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the making ,validity ,interpretation and implementation of this contract and the settlement of disputes arising thereform shall shall be governed by laws ,decrees and regulations promulgated by the people`s republic of china



the engaged party works five days a week and seven hours a day ,the engaged party have legal holidays as prescribed by both chinese and australian governmentthe winter vacation is fixed by the school calenderf


the engaginfg party pays the engaged party a monthly salary of xx australian dollars and provides him with various benefits as prescribed by australian government for foreign teachers working in australia


the engaged party shall abide by the laws and regulations of the australian government concerning residence ,wages and benefits ,and travel for foreigners when entering ,leaving and passing through the territory of the country ,and shall follow the working system of the engaging party




neither party shall cancel the contract without reasonable causes ,if the engaging party finds it



party b shall within 15 days after signing this agreement establish in favour of party a an banker`s aeptance l/c in payment for the equipment ,for an aount not less than j

22xx00,available by draft at 180 days sight ,the l/c will be effective only after receipt by party b of a satisfactory

reciprocal l/c opened by party a for payment of canned asparagns ,after receipt of the l/c ,party a shall effect shipment of the equipment of the equipment in time ,provide the required documents aording to article 7 of this agreement together with the draft at 180 days sight ,and obtain its bank`s aeptance


party b will submit to party a the actual retail prices of aforesaid articles in hongkong and japanese markets for party a`s reference. party b has no right to interfere with a`s selling

price ,spot and method ,but it has the right to make positive proposals , partya is responsibleto submit party b regular reports on selling situation (covering retail price), problems arising in the course of selling and making proposals to improve sales ,party b should provide party a with various arrangements which are conductive to sales (including samples free of
