Intern ati onal Purchase Con tract
乙方(卖方): Party B (Seller ): 本合同由买卖双方商订,在合同项下,双方同意按下列条款买卖下述商品:
This con tract is made by both the Seller and Buyer, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and
the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned Product according to the terms and
con diti ons stipulated below:
甲方(买方): Party A (Buyer ):
合同编号:Contract No.:
签订日期: Date:
Article 2. Quality Requireme nts and Tech ni cal Stan dard
订货品质规格应完全与确认样品及买方所指定者符合, 拒绝验
The Products must en tirely conform to con firmed sample and the goods desig nated by Buyer. Seller shall be resp on sible for any Products which are incon siste nt with con firmed sample and/or the goods designated by Buyer, Buyer has the right to reject such Products.
Article 3. Delivery Terms, Time, Place
(1)交易方式:FOB XXX港
Delivery Terms: FOB XXX Port
(2 )交(提)货时间:不能迟于信用证规定之最后装船日装运-
Delivery Time: Not to be later than the last shipping date speicfied in L/C.
(3 )运输方式:货物用集装箱经由买方指定的船务代理公司安排自中国海运至爱尔兰指定
Tran sportati on Means: The Products shall be shipped from shipp ing port to desig nated destination port of Ireland using container.
Shipping Date: -----------------------
Shipping Port: XXX Port, China
2、目的港:---------------------- ---
Destination Port: CORK, DUBLIN
四、包装标准Article 4.Packing Standard
All Products must be well packed against dampness, moisture, shock and rust by Seller and be suitable for ocean and long-distance inner land carriage. Seller shall be responsible for any loss and damages due to improper packing.
1. 每项产品均应贴上产地标示之标纸及买方指定之标签
Production area mark and Buyer ' s designated label shall be affixed to each Product.
2. 每项产品除买方指定之商标文字外不得有任何其它记号,商标或文字
No sign, trademark or wording shall appear on each Product, except for Buyer designated
3. 所有产品包装(含内盒及外箱)皆须印ITEM NO.及Q TY并需用透明胶带封口,不
The packaging (including inner box and outer carton) of all Products must be printed item number and quantity and must be sealed by scotch tape without any nails.
4. 所有产品皆须附说明书,组合图连同五金螺丝装入“零件袋”后以胶带贴在纸箱上
Instruction books, combination drawing together with hardware snails shall be packaged into “accessory bag ”and affixed to the cartons of al lProducts.
5. 凡易碎品(玻璃、镜片、大理石、陶瓷等) 之外箱皆须注明易碎记号及FRAGILE,DO NOT
Each carton of fragile commodity (glass, lens, marble, pottery, etc.) shall be marked with the frangibility sign and other wording of “FRAGILE,DO NOT STEP ON and TOPDLOA ONLY”.
6. 所有产品均须擦拭清洁后才可包装入箱
All products shall not be packaged into carton unless they are wiped clean.
五、验收条款.Inspection Clause