Fax: 传真
Charterer: 承租人
Address: 地址
Telephone: 电话
It is mutually agreed between A company as Owners and B company as Charterers
that this Fixture Note shall be performed subject to the following terms and conditions: 出租人与承租人双方同意按下列条款和条件履行本确认书:
1. Particulars of Performing Vessel: 第一条承运船舶的规范:
M/V: 船名:
Flag: 船旗国:
Built: 建造时间:
Classification: 船级:
Registered Shipowners: 登记船东GT 总吨/ NT 净吨/ DWT 载重吨
TS SSW: 吨夏季干舷
LOA/BM: 米总长/型宽
MS Grain/Bale Capa: 散装舱容/包装舱容:
_______________ 立方米
CBMS Ho/Ha: 舱口:
Derr: 吊杆
Tweendeck: 二层甲板
[add other items when necessary] 可根据需要增加项目2. Cargo and Quantity: 第二条货物和数量:
[Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with V]使用标明选择(人)或(B) [ ](A)
m/ts of
[bag or bulk],
more or less at
option [Owners 'option or Charterers 'option].
(A) ____ 公吨 _____ [袋装或散装]货物 _________ ,增加或减少 ______ %,由 ____ [出租人或承租
[ ](B) cbms of , % more or less at option [Charterers 'option or Owners 'option].
( B ) _ 立方米货物 _____ ,增加或减少 ______ %,由____ [承租人或出租人]选择。
3. Laycan: 第三条受载期:
From the date of day month year to the date of day month year
年 ____ 月 ___ 日至 ____ 年 ___ 月 ____ 日。
4 Loading/Discharging Port(s):
[ ](A) / m/ts per weather working day, Sundays and holidays excepted unless
used (PWWD SHEX UU).
每晴天工作日 ______ 公吨/ _____ 公吨,星期日、节假日除外,除非已经使用 (PWWD SHEX UU )
[ ](B) / m/ts per weather working day, Sundays and holidays excepted even if
每晴天工作日 ______ 公吨/ _____ 公吨,星期日、节假日除
外,即使已经使用 (PWWD SHEX UU )。
[ ](C)Customary quick dispatch at port(s) of [loading or discharging] (CQD).
在 ___ [装货港或卸货港]按港口习惯快速装卸货( CQD)。第四条装货/卸货港
[Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with V][用标明选择(人)或(B)]
[ ](A) safe port(s) at
)在 ___ /___ 的___ 个安全港口。
[ ](B)
safe berth(s) at port(s) of
在___ 港/ ___ 港的 ___ 个安全泊位。
5. Loading/Discharging Rate: 第五条装货/卸货率[Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) with V用V标明选择(A)或(B )或(C)
6. Laytime Calculation: 第六条装卸时间的计算[Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with V]用2标明选择(A)或(B)
[ ](A) Separate laytime for loading and discharging. 装货时间与卸货时间分别计算。
[ ](B) Total laytime for loading and discharging.
7. Freight Rate: 第七条运费率
[Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) with V] 用V标明选择(A)或(B )或(0或(D)
[ ](A) Lumpsum foist. 包干运费 ___ ,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平舱费。
[ ](B)
[net or gross] m/t foist.
每[净或毛]公吨 ___ ,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平舱费。
[net or gross] m/t on free in and liner out. [ ](C) per
每[ 净或毛]公吨,出租人不承担装货费,卸货费安按班轮条件。
每[ 净或毛]立方米 __ ,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平舱费。
8. Freight Payment: 第八条运费的支付
[Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) with vf 用2标明选择(人)或(B)或(C) [ ](A) Freight to be paid within banking days after completion of loading.
运费应于装货结束后 _______ 个银行工作日内支付。
[ ](B) Freight to be paid within banking days after completion of loading, but
always before breaking bulk.Freight collected or to be