篇一:外籍人员劳动合同2014 甲方:乙方:签订日期:
劳动合同employment contract party a:party b:date 甲方(用人单位 ) 全称:住所:联系电话:法定代表人:
party a (employer) name: address: telephone: legal representative:
乙方 (劳动者 ) 姓名:性别:
party b (employee) name:gender: nationality: id card no.:address: telephone: work permit no.: 第一条根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》等有关规
article 1the contract is hereby concluded by both parties in
accordance with labor law of the peoples republic of china and labor contract law of the people 's republic of china, in the principles of fairness, legitimacy, equality, voluntariness, consensus through negotiation and good faith.
article 2contract term 劳动合同期限经双方约定,采取下列第种形式。
the term of the labor contract is agreed by both sides in the ticke method below:
□ party a and party b signs a fixed-term labor contract. the contract lasts for _ __ year from __ ______ to ________ J
□ party a and party b signs a non-fixed term labor contract, which starts from _________ and ends till the occurrence of a statutor termination condition; or
article 3job responsibility and work place
(1) 甲方聘用乙方从事岗位工作 。
(2) 工作地点为 。 根据甲方工作需要 , 经甲乙双方协调一致 , 可变更工作地点 。
(3) 乙方应积极遵守公司所有规章制度 ,按质 、 按量、按时完成其本职工作 。(4) 甲方可 以根据实际工作需要 , 根据乙方的工作能力和表现 ,调整乙方工作岗位或安排乙方临时从事其 他工作岗位 ,乙方应予以认可配合 。
(5 )甲、乙双方同意按以下方式确定乙方的工作时间 :
□ 标准工时制 ,即每日工作 小时 ,每周工作 天 ;
□ 不定时工作制 ;
□ 综合计算工时工作制 ,乙方所在岗位实行以 周期 , 总工时小时的综合计算工时工作制 。 , which can be changed on the basis of mutual agreement as per party a 's business
b shall agree and cooperate with party a.
(5) both partie agree party b 's working hours are specified as
follows (please choose)□ s tandard working hours system, i.e. ____________
第四条 劳动报酬与福利待遇
article 4labor remuneration and welfare
(1 ) 甲方每月 日以货币的形式足额支付乙方工资 ,结算周期为上月月初到上月月末 ,实行 先工作后发薪的制度 。
(2)乙方正常工作基本月薪为 元(人民币/ 美元/ 英镑),汇率以支付当日为准 。根据公司 经营状况和乙方工作表现 , 乙方工资及奖金可另行调整 。
(3 ) 甲方按照中国有关规定对乙方所应承担的社会保险费用及个人所得税进行代扣代缴 。 按照乙方工作所在地国家规定所应支付的相关税费由乙方自行承担 。
第五条 劳动合同的履行与变更
article 5contract performance & alternation
(1 )甲方应按照约定为乙方提供适当的工作场所 、劳动条件和工作岗位 ,并按时向乙方支付 劳动报酬 。 乙方应当认真履行自己的劳动职责 ,并亲自完成本合同约定的工作任务 。
2 )甲、乙双方协商一致 , 可以变更本合同内容 ,并以书面的形式确定 。
(1) party a shall furnish party b
conditions and position, and shall party b on time, conforming to the fulfill his
responsibilities herein (2) the contract may be revised in agreement through negotiation.
第六条 合同的解除和终止
article 6 contract cancellation and termination
(1 )合同期满双方不再续签或者双方约定的合同终止条件出现时 ,雇佣合同即终止 。 2 )经合同双方当事人协商一致 , 本合同可以解除 。
hour(s)/day, ___ day(s)/week; non-fixed working hours system; or □
and the calculation period is with proper working place, also pay the remuneration
provisions herein. party in due diligence. written form, after both
labor to b shall parties cumulativ working hours system