当前位置:文档之家› 房地产项目设计合同范本(中英文)



Contract for Design of Masterplanning


Contract No.

甲方(业主) Party A:(Employer)

乙方(设计机构) Party B:(Design company)

丙方(招标机构) Party C:(Tendering company)

This CONTRACT (hereinafter, together with all Appendices attached hereto and forming an

integral part hereof, called “ Contract i”s )made between Franshion Properties Co. Ltd. (hereinafter called “ PartyA” ), Integrated Design Associates Limited (hereinafter

called“ Party B”) and Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Party C”),本合同(与以下构成本合同不可分割部分的所有附件,统称为合同)于2010 年

9 月日由置业有限公司(以下简称“甲方” ),综汇建筑设计有限公司(以下称“乙方”)和上

海国际招标有限公司(以下称“丙方” )共同签订。

Whereas Party A invited Party B to participate the Design Project of Masterplanning for Project

and agreed to pay certain amount of project fee to Party B; Party B agreed to participate the

project according to the time schedule and fee proposal of Party A; Party C agreed to act as

paymen the agent of Party A to undertake the overseas this Contract, all parties agreed to reach an agreement under the terms and conditions as follows: 鉴于甲方邀请乙方参加本项目总体规划



I.Scope of Works 工作范围

Party B shall complete the design work defined in the Scope of Works as Appendix 1 to the Contract.


2. Worki ng Schedules 工作进度

Party B shall submit the design documents before Sep. 2010.


3. Project Fee 设计费

Party A shall pay USD50,000.00 to Party B as the completion fee after Party B submitted the

design documents.


4. Terms of Payme n付款方式

(1) Party A shall payment the project fee within 14 days after Party B had submitted the

design documents. Party C will deal with the taxes and overseas payment procedure as follows:

甲方应在乙方递交设计成果文件后14 天内向乙方支付设计费。丙方负责处理税务和外汇付款事项,具体程序如下:

After receipt and reviewing of the design documents, Party A shall inform Party B to issue the invoice of project fee. The invoice shall be copied to Party C. 甲方收到设计成果文件审核无误后,通知乙方开具发票。乙方的发票应拷贝给丙方。乙方应向甲方提供发票,并且拷贝给丙方;

Within one working days after receipt the copy of invoice from Party B, Party C shall issue an payment application document to Party A,the rate is decided by the selling price (USD/RMB) on the day Party C issue the payment application document. 丙方在收到乙方的发票拷贝件后

1 个工作日内向甲方开具收款收据,汇率按照丙方开具收款收据当日美元兑人民币的卖出价计算;

Party A shall transfer the relevant amount in RMB to Party C within 3 working days after receipt Party C 's application document.

甲方应在收到乙方开具的收据后 3 个工作内向丙方支付相应的人民币款项,;

Party C shall pay taxes on behalf of Party B within 3 working days upon receipt payment from Party A.

丙方在收到甲方支付的款项后 3 个工作日内代乙方向税务局缴纳相关的税费。

Party C shall make payment to Party B within 3 working days upon receipt of tax prepaid certificates from the tax authority.

丙方在收到税务局开具的完税凭证后 3 个工作日内向乙方支付相应的外汇。

(2) Party B authorizes Party C to deal with the local tax issues on behalf of him. Party B shall pay to Party C a service fee of 1.7% of the project fee. The estimated taxes are around 5.8% of the project fee. Therefore a total amount of 7.5% of the project fee plus bank charges will be deducted accordingly.

乙方委托丙方代其办理在中国境内完税的手续。为此丙方向乙方收取外汇支付总额的 1.7%作为代办服务费,另外乙方需要缴纳的税金约为外汇支付总额的 5.8%。


⑶ The receiving bank is乙方指定的收款帐户:

5. Law Governing Contract 本合同的适用法律

This Contract, its meaning and interpretation, and the right and obligation between the Parties shall be governed by relevant laws of the People 's Republic of China.

