当前位置:文档之家› 土地租赁合同中英文




一、租赁土地情况Descriptionofthe Leased Land

二、租赁期限 LeaseTerm

三、交付时间 Delivery Date

四、租金计算、付款方式及保证金:RentCalculation, PaymentMethod and Deposit:

五、双方的权利和义务 TheParties’ Rights and Obligations

六、合同期满及终止的处理 Contract Expiration and Termination

七、违约责任 Liability for Breach

八、争议处理Dispute Settlement


出租方(甲方):Lessor(Party A):

法定代表人:Legal Representative:

承租方(乙方):Lessee(Party B):



Whereas, Party A is the legalowner of the proposed land use right,and Whereas, the Partiesagree that PartyAshallleasethelandtoParty B,NOW THEREFORE, the Parties enter intothisLeaseContract as follows on the principlesof free will, equality and mutual benefit with respect to the land leasepursuantto relevantstate regulations:

一、租赁土地情况Descriptionof the Leased Land


PartyA will leaseaplot oflandlocated at [ ] toParty withcompensation, and PartyBwilluse the land for [ ] purposes (specific businesses to be listed). The total area ofsuch land is[ ]square meters(with the specificarea to be based on the surveyplan), the land status is [ ], andtheland use certificate number is [ ].

二、租赁期限 LeaseTerm


The lease term shallbe[ ]years, commencing on[ ]and ending on [ ].

三、交付时间 DeliveryDate


Party A shall deliver the landtoParty B on an “as-is” basis and Party B will use the landstarting from the date ofeffectiveness of this Lease Contract,and Party B agrees toacceptthe lease of thelandon an “as-is” basis.

四、租金计算、付款方式及保证金:RentCalculation,PaymentMethod and Deposit:

1、租金计算:甲、乙双方约定,该土地租赁第一年每月每平方米租金为人民币元(大写:)。月租金总额为人民币元(大写: ),年租金总额为人民币元(大写: )。从第二年起每年租金在上一年的基础上递增 %(建议年增幅应不低于3%,或每三年递增一次,每次递增


RentCalculation: The Partiesagree that the rent forthe leased land

persquare meter per month shall beRMB[ ](in word:[ ])forthe first year. The totalmonthlyrent shallbeRMB [ ] (in word:[]), andthe total annualrentshall beRMB [] (inword: [ ]). Starting fromthesecondyear,the annual rent shall increase by [ ]% over the preceding year (Itisadvised that theannual increase should notbeless than3%,orshouldincreaseonce every three yearsat arate no less than10%).The annual rents areset forthbelow:


Rent Payment:Party B shallpay thecurrent month’srent prior to the[ ]thdayof each month, and Party A shall issue a receiptupon receiving the payment.

3、签订合同时,乙方须付保证金人民币元(大写: )给甲方,该保证金在本合同履行期满且乙方无违约情况下由甲方无息归还给乙方。

At thetime of executingthis Contract, Party B shall pay adeposit toParty A in the amount ofRMB [ ] (in word: []). The depositsha ll be refunded toParty B free of interest atthe expiration of this Co ntract and provided that Party B has nobreach of thisContract.

五、双方的权利和义务 The Parties’ Rights and Obligations


Party B may notterminatethelease priorto the expiration ofthe lease term and shall pay rent in a timely manner. If Party B failsto pay rentwithin thespecifiedtimelimit,Party B shall be required to pay a late payment penalty equivalent to []%of theoverduerent for eachdayof delay.If, despitePartyA’sefforts to pursue the payment,Party B still fails to pay thecurrentmonth’s rentinfull priorto the [ ]th day of the month, Party B shall be deemed ashaving unilaterally breached the contract,andshall beliable forany economic losses and disputesarisingtherefrom.Party B may not raise anyobjection tosuch liabilit ies.
