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Outbound Travel Service Contract

合同编号Contract No:GTA__________

本出境旅游接待合同由以下双方于__ 20 __年____月____日签订:

This Outbound Travel Service Contract is entered into by the following parties on 25 MARCH 2015;


电话:__,传真:_ _ (下称“甲方”);

__, Ltd. Guangzhou branch__, a company incorporated under the laws of the People’s Republic of China and entitled to organize outbound tourism for Chinese citizens with registered address at __________________________________________________;

Tel:___________; Fax:_________ (“Party A”).

GTA (Hong Kong) Limited (香港格里菲商务旅行公司),系依照香港法律设立的法人,是格里菲旅游集团(Gullivers Travel Associates)的子公司,具有接待中国公民出境旅游的经营资格,地址在香港九龙观塘伟业街223-231号宏利金融中心B座7楼708室; 电话:(852)2102-6688,传真:(852)2102-6169(下称“乙方”)。

GTA (Hong Kong) Limited (“G TA”),a subsidiary of Gullivers Travel Associates and entitled to provide outbound tourism services to Chinese citizen with principal place of business at Unit 708A, 7th Floor, Tower B Manulife Financial Centre 223-231 Wai Yip Street Kwun Tong Kowloon Hong Kong; Tel: (852) 2102-6688; Fax:(852)_2102-6169_ (“Party B”):


Upon friendly consultation, both parties reach this contract in respect to provision outbound tourism services to Chinese citizens as follows:


Party A agreed to employ Party B to provide tourism services to tourism groups organized by Party A. Party B agreed to provide such services according to the arrangements confirmed by both parties.


Party A shall notify Party B preliminary group information 20 days prior to the planed arrival date; Party B shall respond to Party A within 2 working days after receipt of the notice. Party A shall provide following detailed information in writing to Party B 5 days prior to the planed arrival date:

1.接待标准;Accommodation Standard;


3.旅游者名单(含姓名、性别、出生年月、职业、国籍、证件名称、号码);Tourist Details

4.所需房间数;Rooms Needed

5.入境航班或车次。Flight Information


Party B shall provide fee quotation to Party A based on the above information. Both parties, upon confirmation of the aforesaid, shall perform relevant trips accordingly.

Party A shall notify Party B 14 days prior to departure date in case of cancellation.

Otherwise, 50% of the group fees shall be paid to Party B as compensation.


Party A shall be responsible for validity of tourist’s passport and visa.


Unless otherwise agreed, Party A shall remit group fees to the following bank account

of Party B by T/T prior to arrival date of the group:

