当前位置:文档之家› 出境旅游合同(中英文版)



Outbound Travel Service Contract

合同编号Con tract No : GTA ___________

本出境旅游接待合同由以下双方于__ 2015_年________ 月 ____ 日签订:

This Outbo und Travel Service Con tract is en tered into by the followi ng parties on 25 MARCH 2015;

xxxxxxxxxxx 公司,系依照中华人民共和国法律设立的法人,依法享有组织中国

公民出国旅游的经营权,注册地址在____________ ,

电话:_ 传真:_ _ (下称“甲方”);

__, Ltd. Guangzhou branch __, a company incorporated under the laws of the People ' s Republic of China and entitled to organize outbound tourism for Chinese citizens with registered address at ______________________________________________________ ;

Tel: ___________; Fax: ___________ (“ Party A ” ).

GTA (Ho ng Kong) Limited (香港格里菲商务旅行公司),系依照香港法律设立的法人,是

格里菲旅游集团(Gullivers Travel Associates)的子公司,具有接待中国公民出境旅游的经营资格,地址在香港九龙观塘伟业街223-231号宏利金融中心B座7楼708室;电话:(852)

2102-6688,传真:(852)2102-6169 (下称“乙方”)。

GTA (Hong Kong) Limited ( TA”) a subsidiary of Gullivers Travel Associates and entitled to provide outbo und tourism services to Chin ese citize n with prin cipal place of bus in ess at Un it 708A, 7th Floor, Tower B Manulife Financial Centre 223-231 Wai Yip Street Kwun Tong Kowloon Ho ng Kong; Tel: (852) 2102-6688; Fax:(852)_2102-6169 _ ( “ PaB” :)


Upon frien dly con sultati on, both parties reach this con tract in respect to provisi on outbo und tourism services to Chin ese citize ns as follows:

第一条甲方同意将组织成行的旅游团交由乙方接待,乙方同意按照双方确认的接待标准, 安排旅游团的旅行游览活动。

Party A agreed to employ Party B to provide tourism services to tourism groups organized by Party A. Party B agreed to provide such services according to the arrangements

confirmed by both parties.

第二条甲方应在旅游团进入目的地国境之日20 天前向乙方预报团队信息;乙方应当在接到甲方预报后2 个工作日内予以回复。甲方应当在旅游团进入目的地国境之日前5 个工作日内,以书面形式向乙方提供下列资料:

Party A shall notify Party B preliminary group information 20 days prior to the planed arrival date; Party B shall respond to Party A within 2 working days after receipt of the notice. Party A shall provide following detailed information in writing to Party

B 5 days prior to the planed arrival date:

1.接待标准;Accommodation Standard;




4.所需房间数;Rooms Needed

5.入境航班或车次。Flight Information


如果甲方取消该旅行团,应在旅行团发团14 天前通知乙方,以

便乙方进行相应安排。如果在14 天内通知,甲方应支付团费的50%作为补偿。

Party B shall provide fee quotation to Party A based on the above information. Both parties, upon confirmation of the aforesaid, shall perform relevant trips accordingly.

Party A shall notify Party B 14 days prior to departure date in case of cancellation.

Otherwise, 50% of the group fees shall be paid to Party B as compensation.


Party A shall be responsible for validity of tourist 'spassport and visa.

