合同号/S/C No :
卖方/Seller :
电话/Tel :
地址/Address :
买方/Buyer :
电话/Tel :
地址/Address :
经甲乙双方确认根据下歹U条款订立本合同(All the items are list as following were confirmed by both part A and part B, These are the final content of the contract
No Items name Quantiy Unit price Amount Notes
运输方式(Transport Method):
3 交货地点(Deliver Destination):
4 到货期(Deliver Date):
5 服务(Services):
Part B response for replace any goods with any flaw on the package or somequality problemsWithin48 hours without any condition.
6 付款方式(Payment Terms
在到货验收合格后之工作日内,交付合同总额之白分之 ;
The Percent of the contract amount is payable by the Part A upon signing this contract within work days;
The 10 Percent of the contract amount is payable by the Part A upon delivery and check & accept within workdays;
The rest of the contract amount is payable by Part A within work days on the basis of product run in normal.
7 违约责任(Penalty Term§ :
1) 、乙方到货期不符合合同规定的,承担以下违约责任:
Part B would be charged with the liability of penalty during any delay of the delivery:
If the prices of product increased during the period of delivery delay, the original price was validate for the contract; whereas, the new price is validate for the contract.
Part B would pay the piper for percent of contract amount as penalty to Part
A for each
day of the delivery delay and have to perform the contract.
When the delay date exceed 0 work days after delivery of the contract, Part A have the authority for reject, compensate or rescind the contract .
2) .乙方提供货物的数量不符合合同规定的,甲方可根据事件性质及受损情况要求:
The number of the goods is not the same as that prescribed in the contract, Part
A have the following authority to ask for penalty depend on different case :
Make up the loss within work days, ask the same penalty as delivery delay;
Part A can accept the redundant goods as same price and specification or reject them .
3) .乙方提供货物的质量或规定不符合合同约定,行业规格或政府的法令法规的要求的,甲方可以根据货
The quality or specifications of the goods are not accord with contract description or special
area specification or government principle, Part B would be changed with repair, change, be rejected, decrease quotation etc.
4) .甲乙任意方因第三者的原因造成违约的,应向对方承担违约责任。
Each of the Part breach of contract for the third party reason, it should be response for the liability of the other Part.
8 其他(Others)
The probation period is work days, Part A should reimbursement immediately and without any terms if any flaw were found in the probation periods.
9 合同的变更(The modification of Contract):
Any modification must on the basis of fair negotiation and be accepted by both sides. The formal file of modified contract should be validating after signed and sealed by authorized person of both sides. All the modification has the same effectiveness in law and attached as appendix.