(SwitchTec SM65电源)
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All rights reserved.
SwtchTec SM65电源
协议文档中缺少整流模块状态的说明信息。Command ID:4020中Rectifier Status的32位数据说明。
SM65 pcudebug.exe
发送:7e ff ff 45 02 00 04 44 c4
接收:7e 00 01 85 03 00 00 01 e1 c7
发送:7e 00 01 65 02 40 e2 47 ef
接收:7e 00 01 a5 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 c0 ff f2
发送:7e 00 01 45 02 41 b7 49 c0
接收:7e 00 01 85 15 00 00 64 61 74 61 62 61 73 65 2e 63 00 63 61 6c 69 62 20 74 6f 77 f3
发送:7e 00 01 65 02 00 c8 cf 0b
接收:7e 00 01 a5 06 00 18 00 00 02 58 d7 51
发送:7e 00 01 45 02 01 2c 76 de
接收:7e 00 01 85 10 00 42 68 00 00 1e 00 02 14 00 bb 14 00 f2 01 00 6f f4
发送:7e 00 01 65 02 40 9c d8 b6
接收:7e 00 01 a5 0d 00 42 56 f7 31 42 56 f7 31 42 57 57 41 6d ce
AI通道19(双字节1) = 交流电压AC Voltage
AI通道35(双字节2635) = 整流器数量Number Of Registered Rectifiers
AI通道36(双字节551) = 整流器1限流值Rectifier Requested Current Limit AI通道46(双字节331) = 整流器1电流Rectifier Reported Current
AI通道56(双字节332) = 整流器1电压Rectifier Reported Voltage
AI通道66(双字节333) = 整流器1温度Rectifier Heatsink Temperature
AI通道12(双字节151) = 直流系统电压Bus Voltage
AI通道13(双字节153) = 负载总电流Load Current
AI通道14(双字节179) = 电池电流Battery Current
AI通道15(双字节178) = 电池温度Battery Temperature
AI通道16(双字节312) = 整流器总输出电流Rectifier Current
AI通道17(双字节159) = 系统输出功率System Power
AI通道18(双字节156) = 负载功率Load Power
AI通道25(双字节164) = AVC Offset
AI通道26(双字节165) = Temperature Compensation Offset Voltage
AI通道27(双字节172) = Equalize Remaining Time
AI通道28(双字节173) = Next Equalize Start Time
AI通道29(双字节2606) = Equalize Offset Voltage
AI通道30(双字节174) = Fast Charge Elapsed Time
AI通道31(双字节175) = Fast Charge Offset Voltage
AI通道32(双字节169) = Battery Test Remaining Time
AI通道33(双字节170) = Next Battery Test Start Time
AI通道34(双字节171) = Battery Test Offset Voltage
AI通道1(双字节281) = RCP Bus Load
AI通道2(双字节313) = Sum Of Reported Rectifier Currents
AI通道3(双字节282) = Bus Sensor Voltage
AI通道4(双字节283) = Internal Battery Current
AI通道5(双字节284) = Internal Load Current
AI通道6(双字节285) = Internal Rectifier Current
AI通道7(双字节286) = Internal Battery Temperature
AI通道8(双字节287) = CBC Battery Temperature
AI通道20(双字节160) = Auxiliary Temperature
AI通道21(双字节2607) = Operating Voltage
AI通道22(双字节161) = Target Voltage
AI通道23(双字节162) = Base Voltage
AI通道24(双字节163) = Fast Charge Ah Discharged
DI通道16(双字节3000) = 监控模块故障
DI通道76(双字节1110) = 整流模块安装状态Rectifier Registration State DI通道86(双字节1094) = 整流模块故障Rectifier Failed State
DI通道96(双字节1092) = 整流模块开关机状态Rectifier Status
DI通道1(双字节929) = 系统紧急告警Summary Alarm Urgent
DI通道2(双字节930) = 系统非紧急告警Summary Alarm Non Urgent
DI通道20(双字节932) = 浮充电压低Low Float
DI通道21(双字节935) = 负载轻告警Low Load
DI通道22(双字节931) = 浮充电压高High Float