corresponding supporting institutions.V oluntary guardianship contract is the fundamental to realize voluntary guardianship system.The existing law is applicable only for adults with fully capacity for civil conduct,but ignores the physical disabilities.It is not enough to guide the user of the system.To safeguard the rights and interests of physical disabilities and enhance the maneuverability of guardianship contract,the paper study voluntary guardianship contract's conditions of coming into force,invalidity and legal consequences.Due to the large population base,there is a quite large number of people with disabilities in China.Some of them don't meet the applicable conditions of the existing system,so that they can't appoint guardians for themselves.Therefore,the client of the guardianship contract should be extended to the handicapped.the handicapped can be returned to the society with the assistance of the guardian.The existing voluntary guardianship system is developing continuously,and the supporting facilities should be gradually constructed,such as the supervising agency.The nature of guardianship determines the intervention of public power.The organs of public power supervise guardianship affairs performed by guardians,which can urge guardian to perform contract more dutifully and protect the legitimate rights and interests of a guardian against infringement.The conditions of voluntary guardianship contract's invalidity has other reasons in addition to the same reasons with general contract.There are some different operations according to whether pupil restore the capacity for civil conduct.After the termination of the guardianship contract,the guardian shall still bear the obligations of the post contract,and shall keep confidential the privacy of the guardian.

Keywords:voluntary guardianship contract;execution contract;physical disability;invalidity of contract



摘要....................................................................................................................................I Abstract................................................................................................................................II 引言.. (1)

第一章意定监护合同的成立 (2)

第一节意定监护合同的主体 (3)

一、被监护人适用范围 (3)

二、监护人选任 (5)

第二节意定监护合同的内容 (6)

第二章意定监护合同的生效要件 (8)

第一节意定监护合同生效的法定要件 (8)

一、实体要件 (8)

二、程序要件 (8)

第二节意定监护合同生效的约定要件 (12)

第三章意定监护合同的效力 (14)

第一节意定监护合同生效的法律后果 (14)

一、对被监护人的权利与义务 (14)

二、对监护人的权利与义务 (15)

三、对监护监督人的权利与义务 (18)

第二节意定监护合同无效的法律后果 (19)

第三节意定监护合同可撤销与变更的法律后果 (20)

一、意定监护合同可撤销的 (20)

二、意定监护合同的变更 (20)

第四章意定监护合同的终止 (22)

第一节意定监护合同终止的原因 (22)

一、法律原因 (22)

二、事实原因 (23)

第二节意定监护合同终止的法律后果 (24)

一、对被监护人的法律后果 (24)

二、对监护人的法律后果 (25)

三、对监督人的法律后果 (26)

结论 (28)

参考文献 (29)

致谢 (32)








