Party A :
Party B :
Party A: _______
Address: ________
Party B: _________
Address: ________
Both parties of Party A and Party B have sig ned the Tran slati on
Service Con tract based on the prin ciple of frie ndly cooperati on and mutual developme nt. The articles are as follows:
1. Party A en trusts Party B with the tran slati on service. Party A
shall provide legible docume nts in time and give clear requireme nts and con trol the tran slatio n quality of Party B.
2. Party B shall complete the tran slati on work in time and deliver
the tran slati on by prin ted hard copy and a releva nt disk withi n the agreed date (with the exception of the delay caused by Force Majeure) . Details about the delivery time will be discussed betwee n the two parties. For the urge nt request , the delivery time will be discussed accord in gly
betwee n the two parties.
3. Party B shall keep con fide ntiality of any docume nts provided by
Party A and can not disclose to the third party.
4. Calculation of the load of translation: For electronic documents, the tran slati on load shall be based on the statistics of the computer
(Chinese Version Word2000 “Chinese characters not including blank spaces ” ) . For printed documents , the translation load shall be calculated according to lines of Chinese characters (the original printed copy), i.e. lines x rows.
5. Party B will charge the tran slati on project from Party A with
favorable price: For En glish-Chi nese RMB / _________ Chin ese characters and marks (More than _________ Chinese characters and marks ).
6. Party B can evaluate and notice Party A the estimated translation
fee before the launch of the project. Party A shall pay to Party B the amount of tran slati on fee accord ing to the actually calculated load of tran slatio n (as specified in Clause 4 of this Con tract ).
7. Party B promises to provide necessary modifications to the tran slatio n docume nts free of charge after the delivery.
8. Terms of payme nt:
Party A should pay Party B 50% of the total payment whenthe translated document is delivered (on the same day ).
The remai ning 50 % will be paid fully within _________ d ays. When the
payme nt is not received in ________ days , a late payme nt charge of
_______ %o daily is applied.
9. Party B shall guara ntee that the quality of the tran slati on and
releva nt service be up to the received eve nhan ded sta ndard of the tran slatio n in dustry .In case any disputes aris ing from the quality of the tran slati on material , it shall be settled through the judgme nt of
a third party agreed by the two parties or apply to arbitration directly.
10. This con tract is writte n in duplicates , one for each party and shall come into force after being sig ned and sealed by both Party A and
Party B.
Party A (sig nature ) :Party B _____ (sig nature ) :
Date: ______________________ Date: _______________________