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SPD Bank

Personal Guarantee Loan Contract

Contract version No.:SPDB201203

SPD Bank Personal Guarantee Loan Contract

Personal Guarantee Loan Contract

The borrower:

ID certificate type and No.:

The lender (the Mortgagee / the pledgee): Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. Branch

The mortgager (name / designation of natural person or legal person):

ID certificate type and No.:

The pledger (name / designation of natural person or legal person):

ID certificate type and No.:

The guarantor (name / designation of natural person or legal person):

ID certificate type and No.:


The borrowerapplies to the lender for RMB personal loan, in accordance withthe relevant laws, rules and regulations of the People's Republic of China, upon consensus through consultation among the parties, the present contract is hereby entered into for mutual observance. Meanwhile, the borrower, the guarantor and the lender hereby confirm that (check with a√mark and uncheck with a × mark according to the conditions):

□The present contract serves as an ancillary business document of the Personal Comprehensive Credit Granting Contract under the number of signed by the borrower and the lender.

□The present contract is an independent business document signed by the borrower, the guarantor and the lender.

Part 1 Contract Terms and Conditions

Article 1 Loan Amount andPurpose

1.1 The loan type of the present contract is S1.1A (personal car loan / personal consumption loan / personal business loan / personal credit loan / others: S1.1A), the loan amount is RMBS1.1B Yuan (in words: RMB S1.1CYuan), and it is used for S1.1Donly and shall not be appropriated.The lender has the right to monitor the use of loans.

Article 2Loan Term, Interest Rate and Method for Interest Calculation

2.1 The loan term (and the debt performance period) under the present contractis S2.1A (“ year(s) and month(s)”), and its start date is expected from the date S2.1B(from MM DD YY to MM DD YY). The actual loan start date is subject to the date recorded on the loan receipt.

2.2 The value date of the loan under the present contract is the date of loan release. The method for interest calculation is as follows: the loan interest will be calculated on a daily, monthly and yearly basis. The calculation methods of full-year, full-month and full-day shall be adopted for loan interest. If full-year, full-month and full-day cannot be reached, the last day at the end of end is the full-day. If the loan period comes to the completion of year, the interest shall be calculated as per annual interest rate; if the loan period comes to the completion of month, the interest shall be calculated as per monthly interest rate; if the loan period covers full year (month) and remnant days, the interest of the part of full year (month) shall be calculated as per yearly (monthly) interest rate, and the interest of the remnant days shall be calculated according to the actual number of days. The formula of computation is as follows:

For the full year and full month: Interest = principal × period (the number of year(s) or month(s)) × yearly or monthly interest rate;

For the full year (month) and remnant day(s): Interest = principal × [period (the number of year(s) or month(s)) × yearly or monthly interest rate + the number of remnant day(s) × daily interest rate] 2.3 Except otherwise specified by the both parties, the date of settlement of the loan interest under the present contract is the repayment date for each period agreed in the present contract.

2.4 The loan interest rate under the present contract can adopt the floating interest rate, fixed interest rate or quasi-fixed interest rate, and actually adopts the method: S2.4A;

□F loating interest rate

It shall be executed according to the benchmark loan interest rate and floating range published by the People's Bank of China in the corresponding period. The loan interest rate under the present contract is S2.4A – 1 – 1(“□ above□ below%”) on the basis of the benchmark loan interest rate published by the People's Bank of China in the corresponding period. If the People's Bank of China adjusts the benchmark loan interest rate within the loan period, then, since the time that the contract loan interest agreed in the present contract is adjusted, the new contract loan interest rate will be executed after the floating according to the above said floating proportion on the basis of the new loan benchmark interest rate.
