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Appendix Agreement


According to the 11th term of the contract, both Parties agree the supplementary clauses below base on the friendly negoiation:



1.The both parties are fully informed the property has been mortgaged. Party A promised to finish

the pay-off issues as well as hand over all the documents regarding the erasing mortgage to the agency in 15 days after Party B paying the first payment.



2.The transaction price which written in the second term of the contract includes all the fee

which Party A should pay or has paid to the developer, management office as well as the relative departments. The fee includes property maintenance funds, management fee deposit(if has),gas install fee(if has), CCTV install fee(if has), broadband install fee(in has), the other fee(if has). The Party A should accompany with Party B to transfer the name to Party B in five day after the property has been handed over. The Party B should afford the transfer fee.



3.The transaction price which written in the second term of the contract also includes all the

attached facilities, equipments and the existing decoration which listed in the Appendix II.

And Party B agrees to accept the current status of the property when handing over. The Party

A should promise the tube and the attached facilities in good condition.



4.The both Parties confirmed that Party B can apply the mortgage loan from the bank,

amount:RMB2,070,000.00, as the part of the payment. The Party B should finish the mortgage loan approval issues in 15 work days after pay off the first payment. In the mean time hand all the documents regarding the mortgage registration to the agency, any delay will be taken as delay of payment. If the bank refuse to loan to Party B or there is some shortage of the applying amount, the Party must pay the any shortage to the agency in 5 days after being informed or should being informed the result from the bank. The agency would transfer the payment to Party A base on the schedule written in the payment agreement.



5.The both Parties agree to afford their respective tax and fee according to the PRC’s policy

and laws(the contract notarization fee would be shared in half by the two parties, the mortgage notarization would be afforded by Party B). The Party A should also afford the fee which caused by erasing the mortgage registration and the fine of breaking the mortgage loan contract(if has). The Party B should transfer all the tax and fee to the agency when pay the first payment.

The Party A should agree to let the agency deduct the tax and fee from the first payment.

The Party A should issue the full transaction price invoice authorized by the taxation bureau to Party B. If there is any floating of the tax and fee caused by the change of laws,policies,etc.

The both parties should accepted it unconditionally.




6.The two parties should provide all the relative documents timely after signing the contract.

The both parties agree to transfer the name of the title deed by himself or done by the agency in 7 days after getting the notarized contract and the approved mortgage loan agreement. Any party would afford the faulty of breaking the contract if the said documents, tax and fee are not provided timely causing the delay of transaction.


7.The 9th term of the contract is effective to all the situation which Party B do not obey his

obligations stated in the contract as well as the appendix agreement.


8.The 10th term of the contract is effective to all the situation which Party A do not obey his

obligations stated in the contract as well as the appendix agreement.


9.The Party A promise to move away the residential registration(if has) recorded in the local

police office before handing over the property.



10. The Party A guarantee to have the exclusive property right without any other right holder.

The Party A should afford the faulty of breaking the contract if there is property right problems.


Payment Agreement



1.The signing date, Party A should hand the title deed to the agency and the Party B should

pay RMB50,000.00 as the part of the first payment. Furthermore, Party B should pay RMB1,400,000.00 in 5 days after the signing date. The total RMB1,450,000.00 is taken as the first payment. The both parties agree to keep the payment at the agency temporarily.



2.The Party B should pay the last payment, RMB50,000.00, to agency after the

signing day.



3.In 15 work days after Party B paying the first payment, the Party A should

finish the paying off mortgage loan issues with the agency who will bring the first payment(if there is any shortage, the Party A should pay off by himself). In the meanwhile the agency will collect all the documents regarding the erasing mortgage loan. The agency will handle the erasing issues when get all the relative documents.



4.In 5 days after the transaction being approved(issued the new title deed which

the title is Party B),the Party B should mandate the mortgage loan bank to launch the loan RMB2,070,000.00 as the second payment to the account which appointed by the Party A.



5.In 3 date after the bank launch the loan to the Party B’s account, the both

parties should check the property together including checking, accounting

and transferring the residential name in the management office as well as pay off the relative fee. After confirmation the things above, the both parties should sign the property handing-over agreement. Then the Party A can get the last payment from the agency producing the property handing-over agreement and the Party B can get the title deed from the agency producing the property handing-over agreement. After that the deal is done.



6.If the Party B beyond 5 days of the hand over date with out any further

agreement with Party A. It means that the Party B accept the existing statues.

The Party A can get the last payment from the agency when Party A hand the keys and the relative fee pay-off certification to the agency.



7. The Party A agrees that if the Party A includes two or more person, any one

of Party A accept any payment from Party B means the Party A has accepted the payment.
