Market Research Service Agent Contract
甲方Party A:
联系人Contract Person:
乙方Party B:
联系人Contract person:
NOW THEREFORE, through amicable negotiation, the parties hereto mutually covenant that Party A will entrust Party B to provide Market Research Service and agree as follows:
一、市场调研服务事项Market Research Matters
1.1市场调研项目名称Market Research Project Name:
Party A entrust Party B to do a Market Research Service for ____________(hereinafter referred to as “Agreement Project”). Party B accepts and will provide such Agreement Project service.
1.2 市场调研项目内容、形式、地点、目标、期限及提交市场调研成果的具体方式,详见双方确认的附件:《项目建议书》
The content, format, location, target, time limit and the manner to submit the research result of this market research project, will be specified in the appendix “__________ project prop osal” which confirmed by both parties in advance.
二、服务费总金额和支付方式Service fee and Payment terms
2.1 本协议项下服务费总金额为人民币元,如无其他约定,该服务费为最终费用,费用包括本协议所需一切人工费、场地费、交通差旅费等,但不包含与本协议项下服务有关的所有税费(包括但不限于增值税)。
The service fee for this Contract is CNY _____ Yuan, including but not limited to all the labor cost, site fee, transportation and travelling fee pursuant to the Contract. If no other mutual agreement achieved between both parties, this service fee hereunder shall be final.
2.2 甲方应以转账方式支付本协议项下的服务费,乙方账户信息如下:
The service fee hereof shall be transferred to Party B’s bank account:
账户名Bank account name:
开户银行Deposit Bank:
账号Account Number:
2.3 本协议签订后三日内,乙方应向甲方开具协议总金额%即人民币元的正式发票,甲方应在收到上述发票后日内向乙方支付该笔款项,作为项目前期启动费用。Party B shall invoice Party A for ____% for all amounts CNY ______Yuan hereof in three (3) working days after the contract signature. The invoice aforementioned shall be due and payable by Party A to Party B within _____ days of date of receiving such invoice.
2.4 乙方按照本协议之约定,完成项目并提交市场调研成果,经甲方验收合格后三日内,乙方向甲方开具协议总金额%即人民币元的正式发票,甲方应在收到上述发票后日内向乙方支付该笔款项。
Party B shall provide and submit market research result by complying with the provisions set forth hereof. Once Party A accepts the project results, the balance of the Contract shall be paid within ______ working dates after receiving the invoice issued by Party A.
2.5 如甲方迟延支付约定的费用,则乙方有权顺延项目期限直至甲方付清相应的费用。
In case any payment delays by Party A, Party B has the right to extent the project time limit until all service fees are paid off.
三、市场调研项目的进行Execution of Market Research Project
3.1 甲方有权对乙方为调研项目所做工作进行监督检查,乙方同意在调研项目进行过程中接受甲方的监督检查,但甲方的监督检查不得影响乙方的正常调研作业。
The parties hereby confirm, that Party A has the right to supervise and inspect the Agreement Project what Party is doing. Nevertheless, such supervision or inspection could not affect any Party A’s regular research operation.
3.2 如果乙方的调研作业需要甲方提供必要的资料和数据等,甲方应及时提供,否则由此导致乙方延期开展工作的,由甲方承担责任。
Party A shall provide any necessary documents or data promptly to Party B if needed for completing the Agreement Project. Party A shall bear the liability for all consequences arising therefrom.
四、市场调研项目的完成及验收Accomplishment and Acceptance of Market Research Project
4.1 乙方应根据本协议约定以书面报告或电子邮件形式按时向甲方提交市场调研成果。Party B shall submit the Market Search result either by written report or email according to the Contract.
4.2 甲方应在乙方向甲方发出市场调研成果后按本协议及其附件规定的标准对调研成果及时进行验收,如发现存在不符合本协议及其附件规定的,应书面通知乙方。乙方应当自收到甲方书面通知之日起个工作日内答复甲方,或在十个工作日内做出相应的修改。Party A shall check the Market Research result provided by Party B according to the acceptance criteria set forth in the Contract and the Appendix. In case any in consistence found, a written notice shall be sent to Party B. Party B shall reply Party A within ____ working days or modify the research result within ten (10) working days after receiving such notice.